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社会心理学有着社会学和心理学两种取向。虽然多数时候相对独立发展, 但两者都对现代化带来的社会转型和变迁非常关注。社会学家从社会或社会结构的变化和人的变化两个方面对社会转型进行了大量研究, 前者主要涉及城市(镇)化、社会阶层、社会流动性、家庭结构等, 后者主要涉及中国体验、社会心态、群体心理、组织心理等。总体上, 现有研究显示, 现代社会个体主义上升, 同时许多传统集体主义价值在日渐式微。和心理学取向的研究相比, 社会学取向的研究具有这些特点:倾向于采用本位概念、质性研究方法, 特别关注中观群体心理, 关注政治和政策影响, 更具历史宏观视野等, 这些都是心理学取向的社会心理学家需要学习和借鉴的地方。期待两种取向的社会心理学家在未来的研究中能有更多的合作, 共同促进对转型过程中的中国和中国人的理解。  相似文献   

常保瑞  方建东 《心理科学》2018,(6):1477-1483
已有研究表明"欲言又止"的情绪表达矛盾会对个体心理健康造成不良影响。然而,与鼓励"一吐为快"的美国文化不同,中国文化本来就推崇"喜怒不形于色"。那么,文化会改变"欲言又止"与心理症状之间的关系吗?本研究通过对来自美国(鼓励情绪表达的文化)的549份问卷与来自中国(抑制情绪表达的文化)的509份问卷的对比分析,检验了抑制或鼓励情绪表达的文化规范在情绪表达矛盾与心理症状的关系中所扮演的角色。具体而言,情绪表达矛盾导致心理症状增加和社会限制增加的结果既出现在鼓励情绪表达的美国文化中,也出现在抑制情绪表达的中国文化中。有调节的中介模型进一步表明,文化规范调节了情绪表达矛盾与社会限制之间的关系——在美中文化中,情绪表达矛盾因个体感知到较高的社会限制而增加了心理症状。最后,文章讨论了该研究对情绪表达矛盾研究以及文化规范研究的意义及未来研究方向。  相似文献   

近年来, 从社会网络视角考察同伴关系与心理健康的相互作用正成为发展心理学和健康心理学研究的热点。研究者多借助整体网和纵向数据, 通过两种作用机制, 即选择过程(selection process) (强调心理和行为变量对社会网络和同伴关系的影响, 如关系的形成、维持和解除)和影响过程(influence process) (强调社会网络和同伴关系对心理和行为变量的影响), 来分析同伴关系与心理健康协同演进的动态过程。实证研究关注的领域集中在青少年健康风险行为(如吸烟、喝酒、药物滥用)和情绪问题(如抑郁、焦虑、孤独感)。未来研究应该注重拓展社会网络的类型和样本、加强理论建构、增加对积极心理和消极关系的研究, 并有望在互联网领域及社会网络的生物学基础等方面取得进展。  相似文献   

为考察大学生的人际信任对主观幸福感的影响机制以及亲社会行为和攻击行为的中介作用,采用人际信任问卷、亲社会行为问卷、攻击行为问卷、幸福感指数问卷对2256名大学生进行调查。研究结果显示:(1)人际信任正向预测大学生的主观幸福感,人际信任水平越高,主观幸福感越好;(2)人际信任通过亲社会行为与攻击行为的中介作用,间接影响主观幸福感。  相似文献   

作为行为研究的重要补充,文化产品研究在文化心理学领域发挥了重要的作用.文化产品研究主要采用内容分析的方法,可以揭示不同时空下文化本身、人们的心理与行为的特征.中国未来的心理学研究可以利用文化产品来研究揭示不同民族、不同国家的文化和心理差异,以及近几十年社会巨变对中国人的和行为的影响,最终促进国家进步、人民幸福、社会和谐.  相似文献   

中国传统文化的主体是儒家文化,文化与健康心理之间存在着相互作用、相互建构的关系。儒家文化与中国人的健康心理的交互建构作用主要表现在三个方面:一是心理问题躯体化,即文化心理与躯体症状的交互建构; 二是心理问题道德化,即文化心理与德行标准的交互建构; 三是心理问题生活化,即健康心理与伦理规范的交互建构。它们既是中国人健康心理与行为的典型表现特征,也是儒家文化与中国人的健康心理和行为交互建构的结果。心理健康、道德健康、伦理健康三者之间是一个相互作用、相互建构、协调发展的完整体系。中国心理健康服务要充分发挥心理健康理论的建构特性和行动特征,促进心理健康服务理论与实践协调发展。  相似文献   

