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李其维 《心理科学》2010,33(5):1026-1029
皮亚杰逝世已30年,但皮亚杰所创立的发生认识论研究不应走向历史。皮亚杰的理论遭到许多人的误解。遗传论和生物学化是两项最为不恰当的帽子。皮亚杰不是传统意义上的心理学家,心理学只是其研究康德意义上的"先验范畴"之个体发生发展的"方法论插曲"。发生认识论具有鲜明的跨学科性质,应该进行"发生认识论"与当代"认知科学"的比较研究。应正确认识理论生物学、结构主义方法论、代数工具和逻辑学在发生认识论研究中的作用和地位,尤其应注重晚年皮亚杰运用新的意义逻辑(logic of meaning)和态射(morphisms)、范畴(categories)等新的代数概念作为形式化认知结构之工具的价值和意义。要深入研究发生认识论对以"具身化"和"回归大脑"为特色的第二代认知科学的启示,探讨它们之间的联系。至少在两个方面可以明显看到这种联系:一是发生认识论中的"动作协调"及对由协调而产生的逻辑—数学经验的"反省抽象"这两个概念,表明了皮亚杰对心智具身性的卓越洞见;二是在皮亚杰所主张的"表型复制"(phynocopy)观点中体现的衍生论(epigenesis)和建构论(constructionism)思想,它们与第二代认知科学的动力系统理论之基本思想——所涉因素或变量之间的关系是一种互为因果、相互塑造的对偶(coupling)关系而不是线性的单向因果关系——两者是完全一致的。皮亚杰及其发生认识论定会随着认知科学的未来发展而被"再发现"。  相似文献   

以发生认识论者自称的皮亚杰不仅把人类认识的发展过程推向了一个新水平,而且给心理学的发展引进了一场范式的革命。皮亚杰认知发展心理学理论的最大优势在于:它能为个体心理发展的共性本质提供一个简洁而一致的解释,而且,以此理论为基础而设计的许多实验得到了大量有关数据,其中大部分支持皮亚杰的理论假设。然而,皮亚杰以结构建构论为基础的能力阶段模式本身,也是发展心理学建构发展过程中的一部分,它本身也是处于不断的同化和顺应、不断的平衡化过程之中的。  相似文献   

评发生认识论的"反省抽象"范畴   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
李其维 《心理科学》2004,27(3):514-518
论文分析了皮亚杰发生认识论中“反省抽象”范畴的发展脉络、主要内涵及其与某些相关概念(如概括化、平衡化、矛盾与否定的构造、意识化与觉知等)的联系。作者认为:反省抽象不仅体现皮亚杰的独创性.而且也是发生认识沦中最为核心和最为重要的概念。它合理地解释了知识创新的源泉,使发生认识论的逻辑一数学范畴研究及认知发展一般规律的研究奠基于科学认识论之上。作者主张应准确继承皮亚杰的学术遗产,深化对认知发展机制的探索。  相似文献   

杰出的瑞士学者让·皮亚杰(Jean Piaget),一生致力于儿童智慧发展的研究。他所创立的发生认识论体系深受国际学术界的推崇,已成为当代儿童智慧发展理论中的主要学派。本文试对皮亚杰的结构论思想作一概略的评述。一、结构论是一种研究方法皮亚杰的发生认识论从一般方法论的角度分析,乃是一种发展的结构论。儿童智慧(思维)的发展是通过儿童主体的认知结构(从低级的不完善的行动格式到高级完善的形式运算结构)与从物理环境和社会环境的经验之间的同化和顺化的相互作用而实现的。因此,皮亚  相似文献   

态射的建构与发展:发生认识论的一种动态形式化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙志凤  林敏 《心理科学》2006,29(2):499-501,495
发生认识论主要研究认识的心理发生及其形式化。对于后者的研究,上个世纪30年代皮亚杰建构了“群集”结构来解释儿童前运算阶段的思维方式,70年代又引入了数学范畴论来解释形式运算阶段的认知发展,再一次对儿童思维的发展与科学发展两者间的连续性给出了明证。数学范畴论是对数学对象的结构间变换进行形式化的一个数学分支,建构的思想以及对所建构结构进行转换是范畴论的本质,而其中作为范畴对象的态射与态射组合体现了其建构本质,且能最为妥贴地描述认识的动态发生与发展。新的理论建模将对应与转换揉合在一起更好地阐释认知发展过程中每一转换过程的机制与结构发展。本文试图通过介绍认识发生过程中对应、转换的发展,以及所引入数学范畴论中态射的概念,来阐释认识发生中认知生成工具———态射———的建构与发展,以及认知结构的系统发展,从而对皮亚杰晚年这一形式化工作予以简单说明与评价。  相似文献   

前些年,皮亚杰的“发生认识论”在国内学求界热过好一阵子,一方面,皮亚杰关于认识论的许多基本观点已被潜在地认同和直接同化,衍生出“选择论”、“双向建构论”和“微观认识论”等诸多簇新论见;而在另一方面,还有一些论者也坚持在皮亚杰的书本中不断发现一些“唯心主义”、“反对反映论”  相似文献   

