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化身是虚拟世界中的一种重要的自我呈现方式,化身特点会在有意无意间影响用户的认知、态度和行为,即普罗透斯效应(Proteus effect)。本研究通过3个实验,采纳一种新的研究方法——"虚拟情境模拟",对普罗透斯效应进行了较为深入的探讨,不仅系统考察了虚拟社交情境中化身的效应,而且着重考察了社交情境这一情境因素与羞怯这一人格因素的潜在影响。研究结果最终表明:(1)普罗透斯效应受到情境因素(社交情境)和个体变量(羞怯水平)的影响。(2)社交情境调节了化身的效应,进入社交情境中化身主效应显著,而在维持社交情境中主效应不显著。(3)在维持社交情境中,普罗透斯效应受羞怯水平的调节。低羞怯个体的社交表现水平比高羞怯个体更易受化身影响。(4)高低羞怯个体之间的差异产生于认知层面。  相似文献   

基于工作要求-资源理论, 本研究探讨了两种社交媒体使用目的对员工工作绩效影响的内部作用机制, 进而分析两种社交媒体使用目的对员工工作绩效的影响效果。通过369份“领导者-下属”匹配数据, 研究发现:(1)基于工作、社交的社交媒体使用均促进员工工作绩效; (2)基于工作、社交的社交媒体使用均通过工作投入影响工作绩效, 基于社交的社交媒体使用还通过关系冲突影响工作绩效; (3)社交媒体的工作使用和社交使用对员工工作绩效的影响存在相互替代关系。本研究结果不仅从理论上拓展了社交媒体使用的研究视角, 为后续研究提供新的理论框架, 同时通过比较分析为组织管理社交媒体使用提供了新思路。  相似文献   

自恋作为一种人格特质,以膨胀的自我概念、寻求他人持续的关注和肯定为主要特征,而社交网站鼓励多种形式的自我提升行为,深受自恋者的喜欢。在考察社交网站上的一般性使用行为、不同类型社交平台上、不同性质的使用行为以及具体的使用行为时,均发现了自恋的显著预测作用(自我选择效应);不同形式的社交网站使用行为也会强化个体的自恋水平(媒体效应)。自恋和社交网站使用之间相互作用、相互强化(强化螺旋模型)。两者的关系还受性别、年龄和代际差异以及文化等因素的影响。未来研究还需进一步探讨自恋和社交网站使用行为的界定及测量、两者的作用方向以及研究方法的改进等问题。  相似文献   

金一波  王文娟  张锋  李娇 《心理科学》2012,35(5):1164-1168
以89名高害羞者和84名低害羞者为被试,以基于虚拟社交情境中的愤怒面孔线索、愉快面孔线索和中性面孔线索为刺激材料,采用线索暴露范式探讨了社交线索对害羞者社交行为倾向的影响。实验结果表明,相对于中性面孔线索,愤怒面孔线索对高害羞者的社交退缩行为倾向具有显著的诱发作用,而愉快面孔线索对其社交行为倾向具有促进作用。该研究为解释高害羞者社交障碍的特征提供了实验证据,并为如何减少高害羞者的退缩行为进而消除其社交障碍提供了一定的思路。  相似文献   

