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本文是一例使用合理情绪疗法咨询由演讲焦虑引起的一般心理问题的个案。详细搜集、整理来访者Y的有关资料,对来访者Y的心理问题进行诊断归类,客观评价其心理问题的严重程度。依据认知疗法理论,运用合理情绪疗法对来访者Y开展咨询,让来访者Y与其不合理信念进行辩论,帮助其识别自己的不合理信念并代之以合理的信念,通过心理咨询,来访者Y上台讲话的焦虑、紧张情绪有明显缓解,恢复正常的生活和社会功能。  相似文献   

学习压力引发不良情绪的咨询案例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
来访者由于受高中复读经历的影响,学习压力大,睡眠质量差,抑郁伴随焦虑。采用合理情绪疗法让来访者与其不合理信念进行辩论,帮助其识别自己的不合理信念并代之以合理的信念,最终制定了考研计划。  相似文献   

因为受到不良家庭教养方式的影响,加之在成长中经历了很多分离事件,导致来访者存在认知偏差,存在一些不合理的信念。因为最近的考试压力加大,来访者亲子关系,同伴关系均受挫,故而出现焦虑不安,睡眠质量下降,甚至出现错觉。根据来访者个性特征和问题的特点采用合理情绪疗法对其进行干预。经过干预,改变了来访者不合理观念,情绪好转,睡眠改善,能够与同学正常交往,取得了比较好的咨询效果。  相似文献   

因为受到不良家庭教养方式的影响,加之在成长中经历了很多分离事件,导致来访者存在认知偏差,存在一些不合理的信念。因为最近的考试压力加大,来访者亲子关系,同伴关系均受挫,故而出现焦虑不安,睡眠质量下降,甚至出现错觉。根据来访者个性特征和问题的特点采用合理情绪疗法对其进行干预。经过干预,改变了来访者不合理观念,情绪好转,睡眠改善,能够与同学正常交往,取得了比较好的咨询效果。  相似文献   

一例合理情绪疗法治疗焦虑症的案例报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过一例大学生焦虑症来访者的咨询案例,阐述了运用合理情绪疗法协助来访者解决自身问题的整个过程。本案例中来访者因为对生活中的负性生活事件存在不合理认知而形成焦虑情绪。在咨询方法上,运用合理情绪疗法,帮助来访者改变不合理认知,重新调整对生活事件的看法以及对其他人的态度,缓和焦虑情绪和不安全心理,并通过给予其行为指导和压力管理建议帮助其矫正不良生活习惯,恢复正常学习能力和社会交往功能。  相似文献   

张慧勇 《社会心理科学》2010,(1):106-110,115
本文是对一名大学新生人际适应不良问题进行咨询的心理辅导案例报告。主要采用了合理情绪治疗等方法,并请来访者的家长与教师协助对来访者进行干预。通过咨询,使来访者用理性思维方式代替非理性思维方式,树立合理的信念,使其改变认知倾向,建立自信,逐渐适应大学新的人际关系,基本上达到了比较好的咨询效果。  相似文献   

本案例阐述了一名女大学生在学校人际关系适应不良,而引发求助者焦虑情绪的心理咨询过程。主要采用的是认知疗法,帮助求助者发现自动思维和自己的深层不合理的认知,用建设性信念代替挫败性信念。咨询目标为改变求助者的,错误观念及焦虑抑郁情绪,克服对人际关系的障碍,鼓励来访者积极阳光的心态面对人际关系中的难题,树立起积极阳光的心态面对生活,最终达成促进求助者的心理健康和发展,完善人格的目的。咨询过程中,来访者与求助者建立了良好的咨询关系,运用认知疗法进行了五次咨询,取得良好效果,实现了咨询目标。  相似文献   

来访者是一名女大学生,偏内向,在人际交往中,因对他人态度判断时存在不合理认知而形成焦虑情绪。经过收集其资料,心理咨询师排除了其患精神病性或神经症性的可能,鉴定为人际交往焦虑,属一般心理问题。心理咨询师与来访者商定了阶段性的咨询目标,主要运用合理情绪疗法,帮助来访者改变不合理认知,消除其焦虑情绪,促进社会交往功能。  相似文献   

本文详细介绍了一例因为英语四级考试没有通过引发的一般心理问题的咨询过程。来访者韩某,女,20岁,是一名大二学生,因为英语四级考试没有通过而出现了睡眠质量差,学习效率下降,情绪低落等症状,来访者主动求助于校心理健康中心,迫切希望改变现状,能够正常的学习生活。咨询师在和来访者商议后根据其个性特征和问题的特点采用了合理情绪疗法对其进行干预,帮助她改变了其非理性的信念,经过咨询,来访者情绪好转,可以正确看待困难,取得了比较好的咨询效果。  相似文献   

