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为探讨权力感对合作行为的影响及其边界条件,以236名在校大学生为被试,采用故事回忆法操纵被试的权力感水平,并测量其共情水平及在公共物品博弈中的合作行为。结果发现,高权力感者比低权力感者表现出更少的合作行为;高共情者比低共情者表现出更多的合作行为;共情调节权力感与合作行为的关系:高共情缓冲高权力感对合作行为的负面影响。该发现深化了对权力感和共情在社会互动中作用的理解,凸显了个体特质在行为塑造中的重要性。  相似文献   

采用冲动性/预谋性攻击量表、冷酷无情特质量表和特质焦虑量表,以山东省某中型监狱341名成人暴力犯为被试考察两类攻击、CU特质水平和特质焦虑之间的关系。结果表明:(1)CU特质水平与两类攻击正相关,与特质焦虑呈负相关,特质焦虑水平能够预测成人暴力犯的冲动性攻击。(2)个体的CU特质水平能够调节特质焦虑与冲动性攻击之间的关系,具体表现为特质焦虑水平对低CU特质个体的冲动性攻击影响大于高CU特质个体。  相似文献   

已有研究提示自闭症个体的疼痛共情缺陷可能源于自身疼痛的异常。鉴于高自闭特质与自闭症的相似性,本研究分别通过实验范式和问卷调查评估了状态和特质共情,旨在刻画自闭特质、自身疼痛与共情之间的联系。在假双人疼痛共情范式中,高自闭特质个体在目睹他人接受疼痛时P2响应更强,不愉悦度评分更高,且部分源于对疼痛的高恐惧水平。问卷调查结果发现,自闭特质水平越高,在共情特质量表的观点采择维度得分越低,而个人痛苦维度得分越高,其中疼痛恐惧和灾难化中介了自闭特质与个人痛苦之间的联系。因此,高自闭特质个体表现出高水平的状态和特质情绪共情,且部分源于对疼痛存在更为负面的情绪和认知。这支持从自身疼痛异常的角度去理解高自闭特质和自闭症群体的共情等社会功能障碍,为临床治疗和干预提供了潜在的靶点。  相似文献   

目的:考察在女大学生中特质与状态共情对个体自我中心特质与利他行为之间的关系。方法:研究一采用问卷调查考察特质共情对自我中心特质与利他行为倾向的调节作用; 研究二采用行为实验 (自我中心特质高或低的女大学生) 来考察启动的状态共情对真实利他行为的影响。结果:共情特质/状态会与自我中心特质交互作用来影响个体的利他行为/倾向。结论:高共情状态/特质的被试其自我中心会降低利他行为/倾向, 而低共情状态或特质的被试无此倾向。  相似文献   

共情特质的神经生物学基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岳童  黄希庭 《心理科学进展》2016,24(9):1368-1376
共情特质的个体差异是心理学研究领域中的一个重要主题。近些年来, 研究者开始关注导致人们共情能力高低有别的神经生物学基础问题。研究发现, 不论是情感共情特质还是认知共情特质, 其个体差异均在大脑进行共情反应、脑结构态及静息态功能连接上有所体现。它们共同说明, 人们的共情能力与其具身模仿能力, 情感加工能力及情绪理解能力密切相关。不仅如此, 共情特质也具有高度的可遗传性, 一些基因类型与该能力存在着紧密的关系。在今后的研究中, 需要扩展对共情特质结构的进一步认识, 关注环境和基因在影响共情特质上存在的交互作用, 并努力将理论研究成果应用于共情能力训练和提高的临床实践中。  相似文献   

特质积极共情是对他人积极情绪信息感受和分享的能力。目前对特质积极共情的研究刚刚起步,在相关概念内涵上还有待进一步丰富和检验。特质积极共情可以有效促进亲社会行为倾向和良好人际关系的形成,是一种高利他性的人格品质。未来研究中,需要在明确并丰富特质积极共情的内涵界定基础上,开发更为有效的测量工具,探讨其促进社会功能背后的作用机制,并开展提升积极共情能力的理论研究和教育实践。  相似文献   