孙世月  张煜 《心理科学进展》2022,30(7):1612-1625
自COVID-19疫情爆发以来,疫情背景下的社交距离保持行为成为了一个受到关注的新兴问题。民众遵守社交限制措施和主动扩大社交距离对遏制呼吸道传染病疫情非常重要,而这些社交距离保持行为受到疫情情境、疫情相关认知和情绪、社会文化背景以及个体心理特质影响。疫情情境方面,疫情严重性与民众报告的社交距离保持行为并非简单的线性相关,可能受到时间进程的调节;社交距离保持行为还存在地区特异性,疫情首发地民众遵守社交距离保持意愿和行为更主动、更持久。其次,疫情相关认知和情绪方面,疫情知识,感知到的疫情风险性、严重性、可控性和主观规范,以及恐惧、担忧等负面情绪均可预测社交距离保持行为。第三,作为社会文化背景的不确定性回避程度、个人主义-集体主义价值观等因素,可能对民众在疫情背景下社交距离保持行为及心理产生直接或间接的影响。最后,个体认知特征中的自我控制、认知需求水平与自我效能感可正向预测社交距离保持行为,显示出社交距离保持行为中需要个体主动努力做出决策的部分;情绪动机特质中的健康风险回避倾向、厌恶敏感性、亲社会动机,社会认知视角下对科学和政府机构的信任,均可影响社交距离保持行为,并且人际信任水平对社交距离保持行为模式时间进程具有调节作用。 上述社交距离保持行为影响因素的研究发现,可基于计划行为理论、保护动机理论和行为免疫系统理论进行解释。其中,计划行为理论和保护动机理论强调个体对行为情境、成本、结果、他人反应的有意识感知、计算等高认知资源需求的活动。而行为免疫系统理论主要强调在传染病威胁下自动化水平的感知和行为改变。三个理论从有意识加工和自动化加工两个层面共同支持疫情背景下社交距离保持行为存在威胁管理机制,是目前社交距离保持行为领域最受关注的研究方向。其次,保护动机理论所强调的应对评估、计划行为理论中的知觉行为控制要素,以及近期研究所发现的自我效能感、自我控制、认知需求水平对社交距离保持行为的预测,均提示可能还存在独立于威胁管理机制之外的自我效能感机制影响社交距离保持行为。最后,计划行为理论所强调的主观规范要素有利于解释社会文化背景及亲社会动机、社会信任等因素的影响,结合近期有关疫情污名化和社会分类相关研究进展,我们提出,疫情背景下的社交距离保持行为可能还受到社会认同机制的影响,整合社会认同理论和计划行为理论,有助于更综合地体现个体与群体、理性和非理性因素的作用。未来研究应进一步考察情绪认知过程及其与社会文化背景和个体心理特质的交互作用,构建双系统模型,例如基于熟虑-冲动双系统模型,整合社会认同理论和计划行为理论,结合追踪及实验研究,明确各影响因素之间的因果关系,检验疫情背景下社交距离保持行为的内在机制。  相似文献   

姚琦  马华维  阎欢  陈琦 《心理科学进展》2014,22(10):1647-1659
以社交网络的典型代表Facebook为例, 以社交网络用户个体行为为着眼点, 从个体使用社交网络的动机、社交网络用户个体行为的主要表现及其影响因素和结果变量四个方面, 梳理国外心理学领域有关社交网络的最新研究成果。今后研究可以在社交网络用户个体行为的测量、样本代表性、线上和线下社交网络的交互作用、具体人格特质变量的预测作用以及对社交网络功能的动态考察等方面推进已有研究。  相似文献   

张林  曹华英 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1163-1166
社会计量器理论提出自尊是个体对社交接纳或拒绝的主观计量器,它监控和调节着人们的人际关系质量。目前,该领域的研究主要从两方面展开:一方面从社交反馈的角度探讨了社交接纳与人际评价对状态自尊的影响;另一方面从社交行为的角度探讨了特质自尊对社交意愿和社交决策的影响。未来的研究需要对影响自尊的社交情境进行具体区分,并就社交反馈、心理变化与社交行为的关系,任务特性的认知过程对自尊的影响进行综合探讨。  相似文献   

线上社交焦虑指个体在社交媒体交往情境中感知到的紧张和恐惧等人际负性体验,包含隐私担忧、交往焦虑和负面评价恐惧三个方面。线上社交焦虑可以通过质性分析法、实验诱发法和问卷测量法进行研究。线上社交焦虑既会受到社交媒体自身特点、个体特征因素、网络欺凌和文化因素的影响,还会对个体的心理与行为产生后效。未来研究者需要开发有效的本土化测量工具、探索其形成和作用机制、关注线上社交焦虑悖论以及推动对其干预。  相似文献   

