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1991年的海湾战争共有148名美军和盟军士兵死于自己的炮火下,其中最为惨重的一次是一架美军战斗机错误地攻击了英国盟军的一辆装甲车,致使9名士兵全部命归“西天”。美国国防部在调查后认为这类不幸事件是由于多国部队及陆海空三军之间缺乏联系,指挥部的军事首脑对瞬息万变的战场情况难以全面了解所造成的。为了增强各部队的通讯联系。避免今后发生类似惨剧,美军新近组建了一支数字图像化师,并计划在2010年使全部美军实现数字图像化通讯。这种全新的通讯系统在未来战争中究竟能发挥多大的威力,该师最近举行的一次军事演习可清楚回答这个问题。  相似文献   

未来战争将是信息化的战争。美军为打赢21世纪的信息战,早在80年代末,就制定了“士兵现代化计划”,目标是研制一种杀伤能力、指挥控制能力、防护生存能力、机动能力和持续作战能力强的单兵武器装备系统。该计划研制的系统包括综合性头盔、计算机、电台、武器与弹药、气候控制、生存防护等16个子系统,1993年,美国陆军、海军陆战队及特种作战部队进一步制定了一个满足未来先进陆地战争要求的“21世纪陆战勇士”计划。按照该计划,1997年2月至1998年1月美军将制造24—36套新型的士兵综合防护系统,并于1997年10月至1998年9月进行演示,2002~2003年开始批量生产,2010年全部士兵都装备这种系统。  相似文献   

古往今来,在战场上拼搏的不仅有人,还有飞禽走兽之类。这些动物一旦被聪明的将上所掌握、所运用,便会成为一种奇特的战斗力,在某些方面,其战功会超人数倍,让人惊叹不已。且看当年越南战场上── 狗熊先遣队美军有个据点,控制着进出山区的道路。要拔掉该据点,越军当地的兵力不足。越军想出了一个点子,在进攻该据点前,把几头受过训练的狗熊带到前沿阵地。当这几头狗熊大摇大摆地走向美军据点时,美军士兵以为是附近山林里经常来据点寻吃的那几头狗熊,没有在意。狗熊越走越近,突然间,它们狂叫着猛扑美军士兵。正当美军士兵和几头…  相似文献   

公平一直是道德规范领域的中心议题。公平敏感性是指个体对感知到的公平和不公平的稳定而个性化的反应, 随着自身成长具有一定可变性。本文首先介绍了公平敏感性的概念界定以及研究方法, 认为第三方范式的引入使得婴幼儿研究的结果更加积极; 然后对分配情境下公平敏感性的影响因素进行了探讨, 如社会情境、社会关系、分配资源等; 最后, 指出未来研究应将公平敏感性概念具体化, 对分配情境下各因素进行协调整合, 匹配跨文化跨年龄组条件以系统探讨婴幼儿公平敏感性。  相似文献   

ProjectA对我军士兵心理选拔研究的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国军队选拔与分类项目(The Army’s Selection And Classification Project,Project A)是美军20世纪80年代为改进军队人员的选拔、分类和使用,加强军队质量建设而进行的一项大规模的研究工作,其目的是建立一套完整、科学、符合军队建设需要的军队人员选拔与分类方法,形成一整套用于军队人员军队人员选拔与分类的预测工具。本文简要介绍了Project A产生的背景、研究目的、基本实验设计、绩效评价系统建立、预测工具以及预测效度,并对我军开展士兵心理选拔分类以及安置的必要性和可行性做了简要分析,提出了基本构想  相似文献   

基于计算机仿真的颜色认知实验方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈模卫  陈硕 《心理科学》2003,26(4):583-586
近年来计算机仿真的实验研究方法逐渐成为颜色认知研究的主流方法,该方法克服了传统方法的诸多缺陷。本研究在现有技术的基础上构建了颜色研究仿真系统,并改进了CIE规定的有关CRT显示器颜色标定的方法。笔者通过颜色匹配实验考察了人对CRT显示器上仿真照明体颜色外观的辨别精度,结果表明上述颜色仿真系统在颜色认知实验中具有良好的适用性,并发现被试在计算机模拟颜色刺激的条件下,可进行精确的颜色匹配;不同照明条件下的色差有所不同。这些结果也为建立颜色认知模型提供了人的基准匹配数据。  相似文献   

近年来体外循环技术已经不仅仅用于心脏手术,还广泛应用于非心脏手术。应用体外循环技术切除气管内肿瘤比常规气管插管全身麻醉扩大了手术适应征,但是也附加了相应的手术并发症。临床医生应有系统的观点,以循证医学模式为指导,坚持以人为本,个性化地将这项技术应用于患者。  相似文献   

