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要求中国被试基于对中国面孔图片的第一印象对图片中人物进行人格判断,运用主成分分析和平行分析的方法,探究面孔中的人格知觉维度。结果发现,中国被试知觉本族男性、女性面孔时存在“亲和性”和“能力”两个人格知觉维度。初步揭示了亲和性维度具有跨文化的共性,并提出更广义的能力维度,其内容包含支配性特质和坚韧性特质。  相似文献   

《中国大学生人格量表》的编制*   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
在建立中国人人格大七结构模型以及成熟的人格量表基础上,本研究通过实证研究建立了适用于大学生群体的人格量表。统计结果表明,由68个项目、7个维度构成的中国大学生人格量表(CCSPS)与中国人人格的7因素模型有着良好的拟合,而且信度和效度检验均符合心理测量学要求;此外,在55098名被试上建立了CC-SPS的常模。研究结果表明CCSPS针对中国大学生群体可靠的人格测量工具。  相似文献   

中国青少年人格量表(QZPS-Q)的编制   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
本研究旨在探索中国青少年的人格结构并编制适合青少年使用的人格量表.以词汇学研究建立的中国人人格七因素模型以及用于成年人的中国人人格量表(QZPS)为基础,经过青少年被试按照其理解能力和表述习惯重新修订QZPS的项目后,2827名初一~高三的学生完成了包括215个项目的中国青少年人格量表(QZPS-Q)初版,经因素分析确定了中国青少年的人格由七个维度、19个二级因素及三个综合性维度构成,QZPS-Q最终由111个项目构成.研究结果支持了中国人的人格结构模型,同时也体现了青少年注重成就和才干及侧重外在表现的人格特点.  相似文献   

论人格特质“大七”因素模型   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
概要介绍和评价了人格特质“大七”因素模型。该模型继承了传统特质分类研究中的“词汇假设”思想和因素分析方法.并在选词标准及方法的客观性上有所改进和提高.在“大五”基础上增加了两个评价维度。文章指出“大七”存在一些问题。  相似文献   

基于父母知觉的儿童人格结构及其发展的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张雨青 《心理学报》1999,32(2):177-189
该研究在家庭访谈的基础上编制了3,6,9,12岁年龄组的人格问卷,并对北京和福州的777名3至12岁儿童人格特点进行了调查。结果表明,这四份问卷均具有较好的信度和效度,对四份问卷在四个年龄组儿童的测查结果分析进行因素分析(主成分分析,PCA)后发现,3至12岁年龄组儿童的主要人格维度为:“智力”,“认真性”,“宜人性”,“外倾性”,“情绪”和“认真性”,“情绪稳定性”在我国儿童人格维度中不是一个比  相似文献   

中国人人格量表(QZPS)的编制过程与初步结果   总被引:92,自引:10,他引:82  
王登峰  崔红 《心理学报》2003,35(1):127-136
旨在编制能够反映中国人人格结构特点的中国人人格量表(QZPS)。文中首先分析了直接采用或修订西方人格量表的问题和潜在危险,以及目前国内使用的各种人格量表存在的局限;按照人格研究的“词汇学假设”,根据杨国枢和王登峰(1999)以及后来的研究所确定的中国人人格结构的七因素模型,提出了QZPS的编制原则和操作程序。按照人格特质形容词的含义编写测量项目,并根据小因素和大因素的含义对项目进行修改,初步确定了1600多个项目。经2280名被试的评定,初步筛选出409个项目。再经1099名被试评定,确定了215个项目构成QZPS,测量中国人人格的7个维度和18个小因素。文中还报告了对QZPS的项目分析的结果  相似文献   

西方"大五"人格结构模型的建立和适用性分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
崔红  王登峰 《心理科学》2004,27(3):545-548
本文旨在对西方“大五”人格结构模型的形成过程及其适用性进行系统的分析。“大五”模型是依据“词汇学假设”,通过对英文人格特质形容词的分析建立起来的,有着明显的西方文化特点。跨文化比较的结果中支持“大五”模型的研究大多使用“强制的一致性”策略,而“衍生的一致性”策略往往得出与“大五”不同的结论。对中国人人格结构的研究也得到了不同于“大五”的“大七”模型,预示了“大五”模型不适合中国人的人格特点。  相似文献   

王登峰  崔红 《心理学报》2008,40(3):327-338
区分中西方人格结构的共性与特异性及其性质是心理学研究中国化的重要理论问题。本文首先总结了中西方人格结构的五因素(大五)与七因素模型的建立过程及词汇学途径的内在逻辑,依据人格结构的行为归类假设,提出中西方人格结构的差异源自对行为进行归类的标准或原则的差异。其次,根据相关的实证研究结果,对中西方人格结构的“共性”与“特异性”的性质进行了分析,认为它们仅在具体行为或量表项目水平上才有区分的意义,对人格因素(维度)水平上的“共性”与“特异性”的区分是无法做到的,也是没有意义的。文中还讨论了心理学研究中国化的重要性  相似文献   