采用父母冲突儿童知觉量表(CPIC)、父母关系安全感量表(SIS Scale)和社交焦虑分量表调查480名高中生,运用偏差矫正的百分位Bootstrap方法探索青少年对父母冲突的威胁知觉和情绪不安全感在父母冲突水平与青少年社交焦虑之间的序列中介作用。本研究同时检验认知情境理论和情绪安全感理论,发现青少年对父母冲突的威胁知觉对其情绪不安全感的不同维度存在不同影响,从而更为完善地揭示父母冲突影响青少年社交焦虑的内部机制。具体来说,父母冲突主要通过三条途径影响青少年社交焦虑:通过威胁知觉的中介作用;通过情绪不安全感,特别是消极表征的中介作用;通过依次影响威胁知觉和情绪不安全感(特别是消极表征和情绪失调)而正向预测青少年社交焦虑。  相似文献   

儿童期社交退缩的亚类型及与社会适应的关系   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
对20世纪80年代以来有关儿童期社交退缩的研究进行了综述,包括社交退缩的概念、研究方法、亚类型以及不同类型社交退缩行为与儿童社会适应之间的关系。对社交退缩的概念进行了总结,指出社交退缩包括安静退缩、活跃退缩和焦虑退缩3种亚类型,其中安静退缩在儿童中后期与社会适应的关系较为紧密,活跃退缩在整个儿童期都与社会适应水平负向联系,而焦虑退缩与社会适应之间的关系具有情境性的特点,只有熟悉情境下的焦虑退缩行为才与社会适应具有负向联系。最后,文章指出了现有研究的不足和今后的研究方向。  相似文献   


Bringing together the energy, resources, creativity, and good will of citizens enhances community resilience. The shared responsibility and collective competence that emerge from community members banding together can be a powerful and ongoing positive influence on the quality of community life, including the relationships between intimate partners. We explore the importance that the community has for preventing intimate partner violence (IPV). We argue for active, network-oriented prevention efforts. We discuss key community principles and concepts (including a definition of the nature of community), explore a social organization perspective on communities, and present a theoretical approach to building community capacity. We posit implications for program development that include community as a place for prevention, a target for prevention, and as a force for prevention. Our implications for research include examining multiple community layers, the nexus of informal and formal social care systems, and contrasting extreme groups on pivotal social organization processes.  相似文献   

The exploration of social networking sites (SNS) in promoting social change efforts offers great potential within the field of community psychology. Online communities on SNS provide opportunities for bridging across groups, thus fostering the exchange of novel ideas and practices. Currently, there have only been limited efforts to examine SNS within the context of youth‐led efforts. To explore the potential of SNS to facilitate the diffusion of social justice efforts between distinct youth groups, we linked three school‐based youth‐led participatory action research projects involving 54 high school students through a SNS. This study offers an innovative methodological approach and framework, utilizing social network analysis and strategic sampling of key student informants to investigate what individual behaviors and online network features predict student adoption of social change efforts. Findings highlight prospective facilitators and barriers to diffusion processes within a youth‐led online network, as well as key constructs that may inform future research. We conclude by providing suggestions for scholars and practitioners interested in examining how SNS can be used to enhance the diffusion of social justice strategies, youth‐led engagement efforts, and large‐scale civic organizing.  相似文献   

