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从人的全面发展来看,资本主义导向了人的抽象化、片面化发展,以超越资本主义私有制为基础的社会主义理论蕴含了实现人的全面发展的可能性,中国特色社会主义则为这一理论构想的实现提供了现实性。就物质基础而言,资本主义生产关系内蕴着剥削与对生产力发展的破坏,社会主义超越了资本主义对生产力发展的桎梏与社会的两极分化,中国特色社会主义以中国式现代化展现了解放生产力、解决发展不平衡问题的现实性。就人与资本的关系而言,资本主义创造了资本凌驾于人之上的社会形态,社会主义超越了资本逻辑对人的异化和宰制,并在中国特色社会主义中展现了重新颠倒人与资本关系的现实性。就交往形式而言,资本主义使国家成为虚幻的共同体,并造成了不平等的世界秩序,社会主义在超越资本主义生产方式的基础上探寻人与人之间平等的普遍交往之可能性,中国特色社会主义通过以人民为中心等一系列新理念,以中国式现代化展现了交往形式全面发展的现实性。  相似文献   

前言社会交往是人与人之间通过接触交往产生相互影响的过程。通过交往达到交流信息、交流情感、传递力量,认识他人和自己,从而进一步协调人们之间的关系。儿童交往是儿童社会化的重要方面,是儿童社会化发展的动因,也是实现儿童社会化不可缺少的途径。幼儿期是社会化发展的重要时期,研究幼儿社会交往的特点和规律,对寻求促进幼儿社会化发展的途径和方法,是很有必要的。就所得到的资料,幼儿社会交往中的同伴交往研究较少,且较集中于交往的认知方面,主要通过研究者提问幼儿回答研究他们对自己与同伴交往所形成的相互关系的认识,对“友好交往”的认知。  相似文献   

随着我国经济体制改革的深入,社会的各种交往活动有了广泛的发展,它已引起了人们的普遍关注。但是长期以来,历史唯物主义很少研究社会交往,这种现象应该改变。一、什么是交往交往是人们在社会生活中相互之间发生的各种往来、接触、联系。它既包括物质性的交往,又包括精神性的交往,其中物质性的交往,首先是人们在生产过程中的交往,是精神交往的基础。所以,正如马克思和恩  相似文献   

吴国璋  桑明 《学海》2001,(5):83-85
马克思的"世界历史"理论认为,世界历史的发展进程的最终目标是共产主义的实现,而共产主义又是人的解放和全面发展的社会.因此,马克思的"世界历史"理论与人的解放的学说是一致的.马克思所讲的世界历史形成的两个条件正是人的解放的两个条件,即"生产力的普遍发展和与此有关的世界交往的普遍发展".而这两个条件又是通过人的实践活动实现的.因此,可以说,人的解放是在人的实践活动的基础上,以生产力和交往的普遍发展为条件的、全面占有自己的本质、使自己成为一个自由而全面发展的人的世界历史过程.  相似文献   

本文从人的社会性本性、现代生产力的社会化本性、现代人的普遍交往特征和人的历史发展过程等方面论证人的现代化的实质是人的社会化。分析了商品市场经济对人的社会化、现代化的矛盾效应,说明资本主义市场经济不可能是人的社会化、现代化的唯一通途,论证了社会主义市场经济能够成为推进人的社会化、现代化的经济基础。  相似文献   

本文立足于马克思主义基本立场 ,比较和分析了哈贝马斯和马克思、恩格斯关于交往理论的相同与不同之处 ,论证了交往在社会发展、社会变革中的历史作用。提出交往既有着沟通主客体关系的功能 ,又有着改造、变革对象世界的价值指向 :一是用交往来说明社会发展变更的必然性 ;二是用交往来说明生产方式推动社会发展变革的更深层的原因———社会发展是人类自身交往的历史 ,社会变革正是通过人类的生产方式 ,以及人们相互之间的交往方式来实现的 ;三是论证说明了人类正是通过交往在社会变革中实现着自身种的历史进化 ;四是把生产力发展水平和社会交往形式的成熟性作为社会进步的尺度。从历史维度阐述了人类社会交往起点的历史性和现实性 ,分析论证了由传统社会向现代化社会的历史转变 ,同样体现了交往的“工兵”作用。文章认为 ,交往在社会发展过程中具有变革社会形态和社会结构的功能 ,指出交往的主体实践活动是一种能动的对象性认识活动。本文用世界进程的眼光 ,去反思民族实践方式的历史地位 ,追寻新的交往与发展方式。  相似文献   

青少年社会交往:影响因素及其干预研究述要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋振韶  金盛华 《心理科学》2001,24(6):713-716
社会交往是青少年生活中的一个重要部分,对青少年心理发展有着重要影响。青少年时期的社会交往以及由此而习得的交往技能,对青少年的社会性和情感发展具有深远的影响。研究青少年社会交往以及父母、同伴和教师在其中担当的角色,可以更好地认识青少年社会交往的本质,引导青少年通过积极的社会交往得到更好的发展和适应,使青少年社会交往成为系统教育的重要补充。  相似文献   

