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于桂芝  刘晓庆 《学海》2006,1(1):197-199
安启念教授翻译的B.伊诺泽姆采夫的《后工业社会与可持续发展问题研究》(中国人民大学出版社2004年出版)一书,由导论和正文(六章)构成,宗旨是在对马克思社会理论与西方学者后工业社会理论研究的基础上,提出俄罗斯学者对后工业社会所做的新的概括和回答。这是一部反映俄罗斯学者关于后工业社会理论的创新之作。循着后工业社会的马克思主义理论渊源、俄罗斯同西方学者后工业社会的理论差别以及俄罗斯学者眼中后工业社会的发展模式这一思路,笔者发现了一片与西方学者所描述的世界迥然有别的学术天地。后工业社会的马克思主义理论渊源20世纪的…  相似文献   

在世界工业文明的发展中,财富急剧增长,引发了人们对于财富伦理、财富文化的更多追问。由于西方社会率先进入现代化时代,西方学者面对财富与自然、财富与社会、财富与人的激烈冲突,提出了异化现象、物化现象、技术理性现象以及对消费主义的批判。我国在现代化建设中,如何走出金钱至上所造成的财富与伦理背离的历史迷雾,有必要对这些理论做出分析和阐发,以收警示和借鉴之功。  相似文献   

人类面临着一次新的产业革命,通过新的产业革命,实现高度信息化,人类将从工业社会过渡到信息社会。 西方学者提出了后工业社会、新工业社会、超工业社会、第三次浪潮、信息社会等新概念,逐渐有统一于信息社会这一概念的趋势。 许多西方学者心目中的未来的信息社会是一个从生产、经济到政治的具体完整的社会形态概念,是一种企图代替资本主义和社会主义的划分的新的社会制度,我们不能同意这种意义下的信息社会概念。西方有的学者根据现在社会主义国家也强调利用市场机制而资本主义  相似文献   

市场经济、法治和道德三者之间的关系 ,是改革开放以来我国学术界和社会关心的话题 ,也是 70年代末以来西方经济伦理学界和社会关心的问题。与我们这里对法治和建立适应市场经济的道德的强调不同 ,西方一些学者更注意法治和市场作用的局限性。最近 ,有学者更明确肯定 :市场经济  相似文献   

张杨 《学海》2007,(5):56-62
政治机会结构理论是西方社会运动研究近30年来的主流范式.但此理论是基于西方国家政治体制和社会结构所归纳出的经验理论,在解释西方早期社会运动和非西方国家的社会运动方面,存在着自变量和因变量范围过于狭窄、解释能力不足等缺点.本文指出,国家主义理论以及后来进一步发展的国家-社会关系视角是研究社会运动的替代性范式.国家-社会关系清楚定义国家性质、社会性质以及国家与社会关系,对于认识作为集体性抗争政治形式的社会运动具有重要价值.  相似文献   

近年来,中国的西方哲学研究越来越细化和精专,不断涌现出关于西方思想史中具体问题的研究性著述,其中既有填补空白式的哲学问题研究,但更多的是在以往的学术积累上,中国学者对于错综复杂的西方思想史问题的深入探究与推进。尤其值得注意的是,中国学者切人西方哲学的问题意识与涉身处境,从来都是与切近中国自身的学术讨论和中国现代的社会变...  相似文献   

关于《单向度的人》的评论《单向度的人》主要内容一是对发达的工业社会的批判,二是对现代哲学的批判。东西方学者对该书的研究也主要围绕这两方面的内容进行。 (一)关于“单向度的社会”——对发达的工业社会的批判国外学者对马尔库塞对发达的工业社会的批判理论持有两种截然不同的态度,一部分人如西方学者D·凯尔纳就高度  相似文献   

哈贝马斯市民社会理论探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在国内学者从不同方面积极讨论哈贝马斯思想的同时,市民社会问题却没有完全进入学者的视野。这并不意味着该问题之于哈贝马斯思想来说无关紧要。实际情况恰恰是,它构成我们打通哈贝马斯前期和后期理论、从而系统把握其思想体系的中心概念。对于当下全球范围内方兴未艾的市民社会理论研究来说,哈贝马斯的市民社会思想也不可绕开,它已成为一些西方市民社会论者据以引证的理论资源和他们加以论述与评判的重要对象。因此,对哈贝马斯的市民社会理论作出辨析梳理与准确定位,成为一项十分重要的工作。  相似文献   