李雄  李祚山  向滨洋  孟景 《心理学报》2020,52(3):294-306
自闭特质个体在日常生活中表现出共情缺损, 但其程度较自闭症谱系障碍个体低, 并且注意线索和特异性的面孔加工可能会影响他们的共情加工进程。因此, 本研究采用事件相关电位(ERP)技术, 以疼痛面孔图片作为刺激材料, 让自闭特质组和控制组分别完成疼痛判断任务(该任务中被试的注意指向疼痛线索)和吸引力判断任务(该任务中被试的注意不指向疼痛线索)。结果发现, 相比控制组, 自闭特质组在吸引力判断任务中疼痛面孔图片诱发的P3波幅更大, 而在疼痛判断任务中两组没有显著差异。这表明注意线索会影响自闭特质个体对他人疼痛面孔的共情反应, 当自闭特质个体不注意他人面孔的疼痛线索时, 其疼痛共情能力会减弱。  相似文献   

为探究自我-他人重叠影响疼痛共情的神经机制,记录并分析被试在高、中、低重叠程度条件下共情判断的脑电活动。发现在早期N2上,重叠程度三水平间差异显著,表现为密友<熟人<陌生人(密友与熟人差异边缘显著);在晚期P3上,疼痛条件下重叠程度间呈显著差异,密友比熟人、陌生人显著要大;在LPP上疼痛条件诱发更大波幅。表明早期阶段(N2)区分不同重叠程度,可能是对威胁性刺激的检测阶段,自我-他人重叠程度影响共情加工晚期阶段(P3)的社会认知评价加工。  相似文献   

为探究自我-他人重叠影响疼痛共情的神经机制,记录并分析被试在高、中、低重叠程度条件下共情判断的脑电活动。发现在早期N2上,重叠程度三水平间差异显著,表现为密友<熟人<陌生人(密友与熟人差异边缘显著);在晚期P3上,疼痛条件下重叠程度间呈显著差异,密友比熟人、陌生人显著要大;在LPP上疼痛条件诱发更大波幅。表明早期阶段(N2)区分不同重叠程度,可能是对威胁性刺激的检测阶段,自我-他人重叠程度影响共情加工晚期阶段(P3)的社会认知评价加工。  相似文献   

只信任亲近的人,不信任陌生人,即差别信任是中国社会存在的严重问题。由于共情能拉近人与人之间的距离,本研究通过3个涉及信任游戏的实验来考察共情与差别信任的关系。在实验1中,对虚拟人物表现更高共情水平的被试更少受到关系距离的影响。在实验2、3中,被试的共情水平通过文章、图片记忆任务来操纵,两个实验都发现共情组比控制组表现更低的差别信任。实验结果表明,诱发共情能增强个体对陌生人的信任,进而减少差别信任。  相似文献   

The utility of traits associated with Antisocial Personality Disorder in making risk assessments of violent and nonviolent crimes was examined in 254 subjects sampled from a methadone maintenance population. A factor analysis of a number of baseline measures resulted in five factors measuring hostility, insecure attachment, impaired reality testing, antisocial personality, and empathy. These factors were used in logistic regression analysis to predict charges for violent and nonviolent crimes over a 2-year period. Individuals with high scores on the antisocial personality factor had an increased risk of both violent and nonviolent criminal charges. Individuals with low scores on the empathy factor were at high risk for violent crimes. In an analysis using the factor components rather than the factors, the measures of perspective-taking and a socialization were associated with violent criminal charges, and the measure of psychopathy, but not antisocial behavior, was associated with nonviolent criminal charges. The results support the use of measures of personality traits in addition to measures of a history of antisocial behavior in making violence risk assessments in substance-dependent patients. The DSM construct and diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder may be enhanced by greater emphasis on personality traits associated with antisocial behavior.  相似文献   

