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齐地命名由来,至今莫衷一是。《史记》记载的“天齐渊水”说,司马迁自己也不以为然。字形分析之麦穗说、箭镞说,都与齐字早期的圆形构符不符。此外主张为某一封地、城邑的多个说法,均缺乏力证。据甲骨文资料及字形分析,结合新发现的《尔雅》、《山海经》的资料佐证,“齐”即“济水”,周代齐国的封地即济水流域。召康公界定齐地“东至于海,西至于河,南至于穆陵,北至于无棣”,正是古代“四渎”分域之济水流域轮廓描述。《尔雅》证明古代山东半岛与济水流域对称为“勃齐”。所以说,古齐命名源于“四渎”之济水。  相似文献   

《管子》是一部具有丰富的经济思想的中国古代典籍。本文仅对书中有关充分利用土地及其他自然资源发展农业生产的思想作以探讨。一、土地在农业生产中的作用《管子》把土地看成是万物的本源,“地者,万物之本原。”(《水地》)土地的功能就是生养万物,“地生养万物,地之则也。……地不易其则,故万物生焉。”“天生四时,地  相似文献   

《萄子·王制篇》有《序官》一章,专门论述职官制度,通过对“乘白”、“乡师”、“州里”、“治市”、“治田”等条的考证.发现《序官》官制带有明显的齐国色彩。《序官》以及《王制篇》可能是苟子在齐国游学时所写。由于《王制》在齐国成书,当然为齐国学者所看到,《管子·立政》的作者为解决“国之贫”“五事”,所以《省官》一章有选择性地摘抄了《序官》“五官”。  相似文献   

众所周知,舜《韶》是产生于虞舜时期的一个古代乐舞,当它传承至齐国之后,就变成了齐《韶》。这两代乐舞的内容是否相同,一直是人们争论的焦点。笔者通过考证认为:舜《韶》是宣扬自黄帝至虞舜、夏启九世之功德;而齐《韶》则是在舜《韶》基础上,遵循着"礼与变俱,乐与时化"的规律,更新变化了的乐舞,其内容更加贴近了齐国的实际,明显地突出了对齐国强盛和历代齐君功德的歌颂。  相似文献   

研究齐文化,首先必须研究姜太公。因为太公以齐开国之君,行举贤尚功之法(《汉书·地理志》),修因俗简礼之政;“通商工之业,便鱼盐之利”(《史记·齐太公世家》)。诸多建构,“成为齐国历代统治者的一贯文化政策”(《文史知识》,1989年第3期,第31页),实为齐国文化的开山。而齐国文化则是“齐文化的主体部分”,“也是齐文化研究中内容最  相似文献   

《孙子兵法》的"全胜"思想与齐国兵学文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于汝波 《管子学刊》2005,(1):41-44,69
《孙子兵法》的“全胜”思想不等于“不战而屈人之兵”。其基本含义是谋全局,懂全破,定全策,力争用最小的代价获取全局的胜利。这一思想不仅适用于进攻,也适用于防御。《孙子兵法》的这一思想与齐国的兵学文化有密切的渊源关系:齐桓公“九合诸侯,不以兵车”的称霸业绩,是《孙子兵法》“全胜”思想产生的实践依据;齐国兵学文化中的“尚智”特质,是《孙子兵法》“全胜”思想产生的文化基因;古兵法中萌芽性的“全胜”思想,是《孙子兵法》“全胜”思想产生和升华的理论活水;齐国盛衰的教训,则使孙子认识到,实现“全胜”的首要条件是“道、天、地、将、法”综合国力的强大。《孙子兵法》的“全胜”思想对其后的齐国兵学文化产生了深远影响,这些影响大致体现在兵书、非兵书论兵、社会风尚以及将帅成长等方面。  相似文献   

《孟子》一书中有“齐东野人”一语,宋代以来,不少学者把“齐东”解为齐国以东,把“野人”解为无知的野蛮人。如朱熹《四书章句·孟子集注》说:“齐东,齐国之东鄙也”。王献唐先生《山东古国考》说:“孟子说的‘齐东野人之语’大抵是指的莱国和他以东地带”,处在“氏族部落残余状态”的“化外区域”的人民。也有学者把“野人”说成是  相似文献   

