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目前中国文物艺术品拍卖市场的诚信问题或危机是发展中的问题、前进中的危机,我们应基于文物艺术品拍卖市场存在的根本意义即用市场化方式去鼓励、保存和促进真正精湛艺术品的创造,从加强和完善政府监管与行业自律相结舍、完善拍卖行业职业道德、弘扬专家精神和坚持拍卖市场的文化价值导向等方面来应对和克服目前的诚信危机,以期中国文物艺术品拍卖市场的新一轮繁荣.  相似文献   

以"1992年北京国际文物艺术品拍卖会"为标志,中国内地开始恢复艺术品拍卖,迄今经过25年的发展,中国艺术品的拍卖已经从万元上涨到亿元的成交价。在中国艺术品拍卖市场成交数据中,艺术品主要分为中国书画、瓷器杂项、油画及当代艺术三大类。其中,中国书画在高端价格成交额上占据了较大比重,而中国书画又是中小学美术教学鉴赏、绘画、书法学习当中的重中之重,现今人民美术出版社将《艺术品的收藏和拍卖》作为综合与探究课程纳入初中美术教材,可见艺术品拍卖已经渗透到我们的美术教学当中。为进一步探究艺术品拍卖与中小学美术教学的关系,将从艺术品走向市场、中国艺术品拍卖市场特点和中国书画美术拍卖走进中小学美术教学三大部分进行阐述。  相似文献   

拍卖是艺术品消费的主要形式之一,在艺术品拍卖会中,往往会创造出高价,而这些高价的形成依赖于特定的影响因素。拍卖公司的知名度、竞买人的数量和消费心理以及拍卖师的经验与状态等等,都对拍卖价格产生不小的影响。拍卖过程中,拍卖的现场氛围越浓,艺术品成交价就越高,整个艺术市场的经济效益也就越好。因此,价格影响因素极为重要,正确运用此影响因素是促进艺术市场发展的关键。  相似文献   

网络的发展将人们带入信息化时代,艺术品也随之进入网络销售时代。如今,网络艺术品交易集中涌入拍卖领域。但在网络艺术品交易中"在线拍卖"只能作为其发展的一种模式,国外艺术品交易网站中的"艺术家社交与交易平台"、"艺术家众筹"、"艺术品委托定制"、"艺术品租赁"都可以成为与之并行的另一种发展模式,以满足人们日益增长的精神文化需求,从而也能推动整个行业的创新发展。  相似文献   

杨慧芳 《心理科学》2011,34(4):915-919
采用问卷法对个性心理因素中的人格、决策模式与非理性金融行为的关系进行了研究。研究结果表明:人格、决策模式对非理性金融行为有显著影响,不同人格类型、不同决策模式的个体的非理性金融行为差异显著。研究发现,人格、决策模式对各类非理性金融行为以及各类非理性金融行为总和的预测力皆达显著,并且对不同的非理性金融行为有不同预测力;理智型、即时型、依赖型的决策模式与感觉-直觉人格维度对非理性金融行为总和的预测力显著。  相似文献   

竹刻艺术品是近几年拍卖市场上的热点。嘉定竹刻艺术将诗文、书画、与竹刻结合在一起,具有浓厚的文人韵味,颇受人们欢迎。清代竹刻艺术家吴之璠在继承早期嘉定三朱风格的基础上,首创薄地阳文,形成了独具特色的艺术风格,在拍卖市场中占据重要地位。其拍品的成交数量和价格虽有波动,但潜力巨大、前景广阔。  相似文献   

一、艺术品投资、拍卖市场是市场经济发展的产物 (一)何谓艺术品及艺术品市场 艺术品一般指的是造型艺术的作品.根据<中国百科大辞典>的含义,艺术品的概念可以从广义和狭义两个范畴来界定.狭义:凝聚有人类各种形式的艺术劳动的,有某一具体表征和特定的经济价值、文化价值、审美价值、科学价值的物品.  相似文献   