In a sample of detained male adolescents (n = 107; Mean age = 15.50; SD = 1.30), we tested whether anxiety moderated the association of CU traits with self-report and computerized measures of affective (emotional reactivity) and cognitive (affective facial recognition and Theory of Mind [ToM]) empathy. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that CU traits were negatively associated with self-reports of affective empathy and this association was not moderated by level of anxiety. Significant interactions revealed that CU traits were negatively associated with cognitive empathy (self-report) only at high levels of anxiety, whereas CU traits were positively associated with cognitive empathy on the ToM task only at low levels of anxiety. CU traits were also associated with greater fear recognition accuracy at low levels of anxiety. Implications for understanding and treating different variants of CU traits (i.e., primary and secondary) are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study aimed to identify heterogeneous groups of adolescents differing on their levels of conduct problems (CP) and callous-unemotional (CU) traits, and compare them on startle reactivity to emotional videos (violent/erotic) during young adulthood. A Latent Profile Analysis, conducted among a longitudinal sample of 2306 adolescents, provided evidence for the existence of heterogeneous CP and CU subgroups (i.e., CP-only, CU-only, and CP+CU groups). Three years later, 82 young adults (Mage?=?19.95), randomly selected from the identified groups, participated in an experiment assessing their startle eye-blink responses during violent, erotic and neutral video scenes. Self-report ratings of fear, valence and arousal to affective scenes were also collected. Findings suggested that adolescents high on CP and low on CU traits showed high startle potentiation when viewing violent scenes during young adulthood, while those high on both CP and CU traits showed diminished startle reactivity to violent stimuli. Individuals high on CU traits without CP showed similar startle reactivity to controls. Further, the findings indicate that startle potentiation to violent stimuli can be a reliable physiological marker to distinguish antisocial individuals with and without CU traits. The finding that the CU only group was not differentiated from the control group on startle reactivity when viewing violent stimuli might explain their lower likelihood of engaging in antisocial behavior.  相似文献   

In this cross-sectional study, we investigated whether the combination of the presence of callous-unemotional (CU) traits and emotional deficits to distressing stimuli, assessed by a computerized dot-probe task, enhanced the statistical prediction of aggression and delinquency in a sample of 88 detained and predominantly African-American (68%) adolescents (M age = 15.57; SD = 1.28). Overall, self-reported CU traits were associated with self-report measures of aggression and delinquency, but not with official records of arrests. However, there was an interaction between CU traits and emotional deficits for predicting self-reported aggression, self-reported violent delinquency, and a record of violent arrests. Youth high on CU traits and who showed a deficit in their responses to visual depictions of distress showed the highest levels of aggression and violent delinquency.  相似文献   

Although empathy deficits are thought to be associated with callous-unemotional (CU) traits, findings remain equivocal and little is known about what specific abilities may underlie these purported deficits. Affective perspective-taking (APT) and facial emotion recognition may be implicated, given their independent associations with both empathy and CU traits. The current study examined how CU traits relate to cognitive and affective empathy and whether APT and facial emotion recognition mediate these relations. Participants were 103 adolescents (70 males) aged 16–18 attending a residential programme. CU traits were negatively associated with cognitive and affective empathy to a similar degree. The association between CU traits and affective empathy was partially mediated by APT. Results suggest that assessing mechanisms that may underlie empathic deficits, such as perspective-taking, may be important for youth with CU traits and may inform targets of intervention.  相似文献   


Callous-unemotional traits (CU) are a risk factor for antisocial behavior, although it is unclear whether deficits in affective or cognitive empathy explain this association. Using a multi-informant approach involving data collection from parents and teachers (N = 167, M age = 4.7 years), the current study aimed to test whether cognitive or affective empathy deficits account for the association between CU traits and antisocial behavior among preschool children. Results revealed that cognitive, but not affective, empathy was associated with both CU and conduct problems, and also mediated the relationship between CU traits and conduct problems. These findings were not replicated for overt and relational aggressive behavior. Our findings suggest that cognitive empathy deficits may be more important than affective empathy in explaining antisocial behavior in preschool children. As a result, interventions aiming to reduce conduct problems early in development may need to target difficulties in understanding what others are thinking or feeling.  相似文献   