小学儿童个性结构研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
刘文  杨丽珠 《心理科学》2001,24(6):741-742
运用大五因素模式探讨儿童个性结构和特点最早是迪格曼(J.M.Digman,1986)研究小学儿童个性维度,结果证实学龄初期儿童人格特征主要由5到7个因素组成;其本意不是为了探讨儿童人格结构特点,而是为了进一步验证大五模型。然而,在他的研究之后,许多研究者开始了对儿童青少年人格五因素结构的探讨.并将儿童青少年人格五因素结构称为“小五结构”。但是,应用这种方法研究儿童青少年人格  相似文献   

研究认为中国古代著名笔记《世说新语》是一部用“生活资料”记录中国人人格特质的首创著作,书中的篇目不少属于人格特质,并与王登峰教授研究所得出的中国人“大七”因素中的小因素有诸多吻合。《世说新语》是一部研究中国人人格特质的有价值的书,值得人们去做深入的研究。  相似文献   

为进一步挖掘中国人人际关系性人格特质的内涵,研究1采用“个体中心”的潜在剖面分析方法对1911名CPAI-2中国人的常模样本在人际关系性上的表现进行整体揭示。同时,为比较中西方人际关系性的不同,研究2探讨了非华人群体人际关系性的潜在剖面结构。研究3进一步在2580名大学生群体中验证中国人人际关系性上的外圆内方的潜在剖面结构,并探讨人际关系性的亚型以及哪种亚型的人在现代社会更具适应性。中国人群体的研究结果均呈现四分类模型,但这一分类模型并没有在西方样本中复现出来,并且研究3发现中国人群体中外圆内方的亚群体最具适应性。研究结合中国传统文化中的“君子人格”进行相关讨论,为当代中国人辩证统一的“外圆内方”的文化特异性的行为模式提供历史阐释及其当代生活适应性的证据。  相似文献   

Although risk taking traditionally has been viewed as a unitary, stable individual difference variable, emerging evidence in behavioral decision‐making research suggests that risk taking is a domain‐specific construct. Utilizing a psychological risk‐return framework that regresses risk taking on the perceived benefits and perceived riskiness of an activity (Weber & Milliman, 1997 ), this study examined the relations between risk attitude and broad personality dimensions using the new HEXACO personality framework (Lee & Ashton, 2004 ) across four risk domains. This personality framework, which has been replicated in lexical studies in over 12 natural languages, assess personality over six broad personality dimensions, as opposed to the traditional Five‐Factor Model, or “Big Five.” Through path analysis, we regressed risk taking in four separate domains on risk perceptions, perceived benefits, and the six HEXACO dimensions. Across all risk domains, we found that the emotionality dimension was associated with heightened risk perceptions and high conscientiousness was associated with less perceived benefits. We also report several unique patterns of domain‐specific relations between the HEXACO dimensions and risk attitude. Specifically, openness was associated with risk taking and perceived benefits for social and recreational risks, whereas lower honesty/humility was associated with greater health/safety and ethical risk taking. These findings extend our understanding of how individuals approach risk across a variety of contexts, and further highlight the utility of honesty/humility, a dimension not recovered in Big Five models, in individual differences research. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Past research has shown that general and intrinsic religiosity is related to higher Big Five Agreeableness, Conscientiousness and, to some extent, Extraversion. With the rise of the six-factor HEXACO (Honesty–Humility, Emotionality, eXtraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness) model of personality, however, a more differentiated look at religiousness and personality is called for. It has been suggested that religiosity is more associated with Honesty–Humility than with Agreeableness. The new personality factor, Honesty–Humility has also been shown to have null or weak relations with happiness. In 5 studies involving 1375 participants from Iran, Poland, and Malaysia, the relations of Honesty–Humility and other HEXACO dimensions to religious orientation and well-being outcomes were investigated. As expected, Honesty–Humility was one of the strongest personality correlate of religiosity. Higher scores on religiousness were also associated with Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and to some extent, Extraversion showing that the main personality characteristics of religiosity are consistent across religious contexts and personality models. Relations of Honesty–Humility to psychological well-being scales were consistently positive and stronger than its relations to subjective well-being measures, suggesting that Honesty–Humility may not be “bad” for pleasure attainment and pain avoidance, but it is definitely “good” for living a virtuous, fully functioning life.  相似文献   