小学儿童社交问题解决策略的发展研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
周宗奎  林崇德 《心理学报》1998,31(3):274-280
该研究采用该谈法了不同年级,不同社交地位小学生儿童对社会交往问题的解决策略4及其发展特点,该谈涉及三类假设的社会情境:发动交往,维持交往和解决冲突。  相似文献   

人的自觉发展与人的现代化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、问题的提出随着社会主义现代化建设事业的迅猛发展,人们越来越清楚地认识到,人的现代化是社会主义现代化的基础、目标和重要组成部份,人的现代化必须优先于社会现代化。那么,什么是人的现代化?人的现代化的内容和标志是什么?如何实现人的现代化?对此,理论界众说纷坛。普遍流行的观点认为人的现代化就是人的素质的现代化,它表现为人的多种品质的综合,诸如人的身体素质、智力素质、知识水平、道德修养、人格品质、交往能力等等,并通过这种在“应该”立场上的主观推断,指出人的现代化的实现主要靠教育和培养。对这样一种理解和…  相似文献   

杨丽珠  王江洋 《心理学报》2007,39(4):668-678
采用追踪研究,用实验室实验和情境观察相结合的方法考察了54名儿童4岁时的自我延迟满足能力,5年后结合教师访谈与评定、同伴提名、儿童自评等方法综合评定这些儿童9岁时的学校社会交往能力,探讨儿童4岁时自我延迟满足能力对其9岁时学校社会交往能力的预期作用。结果表明:儿童4岁时的自我延迟满足能力水平可以预期其9岁时的学校社会交往能力水平。4岁时自我延迟满足能力高的儿童在9岁时的学校社会交往能力总体发展也好,其遵守规则与执行任务能力、与教师交往能力、与同伴交往能力、社交情绪发展水平都显著高于那些在4岁时自我延迟满足能力低的儿童;反之则差  相似文献   

The present essay is a concise form of results obtained during many decades of research in the primeval foundations of collective social and consciousness fields. We point out that a yet unknown type of forces existed in the Golden Age, which we termed collective force. In the Golden Age mankind lived in communities which had a full unity. The communal life developed its collective forms, of which the most significant are the development of human speech, of language, share of work and the development of the communal fests. The law determining the primeval origins of mind is the cosmic law of interactions. It defines the substance of the Universe and the ways of its existence and activity. A detailed analysis is presented on the nature of the interaction there. One consequence of this fundamental principle is the general prevalence of the principle of mutuality, which plays a basic role in the understanding of the unfolding and degeneration of consciousness. The principle of mutuality determines the changes of every level of life. The laws of the generation of consciousness in the ages of evolution toward Homo and the Golden Age are analysed. Evidences were found proving the historical reality of the Golden Age, surviving in the traditions of mankind in every part of the world, and its overthrow before the Flood, which resulted in the dethronement of the primeval mind, the human consciousness of the Golden Age and the subsequent— and necessary—emergence of the superficial, rational mind.

Starting from the consideration that our mind is the imprint of history, we have recognised the phenomenon of the dual mind, the somewhat antagonistic duality of human consciousness. We think we have succeeded in solving the riddle of the dual mind and determining its substance. Our dual mind, consisting of the ‘upper’ or rational mind and the ‘underlying mind’, is the product of the two fundamental ages of mankind, that of the Golden Age and that of power domination. Therefore it reflects the duality of our history.  相似文献   

We propose that cognition is more than a collection of independent processes operating in a modular cognitive system. Instead, we propose that cognition emerges from dependencies between all of the basic systems in the brain, including goal management, perception, action, memory, reward, affect, and learning. Furthermore, human cognition reflects its social evolution and context, as well as contributions from a developmental process. After presenting these themes, we illustrate their application to the process of anticipation. Specifically, we propose that anticipations occur extensively across domains (i.e., goal management, perception, action, reward, affect, and learning) in coordinated manners. We also propose that anticipation is central to situated action and to social interaction, and that many of its key features reflect the process of development.  相似文献   

The information-hierarchical approach is used to analyze the evolutionary developed organization of mankind. This organization is shown to be hierarchical, from molecular hierarchical levels to the religious ones. Time cycles of each level operation are included in the greater cycle of the next level according to the specific schemes defined by the common information principle of natural system development. Time cycles of levels have duration of 1 second, 6 seconds, 42 seconds, 24 hours, 11 days, 1 years, 33 year, 1,000 years, 3,000 years or 6,000 years and all together make up the mankind clock that is similar to the formerly ascertained biosphere clock. The cycles of duration from 1 second to 33 years form the human biological clock, so the information-hierarchical organization of cell metabolism manifests itself as the key mechanism of the clock. The new scientific field has been characterized. It is the management of sustainable development of the states as evolutionary developed systems with the use of information relationships of their functioning. In the case of Christianity adoption by any large ethnos the next 1,000-year cycle of the Christianity-Judaism system will start.  相似文献   