岳友熙  李振 《管子学刊》2011,(3):100-105
齐国的开国君主姜太公在兴周灭商的过程中,充分领悟到了民众的巨大作用。因此,在齐国的建国之初,他就将民本思想列为治国之策。记录太公言论的《六韬》就充分证明了这一点。其后,春秋时期,管仲创造性地继承和发展了太公的治国方略,他在《管子》一书中正式提出了“以人为本”的概念,并且从爱民、利民、富民、惠民等几个方面阐释了以人为本的思想内涵。到了战国时.齐国的民本思想得到了空前的发展。在这一时期,齐国创建和发展繁荣稷下学宫,荟萃天下学人,百家争鸣,著书立说。随着以孔孟苟为代表的儒家思想传人齐国,极大地丰富了齐国的民本思想,并从理论上把民本思想升华到一个空前的高度。齐国的民本思想不仅内容十分丰富,而且具有鲜明的特色。这对我们今天建设有中国特色社会主义现代化强国,深入落实“三个代表”重要思想,树立科学发展观,具有极其重要的启示和借鉴价值。  相似文献   

《乘马》之财经思想,实与《牧民》密切联系着。《牧民》指出:“天下不患无财,患无人以分之。”怎样“分财”呢?《乘马》系统阐明了财经理论和政策。尤其是其中“地者,政之本也……”一大段,以及“均地分力”、“与之分货”,反映了田齐变法后封建地主制政权如何看待小农经济的“分财”政策。《乘马》中确有管仲遗说,如“士农工商”的四民分业及“相地而衰征”等等,系齐国传统的制度。但是,《乘马》并非管仲遗著,有遗制,非遗著,二者不可混同。  相似文献   

从“齐”得名看古代齐地纺织业   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从“齐”得名看古代齐地纺织业陈昌远齐国何以得名,近年来史学界讨论影响较大的有以下五说:一,齐得名于临淄附近的天齐渊。(赵超:《"齐"这个地名产生于何时》,《地名知识》,1983年第3期)二,根据《说文》释"齐"。认为"齐"之得名与种植小麦有关(朱活:...  相似文献   

Drowning is the leading cause of unintentional death worldwide, and the highest rates are among children. The purpose of this study was to utilize a multi‐component intervention to increase water skills for three typically developing children, who had a history of fear of swimming, and to evaluate changes in both phobic behaviors and positive affect. The intervention, comprised of goal setting, self‐monitoring, behavioral skills training and positive reinforcement, was used in community pools to teach basic water skills. Results suggest that the intervention was successful in increasing the participant's water skills and positive affect while intervals with phobic behaviors decreased. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Water and Ice     
(I) In Beyond Rigidity , Scott Soames argues that the term 'water' is ambiguous. On one disambiguation, it is an expansive predicate that is true of any quantity of H2O whatsoever. On a second disambiguation, it is a restricted predicate, true only of liquid quantities of H2O. Analytic philosophers are fond of claiming ambiguities where there are none. This, I shall argue, is the case with the claimed expansive-restricted ambiguity. The predicate-kind ambiguity I have no quibble with.  相似文献   


Taste quality and intensity shifts following adaptation to NaCl, quinine hydrochloride, sucrose and HCl were investigated in 10 Ss. In each of four sessions, Ss were adapted to water and two concentrations of one taste solution and gave magnitude estimates and quality judgments for a series of concentrations of that solution. Adapting to water produced magnitude estimates which increased with increasing concentration. Quality judgments were typical, e.g., “salty” for NaCl. Adapting to moderate concentrations of taste solutions generally produced magnitude estimates of zero at the adapting concentrations and increasing values for higher and lower (sub-adapting) concentrations. Sub-adapting tastes were atypical. Adaptation to NaCl and sucrose produced bitter sub-adapting tastes and adaptation to HCl and quinine hydrochloride produced sweet sub-adapting tastes. Water, as the lowest sub-adapting “concentration”, produced the largest sub-adapting tastes.  相似文献   


The positive norm of reciprocity makes two minimal demands: (a) help those who help you; and (b) do not harm those who help you. The complementary norm of retaliation may be interpreted as making two similar demands: (a) harm those who harm you; and (b) do not help those who harm you. Previous research has verified that the first demand for both norms does govern human behavior, but has never looked at the second demands. This study investigated the second minimal demands of both norms by using a 2 × 2 factorial design. Half of the Ss were either given benefits or not by a C, and then were permitted to shock her. The remaining Ss were either shocked or not shocked by a C and then allowed to benefit her. The predictions were that Ss would not harm those who benefited them and would not benefit those who harmed them. Results did not support these hypotheses. The Ss' impressions of the other person and of themselves were consistent with the behavioral data. It was concluded that the reciprocity norms must be delimited to behaviors within positive or negative modes of reinforcement.  相似文献   


2001年4月底以来,"科学家再探尼斯湖英大巫师念咒语保护水怪"这样的新闻出来以后,一时在中国媒体上炒得沸沸扬扬.  相似文献   

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