社会阶层是影响再分配偏向的重要因素。研究发现, 与低阶层者相比, 高阶层者再分配偏向更低。基于以往研究, 提出高社会阶层者低再分配偏向的作用机制及干预模型。依据该模型, 动机方面的经济自利与系统合理信念, 认知方面的经济不平等感知、贫富差距归因与刻板印象, 情感方面的同情心与地位焦虑是影响高阶层者再分配偏向的中介因素; 培育谦卑心态、进行反刻板印象干预、利用不平等框架效应、提高同情心、改变阶层文化价值观有助于提升高阶层者的再分配偏向。未来研究可对高阶层者的慈善行为及部分低阶层者拒绝再分配的现象加以关注, 深入考察和完善该模型的作用机制, 探索提升高阶层者再分配偏向的策略。  相似文献   

从西方军事心理学的发展看我军军事心理学的现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1879年,现代心理学起源于西方。由于在第一次世界大战中有大批心理学家应征人伍,所以他们有机会用心理学的知识来解决军队中的问题,迅速催生了军事心理学的诞生和发展。1915年,艾尔廷出版了第一部系统论述军事心理学的著作——《战争心理学》,标志着军事心理学的诞生。  相似文献   

美军开展的军人综合健康计划,针对美军士兵近年来出现的心理健康方面的问题,运用积极心理学和心理弹性理论,致力于提高美军心理素质,在士兵中得到了认可。实现党在新形势下的强军目标,需要心理和身体同样健康的官兵,必须大力推进军队心理服务工作。研究美军军人综合健康计划对我军开展心理服务工作有积极的启示。  相似文献   

This article places the articles included in this special issue within the larger context of the objectives of a selection and classification system. It examines the full range of individual differences and how, until relatively recently, a focus on training success has led to an emphasis on the cognitive subset of these differences within the military. It describes how, consistent with a greater recognition of the importance of job performance, the research described in this issue has opened the door to expanded coverage of both cognitive and noncognitive attributes. It summarizes the methodological advances that have contributed to the efficacy of new noncognitive measures. It explores how popular approaches to the measurement of classification efficiency have led to unwarranted pessimism regarding the classification potential of multiattribute measures and discusses research indicating how much greater classification efficiency is possible with existing measures. Finally, it examines potentially fruitful areas of future research to better meet military objectives. These include development of an approach to performance measurement and validity transportation that makes future military classification research feasible; exploration of currently untapped individual-difference domains, particularly those that might differentially predict across job groupings; exploration of the interaction between cognitive and noncognitive attributes; and exploration of alternative measurement techniques.  相似文献   

The military has a well-defined population with suicide prevention programs that have been recognized as possible models for civilian suicide prevention efforts. Monitoring prevention programs requires accurate reporting. In civilian settings, several studies have confirmed problems in the reporting and classification of suicides. This analysis evaluated whether suicides were underreported or misclassified under accident or undetermined manner of death in the military system. We reviewed all 1998 and 1999 military deaths using official death reports and compared these data with additional sources, most importantly the DoD Medical Mortality Registry. We assessed for evidence of expressed suicidal intent and past psychiatric history among deaths classified as undetermined and accidents due to gunshot, overdose, drowning, falls, or asphyxia. Using sources other than official records, we found 17% more suicides than were reported, and an additional 4% of deaths that were suspicious for suicide. This study suggests that reporting and classification errors may account for 21% additional suicides in the military. These findings are comparable to rates seen in civilian studies and add to the literature regarding the problems inherent in using administrative death classification data for medical surveillance purposes.  相似文献   

This article provides a brief discussion of the historical context for the major recent advances in enlisted selection and classification that are the subject of this special issue. By providing a perspective on the difficulty personality assessment has had gaining traction as a screening measure, it supplies a basis for understanding the significance of recent advances in personality measurement. This article also summarizes the military research on interest measurement that will receive more extended treatment later in this issue. It relates the work in this issue on new information technology testing to the role of information testing in the current military operational selection and classification test battery, the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), and discusses the background for 2 additional cognitive measures, Coding Speed and Assembling Objects. Finally, it previews issues to be discussed in the commentary article at the end of this issue.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this research was to study the differences in positive traits between military and civilian college students and between cadets in their first and final years at a military academy. Second, the research aimed to study the relations between positive traits and the academic and military performance of cadets in their first and final years, according to the classification of positive traits by Peterson and Seligman (2004). To accomplish these objectives, a sample of university students from a military educational institution and a sample of civilian university students were studied. The instruments used were a 24-item self-report measure of positive traits, a measure of social desirability, and objective scores of academic and military performance. The results generally showed that when age and career stage were held constant, the scores of the military students were higher than the scores of the civilian students across various strengths. Military students reported higher levels of the character strength of spirituality than did civilian students. The relationships between strengths and performance differed for students in their first and final years at the military academy. In particular, cadets with the higher levels of academic or military performance in their last year, i.e., the cadets best adapted to the academy, reported higher levels of the character strength of persistence when compared to low-performing cadets in the same year of study.  相似文献   