Callous-unemotional (CU) traits are associated with aggressive behavior but preliminary research suggests this relationship is modified by patterns of emotional processing. This study examined whether attentional orienting to emotional faces moderated the association between CU traits and peer-nominated aggression in 251 middle school students (53% females, mean age = 13.24 years, SD = 0.73). Attentional orienting was assessed using an emotional faces (i.e., angry, fearful, happy, sad, and neutral) variant of the dot-probe task. Students also completed a self-report measure of CU traits and their classmates made peer nominations of aggression. Logistic regression analyses showed that peer-nominated aggression was positively related to CU traits at low levels of attentional orienting to angry faces, whereas aggression was unrelated to CU traits at high levels of attentional orienting to angry faces. That is, peer-nominated aggression was greatest for youth high on CU traits who were not engaged by angry faces. These findings support the importance of considering different patterns of emotional responding when studying the association between CU traits and aggressive behavior in youth.  相似文献   

We investigated ADHD symptoms and CU traits as predictors of violent media use in adolescence, controlling for delinquency and ODD symptoms. The effects on of disinhibition and arousal to negative stimuli, core characteristics of ADHD symptoms and CU traits, and of gender were investigated. At age 15, 88 adolescents, 50 % boys reported on CU traits, ADHD symptoms and delinquency. Parents rated the adolescents’ CU traits, ADHD‐ and ODD symptoms. At age 16, adolescents reported on their media habits and performed tests of disinhibition and arousal to negative stimuli. Boys had higher levels of CU traits and violent media use and girls had higher levels of arousal to negative pictures. CU traits and inattention symptoms predicted violent media use, the latter association applying only to boys, with CU traits being the strongest predictor. Low arousal to threat pictures explained variance in violent media use, above CU traits. Attraction to violent media seems affected by problem behaviors, with CU traits coming forth as especially important.  相似文献   

In today’s field of forensic psychiatry, psychopathy is seen as a subtype of antisocial personality disorder and includes manipulative behavior, egocentric and arrogant characteristics, high-risk behavior as well as a lack of empathy. Empirical data on the prevalence of psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder among offenders greatly vary depending on the study design and the composition of the sampled population. Offenders who committed both violent and sex offenses seem to have antisocial traits with a higher probability than offenders who committed only violent or only sex offenses. In the context of criminal responsibility and risk assessment for sex offenders, antisocial and psychopathic traits have a negative impact on the prediction of recidivism. Many study results, even though not all, additionally indicate that the combination of psychopathic traits and sexual deviance (i.?e. for example a paraphilic disorder such as sexual sadism) in sex offenders may be associated with a particularly high risk to reoffend. Due to the specific interpersonal characteristics (e.?g., dominant, provocative behavior, exaggerated self-esteem), therapeutic treatment of sex offenders with antisocial and psychopathic traits is often difficult. The regular supervision by the therapist is considered to be crucial to avoid harmful relationship dynamics or distorted perception of the therapist.  相似文献   

The link between callous-unemotional (CU) traits in youth and delinquent, aggressive and violent behavior is well-replicated in the literature. However, the mediating effects of violence exposure on this relationship are unclear. The current study addresses this important gap in the literature with a sample of 88 detained, primarily ethnic minority adolescent boys (M age?=?15.57; SD?=?1.28). Results indicate that exposure to violence fully mediated the relationship between CU traits and violent delinquency, and this pattern of mediation was accounted for by exposure to witnessed violence, but not direct violent victimization. Secondly, exposure to violence, both direct and witnessed forms, also mediated the relationship between CU traits and drug delinquency. These findings suggest that (a) the well-established link between CU traits and violence may be attributed to high rates of witnessed violence among this subpopulation, and (b) specific types of violence exposure may be important for predicting the offending patterns of youth high on CU traits. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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