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抑郁倾向的绘画诊断研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈侃  徐光兴 《心理科学》2008,31(3):722-724
通过问卷、绘画测验和回归分析,8项绘画特征被验证能够有效反映神经症抑郁倾向.根据这些绘画特征建立的回归方程经检验具有中等的解释效果.同时,评分者一致性程度较高.研究结果表明,通过"房子树人绘画测验",能够建立对神经症抑郁倾向进行有效测量的临床诊断工具.  相似文献   

陈侃  宋斌  申荷永 《心理科学》2011,34(6):1512-1515
目的:利用回归分析探讨绘画测验对焦虑状态的评定作用。方法:对290名被试实施了房子-树-人绘画投射测验和Scl90焦虑分量表测验,结果:在所考察的11种绘画特征中,有5种对焦虑具有预测性。可以建立绘画特征对焦虑进行预测的回归方程,方程具有中等程度的解释水平。两名主试评价的Kappa一致性系数均达到较高水平。结论:可以通过绘画测验评定和预测焦虑,焦虑症状的绘画测验方法具有较好的评分者信度。  相似文献   

在房树人绘画投射测验中,由于彩色的图画比单色的铅笔画更能够反映来访者绘画时的情绪状态和潜在的人格特征,因此,研究分析来访者在绘画前对色笔的选择以及在绘画过程中对各种色彩的具体运用,可以获得更多的关于来访者个人情绪与人格特征等方面的信息,有利于对来访者作出较为全面而有效的心理评估与诊断。  相似文献   

两种认识躯体化的方式值得关注:一是继发于精神痛苦的现象;一是以医学无法解释的症状为特征的基本现象.躯体化概念受到争议的根本原因,即其基于西方心身二元论的特征.本土背景下,躯体化应理解成一种普遍且正当的求医理由与症状诉说方式,应该更多倾向于临床评估与治疗.  相似文献   

综合性医院中抑郁症患者述情障碍与躯体化症状的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 前言  综合性医院就诊者中心理障碍患者占 2 4 % ,其中抑郁症为 1 0 4 %。一部分抑郁症患者具有明显的躯体化症状 ,多以躯体病就诊 ;一部分抑郁症患者不具有明显的躯体化症状 ,以情绪障碍症状为主诉。国内已对心身疾病、神经症、物质依赖的抑郁症患者述情障碍进行研究 ,我们进一步研究抑郁症患者述情障碍与躯体化症状之间的关系。述情障碍 (alexithymia)主要表现为对情绪状态描述困难 ,少幻想和实用性思维方法 ,人际关系僵化。述情障碍者难以区别情绪状态和躯体感觉 ,描述躯体不适较多 ,因为他们常过分关注自己的躯体感受 …  相似文献   

大学新生自我意识与心理健康密切相关,自画像可以作为一种投射测验来了解自我意识。本研究对238名大学新生"自画像"主题心理图画分析并进行访谈,结果发现:图画呈现"非全身"、"重视头部"、"强调发型"、"缺少手脚"等明显特征;大学新生心理整体呈现积极健康趋势,少数有较明显的逃避、退缩倾向;大学新生自我意识尚处于动态发展中,不够完善、客观,缺乏与之相应的行动力,需要科学有效的心理引导。绘画测验可以作为心理普测的补充手段。  相似文献   

绘画中色彩的运用经历了一个由单一到复杂再回到单一的过程。这种现象的发生对中国当代架上绘画的发展有着不可忽视的影响。视觉信息的极大丰富为色彩的单纯化提供了一个出现的可能。当今时代的包容性为色彩的单纯化提供了可能。数字技术的运用对色彩运用产生影响。大众审美的改变为色彩单纯化提供了平台。当代架上绘画中色彩运用单纯化让我们的绘画创作手段更加丰富和多样。当代绘画中色彩的单纯化特征以及这种特征产生的种种背景和社会因素。通过解析发现,这种特征可为艺术创作提供一种有效的思维模式以及创作手段。  相似文献   