近年来,国内学术界对皮亚杰的发生认识论表现出越来越浓厚的兴趣,对皮亚杰的儿童心理学和发生认识论的研究,已从一般性介绍进入较具体、较细致和较深入的探讨,兹将探讨情况,概述于后。一、关于皮亚杰发生认识论中的“活动”范畴“活动”(或“动作”)是皮亚杰发生认识论的逻辑起点和核心范畴,有关主体和客体的关系、认知的本质、主体认识与客体结构的一致性等问题的思考,都是建立在对活动范畴  相似文献   

皮亚杰“活动”理论研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
皮亚杰“活动”理论研究述评周菲(辽宁大学哲学系110036)皮亚杰的“活动”理论涉及到哲学、生物学、心理学、逻辑学等许多领域,所产生的影响是极其深远的。它不仅为科学研究提供了有效的方法论途径,而且对现代认知心理学及其马克思主义认识论的发展起到了积极的...  相似文献   

这篇文章重点评述了皮亚杰“发生认识论”中的建构学说,对于进一步了解和研究皮亚杰的认识论思想有一定的参考价值。文中涉及到一些值得进一步探讨的重要的认识论问题。比如,在人类认识的发生和发展中,究竟有没有一个认识结构(或称“图式”、“模式”)的问题?主体和客体同思维和存在到底是什么关系?怎样具体而不空洞地理解认识的社会性?诸如此类的问题,都需要运用马克思主义哲学的立场、观点和方法,在批判地吸收外来文化的基础上,经过深入研究和独立思考,作出我们自己的科学回答。  相似文献   

批判与反思──哈贝马斯的方法论述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究哈贝马斯,一般都是首先介绍他的认识论,接着不是捎带就是略微提及,或者干脆忽略其方法论。这种做法并不可取。原因很简单,哈贝马斯的认识论和方法论是融为一体的。他最初崭露头角,靠的就是其方法论。正是因为他建立起了一套以批判和反思为核心的完整的方法论,他才能成功地论述其具有人类学倾向的认识论,从而为他的交往理性和文化现代性奠定了扎实的基础。一、批判理论对抗批判理性论哈贝马斯的方法论,首要一点是“批判”。根据目前所见到的有关哈贝马斯的研究资料,大多对把这种批判方法追溯到法兰克福学派(霍克海姆的传统理论…  相似文献   

The Second Middle East and North Africa Regional Conference of Psychology was held in Amman from 27 April - 1 May 2007 under the Royal Patronage of Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah and the auspices of the International Union of Psychological Science, the International Association of Applied Psychology, and the International Association of Cross-Cultural Psychology. It was hosted by the Jordanian Psychological Association whose President was Dr. Asaad Zuby. The President of the Conference and the Local Organizing Committee was Dr. Adnan Farah, the Chair of the Scientific Program Committee was Dr. Mohammad Rimawi, and the Chair of the Regional Advisory Committee was Dr. Marwan Dwairy. The Conference succeeded in attracting participants from 28 countries, including 15 from the Middle East and North Africa region. The Scientific Program explored ways and means to promote the role of psychology in meeting life challenges at regional and international levels. The Conference concluded with the signing of a formal Declaration which called upon governments, academic and professional institutions and organizations, non-governmental organization and other civil society groups, and the United Nations, to work together and to make every possible effort individually and collectively to achieve these goals.  相似文献   

The Hawthorne interview program between 1929 and 1932 was one of the most significant industrial studies in the United States. The Hawthorne researchers applied Jean Piaget's clinical method in their extensive interviews with tens of thousands of workers. Chiefly responsible for the program's methodology was Elton Mayo, an Australian who saw interviewing as a means to promote social cooperation. Previous discussions of the Hawthorne experiments have ignored the influence of Piaget in the social sciences. This article provides an account of Mayo's and the Hawthorne researchers' efforts to fuse Piaget's innovation with burgeoning American industrial psychology. The endeavor was not an isolated event but rather drew on the theories and practice of Janet-Piaget psychology, on the support of the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial Foundation, and on the discourse among social scientists about Piaget's work.  相似文献   

The first South‐East European Regional Conference of Psychology was held in Sofia, Bulgaria, from 30 October to 1 November 2009, under the Patronage of the President of Bulgaria and the auspices of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP), the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS), and the International Association for Cross‐Cultural Psychology (IACCP), with further financial support provided by the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA) and the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS). The conference was hosted by the Bulgarian Psychological Society under the Conference Presidency of Dr Plamen Dimitrov, who was supported by Professor Sava Djonev as Chair of the Scientific Program Committee. It attracted over 350 participants from 25 countries, including 14 countries from the SEE region and its immediate neighbours. The Scientific Program explored ways and means to promote the role of psychology individually and institutionally at regional and international levels. Planning is already under way to organize a second regional conference in three years’ time.  相似文献   