西方学者对作为资本主义意识形态总汇的个人主义的内在矛盾及与生俱来的弊端,往往比非西方社会背景的人们拥有更为深切的认识。本文评述了西方学者关于个人主义的弊端以及个人主义的发展前途等问题的一系列观点,力求为人们加深对个人主义危害性的认识,提供一些有价值的参考材料。  相似文献   

德福之辩是贯穿古今中外的一个恒久课题。在西方伦理思想史上,德福之辩有其形成和发展的历史,不同的学派和学者对于道德和幸福的关系有着不同的见解,并试图对德福相悖问题做出圆满的解释,由此形成了西方伦理思想史上的德福观。在西方伦理思想史上,对于道德与幸福的探究存在着理性主义、非理性主义和基督教的德福思想,表现出三种不同的德福观。当代西方伦理学者也不断深入探究道德与幸福之间的关系,理论研究呈现出一些新的面向,表现出一些现代性特征。虽然中国伦理思想与西方伦理思想在许多方面存在差异甚至是冲突,但在德福问题上可以形成对话和商谈。  相似文献   

Extended previous research on family factors related to children's social competence by examining links between 3 domains of maternal social competence (social skills, social frames, network size) and 3 domains of children's social competence (social skills, peer-rated social preference, and network size) in a sample of 78 mothers and their kindergarten children (42 girls, 36 boys). The mediational role of maternal social competence in the association between mothers' depression and interpersonal sensitivity symptoms and children's social competence was also tested. Results supported associations between all 3 domains of mothers' and children's social competence, with maternal social skills the most frequent predictor of children's social competence. Gender differences suggested that maternal social competence was more strongly related to sons' peer acceptance and daughters' social skills. A mediational model received preliminary support for girls, with maternal psychological symptoms related to girls' social competence via maternal social skills. Implications include the need for continued study of maternal social competence as a family factor related to children's peer functioning and the development of family-based interventions for young children experiencing peer problems.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the nature of the relationship between attentional dysfunction and social competence deficits in patients with schizophrenia. Attentional functioning, social perception, and social competence were assessed in 56 inpatients. Measures of vigilance and span of apprehension were administered to assess attentional functioning. Social perception was assessed with an audiovisual measure of affect recognition. Social competence was rated from a role-play task. Span of apprehension and auditory vigilance emerged as specific predictors of social competence. Affect recognition was tested as a mediator and a moderator of the relationship between attentional dysfunction and social competence. Affect recognition was found to moderate the relationship between span of apprehension and social competence.  相似文献   

S tudents' social competence was investigated in relation to race/ethnicity and gender for a sample of 371 Zimbabwean students attending racially/ethnically integrated schools. About 42% of the students were black, and 58% white (mean age 12 years; SD=9 months). Peer and teacher sociometric ratings of children's social behaviour, social responsibility, and friendliness comprised the social competence measures. Tests of empirical independence among these social competence measures supported their uniqueness in reliably assessing components of the general construct of social competence among Zimbabwean students. Multiple analysis of variance procedures were used to examine the relationship between social competence statuses and group membership (i.e., race/ethnicity, gender) while controlling for aggregate scores and classroom racial proportions. Superior academic achievement and racial/ehnic propinquity are social status levelling factors in multiracial school settings. Teachers rated white students higher on social responsibility and social behaviour. Students rated white students higher on social responsibility only. Comparisons of social competence by ethnicity and gender revealed that white and female students were rated significantly higher on social behaviour and social responsibility than their black and male classmates. Female students were perceived as more socially competent or better adjusted to school than males. Reliable differences in social competence in race/ethnicity and gender groups were concentrated in peer ratings of social responsibility and in teacher ratings of social behaviour and social responsibility. In postcolonial settings or settings with a history of race/ethnicity and gender‐based privilege, minorities from a dominant culture may have higher social status than peers from a majority culture. Superior social competence in females is a resource for school adaptation and social climate. Students have perceptions of social competence in peers that only partially overlap with those of teachers and contribute uniquely to their experience of school. Social competence in students is multifaceted, gendered, and differently perceived by teachers and peers.  相似文献   