Here, two studies seek to characterize a parsimonious common‐denominator personality structure with optimal cross‐cultural replicability. Personality differences are observed in all human populations and cultures, but lexicons for personality attributes contain so many distinctions that parsimony is lacking. Models stipulating the most important attributes have been formulated by experts or by empirical studies drawing on experience in a very limited range of cultures. Factor analyses of personality lexicons of nine languages of diverse provenance (Chinese, Korean, Filipino, Turkish, Greek, Polish, Hungarian, Maasai, and Senoufo) were examined, and their common structure was compared to that of several prominent models in psychology. A parsimonious bivariate model showed evidence of substantial convergence and ubiquity across cultures. Analyses involving key markers of these dimensions in English indicate that they are broad dimensions involving the overlapping content of the interpersonal circumplex, models of communion and agency, and morality/warmth and competence. These “Big Two” dimensions—Social Self‐Regulation and Dynamism—provide a common‐denominator model involving the two most crucial axes of personality variation, ubiquitous across cultures. The Big Two might serve as an umbrella model serving to link diverse theoretical models and associated research literatures.  相似文献   

社会认知的内容存在两个基本维度,一个与热情或社会性特质有关,另一个与能力或智力性特质有关,称之为社会认知内容的"大二"模型。关于"大二"模型的理论有进化心理学、本体论和功能性三种解释。目前,"大二"模型的理论焦点集中在模型的文化普适性检验、两维度之间的关系以及两个维度的权重和偏好问题上。今后可结合本土实际情况围绕着三大焦点问题和两维度的具身研究等问题进行深入探讨。  相似文献   

人格维度、自我和谐及行为抑制与心身症状的关系   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
王登峰  崔红 《心理学报》2007,39(5):861-873
研究旨在通过实证研究建立人格维度、自我和谐、行为抑制和心身症状之间关系的结构方程模型。对600余名被试问卷测量的相关、回归和结构方程模型分析表明,人格维度可以直接和/或通过行为抑制和自我和谐对心身症状有着正向或负向的预测作用,而且自我与经验的不和谐、行为抑制和心身症状本身都可以作为心理健康的指标,它们之间又存在密切的相互关系  相似文献   

ABSTRACT There is increasing agreement that the current categorical system of personality disorders (PDs) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM‐IV; American Psychiatric Association, 2000) should be replaced by a trait dimensional scheme in DSM‐V. In particular, the consensus appears to be converging on a hierarchical Big Four model. The broad factors that form the apex of this hierarchy are essentially maladaptive variants of the Big Five traits of normal personality, minus Openness. We argue that this Big Four model is incomplete, however, in that it fails to model characteristics related to the “odd or eccentric” Cluster A PDs adequately. We report the results of three studies that examine these odd, eccentric characteristics in relation to basic dimensions of normal and abnormal personality. The results of these studies establish the existence of an Oddity factor that is (a) broader than the Cluster A traits and (b) distinct from Openness and the other Big Five dimensions. Consequently, its addition yields an alternative five‐factor model of personality pathology (considering only abnormal traits) and an expanded, integrated Big Six taxonomy that subsumes both normal and abnormal personality characteristics.  相似文献   

Two studies have been performed in the frame of the Big Five model to describe personality. In the first study, the most useful adjectives for describing personality have been selected, trying to adopt a procedure as objective and empirically driven as possible. The resulting pool of adjectives (n = 492) has been administered to a sample of 274 subjects to verify the emergence of the Big Five in the Italian context. In the second study the pool of original adjectives has been reduced to 260 adjectives selecting the most representative terms (with regard to the factorial structure that has emerged). This pool of 260 adjectives has been administered to a sample of 862 subjects, together with the NEO-PI and the BFQ to facilitate the interpretation of the resulting factorial structure. Results showed the emergence of an Italian Big Five factorial structure that resembles the ‘canonical’ Big Five, although some of the factors, viz. Agreeableness and Emotional Stability, emerged as ‘blended’ dimensions.  相似文献   

Although skeptics continue to doubt that most people are “ideological,” evidence suggests that meaningful left‐right differences do exist and that they may be rooted in basic personality dispositions, that is, relatively stable individual differences in psychological needs, motives, and orientations toward the world. Seventy‐five years of theory and research on personality and political orientation has produced a long list of dispositions, traits, and behaviors. Applying a theory of ideology as motivated social cognition and a “Big Five” framework, we find that two traits, Openness to New Experiences and Conscientiousness, parsimoniously capture many of the ways in which individual differences underlying political orientation have been conceptualized. In three studies we investigate the relationship between personality and political orientation using multiple domains and measurement techniques, including: self‐reported personality assessment; nonverbal behavior in the context of social interaction; and personal possessions and the characteristics of living and working spaces. We obtained consistent and converging evidence that personality differences between liberals and conservatives are robust, replicable, and behaviorally significant, especially with respect to social (vs. economic) dimensions of ideology. In general, liberals are more open‐minded, creative, curious, and novelty seeking, whereas conservatives are more orderly, conventional, and better organized.  相似文献   

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