正中国画是艺术品。中国画是中国传统艺术最直接的展现方式。中国画是拍卖市场的一颗新星。这些称谓都不是某两个收藏家炒作的最终结果,而是中国画在中国艺术品市场占据着举足轻重的地位。艺术品的概念就像中国画所表达出来的一样,它不仅仅是消费品,还是带有某种精神意义上的物品。艺术品的价格不是通过它的使用功能而体现出来的,人们往往是通过珍藏和展示它,来体现其价值以及它的价值增值,它有外观魅力以及内在包含的历史底蕴等,这就不难推断出中  相似文献   

江怡 《世界哲学》2003,(6):11-13
“非理性是在理性范围内的失败”,这是戴维森在《非理性的悖论》(1978)一文中提出的名言。初读此话,不求甚解:作为理性之异端的非理性何以进入理性的范围?细读戴维森的论证,方领悟其中真谛:一切被称作非理性的行为都包含着理性推理的内核,而它们之所以被称作非理性,只是由于在对这些行为的理由说明和因果说明之间出  相似文献   

机会主义行为产生的前提之一是信息不对称,而失信行为带来的预期收益远大于付出的成本,则强化了机会主义动机。艺术品由于其特殊性质,交易过程中的机会主义行为更为严重。综合来看,公民道德感的提升、契约精神的构建理应是治理艺术品市场中机会主义行为的根本措施,但就目前社会大环境来看,这将是一个漫长的过程。  相似文献   

  • Online auctions have grown in popularity since the inception of eBay in 1995. Yet despite the phenomenal growth, little is understood about the individual and collective motivations of consumers that lead to higher bids and ultimately, higher profits. This research reframes auction theory in terms of consumer behavior theory and uses observational data to assess bidder‐generated behavior in response to seller‐generated decisions. Results suggest that an increased number of visual cues (pictures) influences bids placed early in the auction and that those early bids generate activity among other bidders, subsequently resulting in higher winning bids. In addition, our findings indicate that the starting price, as determined by the seller, also impacts the final winning bid. Research and seller implications are offered, as are future directions for research in studying this still new phenomenon.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Online auctions combine the conventional auction model with information technology. However, information asymmetry within such auctions causes risks and uncertainties that influence consumer purchase intentions. In this study, a 2 (product price: high vs. low) × 2 (e-retailer reputation: high vs. low) experimental design was used to understand whether the product price and e-retailer reputation will influence consumers' perceived risk, attitude toward the website and purchase intention. The results of this study indicate that perceived risk negatively influences consumer attitude toward the website and online purchase intention, while consumer attitude toward the website positively influences purchase intention. Moreover, involvement moderates the influence of product price and e-retailer reputation only on social risk but does not have a significant effect on consumer attitude toward the website. This study contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of online auction users' behavior. Finally, the managerial implications, limitations and future research directions are also provided.  相似文献   

赢者诅咒是指在拍卖情境中, 竞价者为了获得拍卖品会过高估计其价值, 竞价成功以后当他发现其价值和自己之前的期望不一致时所产生的一种“诅咒”心理。赢者诅咒现象普遍存在于企业的资产拍卖、兼并重组、博彩游戏、投资决策等领域。损失规避和过度自信理论是赢者诅咒的主要心理机制, 而其影响因素主要有竞拍商品价值的不确定性、竞价人数、信息因素和竞价经验等。赢者诅咒的应对策略主要包括联合竞标、信息共享和学习。未来对赢者诅咒的研究需要进一步探讨赢者诅咒的心理机制、研究范式及本土化等问题。  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments have provided useful information about how people behave in risky situations. In particular, such experiments have allowed for the observation of many deviations from the predictions of expected utility theory. There is some dispute, however, over the effect of the use of real versus hypothetical money in these experiments and over the impact of experience. In this paper we describe auction experiments in which subjects faced a low-probability risk with either hypothetical or real-money consequences and varying amounts of experience. Using hypothetical payoffs resulted in behavior that provides a reasonable qualitative prediction of behavior with real consequences, but that seems to indicate a less diligent altitude toward spending the money as well as less concern about the risk.  相似文献   