辛素飞  梁鑫  盛靓  赵智睿 《心理学报》2021,53(8):875-889
教师主观幸福感作为衡量教师群体心理健康状况的一项关键指标, 对其现状的调查和分析至关重要, 同时, 对其随社会变迁的动态变化趋势、及其与社会变迁的关系的监测也不可忽视。本研究对2002至2019年间的51篇采用总体幸福感量表(GWB)测量教师主观幸福感的研究报告(共包括13600名教师)进行横断历史的元分析。研究发现:(1)教师主观幸福感均值与年代呈显著负相关, 这说明我国教师主观幸福感在逐年下降。(2)来自社会经济条件(居民消费水平、房价、老年抚养比和教育经费)、社会联结(家庭规模数、离婚率和城镇化水平)和社会威胁(犯罪率)三方面的8项宏观社会指标的变化能显著预测教师主观幸福感的下降。(3)中小学教师的主观幸福感随年代下降的趋势更明显, 其主观幸福感得分要显著低于高校教师。本研究不仅探究了我国教师主观幸福感近20年的变迁趋势, 而且结合社会宏观发展的指标, 提出了影响我国教师主观幸福感的三维理论框架, 对群体社会心理的研究思路进行了纵向(随时代变迁)及横向(宏观社会指标)的拉伸, 拓展理论基础的同时, 在实践上, 为干预调节我国教师群体主观幸福感提供决策依据。  相似文献   

文化多样性及文化交流使得个体自我构念表现出动态性特征。现有研究从聚合文化的视角出发,表明自我构念动态性表现在认知、动机和情绪三个层面。文化的动态建构和文化的情境认知理论为自我构念动态性提供了理论解释。自我构念的动态性受到个体多元文化经历、文化认同、非本质主义观念和文化智力的影响。现有研究暗示出自我构念动态性具有神经和潜在的生物基础。未来研究应对自我构念的动态性特征进行心理、神经和生物层面的考察。  相似文献   

考察优抚医院疗养对象的幸福感现状,探讨其心理健康、社会支持与幸福感的关系。采用老年人心理健康问卷、社会支持评定量表、纽芬兰纪念大学幸福度量表对103名平均年龄82.43岁的优抚医院疗养对象进行调查。结果表明:(1)优抚医院疗养对象的幸福感与全国常模无显著差异,心理健康水平与社会支持状况都显著低于对照组;(2)优抚医院疗养对象的社会支持、心理健康水平和幸福感各维度之间存在显著正相关;(3)心理健康在社会支持对幸福感的影响中起中介作用;心理健康的情绪体验维度在客观支持对幸福感的影响中起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

近几十年来,伴随着全球范围内的经济/社会大发展,人类社会的文化与民众心理也发生了相应的改变,其基本趋势是个人主义正日益流行,传统的集体主义则相对式微。这种变化不仅表现在宏观的社会和文化层面,也体现在微观的心理与行为层面。本文从文化心理学的角度,对反映这一趋势的大量实证研究进行了分门别类的整理与介绍,涉及的领域分别包括社会层面的社会统计指标,以及心理层面的人称代词使用偏好、命名行为、价值取向、人格特征、性和宗教态度、儿童教养与发展模式、认知方式、情绪体验等。除了一般趋势外,研究也显示文化变迁和心理变化有其复杂性,个人主义增强、集体主义衰弱并不是一个必然的、线性的过程;传统文化的集体主义价值在一定程度上具有延续性,多元文化共存已成为当前人类社会发展的显著特色。最后,针对当前文化变迁心理研究的不足,本文建议未来研究应当更多采用追踪和实验设计、拓展现有研究的领域和范围、深入揭示文化变迁的行为/神经机制以及更多关注变迁过程中的心理适应与应对问题。  相似文献   

近年来,群体认同与个体心理健康的关系得到了研究者的关注。本研究通过对相关文献的梳理与归纳发现:民族、国家、学校、家庭等不同种类群体的认同,群体认同数量与个体心理健康的关系显著;群体认同与个体心理健康之间的关系受群体认同动机和个体对群体评价的调节,并依赖于自尊、社会支持、控制知觉、归因方式等因素的中介;未来应利用多种方法继续研究群体认同与个体心理健康关系的调节变量与作用机制。  相似文献   

We explored parenting self‐construals among mothers with serious mental illness (n= 379). Mothers reported feeling moderately positively about themselves as parents, more efficacious than inefficacious, more positive than negative, more valued than disvalued; but also at least somewhat restricted and burdened by motherhood. Factor analyses revealed 3 parenting self‐construal factors: efficacious, burdened, and parenting as a personal growth experience. In hierarchical regression analyses, parenting self‐construal factors significantly added to prediction of parenting behaviors and attitudes (nurturance, explanatory parenting style, and parenting stress), once demographic, mental health history, and current social context variables (support, stress, and current mental health) were taken into account. Maternal parenting self‐efficacy increased (while self‐construal of parenting as a burden decreased) positive parenting style.  相似文献   

