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采用移动窗口范式分别探测单字词句、双字词句和混合句子阅读知觉广度的年老化模式。单字词句是完全由单字词组成的句子,双字词句是完全由双字词组成的句子,混合句的所有词由1~4个汉字组成,这些词汇的平均词长为1.5个字。结果发现:(1)老年读者在各种词长句子上的阅读知觉广度范围均是从注视字至其右侧2个汉字;(2)青年读者在各种词长句子上的阅读知觉广度为注视点左侧1个汉字到右侧3个汉字空间。由此可见,年老化促使中文读者的阅读知觉广度变小,变得更加不对称;且句子构成词汇的词长并不调节中文阅读知觉广度的年老化。  相似文献   

伏干  闫国利 《心理科学》2013,36(2):284-289
采用眼动研究中经典的移动窗口技术范式探讨中学生字词阅读知觉广度。通过两个实验分别对17名初中二学生和12名初中二学生进行了汉语字、词阅读知觉广度的眼动研究。实验1结果表明,初中二年级学生字窗口条件下的阅读知觉广度为注视点左侧1个单字到右侧2个单字的范围;实验2结果表明,双字词窗口条件下的阅读知觉广度为注视点左侧1个双字词到右侧1个双字词的范围。本研究推论汉语阅读过程进行的是词单元加工,而不是单字。  相似文献   

采用“呈现随眼动变化技术”对12名高中二年级学生的双字词阅读知觉广度进行了眼动研究。结果发现:(1)高中二年级学生的双字词阅读知觉广度具有不对称性。(2)高中二年级学生的双字词阅读知觉广度为注视点左侧一个双字词到右侧两个双字词的空间。  相似文献   

研究采用移动窗口范式,以双字词为掩蔽单元,探究了聋生中文阅读知觉广度与词汇加工特点。结果发现:(1)聋生阅读知觉广度的左侧范围在1个双字词之外,右侧范围为1个双字词,健听读者阅读知觉广度为注视点左侧1个双字词至右侧1个双字词的范围,可见聋生的阅读知觉广度在范围大小和对称性上不同于健听读者;(2)提示注视点右侧词汇边界的移动窗口在平均注视时间、向右眼跳幅度上以相同趋势影响两组读者,但对两组读者注视次数、回视次数的影响模式不同。由此可见,聋生读者阅读知觉广度及词汇加工有其独特性特点。  相似文献   

阅读知觉广度通常指阅读者在阅读文本过程中每次注视能获取有用视觉信息的范围。既往的汉语知觉广度的研究一般把单字作为基本的知觉呈现单元,但在某些呈现条件下,此类呈现方式会导致阅读过程中的语义加工的完整性被破坏。本研究采用眼动追踪技术,使用移动窗口范式和中央凹掩蔽范式,使用双字词句作为阅读材料,双字词作为基本的知觉呈现单元,探讨在保证知觉呈现单元语义完整性的基础上大学生的汉语阅读知觉广度。实验一采用移动窗口范式,结果发现,知觉广度范围为注视词左侧1个双字词及右侧1-2个双字词的空间。实验二采用中央凹掩蔽范式,结果验证了实验一的研究结果。该结果表明,在汉语阅读过程中,以双字词为基本的视觉呈现单元,较既往研究中单字为基本呈现单元的情况,更好地保证了阅读中语义的完整性,从而获得了更大的知觉范围。该结果建立于视觉呈现单元的语义完整性的基础上,是对现有的汉语阅读知觉广度理论的完善和扩展。  相似文献   

绕口令效应指无论朗读还是默读,绕口令的阅读时间都长于正常句子的阅读时间。本研究采用Eyelink 2000型眼动仪,通过两个实验考察汉语阅读中的绕口令效应及其对知觉广度的影响。实验1结果表明:与阅读非绕口令相比,绕口令的阅读时间和注视次数均显著增加而阅读速度和平均眼跳幅度均显著下降。实验2结果表明:绕口令的知觉广度为注视点右侧1~2个汉字,控制句的知觉广度为注视点右侧2~3个汉字。结果说明汉语中存在绕口令效应,使读者知觉广度变小,阅读效率下降。。  相似文献   

该研究采用经典的"呈现随眼动变化技术"对高中生的英语阅读的知觉广度进行了眼动研究。结果发现:1)高中生英语阅读知觉广度的右侧范围是注视点右侧8~11个字符的空间;2)高中生的英语阅读知觉广度已达到成人水平。  相似文献   

通过考察中文单字词句的阅读知觉广度来探讨中文阅读的基本加工单元问题。实验采用“呈现随眼动变化”技术——移动窗口范式,记录了20名大学生阅读120个单字词句时的眼动行为,其中实验材料分5种窗口条件呈现。实验结果显示,单字词句的右侧阅读知觉广度为2个单字词,小于以往知觉广度的研究结果。中文阅读的基本加工单元可能是词。  相似文献   

小学生阅读知觉广度是阅读发展心理学中的一个基本问题。本研究以Eyelink 1000 plus眼动仪为工具,采用2(年龄)×5(窗口)的两因素混合实验设计,考察小学二年级学生汉语阅读的知觉广度。结果显示,二年级学生的知觉广度为右侧1-2个汉字。二年级小学生快慢读者在眼动指标上存在差异,但未发现在知觉广度上存在差异。阅读能力测验与眼动指标存在显著的相关,此外小学二年级学生的阅读速度可以预测学业成绩。  相似文献   