和平心理学把提升人的幸福与尊严、促进社会和谐进步、实现世界和平作为终极研究目标。但在研究领域内部,不同流派存在的观点并不一致,也难以统一到同一个理论框架中。关于和平心理学的相关理论,大致可以归结为三类模型:积极和平心理理论模型、和平文化心理理论模型、和平进化心理理论模型。以上三种研究模式都认同回归心理学的和平价值,挖掘个体和平潜能,建立星球公民责任感。未来的和平心理学需要克服现有人性观的片面性,树立全面的人性观; 克服过分强调积极和平的倾向,建立全面的和平心理学研究观; 超越零和思维,深入学习“人类命运共同体”深刻内涵,推动我国和平心理学研究发展。  相似文献   

Carpendale JI  Lewis C 《The Behavioral and brain sciences》2004,27(1):79-96; discussion 96-151
Theories of children's developing understanding of mind tend to emphasize either individualistic processes of theory formation, maturation, or introspection, or the process of enculturation. However, such theories must be able to account for the accumulating evidence of the role of social interaction in the development of social understanding. We propose an alternative account, according to which the development of children's social understanding occurs within triadic interaction involving the child's experience of the world as well as communicative interaction with others about their experience and beliefs (Chapman 1991; 1999). It is through such triadic interaction that children gradually construct knowledge of the world as well as knowledge of other people. We contend that the extent and nature of the social interaction children experience will influence the development of children's social understanding. Increased opportunity to engage in cooperative social interaction and exposure to talk about mental states should facilitate the development of social understanding. We review evidence suggesting that children's understanding of mind develops gradually in the context of social interaction. Therefore, we need a theory of development in this area that accords a fundamental role to social interaction, yet does not assume that children simply adopt socially available knowledge but rather that children construct an understanding of mind within social interaction.  相似文献   

雷锋精神具有是永恒的时代意义,就在于它完成了社会性和历史性的统一,达到了既是时代的产物又跨过所处的时代,既是社会(社会主义中国)现象又超越社区的界,成为人类永恒的楷模。  相似文献   

Beyond behaviorism: on the automaticity of higher mental processes   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The first 100 years of experimental psychology were dominated by 2 major schools of thought: behaviorism and cognitive science. Here the authors consider the common philosophical commitment to determinism by both schools, and how the radical behaviorists' thesis of the determined nature of higher mental processes is being pursued today in social cognition research on automaticity. In harmony with "dual process" models in contemporary cognitive science, which equate determined processes with those that are automatic and which require no intervening conscious choice or guidance, as opposed to "controlled" processes which do, the social cognition research on the automaticity of higher mental processes provides compelling evidence for the determinism of those processes. This research has revealed that social interaction, evaluation and judgment, and the operation of internal goal structures can all proceed without the intervention of conscious acts of will and guidance of the process.  相似文献   

Little is known about how to predict which individuals with known temperament vulnerabilities will go on to develop social anxiety problems. Adolescents (N = 185) were followed from age 13 to 18 to evaluate psychosocial, prospective predictors of social anxiety symptoms and fears of negative evaluation (FNE), after accounting for pre-existing social withdrawal symptoms. Results from structural equation modeling suggest that lack of perceived social acceptance predicts subsequent explicit social anxiety and FNE, whereas the emotional intensity of close peer interactions predicts subsequent implicit FNE. Results are discussed in terms of the importance of peer interaction in the development of social anxiety, and the value of measuring both implicit and explicit FNE.  相似文献   

Research into the development of Theory of Mind (ToM) has shown how children from a very early age infer other people's goals. However, human behaviour is sometimes driven not by plans to achieve goals, but by habits, which are formed over long periods of reinforcement. Habitual and goal‐directed behaviours are often aligned with one another but can diverge when the optimal behavioural policy changes without being directly reinforced (thus specifically hobbling the habitual learning strategy). Unlike the flexibility of goal‐directed behaviour, rigid habits can cause agents to persist in behaviour that is no longer adaptive. In the current study, all children predict agents will tend to behave consistently with their goals, but between the ages of 5 and 10, children showed an increasing understanding of how habits can cause agents to persistently take suboptimal actions. These findings stand out from the typical way the development of social reasoning is examined, which instead focuses on children's increasing appreciation of how others' beliefs or expectations affect how they will act in service of their goals. The current findings show that children also learn that under certain circumstances, people's actions are suboptimal despite potentially ‘knowing better.’  相似文献   

This paper investigates the association between perceptions of broader changes in the social‐ecological context and individuals’ subjective well‐being (SWB). Macro‐level societal changes such as globalization or demographic change give rise to new demands for individual functioning at work and/or in the family. Such new demands associated with social change are stressful and likely to be related to lower levels of SWB. Being active agents, individuals attempt to deal with social change and its increasing demands to protect their SWB. The present study investigates which kinds of control strategies are most effective in protecting one's SWB. Specifically, we predicted that control strategies of goal engagement will be most effective under conditions of perceived high control, and control strategies of goal disengagement will be most effective under conditions of perceived low control. In a large sample of 2537 German adults, work‐ and family‐related demands associated with social change were found to be negatively linked to SWB. Moreover and in line with the motivational theory of lifespan development, control strategies of goal engagement and disengagement were beneficial for SWB to the extent that they matched the perceived control of the demands associated with social change.  相似文献   

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