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本文从有机马克思主义和建设性后现代的视域出发,对弥漫在经济界乃至社会各界、源自西方的GDP崇拜进行哲学反思。在对西式GDP的局限加以概括的基础上,揭示了GDP崇拜的哲学基础,提出GDP是工业文明、机械思维、人类中心主义和占有式个人主义的产物。对于当今日益加剧的生态危机、社会危机和道德危机,GDP崇拜负有不可推卸的责任。要建设生态文明,就要走出GDP崇拜,发展一种具有中国特色的衡量幸福的方式。  相似文献   

人文关怀是对人、人类社会的生存和发展、命运和前途的关心,是对人性和人权的尊重和保护,是对人独立思想和人格的容许与提倡。随着医学模式的转变和急诊医学的发展和完善,越来越需要重视对病人的人文关怀,也就是对病人人权和人格的重视。在急诊医学教学当中,不但要传授相关的专业知识,而且需要将人文关怀的理念贯穿于教学始终,培养医学生人文关怀的素养,教师同时要重视医学生自身对人文关怀的需求。  相似文献   

人文关怀是对人、人类社会的生存和发展、命运和前途的关心,是对人性和人权的尊重和保护,是对人独立思想和人格的容许与提倡.随着医学模式的转变和急诊医学的发展和完善,越来越需要重视对病人的人文关怀,也就是对病人人权和人格的重视.在急诊医学教学当中,不但要传授相关的专业知识,而且需要将人文关怀的理念贯穿于教学始终,培养医学生人文关怀的素养,教师同时要重视医学生自身对人文关怀的需求.  相似文献   

孙彰道 《天风》2016,(1):28-30
正当今社会的生态危机,其实质是人类与自然关系的危机。解决生态危机,不仅要靠科学、技术、法律、政策等,还要转变当代人类对自然的态度和行为倾向,要从终极关怀的高度建立起一种与自然平等、和谐发展的世界观和价值观。人类存在的意义和使命不是统治自然,而是担负起尊重自然、爱护自然的责任。作为一个有信仰动源的"行动的基督教"、"伦  相似文献   

随着医学的进步,医学模式的转变,越来越提倡医学对人们心理和社会因素的关怀。同时随着产前诊断技术和超声诊断技术的迅速发展和日臻完善,以及社会、经济的发展和变革,也越来越重视对孕妇及家属的人文关怀。胎儿产前超声诊断中的人文关怀不仅是对人的关怀,也是对技术、对心理健康、对生命的关怀。  相似文献   

随着医学的进步,医学模式的转变,越来越提倡医学对人们心理和社会因素的关怀.同时随着产前诊断技术和超声诊断技术的迅速发展和日臻完善,以及社会、经济的发展和变革,也越来越重视对孕妇及家属的人文关怀.胎儿产前超声诊断中的人文关怀不仅是对人的关怀,也是对技术、对心理健康、对生命的关怀.  相似文献   

在客家民系形成和发展的历史长河中,神明崇拜是其日常生活中一种十分普遍的社会现象,其深深存在于客家人民的传统意识之中。对闽西客家神明崇拜的研究和分析有助于进一步发挥其功用和价值,大力发展客家宗教旅游。以闽西客家神明崇拜为桥梁,加强与世界的联系,实现经贸旅游合作,促进客家地区旅游经济的发展。  相似文献   

计文 《天风》2012,(5):1
<正>稳中求进这个词,今年在报章出现的频率极高。主要是温总理的《政府工作报告》放弃了经济保八,让某些官员告别了心仪的GDP的崇拜。明眼人已经看出,自从温州动车事故之后,减速的已经不仅仅是全速前进的中国高铁。中央审时度势,确定"稳中求进"是今年工作的总基调。中国经济的发展史上并不乏"急躁冒进"的例子,其危害之深刻骨铭心!现实也让人们发现,在单  相似文献   

中西方宗教社会服务理念的相似性和差异性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会服务工作由来已久,社会服务工作是由社会服务的理念来决定的。宗教是人类对自身关怀的一种终极形式。宗教的“爱”的宗旨同社会服务的理念有着一种天然的联系。中西方社会服务理念的相似性和差异性就是起源于中西方对爱的理解的异同而出现的。从宗教角度分析中西方社会社会服务理念的相似性和差异性,有助于我们更好地理解和开展社会服务工作,从而促进社会和谐。  相似文献   