Interest in behaviour-change interventions targeting health professionals' adoption of clinical guidelines is growing. Recommendations have been made for interventions to have a theoretical base, explore the local context and to use mixed and multiple methods of evaluation to establish intervention effectiveness. This article presents a case study of a behaviour-change intervention delivered to community mental health professionals in one Primary Care Trust, aimed at raising adherence to a national suicide prevention guideline. A discussion of how the theory-base was selected, the local context explored, and how the intervention was developed and delivered is provided. Time series analysis, mediational analysis and qualitative process evaluation were used to evaluate and explore intervention effectiveness. The time series analysis revealed that the intervention was not effective at increasing adherence to the guideline. The mediational analysis indicates that the intervention failed to successfully target the key barrier to adoption of the guidance, and the qualitative process evaluation identified certain intervention components that were well received by the health professionals, and also identified weaknesses in the delivery of the intervention. It is recommended that future research should seek to further develop the evidence-base for linking specific intervention strategies to specific behavioural barriers, explore the potential of theories that take into account broader social and organisational factors that influence health professionals' practice and focus on the process of data synthesis for identifying key factors to target with tailored interventions. Multiple and mixed evaluation techniques are recommended not only to explore whether an intervention is effective or not but also why it is effective or not.  相似文献   

沈杰  王詠 《心理科学进展》2010,18(6):1018-1024
品牌社区是指一种特定的,不受地域限制的,基于某一品牌崇拜者之间结构化的社会关系而建立的社区。大量研究围绕社会认同理论、计划行为理论等相关理论,试图揭示品牌社区的形成、发展及作用机制。现有研究发现消费者对品牌的态度及其所感受到的主观行为规范等因素会影响个体的社区参与水平,而参与品牌社区有助于社区成员产生品牌认同,进而有效地维持并提高其品牌忠诚度。未来研究应该更多地关注自尊、自我意识以及社会认同威胁等变量。此外,国内研究者还应当考虑到东西方文化差异,促进相关理论及概念的本土化。  相似文献   

Community psychology has made great strides in including context when understanding people in their environments. While continuing to consider context, we need to expand our conceptualization of the individual in community settings. I propose 3 principles: (1) focus our research on people, not programs; (2) consider multiple dimensions of people's experience; and (3) conceptualize people as agentic and not simply as reactors to the environmental press. I illustrate those principles with research on domestic violence and welfare reform. In doing so, I call attention both to the way in which aspects of people's lives intersect with community settings, and to the embeddedness of people's lives (and community settings) in larger social structures.  相似文献   

Theory, methods, and action develop within context, one of which is the intellectual climate of an era. Community psychology is directly and indirectly interactive with many intellectual currents, such as postmodernism, semiotics, hermeneutics, and dialogism. These ideas are discussed as they impact on community psychology, with an emphasis on the reemergence of meaning as a central condition of psychology and community. Meaning is of key importance to the unifying concept in the transactional theoretical model which is presented. How this model might serve as a conceptual framework for an asset approach to community intervention and development is discussed. Increasingly, it is recognized that the development of theory to guide community research and action is necessary to advance intervention and to realize the potential of community psychology. It is argued that community psychology is positioned by concepts and practice squarely at the point of emerging thought, and can make fuondational contributions to general social science. The next article in this special section illustrates concepts of this model in an early education program and the remaining article illustrates the influence of ecocultural factors.  相似文献   

反馈一直是学习研究领域中非常重要的主题之一。随着学习理论的发展,人们对反馈的研究逐渐深化与综合化。一方面从自我调节学习的过程模型出发,考察了反馈的不同因素对自我调节学习过程和结果的作用;另一方面以自我调节学习的社会认知理论为框架,探讨了情绪、学业成绩等个体因素以及目标定向、任务难度等情境因素对反馈作用的交互影响。未来研究需要进一步探讨内部反馈信息以及学习者元认知监控的调节作用,结合个体和情境因素揭示反馈对自我调节学习的整体动态过程的影响,并设计出促进学习和教学实践的反馈方案。  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore the social participation of young adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorders (HFASD) during their transition to adult life. A multiple case study was conducted using semi-structured interviews with a purposive sample of 10 participants (n = 10) composed of three adults with HFASD, their caregivers, and two representatives of community organizations. Four themes emerged: (1) access to services, (2) orientation to integrated life goals, (3) engagement in meaningful activities, and (4) gap in services before reaching independent living. Properly preparing and orienting the families could help them have a more satisfying social participation.  相似文献   

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