This paper examines explanations for human artistic behavior in two reductionist research programs, cognitive neuroscience and evolutionary psychology. Despite their different methodological outlooks, both approaches converge on an explanation of art production and appreciation as byproducts of normal perceptual and motivational cognitive skills that evolved in response to problems originally not related to art, such as the discrimination of salient visual stimuli and speech sounds. The explanatory power of this reductionist framework does not obviate the need for higher-level accounts of art from the humanities, such as aesthetics, art history or anthropology of art.  相似文献   

摘 要 本研究结合fNIRS技术,考察了美术训练学生和普通学生在中国画审美一致性上的差异。行为上,虽然两组被试在审美评分上没有显著差异,但在评分一致性上,美术训练学生相比普通学生在“好看”评分上更一致。脑活动上,美术训练学生右侧颞顶联合区的16通道和24通道的神经活动一致性显著高于普通学生,且美术训练学生的神经活动一致性与“好看”评分呈负相关。本研究揭示了艺术专业知识对中国画审美的重要性,且神经活动一致性可作为中国画审美判断的一项潜在神经标记。  相似文献   

Natalie Dylan attempted to auction her virginity through the website of a legal Nevada brothel. Public discourses surrounding Dylan’s auction have characterized it as everything from a smart business transaction to the sale of her self-respect. Using a theoretical frame from Foucault, methods of textual construction, and rhetorical methods of analysis guided by cluster criticism, our paper explores how online discourses surrounding the auction enact problematics concerning the concepts of virginity and the interrelationships among women, sex, money, and power in American society. While Dylan’s discourse attempts to create space for sexual women and commodified sexuality as empowering for women, responses to her enterprise indicate there is little room for a woman’s unapologetic offer of her commodified virginity.  相似文献   

仲轶璐  刘永芳 《心理学报》2013,45(3):353-362
基于金钱-自尊交换理论,针对以往研究遗留的问题,本研究采用改编自著名的1美元竞拍游戏的实验任务,通过两个实验探索了自尊水平、竞拍者性别和竞拍对手性别对金钱竞拍中风险偏好的影响。结果表明:(1)自尊水平对金钱竞拍中的风险偏好有显著影响,中等水平自尊者表现出较高的风险偏好;(2)竞拍者性别的主效应及其与自尊水平的交互作用均不显著;(3)竞拍对手性别的主效应不显著,而与自尊水平及竞拍者性别之间的交互作用显著。依据相关的文献对上述发现进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

This study focuses on behavior associated with young art students' developing artistic talent (skills and art‐making behavior) and creativity (personal expressions of visual information). The study examines the role of personal expertise in a student's development of problem finding, domain‐specific technical skill, perseverance, evaluation, and creative ideation. The study compares 30 experienced art students' artistic processing and products with those of 29 novice art students. Both groups are 7‐ through 11‐year‐olds. The author recorded participants' behavior as they created drawings in two contexts — from imagination and from life — and three adult artists then assessed the technical skill and creativity revealed in the drawings. Multivariate analyses of the variables associated with the drawing products and processes offer evidence of the changes related to the students' developing expertise in both novice and experienced groups. This study finds that the drawing situation (life or imagination) interacts clearly with the relationships among hypothesized components of creativity, gender, and predictors of expertise. Technical skill, perseverance, modifications, and creativity in drawings from life were significant predictors of expertise. Modifications, efficient problem finding, and creativity in drawings from imagination were additional significant predictors of expertise. Gender was found to be a measurable factor in both the artistic process and the assessments of drawings from imagination. The findings are discussed within the context of three conceptions: artistic talent, developing creativity, and art education.  相似文献   

We offer a study revealing the mechanisms through which communication helps actual bargaining behavior outperform economic predictions. The possibility of individually strategic behavior in the presence of private information leads to game‐theoretic predictions of less than full efficiency. We present a one‐stage, simultaneous offers bargaining game in which buyers and sellers have independent, privately held valuations for the item being sold (i.e. a bilateral auction with two‐sided private information). In three communication treatments, parties are: (a) allowed face‐to‐face communication prior to submitting offers; (b) allowed written communication prior to submitting offers; or (c) allowed no‐communication prior to submitting offers. When parties are allowed pre‐play communication, we find nearly full efficiency (98%). We examine two systematically predictable aspects of dyadic interaction—disclosure and reciprocity—to explain how negotiators achieve this efficiency. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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