本案例围绕求助者因婚姻家庭问题产生了情绪低落、抑郁、总想哭、时而焦虑、食欲差、对自己及生活失去信心的心理问题,对求助者进行心理咨询,借助心理测验对其心理问题进行评估和鉴别诊断,诊断为婚姻家庭问题引起抑郁情绪方面的一般心理问题,可以通过咨询得以改善。咨询过程中,咨询师采用合理情绪疗法,对求助者进行积极的心理干预,针对其不合理信念进行辩论式讨论,首先让求助者认识到自己的信念是不合理的,其次让其理解不合理信念是导致其不良情绪的根本原因,并鼓励求助者以自我反省的方式用合理认知代替主观性的不合理认知,进而转变自己对人对事的态度和行为,促进其心理成长。通过四次会谈式咨询,咨询师通过促使求助者对自身不合理认知的发现和改善,使求助者情绪得到了缓解,实现了咨询目的。并通过布置作业的方式让其在实践中体会到合理认知的重要性,以巩固咨询效果。  相似文献   

本例是由父母与男友就恋爱问题的不一致意见导致来访者不知道如何选择而引发的一般心理问题。咨询师通过倾听、理解、共情等技术与求助者建立了良好的咨询关系,在此基础上进一步了解来访者的基本情况和相关资料,共同找出问题关键点在于各种交往关系中习惯于迎合别人,而忽视了自己内心感受。通过运用认知疗法进行咨询,引导来访者认识到在恋爱问题上,自己心里的想法和决定最重要,同时也让其认识到自己有这个能力对恋爱问题作出合适的选择。  相似文献   

Consultation approaches to providing psychological services are widely used by school psychologists. Recently, the need for school psychologists to be proficient in educational program evaluation has been recognized. The present paper discusses how school psychologists can use their existing consultation skills as an approach to program evaluation. The integration of consultation skills with evaluation results in an approach to program evaluation that is particularly useful where program goals and objectives are broad and nonspecific (as in many educational innovations). Also, the consultation approach to evaluation is easier for school psychologists to blend with their other roles in schools than the assessment-oriented evaluator role of some evaluation models. The consultation approach to evaluation is illustrated using a federally sponsored training program for school teachers and administrators.  相似文献   

Sixty first- and second-grade teachers were randomly assigned to one of four conditions representing variations in consultation where they were required to teach a hypothetical child to add. The first condition involved face-to-face behavioral consultation in which the consultant cued a teacher to verbalize antecedent and consequent conditions that might affect learning and prompted the teacher to specify the kinds of capabilities that the child would need in order to master the academic task targeted for instruction. In the second type of behavioral consultation, face-to-face consultation was augmented by a task analysis report specifying prerequisite skills. The third type, medical model consultation, involved face-to-face consultation focusing on temporally remote environmental circumstances accompanied by a traditional psychological report specifying that the child was of low ability. The control group was asked general questions about the school. Results suggested that behavioral consultation with task analysis was associated with significantly more teaching success than was control, medical model, and behavioral consultation without task analysis. Moreover, behavioral consultation without task analysis was better than medical model consultation. Implications for psychoeducational assessment are discussed within the context of teacher expectations and instruction.  相似文献   

Integrating scientific methods into school psychological practice is an essential tenet of effective service. In this article, we present two related examples that demonstrate methods by which to conduct high-quality intervention and consultation case studies with integrity. The present case studies utilized home note and consultation-based interventions to improve task completion and accuracy in mathematics for primary grade students who had demonstrated performance difficulties despite adequate intellectual ability and academic skills. Two sets of case studies were conducted. One involved the use of a home-school note implemented by parents and teachers in conjunction with a self-instruction manual. The second set of case studies used the home note and manual instituted in the context of behavioral consultation with parents and teachers. Both interventions (home-note-only and home note with consultation) increased math completion and accuracy in underachievers. Levels of performance were stable and differences between baseline and treatment conditions were statistically significant for consultation students only. Treatment integrity, maintenance of treatment gains, and consumer acceptability were also stronger in the consultation case studies. The implications for practitioners and future research are explored.  相似文献   

Philosophical Counselling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Despite the importance of the consultation role for the school psychologist, the current literature on consultation has little to offer the practitioner in terms of empirically-based consultation strategies. This paper views consultation as, at least in part, a persuasive process. Cognitive dissonance theory is an extensively researched social psychological theory that predicts when a particular persuasive attempt will be successful and which has implications for consultation.

This article summarizes those aspects of dissonance theory that are most relevant to consultation, reviews the corresponding experimental support, and suggests practical applications of dissonance research and theory to consultation. Because these applications are extrapolations from research outside of consultation, they are viewed as hypotheses.  相似文献   

The method of timing and tracking has a long history within visitor studies and exhibition evaluation. With an increase in indoor tracking research, sensor-based positioning tool usage in museums has grown, as have expectations regarding the efficacy of technological sensing systems. This literature review identifies emerging trends in sensor-based tracking methods used for museum visitor studies. Ten studies are identified, in which five sensor-based solutions are used to access visitor movement in museum settings. These are compared with more established observational timing and tracking methods in terms of obtained level of detail, accuracy, level of obtrusiveness, automation of data entry, ability to time concurrent behaviors, and amount of observer training needed. Although individual sensor-based and traditional, observational methods had both strengths and weaknesses, all sensor-based timing and tracking methods provided automated data entry and the opportunity to track a number of visitors simultaneously regardless of the available personnel.  相似文献   

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