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赞同婚外情的人认为:情欲、性欲是人的本能,人在婚外寻找性爱是本能的正常表现;长期以来,我们用法律和道德来限制婚外情,不仅限制了人的性自由,也是对人性的否定和压抑;现在的婚外情现象,是人性回归的一种体现。应当承认,性欲、情爱是人性的组成部分,但是,它不...  相似文献   

也谈孔子的人性观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统上人们对孔子人性思想的论述往往从善恶的角度立说。其实,孔子并没有明言人性是善还是恶,而是认为人性应当是"仁",应该朝着"仁"的方向去塑造。与其说孔子的人性论是性善论,毋宁说是具有引人向善意义的人性观。孔子提倡用"诗"、"礼"、"乐"涵养和塑造人性,以实现自然人性向道德人性的转化。  相似文献   

一、人性论争何时休日常的生活和工作以及许许多多的科学都涉及人和人的发展。因此,人们常常不可避免地要提到人性。但什么是人性?人性是从哪里来的?中国历史上,许多思想家强调人性天赋。而对这种天赋的人性,有人主张“人性本善”。例如战国时的孟子认为,人生来就有恻(忄急)、羞恶、辞让、是非之心,它们是四个“善端”。在后天环境中,只要将这四个“善端”加以扩充。就会形成美好的道德;如果由于某种原因,“四端泯灭,那么人就失去了天性而趋向邪恶。另一些思想家则相反。主张“人性本恶”。例如,稍后于孟子的荀子,认为人生来就有追求利、欲、声、色和恶劳的本性。而人之为善,是后天习得的。这些后天习得的东西,苟子称为“伪”。他的基本思想是“人之性恶,其善者伪也”(荀子《性恶篇》),因此,教化的任务就是改造本性,去恶为善,即“化性起伪”。还有一些思想家认为,人的本性无所谓善恶,它像大  相似文献   

人性观,即认为人性究竟是本善的还是本恶的,不仅是哲学思辨的焦点,也是日常生活中形成的一种常人理论(lay theory)。对于东西方文化传统的检视表明,西方文化占主导地位的是性恶论人性观,东方文化占主导地位的则是性善论人性观。研究通过实证数据支持了这一结论,发现中国被试相对于美国被试,对于人性的主观评定更倾向于性善的一端(研究1)。这种人性观差异导致中国被试在道德方面,尤其是规范性道德(行善)方面,对人提出了更高的要求(研究1),并且这种因果关系得到了启动实验的支持(研究2)。这些研究结果有助于人们更好地理解文化如何塑造了人们对于人性和道德的看法。  相似文献   

周耿 《管子学刊》2012,(3):48-51
商人认为人的天性中包含有欲望,现实中人们的本性容易受到恶人的影响而变坏。此外,个人多行不义,是人性变恶的重要内因。同时,商人认为人性包含有某些不变的因素,例如现实人性中有追求安逸稳定的特点,这本身并无善恶可言,但当这种心理膨胀到妨害国家长治久安的利益时,就变成了恶。君王通过扬善伐恶的政治措施促进人性向善。对于个体的人性修养而言,克制私心、坚持道德学习是人性修养的重要途径。  相似文献   

中西方伦理思想史上关于人性争论的关键,在于没有弄清人性的内涵及其与人的本质之间的关系,从而在从人性到道德的逻辑过渡上出现了问题.本文通过对历史上人性论的批判分析,将人性划分为"实然"与"应然"两个层次,并指出:人性的两个层次都是道德的基础,二者分别从不同的层面为道德的产生准备了条件.  相似文献   

近几年来,我国学术界有的人主张以人性作为道德的来源和基础,或者认为人性和经济状况是道德的双重基础等等。这种观点显然是违背马克思主义的,同时也不是什么创新。我们介绍普列汉诺夫对18世纪法国启蒙思想家以人性来解释道德的分析批判,以及关于人性和道德关系的马克思主义的分析,对于正确认识以人性说明道德的观点的错误所在,会十分有益的。  相似文献   

异化是指由于社会结构的原因人的本性被压抑、破坏、丧失的状态。对人性的理解会影响到对异化的内涵的规定。从存在论的角度而言,人性是多层次的。人不但具有动物性的一面,而且还具有理性的一面;人不仅是社会性的存在,而且还是具有道德本性的存在。  相似文献   