随着经济与医疗卫生事业的发展和医疗模式的转变,病人群体对诊治措施的质量也有了更高和更明确的要求。对非意向性怀孕妇女来说,在舒适、无痛的环境下进行人流手术便成了发展的必然,也符合伦理要求,体现了医者对病人的人文关怀。  相似文献   

The belief that science is "a driver of growth in the knowledge economy" has led in recent decades to increasing encouragement by government of the involvement of industry and of commerce in the sponsorship and direction of research in universities, and to the increasing influence of industrial representatives on advisory panels associated with the publicly funded scientific research councils. By extending the doctrine of commercial confidentiality into university laboratories, inconvenient findings have been suppressed, and both free endeavour and free speech undermined. This has narrowed our scientific horizons and compromised government advisors. It is argued that scientific freedom is a guarantor of our wider liberties. Science, which tells us who we are and how we can live better, is being distorted so twisting our understanding of the ways in which we might progress, shutting off alternatives to existing models of development. Business now stands as a guard dog at the gates of perception. Only the inquiries which suit its needs are allowed to pass.  相似文献   

雾霾对地区GDP增长率的影响:抑郁情绪的中介效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林琳  朱旭  江光荣 《心理科学》2018,(3):627-632
环境污染导致的天气变化对人的身心健康和社会发展都会产生重大影响。本研究以心理学的视角探讨雾霾天气是否会使人产生抑郁情绪,降低工作效率,进而影响社会经济发展。方法:收集2013-2015年中国大陆27个省会城市及4直辖市的PM2.5浓度、抑郁指数及地区生产总值增长率。采用百度统计平台基于关键词“抑郁”搜索量合成的抑郁指数作为抑郁情绪指标。结果表明:(1)2013-2015年各地区的PM2.5浓度与抑郁指数正相关显著(r= .33, p< .01),抑郁指数与地区GDP增长率的负相关显著(r= -.37, p< .01);(2)抑郁指数在PM2.5浓度和地区GDP增长率间起完全中介作用。(3)当lag=-6时,上海市2013年1月到2015年12月PM2.5浓度和抑郁指数的互相关系数最大(rR = .38, p< .05)。结论:雾霾天气可能会使人产生抑郁情绪,进而对经济增长产生负面影响。  相似文献   

Three mathematical models of communication and belief change were proposed and tested: a proportional change model, a belief certainty model, and an accumulated information model. A quick correlational check of the three models suggested that the accumulated information model was the superior with the belief certainty model being the most inferior of the three. Stronger support for the accumulated information model obtained using a more stringent test: a nonlinear bivariate regression which produced visual “plots” of empirical data that nearly duplicated the visual “plots” produced by the theoretical model. The accumulated information model states that belief change is proportional to the discrepancy between the original belief and the belief communicated in the message, and inversely proportional to the amount of information which the receiver has about the topic at the time the message is received. The belief certainty model was the most inferior of the three indicating that the degree to which a receiver is certain in conviction is unrelated to the communication-belief change relationship.  相似文献   

If modernity is manifested as essentialism, postmodernity is manifested as anti-essentialism. Modernity is, in essence, human beings’ discovery of their own power, and is based on rational knowledge that has grasped the essence of things. In fact, in the discourse system of modernity, the various concepts of “essence” connote nothing but people’s imaginative constructions and rational conjectures about objects. In the past, our order, be it internal or external, was in essence guaranteed by God. Afterwards, all “essences”, as essences, must rationally prove the reason for their existence. In the postmodern context and discourse system, God, and also the “human being” who has created essence, has “died”. We should not simply resume the belief in traditional essence, but should reconstruct, on the basis of a full understanding of the intellectual meaning of postmodernity’s challenges, some historicity, practicality, and the concept of essence that accords with the historical as well as communicative rationality. We must realize that the essence of things is the essence of particular things in a particular stage of development, internally containing infinite differences and variety. Only things with postmodern traits contain modernity, and only the concept of essence that conceives difference accords with time.  相似文献   