With the exception of Assembling Objects (AO), a spatial ability test used only by the Navy in enlisted occupational classification, the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is academic and knowledge-based, somewhat limiting its utility for occupational classification. This article presents the case for integrating the AO test into military classification composites and for expanding the breadth of ASVAB content by including a former ASVAB speed/accuracy test, Coding Speed (CS). Empirical evidence is presented that shows AO and CS (a) increment the validity of the ASVAB in predicting training grades for a broad array of occupations, (b) reduce adverse impact defined as test score barriers for women and minorities, and (c) improve classification in terms of matching recruits to occupations. Some cognitive theory is presented to support AO and CS, as well as nonverbal reasoning and working memory tests for inclusion in or adjuncts to the ASVAB.  相似文献   

军事单位团队凝聚力的理论研究及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
军事单位团队凝聚力是与作战效能紧密相关的因素。文章首先回顾了其理论的发展脉络,指出团队凝聚力是一个多维度的加工分类系统,继而介绍了常用的研究手段和测量方法,最后提出了应用性的建议和对未来研究的展望  相似文献   

Organizations today place great emphasis on the selection of their managerial and supervisory personnel. Consequently, the need to develop strong predictors of leadership for use in selection tests is immense. Theoretically and historically, intelligence, dominance, masculinity-femininity, and self-monitoring have been strong indicators of leadership. Accordingly, biographical questionnaires and personality inventories were administered to 1137 Air Force officers attending Squadron Officer School to determine their levels of intelligence, dominance, femininity, masculinity, and self-monitoring. These traits and individual difference variables were then used in a discriminant analysis to predict the subject's classification into one of four leadership categories. Analyses showed differences between leaders and nonleaders for intelligence, dominance, and femininity, but not for self-monitoring. However, a discriminant analysis and associated cross-validation resulted in no predictive capability. A possible reason for the lack of classification capability was the uniqueness of the military sample. Since military individuals seem to share very common experiences and beliefs, the sample appeared to be quite homogeneous, making differences between leaders and nonleaders extremely difficult to detect. Future studies should address this potential problem.  相似文献   

The need for reliable and valid measures of personality and motivational factors in the prediction of success in military training was discussed. The personnel classification system currently used by the Israeli Army was briefly described. The personality factors used in that system are measured by an interview, which is individually administered to each enlisted man. The goal of the present study was to replace this interview by an objective group questionnaire, with the hope of saving time, manpower and effort without any loss to predictive validity. The criterion for validation of the system was the performance of the soldiers in elementary training. This performance was assessed by commanding officers and by peers. The results showed that the questionnaire is eventually equivalent to the interview as a predictor of performance in military training. It was concluded that the questionnaire should be preferred for economical reasons.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to generate precise estimates of suicide rates in the military while controlling for factors contributing to rate variability such as demographic differences and classification bias, and to develop a simple methodology for the determination of statistically derived thresholds for detecting significant rate changes. Suicide rate estimates were calculated for the military population and each service branch over 11 years, directly standardized to the 2000 U.S. population. Military rates were highly comparable across branches and were approximately 20% lower than the civilian rate. Direct adjustment essentially controlled for the demographic confounds in this sample. Applying the Poisson-based method, we demonstrate that suicide rate fluctuations as large as 20-40% in any year may be attributed to random error.  相似文献   

《Military psychology》2013,25(2):169-186
This article contrasts 2 research paradigms used in designing and evaluating test batteries and predictor composites for selection and classification in the multiple job context. Selection and classification test batteries such as the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery are designed and evaluated primarily in terms of incremental predictive validity. An alternative research paradigm offered by differential assignment theory (DAT) uses a standardized mean predicted performance measure as the index of efficiency. A review of the DAT research paradigm and studies applying it to U.S. Army test and performance data forms the focus for a comparison between the findings of predictive validity and DAT research. We suggest that the DAT research paradigm is a more appropriate vehicle for evaluating test batteries and predictor composites used for assignment in the military context.  相似文献   

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