黄济鳌 《现代哲学》2023,(3):108-115
休谟和罗尔斯拒斥形而上学,都认为可以从正义的主客观环境导引出正义原则。他们对人性的看法基本相同,这种相同成为理解他们的正义论的重要线索。休谟认为自利是建立正义的原初动机,以同情为基础的道德情感构成人们遵从正义的道德约束力;罗尔斯设想无知之幕中的代表者以追求最大基本善为动力寻求最合理的正义原则,以理性化的道德情感解释正义原则的稳定性。虽然这两种正义论对人性的具体解释存在不一致,但都采用了类似的自利-道德情感的思维框架。实际上,他们都是通过既定客观条件下的人性分析得出规范性的正义原则,简单化地处理影响人性和正义的客观因素,导致了两种正义论的共同的局限性。  相似文献   

人是一个充满矛盾的复杂体。人性中既有美好闪光的一面,又有丑陋猥琐的一面,这种矛盾的对立统一形成了人生的痛苦和社会动荡的根源,于是便有了古今哲人关于人性为善为恶的争论。国家、社会企图用道德、法律来抑制人性中的弱点,发扬人性中的优点,以求得社会的安定祥和。然而我们发现,虽然在某种程度上人性中的弱点得到了抑制,但并未彻底消除,人性的负面问题仍然没有得到根本解决。佛法对人性问题有深刻独到的看法,它不认为人之善恶便是人的本性,在人之善恶之后尚有一种“不生不灭、不垢不净、不增不减”的东西——佛性,善恶不过是佛性的外在表现,只要我们以正智般若照破无明烦恼,则烦恼即菩提、生死即涅槃,贪嗔痴亦可作学佛之用。如此,人性中的矛盾自然消融,社会矛盾也随之解决。佛日居士在《佛法对人性中根本矛盾的解决》一文中对这一问题作了较为深入的阐述,别有一番新意。  相似文献   

Scientific research in the sector of press readability and specifically magazines is not particularly extensive. This paper suggests a framework for the development of strategic decisions based on reader satisfaction measurements. The methodology is illustrated through a real-world application, i.e. customer-oriented strategy planning for the leading monthly IT magazine in Greece. This study implements the MUSA (Multicriteria Satisfaction Analysis) method to evaluate reader satisfaction, in order to support the editor in making decisions while planning his editorial strategy. Reader satisfaction was analysed based on a tree containing seven main criteria and 32 sub-criteria. Readers proved to be very satisfied and non-demanding, which results in narrower margins for efficient improvement suggestions. However, the evaluation of the MUSA results led to putting forward suggestions that could support the editor in making amendment decisions. Some of these suggestions were successfully implemented within the scope of a new strategy. This revealed the need for two separate editions, an IT magazine for pupils and students as well as an IT magazine focused on women. The decision maker received suggestions on what these new publications' features should be, deriving from the study's quantitative results. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bin Ai 《Reflective Practice》2016,17(5):605-620
Higher education in China has developed significantly over the past decades. Many universities have established cooperative partnerships with western universities, and overseas courses are being progressively introduced to China. At many Chinese universities, a cohort of teachers endeavor to open up bilingual subjects as a bridge to their students’ future learning; accordingly, there are higher expectations of the teachers involved in bilingual education and challenges for their professional development. In this case study, the researcher invites a Chinese professor to reflect on his experiences of bilingual instruction at a university situated in central China. After describing how the bilingual course in the case study was set up and the difficulties confronted, this study uses theories of hybrid identity and third space to contextualize how bilingual teachers experience hybrid identity construction and transformation in their adaptation to the new challenges. This in-depth study will shed light on the professional development of bilingual teachers in China’s higher education industry.  相似文献   

This report presents outcome data collected for a three-year period from a maximum-security forensic psychiatric program. Admission and discharge variables, restraint/seclusion, and client abuse/neglect data are presented from a one-year period that preceded the advent of the Behavior Management Treatment Program's (BMTP's) Social Learning Diagnostic Program to two years after implementing the Social Learning Diagnostic Program. Significant overall progress and improvement was observed in all variables analyzed after instituting a social learning program paradigm. This report provides a brief summary of the BMTP's Social Learning Diagnostic Program along with a discussion of the role played by Dangerousness Management Plans in the treatment of patients within the social learning milieu. Additionally the patient population served, and the rationale for implementation of a program based in social learning theory, are discussed.  相似文献   

Humans have the tendency to perceive a face even in a non-living object. Previous studies report that people perceive facial features and even interpret a personality in a car front. Following these findings, we investigated whether the perception of a face in a face-like object is mediated by human face processing, which involves both featural and configural processing. In our experiment, participants were presented with 30 face-like objects and were asked about the existence of facial features, the intensity of typicality/distinctiveness, and the intensity of facial expression. Using multiple regression analysis, which predicts the perception of a face in a face-like object, we found that the existence of eyes was a significant predictor of variance in perceiving a face in a face-like object.  相似文献   

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