躯体形式障碍是精神科常见的一种神经症,该病具有较高的发病率,占用了大量的医疗资源,但临床识别率和有效治疗率却相当低。围绕躯体形式障碍的特点及其优化诊治作一些探讨,利于提高社会和非精神科医生对该病的认识,减少医疗资源的过度消耗,使疾病得到早期有效治疗。  相似文献   

根据《中国精神障碍分类与诊断标准第三版》(CCMD-3)规定,中国心理专家许又新教授《神经症》一书,国家心理咨询职业资格培训教程,三个权威定义,确认神经症是一组非精神症性,非器质性功能性障碍,包括神经衰弱、强迫症、焦虑症、恐怖症、躯体形式障碍等。主要表现是意识心理冲突,精神痛苦,妨碍心理功能或社会功能,其共同特点是是都属于心因性障碍,人格、心理、社会是主要致病因素。神经症患者也更倾向于到综合性医院就医,本文从心理咨询案例分析的角度出发,提出药物只能缓解症状,不能解决人格、心理、社会问题。呼吁社会加强对神经症的认识,建议医院配置心理科或心理咨询室,对神经症患者建议心理咨询为主,配合适当药物治疗辅助治疗。  相似文献   

霍妮神经症理论是对真实自我异化成长模式的探索,真实自我是霍妮神经症理论的逻辑起点。霍妮通过对真实自我是潜能状态的规定及自我实现的理论探索,自发地展现了其浓厚的人本主义倾向。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the roles of emotional comprehension and representational drawing skill in children's expressive drawing. Fifty 7‐ to 10‐year‐olds were asked to produce two (happy and sad) expressive drawings, two representational drawings (drawing of a man running and drawing of a house) and to answer the Test of Emotion Comprehension (Pons & Harris, 2000). The expressive drawings were assessed on the number of expressive subject matter themes (‘content expression’) and the overall quality of expression on a 5‐point scale. Each of the representational drawings was measured on a scale assessing detail and visual realism criteria, and contributed to a single representational drawing skill score. In line with our predictions, we found that both emotional comprehension and representational drawing skill accounted for a significant variance in children's expressive drawings. We explain that children's developing emotional comprehension may allow them to consider more detailed and poignant expressive ideas for their drawings and that their developing representational drawing skill facilitates the graphic execution of these emotional ideas. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

生成性绘图是学习心理学中一种有效的学习策略,能够促进学习者对科学文本知识的表征和深层理解。目前关于学习者生成性绘图的研究主要集中在个体学习领域,很少有研究探讨合作学习中生成性绘图的作用。本研究将合作学习与学习者生成性绘图相结合,探讨生成性绘图和合作对高中生科学知识学习的影响。实验1采用单因素(绘图、阅读)被试间设计来验证生成性绘图对学习效果以及认知负荷等主观体验的影响;实验2采用2(合作、个体)×2(绘图、阅读)被试间设计来探讨合作与生成性绘图对学习效果和学习者主观体验的影响。研究表明,生成性绘图和合作都可以有效促进高中生科学知识的学习效果;生成性绘图能够降低学习者的内在认知负荷;合作能够降低学习者的内在和外在认知负荷,提高学习者的相关认知负荷和学习兴趣。  相似文献   

该研究采用自然实验和问卷调查法,对268名小学五年级学生进行画图表征策略训练,在此基础上根据策略学习情况筛选出掌握了该策略的218名学生,以这些学生为被试,探讨元认知在画图表征策略和小学生数学问题解决能力中的作用。结果表明:(1)策略学习后,小学生的画图表征策略水平和数学问题解决成绩均显著高于策略学习前。(2)画图表征策略通过元认知这一中介变量对小学生数学问题解决能力有显著的促进作用。  相似文献   