采用“呈现随眼动变化技术”对高中二年级学生中文阅读的知觉广度进行了眼动研究。结果发现,高中二年级学生的阅读知觉广度具有不对称性,大约为注视点左侧一个或两个汉字到注视点右侧三个或四个汉字的空间;高中二年级学生在正常阅读中的眼跳距离约为三个汉字的空间,在连续注视的过程中知觉广度有较小范围的重叠。  相似文献   

Three groups of subjects were tested to investigate the effect of language on the relationship between recall span and articulation rate. Native English-speaking monolinguals and native Chinese-speaking monolinguals recalled only English or Chinese words, respectively. Chinese-English bilinguals recalled both English and Chinese words. Articulation rates for English and Chinese monolinguals and Chinese-English bilinguals in each language were also obtained. When recall span was regressed on articulation rate, the slopes for Chinese and English words were significantly different for the Chinese-English bilinguals. This difference was not due to language proficiency but to phonological differences between English and Chinese.  相似文献   

采用经典的移动窗口技术,以Eyelink2000型眼动仪为工具,探讨了自然阅读和校对阅读两种不同的任务对中文阅读知觉广度的影响,结果表明:(1)与校对阅读条件相比,自然阅读条件下的阅读速度更快、眼跳幅度更大。(2)自然阅读条件下被试的知觉广度为注视点右侧2-3个字;校对阅读条件下被试的知觉广度仅为注视点1个字的空间。结果说明,读者在校对阅读和自然阅读条件下采用了不同的阅读策略,阅读知觉广度的大小受任务要求的影响。  相似文献   

In English and other alphabetic languages read from left to right, useful information acquired during each fixational pause is generally reported to extend much further to the right of each fixation than to the left. However, the asymmetry of the perceptual span for alphabetic languages read in the opposite direction (i.e., from right to left) has received very little attention in empirical research. Accordingly, we investigated the perceptual span for Arabic, which is one of the world’s most widely read languages and is read from right to left, using a gaze-contingent window paradigm in which a region of text was displayed normally around each point of fixation, while text outside this region was obscured. Skilled Arabic readers who were bilingual in Arabic and English read Arabic and English sentences while a window of normal text extended symmetrically 0.5o to the left and right of fixation or asymmetrically, by increasing this window to 1.5o or 2.5o to either the left or the right. When English was read, performance across window conditions was superior when windows extended rightward. However, when Arabic was read, performance was superior when windows extended leftward and was essentially the reverse of that observed for English. These findings show for the first time that a leftward asymmetry in the central perceptual span occurs when Arabic is read and, for the first time in over 30 years, provide a new indication that the perceptual span for alphabetic languages is modified by the overall direction of reading.  相似文献   

Based on evidence that Chinese yields more interference than English, Biederman and Tsao (1979) have suggested that the processes involved in reading Chinese are more similar to those involved in colour naming than are the processes involved in reading English. In three experiments conducted to evaluate the empirical foundation for this hypothesis it was found that: (1) Chinese yielded less interference than English (and French) in between-subjects comparisons involving Chinese-English bilinguals and English monolinguals or English-French bilinguals; (2) Chinese print did not yield more interference than English print in within-subjects comparisons involving the orthogonal combination of print language (Chinese or English) and naming language (Chinese or English) among Chinese-English bilinguals; and (3) compared with syntactic category, both language and orthography were relatively impotent variables in the object naming version of the Stroop task.  相似文献   

研究以Eyelink2000车载眼动仪为工具,采用6×3×2×2的四因素混合设计,借助经典的移动窗口技术,探讨了72名被试阅读知觉广度的发展情况,以及材料难度和阅读能力对知觉广度的影响。结果表明:(1)年级、材料难度、阅读能力均各自独立地影响知觉广度。(2)小学三年级被试知觉广度的右侧范围为1~2个字,小学五年级被试接近成人大学生的知觉广度,右侧范围均为2~3个汉字。(3)难度对知觉广度有影响,被试阅读难材料的知觉广度为2~3个汉字,易材料为2~4个汉字。(4)高阅读能力被试的知觉广度大于低阅读能力被试,阅读容易材料时比低阅读能力被试有更大的向右眼跳幅度。  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted measuring self-paced reading to study language access and language selection in professional translators and bilinguals when they understood sentences randomly presented in their first language (L1, Spanish) and second language (L2, English). These sentences contained a critical cognate word or a control matched word. The effect of cognate words was considered an index of between-language activation while the inhibition of the non-target language was examined with the asymmetrical switching cost. In Experiment 1, participants read and repeated sentences while in Experiment 2 participants read sentences without repeating them after reading. The results indicated that lexical processing depended on the experience of participants in professional translation and the demands imposed by the understanding task (reading and repeating or only reading).  相似文献   

本研究以眼动仪为工具,借助移动窗口技术,比较了16名高阅读水平和14名低阅读水平的五年级维吾尔族小学生维吾尔语阅读知觉广度的大小及其对称性。结果发现:高阅读水平学生的知觉广度为注视点左侧8~11个字符到右侧2~3个字符,而低阅读水平学生的知觉广度为注视点左侧8~11个字符到右侧2个字符。在本研究条件下,可得出以下结论:(1)五年级不同阅读水平的学生维吾尔语阅读知觉广度都具有不对称性,左侧范围大于右侧;(2)阅读水平高的学生其阅读知觉广度略大于低阅读水平的学生,差异主要体现在右侧知觉广度。  相似文献   

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