Ingvar Johansson 《Synthese》1998,117(2):275-291
If the logic of belief changes is extended to cover belief states which contain both factual and normative beliefs, it is easily shown that a change of a factual belief (an 'Is') in a mixed belief state can imply a change of a normative belief (an 'Ought') in the same state. With regard to Hume's so-called 'Is-Ought problem', this means that one has to distinguish its statics from its dynamics. When this is done, it becomes clear that changes of factual beliefs can, for rational reasons, have far-reaching normative consequences. Similarly, a change of a factual belief can imply a change of a value belief. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

辛自强 《心理科学进展》2019,27(12):1951-1966
在中国的市场化进程中, 我们正在面对一个确定的事实:人际信任逐年衰落。虽然已有研究一致证明信任可以促进经济发展, 然而, 很少有文献阐明市场经济发展对信任的影响。整合近年来各种新获得的宏观和微观证据可以发现, 市场化对信任存在抑制作用。具体来说, 我国的市场化进程中, 市场的动力属性充分彰显, 鼓励人们逐利和竞争, 激活了人们的创富热情, 但也造成经济人信念的流行, 破坏了信任者对人性的乐观预期; 然而, 相应的市场规则和社会规则发育不足, 无法充分保护信任者。最终, 市场化在消蚀经济赖以发展的基础——信任, 致使信任下滑。因此, 建立基于规则的、诚信的市场经济是阻遏信任衰落乃至重建信任的必要路径。  相似文献   

Ward H. Goodenough 《Zygon》1992,27(3):287-295
Abstract. How to reconcile belief in God with the worldview generated by modern science is a concern for those who see such belief as the essence of religion. Some religious traditions emphasize correct behavior, including observance of ritual, more than belief. Others stress individual pursuit of inner tranquility without prescribing particular beliefs or rituals by which that is to be achieved. Theological issues relating to "the God question in an age of science" are relevant to Christians, whose religious emphasis is on right belief as necessary to personal salvation; but science does not raise such issues for religion generally.  相似文献   

本文的主导问题是:我们为自己已经具有的看法进行论证是否多余甚至虚伪?为回答这一问题,我们需要澄清关于论证的一些误解。论证并不只是为了说服别人。从根本上说,论证是把东一处西一处的道理联系起来,使我们获得整体的眼光,或日综观。尽管我们在着手论证之前已经有为之进行论证的看法,但获得了论证的看法,在上述意义上,是一种新的看法。即使我们并没有通过论证达到"共识",论证也并非徒劳,因为它可能有助于多样性之间的相互理解。  相似文献   

The primary objective of this essay is to establish a basis for the development of a socio-biological approach to understanding the phenomenon of technological society and technical change, one that also serves to bridge the gap that has grown between natural science and social theory. The objective stems from the belief that an ecological crisis is looming that will require a new form of pragmatism from which new instruments for analysis, evaluation, and implementation can emerge and which, of necessity, will be multidisciplinary in character. One possible intellectual framework is proposed, that of a biology of technology, a conceptualization of human organization woven from an unlikely mix of theoretical perspectives. The most consequential of these is structural determinism, a tenet of autopoietic theory (also known as the biology of cognition). Other elements, including actor network theory, a metatheory of technology, and cognitive anthropology are explored before proceeding to consider some implications should the thesis be adopted. Peter Bond directs Lawton David Associates, a firm offering speciality consulting and learning facilitation services in business strategy, knowledge, innovation management. Prior to this he was director of Studies for Technology and Manufacturing Management at Liverpool John Moores University, UK. Originally a materials scientist, he moved from industry to commerce in 1980 becoming an advisor to regional government on new technologies and later business development manager of a venture capital provider. Current interests include the practical application of complexity science to organization development and technical change.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Scotus's belief that any created substance can depend on the divine essence and/or divine persons as a subject requires him to abandon the plausible Aristotelian principle that there is no merely relational change. I argue that Scotus's various counterexamples to the principle can be rebutted. For reasons related to those that arise in Scotus's failed attempt to refute the principle, the principle also entails that properties cannot be universals.  相似文献   

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