The objective of our study was to examine the effectiveness of a new version of the autobiographical recall procedure (i.e., drawing a happy personal event) in eliciting a positive mood in 6-, 8-, and 10-year-old children and to compare the drawing condition to the more classical telling condition. The mood of children was assessed before and after induction using the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM) and across the two emotional dimensions of valence and arousal. The results showed that the drawing condition was as effective as the telling condition for inducing a positive mood. Furthermore, in the drawing condition, children reported feeling calmer than in the telling condition, suggesting that drawing was more likely to help children regulate their emotional state. The drawing procedure could be used in future research aiming to induce positive moods in school-aged children, to help further investigate the relationship between cognition and emotion.  相似文献   

The authors studied whether the drawing variability in young children is best explicable by (a) demands on the explicit timing system, (b) an underdeveloped ability to control limb dynamics, or (c) both. The explicit timing demands were lower in continuous drawing in comparison with the discontinuous task. The authors manipulated limb dynamics by changing the number of joints involved, with line drawing requiring fewer joints than circle drawing. Results showed that young children had high temporal variability in discontinuous circling but not in other conditions. The authors argue that both explicit timing and dynamic complexity of limb control may be determinants of temporal consistency and may thus play an important role in the development of drawing and writing skills in children.  相似文献   

根据儿童绘画发展理论,通过对160名3.2~14岁自闭症谱系障碍儿童的“自由画”、“绘人”和“家庭成员画”的赋值编码以及与普通儿童绘画的对比,从量与质的角度,分析和探索了绘画在区分自闭症谱系障碍儿童功能的可行性。  相似文献   

本研究以眼动仪为工具,借助移动窗口技术,比较了16名高阅读水平和14名低阅读水平的五年级维吾尔族小学生维吾尔语阅读知觉广度的大小及其对称性。结果发现:高阅读水平学生的知觉广度为注视点左侧8~11个字符到右侧2~3个字符,而低阅读水平学生的知觉广度为注视点左侧8~11个字符到右侧2个字符。在本研究条件下,可得出以下结论:(1)五年级不同阅读水平的学生维吾尔语阅读知觉广度都具有不对称性,左侧范围大于右侧;(2)阅读水平高的学生其阅读知觉广度略大于低阅读水平的学生,差异主要体现在右侧知觉广度。  相似文献   

Soilevuo Grønnerød, J. & Grønnerød, C. (2010). Are large drawings signs of psychological expansion or effects of drawing skills? A critical evaluation of Wartegg drawing size categories in a Finnish sample. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 51, 63–67. In the Wartegg Drawing Completion Test, drawings which are larger than the norm size are interpreted as signs of the personality trait of expansion. The popular handbook by Wass and Mattlar (2000) includes a graphic presentation of the size norms. We scored 351 test blankets into the size categories small, normal and large following these norms. Only 14% of the drawings fitted into the category of normal size, while 13% were small and 73% were large. We also evaluated the test blankets according to drawing ability into five categories and found a high correlation between large size and drawing ability. The results show a need to re‐evaluate the direct link between large size and expansion, as well as a need to modify the size norms.  相似文献   

Spatially lateralised deficits that typically define the hemispatial neglect syndrome have been shown to co-occur with other non-lateralised deficits of attention, memory, and drawing. However even a simple graphic task involves multiple planning components, including the specification of drawing start position and drawing direction. In order to investigate the influence of these factors in neglect we presented patients with a circle-copying task, and specified the drawing start point. The ability to draw from the instructed location was strongly related to tests that measure constructional abilities, but not related to start point laterality. In contrast, the direction in which patients drew the circle was affected by start point laterality: patients with neglect were less likely to draw in a typical direction when the cue was on the affected side of space and this was strongly related to severity of the neglect. Patients with neglect consistently produced circles that were smaller than the model; however, the scaling was not affected by the laterality of the start point, nor was the proportion of drawings correctly started at the cue. These findings demonstrate the complex relationship between neglect and even the simplest test for the syndrome.  相似文献   

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