In the United States, acceptance of sexual minorities (e.g., gay men and lesbians) has increased substantially since the early 1990s. This study examined whether authoritarians' attitudes have been influenced by the societal shift toward greater acceptance of sexual minorities. Using data from the American National Election Studies (ANES) collected between 1992 and 2012, we tested a model in which authoritarianism, endorsement of egalitarian values, and social norms shifting in the direction of tolerance predict individual attitudes toward sexual minorities and LGBT rights issues. Results indicated that (1) there was a subset of authoritarians who endorsed egalitarian values, (2) authoritarians in general became more tolerant (i.e., held less negative attitudes) toward sexual minorities between 1992 and 2012, and (3) “egalitarian authoritarians” held more positive attitudes toward sexual minorities than other authoritarians. The findings contribute to contemporary theory and research on authoritarianism, which is moving from a monolithic view of authoritarianism to one in which culture and core values activate and shape manifestations of authoritarian tendencies.  相似文献   

Social cynicism, a general belief about the malevolent nature of people and social institutions, shows a negative influence on many attitudes and behaviors, but little is known about the factors that give rise to this belief syndrome. We hypothesized and confirmed the role of low evaluation of societal conditions as an antecedent of social cynicism in a longitudinal study in 3 Chinese cities. Consistent with the person specificity argument, we found that low evaluation of societal conditions exerted little influence on distress, a self‐relevant outcome variable. Instead, work–family conflict, which reflects one's personal experiences, was found to be a significant antecedent of distress, but it exerted little influence on social cynicism, a worldview. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Voluntary participation is connected to cultural, political, religious and social contexts. Social and societal factors can provide opportunities, expectations and requirements for voluntary activity, as well as influence the values and norms promoting this. These contexts are especially central in the case of voluntary participation among students as they are often responding to the societal demands for building a career and qualifying for future assignments and/or government requirements for completing community service. This article questions how cultural values affect attitudes towards volunteerism, using data from an empirical research project on student volunteering activity in 13 countries in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and the Asia Pacific region. The findings indicate that there are differences in motivation between countries which represent different cultural values. This article sets these findings in context by comparing structural and cultural factors which may influence volunteerism within each country.  相似文献   

Why do poorer and less educated Asians trust their institutions of governance more than their richer and well educated counterparts, despite their disadvantaged position within society? System justification theory (SJT) assumes that this trust is driven by a system-level motivation that operates independently from social identity needs. In two nationally representative surveys spanning several years (Ntotal = 221,297), we compared SJT's explanation with a newer social identity model of system attitudes (SIMSA): that system justification amongst disadvantaged Asians is driven by a group norm for harmony, especially amongst those who are strongly invested in their national ingroup. The results supported SIMSA more than SJT. Specifically, a strong sense of national identification boosted trust in systems of governance amongst poorer and less-educated Asians, both when societal norms for harmony (Study 1), and personal endorsement of this norm (Study 2) were strong. Hence, social identity needs help to explain stronger system justification among objectively disadvantaged Asians.  相似文献   

Improvements in parenting skills do not necessarily lead to improvements in child and parent outcomes for children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Cognitive factors such as parental cognitions and parenting self-efficacy may influence such outcomes. Clinical research on the effects of cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT) on parental cognitions, parenting self-efficacy and mental health in Chinese parents of children with ADHD is lacking. This quasi-experimental study intended to assess the effects of a culturally attuned group CBT treatment on the mental health and quality of life of Chinese parents aged 26–58 years, with children with ADHD in Hong Kong. Participants in the experimental group received group CBT and standard treatment and their counterparts in the control group received standard treatment. Primary outcome variables of mental health and quality of life and process variables including parenting stress, parenting efficacy and dysfunctional attitudes were measured at baseline, post-treatment and 3-month follow-up. Data were analysed using 2?×?3 ANCOVAs, Cohen’s d statistics and multiple mediation analyses. Group by time interactions were found for most outcome variables. Effect size statistics indicated that group CBT had small to moderate effects on most outcome variables at post-treatment and follow-up assessments. The effect of CBT on mental health was mediated by the reduction in parenting stress and the effect of CBT on quality of life was mediated by the reductions in parenting stress and dysfunctional attitudes. Given its potential benefit, it is worth considering incorporating this group CBT programme into interventions for Chinese parents with ADHD children.  相似文献   

Literature shows that mothers of children with disabilities report high levels of depression. Social support facilitates the well-being of mothers and it helps to cope with a range of disability related stressors. This study was designed to assess the impact of having a child who is deaf on maternal depression and to test how social support may facilitate coping with the depression caused by deafness as well as the parenting behaviors of those mothers. 103 mothers of children who are deaf, ranging from the 36 months to 72 months of age participated in the study. Parental attitude research instrument, beck depression inventory and multidimensional scale of perceived social support were used for data collection. Results showed that 24.4 % of the mothers showed depression and perceived social support from family and friends were found to be predicting depression. Further analysis showed that depression was found to be affecting authoritarian and hostile parenting styles. Perceived social support from friends and significant other did not have significant effect on parental attitudes. The findings showed that having a child who is deaf causes high levels of depression in mothers which leads to insufficient and/or inappropriate parenting attitudes. On the other hand, social support is a protective source lowering depression levels of mothers as well as indirectly facilitating the maintenance of positive parenting.  相似文献   

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