Piaget's interpretation of adolescent self-centration as egocentrism resulting from formal operations is inconsistent because it means that the end-point of human development (formal operations) is characterized by inadequate development (egocentrism). Piaget's interpretation is also inconsistent to the empirical evidence, which has failed to support a notion of a general, universal stage of formal operations. An alternative interpretation of adolescence as developing towards a cognitive stage characterized by the taking of the perspective of the other to self can be proposed.  相似文献   

The need to establish the efficacy of psychoanalytic long-term treatments has promoted efforts to operationalize psychic structure and structural change as key elements of psychoanalytic treatments and their outcomes. Current, promising measures of structural change, however, require extensive interviews and rater training. The purpose of this paper is to present the theory and measurement of Levels of Emotional Awareness (LEA) and to illustrate its use based on clinical case vignettes. The LEA model lays out a developmental trajectory of affective processing, akin to Piaget's theory of sensory-cognitive development, from implicit to explicit processing. Unlike other current assessments of psychic structure (Scales of Psychological Capacities, Reflective Functioning, Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnostics) requiring intensive rater and interviewer training, it is easily assessed based on a self-report performance test. The LEA model conceptualizes a basic psychological capacity, affect processing. As we will illustrate using two case vignettes, by operationalizing implicit and explicit modes of affect processing, it provides a clinical measure of emotional awareness that is highly pertinent to the ongoing psychoanalytic debate on the nature and mechanisms of structural change.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to show that Piaget's use of the equilibrium principle cannot explain the possibility of correct understanding. That is, it cannot explain the possibility of knowledge, as opposed to simple change in belief. To make the argument, I begin by describing Piaget's explanatory model, which is known as the equilibrium principle. I then argue that correct understanding, or knowledge of any x as a case of y, requires a concept of correctness, i.e., the recognition that words and concepts apply under some conditions but not others. I try to show that because he uses the equilibrium principle as a basis for his explanation, Piaget cannot explain how a concept of correctness is acquired. Finally, I argue that to explain the possibility of knowledge, one must show how the conditions for word and concept application are determined by a community of language users. Again, I claim that Piaget's use of the equilibrium model precludes such an account.  相似文献   

Piaget's stages: the unfinished symphony of cognitive development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After a period during which Piaget's work in developmental psychology went into serious decline as a central force in the field, it has once again gained considerable interest to theorists and researchers. The purpose of the current discussion is to reconsider Piaget's stage construct so that a revised version is viable within the psychological part of the theory. The premise of the discussion is that Piaget fully intended his stages to remain at the heart of his psychology, but had difficulty meeting the objections of critics: that the stages as proposed were too vague, too broad, and too dependent on faith in a “miraculous” transition process. By shifting stage transitions to the midpoint of each stage, by adopting recursive transition processes from neo-Piagetian theories, by embracing decalage as systematic and necessary, and by using Piaget's idea of the taking of consciousness, some of the main problems of his stages can be resolved in a satisfying way. Although still not fully specified, the Piagetian stages can retain their place as general guides to cognitive development and as sources of constraints on what structures and functions are available to the developing mind.  相似文献   

The following presidential address was given by Past President Art Lyons, at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention in Honolulu, Hawaii in July, 2004. This article reminds us all that humanistic psychology, since its inception, has been exploring topics that were not part of mainstream psychology at the time of the inquiries, but years later these same topics came to be seen as critically important and worthy of scientific investigation. Humanistic psychology has also been open to expanding our understanding of how to conduct research on human beings consistent with our understanding of the complexity of what it means to be human. This article traces this history, and challenges us to not slip into a defensive reactionary mode in response to mainstream reactions to humanistic research. Instead, it calls for us to move forward and conduct further qualitative research on 5 critical themes.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the indirect reactions of high-and low-self-esteem persons to evaluative feedback. Indirect reactions are defined as reactions to evaluative feedback directed toward individuals or mechanisms not associated with the feedback. In each experiment, a sample of college students divided according to level of dispositional self-esteem was provided with feedback on a bogus test of social intelligence. Subjects were informed that each of them had been paired randomly with another person in the session and would interact with that person later in the session. Prior to meeting the individual with whom each ostensibly had been paired, subjects indicated their evaluation of and attraction to those persons. In both experiments a cross-over pattern emerged due to greater attraction following success vs. failure feedback among low-self-esteem subjects and greater attraction following failure vs. success feedback among high-self-esteem subjects. This finding indicates an important new class of reactions to evaluative feedback, indirect reactions, that extends beyond the immediate context in which the feedback is received.Preparation of this article was facilitated by a Summer Faculty Research Fellowship to Rick H. Hoyle from the Office of the Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies at the University of Kentucky.This article is based, in part, on a Master's thesis conducted by Rick H. Hoyle under the supervision of Chester A. Insko. We thank Tom Pyszczynski and John Schopler for helpful advice on the design of the second experiment and Charles Carlson and Monica Harris for helpful comments on a draft of the article.Portions of the research reported in this article were presented at the 94th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 1986; the 58th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Arlington, Va, 1987; and the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York, NY, 1991.  相似文献   

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