对341名学前儿童及其父母进行问卷调查, 考察父母元情绪理念、情绪表达与儿童社会能力的直接与间接关系。结果表明:(1) 父亲情绪教导对儿童社会能力有促进作用, 而情绪紊乱对儿童社会能力有阻碍作用; 父亲的积极情绪表达对儿童社会能力有促进作用, 消极情绪表达则有负向作用; 此外, 父亲情绪教导、情绪紊乱除了对儿童社会能力具有直接作用外, 还通过其情绪表达对儿童社会能力具有间接影响。(2) 母亲情绪教导对儿童社会能力具有积极作用, 而情绪紊乱则具有消极影响; 母亲积极情绪表达对儿童社会能力有促进作用, 而消极情绪表达对儿童社会能力无显著预测关系; 母亲情绪教导通过其积极情绪表达对儿童社会能力具有间接促进作用。  相似文献   

The authors measured self-concept and social competence relationships in 372 Zimbabwean adolescents (41% Black, 59% White) who attended classrooms in which they were either a racial minority or a racial majority (M age = 12.95 years, SD = 1.47). The authors used self-, peer-, and teacher-rating scale sociometric measures of social competence and a multidimensional measure of self-concept. The regression analysis predicted self-concept from social competence measures. Teacher-rated social competence predicted physical appearance self-concept in the Black adolescents and reading self-concept in White adolescents in White-majority classrooms. Self-rated social competence and peer-rated social competence predicted school self-concept in Black adolescents attending Black-majority classrooms. The authors concluded that classroom racial proportions influence aspects of social perception of Black and White adolescents.  相似文献   

王雪  李丹 《心理科学》2016,39(5):1177-1183
社会能力涵盖了个体在人际和社会活动中所需的基本技能。本文从文化环境和社会变迁视角出发,审视影响儿童社会能力发展的诸多因素,并依次介绍目前国内外在两大研究视角上的最新研究成果。文章的最后强调该领域的研究应该明晰社会能力的概念,关注各影响因素的交互作用和动态过程,改进研究方法,以便更加深入探寻社会能力发展的规律和机制。  相似文献   

张晓 《心理学报》2011,43(12):1388-1397
对119名幼儿进行历时两年的三次追踪测试, 采用潜变量增长建模, 检验童年早期的社会能力是否呈线性增长, 并考察气质、性别、母亲受教育程度及其交互作用对社会能力发展水平与速度的预测作用。结果发现:(1)社会能力在两年中呈线性增长, 起始水平及发展速度均存在显著的个体差异; (2)女孩起始的社会能力水平高于男孩; 母亲受教育程度越高, 儿童起始的社会能力水平就越高; (3)气质节律性对社会能力增长速度的预测因儿童性别而异:节律性能够负向预测女孩社会能力的增长速度、正向预测男孩社会能力的增长速度。  相似文献   

In the current study, the authors tested the hypothesis that children of alcoholic parents (COAs) show deficits in social competence that begin in early childhood and escalate through middle adolescence. Teachers, parents, and children reported on the social competence of COAs and matched controls in a community sample assessed from ages 6 to 15. Hierarchical linear growth models revealed different patterns of change in social competence across development as a function of the reporter of various indicators of competence. Moreover, female COAs showed deficits in social competence in early childhood that receded in adolescence and that varied across subtypes of parent alcoholism. Implications of these findings for understanding the development of social competence in children, and at-risk children in particular, are discussed.  相似文献   

Many previous articles have suggested that social cues and situational information contribute differentially to perceptions of work-related competence of women versus men. Certain theorists have concluded that the perceived competence of women is more dependent upon social cues and less upon situational information than is the competence of men, while other theorists have concluded that the opposite is true. The present study empirically examined the relative contribution of these two classes of variables to the perceived competence of 583 employees of social service organizations in 23 states. In addition, the study investigated a rival hypothesis that occupancy of a supervisory position, not sex, is a more likely modifier of the relationship between competence and either social or situational factors. Contrary to all hypotheses, the results suggest that (a) there are no practically significant sex differences in sensitivity to social cues or situational information, and [b] occupancy of a supervisory position may have a direct impact on perceived competence, but position occupancy does not moderate [to a practically significant degree] the relationships between competence and social cues or situational information.  相似文献   

The present study had three main objectives: (1) to develop and validate scales of young adult social competence in two domains, close relationships and social groups, using peer ratings of California Q-sort (Block, 1974; Kremen & Block, 2002) items; (2) to test the hypothesis that social competence is associated with young adult well-being and ego development; (3) to test the hypothesis that close relationship competence aligns more closely than social group competence with young adult functioning. Psychometric data on peer ratings of social competence are presented. For 133 young adults, peer ratings of social competence were correlated in expected directions with indices of functioning (e.g., self-worth, education, psychological distress, criminal behavior, and ego development). Associations were generally stronger for competence in close relationships than in social groups.  相似文献   

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