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未来配偶偏爱的特征——选择长期配偶与短期配偶的条件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李天正 《心理学报》2007,39(3):528-535
该研究中被试分配有限“配偶币”来抉择与理想配偶标准相符合的性交往对象。首先,该研究重复验证了Li 等人 (2002) 和Kenrick (2006)的发现,男性理想的长期配偶需要外表出众,而女性理想的长期配偶需要社会地位较高;两性理想的短期配偶都必须外表出众。其次,两性所投射出的理想自我与潜在配偶偏好的特征一致,研究发现,长期性交往条件下,男性需要具有较高社会地位,女性需要外表出众;短期性交往条件下,男性和女性都需要外表出众。评价潜在配偶的机制与评价现有配偶的机制可能是两种受到选择的不同的心理机制。  相似文献   

婚姻与幸福的关系一直备受学界和公众关注,但尚无明确定论。研究采用中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)两次追踪到的24172人数据,利用双重差分倾向得分匹配法(PSM-DID)探讨婚姻与幸福感因果机制。结果发现婚姻状态转变(未婚→已婚)能明显提升个体幸福感,但提升效应受性别调节,即婚姻对男性幸福感回报明显高于女性。结论:婚姻带来的社会支持、经济增益等可能是婚姻促进幸福感的主因;而传统婚姻文化及婚后男女在家庭结构或功能上的分工差异,可能是婚姻对男性幸福感的回报明显高于女性的重要原因。  相似文献   

大学生性别角色观的差异   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
运用问卷调查法,结合人格特质词分类法,对140名大学本科新生的性别角色观进行了研究。发现:(1)男女大学生都把勇敢和善良分别放在男女性别角色正价特质的第一位;虚伪和自私分别放在男女性别角色负价特质的第一位。(2)男女大学生在善良是男女性别角色共有正价特质,负责、真诚、稳重和善良是男性角色正价特质,温柔与真诚是女性角色正价特质的重要性认识等方面有显著性的性别差异。在男生认为的男性角色的主要正价特质中女生只认为勇敢、坚强、真诚、稳重、负责是男性角色的主要正价特质。男生更认为温柔是女性角色的正价特质,女生更认为真诚是女性角色的正价特质。(3)男女生都认为势利、自私、虚伪、刻薄、饶舌是女性角色的主要负价特质,但男生把势利是放在女性角色负价特质的第一位,女生把自私放在女性角色负价特质的第一位;男女生都认为势利、自负、自私、粗鲁是男性角色的主要负价特质,但女生比男生更认为自负与懦弱是男性角色的主要负价特质,男生认为势利比自负更是男性角色的主要负价特质。  相似文献   

Jennifer   Byrd-Craven  David   C.   Geary  Jacob   M.   Vigil  Mary   K.   Hoard 《心理学报》2007,39(3):469-480
本研究探讨了单一性伙伴(n = 222)、两个以上性伙伴(n = 145)与无性伙伴(n = 106)三组低收入女性的长期配偶偏好、人生阅历、生活史特质与个人特征的关系。研究结果显示三组女性的配偶偏好趋于一致,繁衍策略的组别差异与人生阅历和所处环境具有较高相关,三组女性并不偏好特定类型的配偶。路径分析显示首次生育年龄直接预测配偶数量,受教育水平和初次性交时间对配偶数量与首次生育年龄之间的关系具有显著调节作用;女儿与父亲相处的时间可以预测初次性交年龄。研究结果显示父亲投资影响青少年性行为发展的时间表,人类繁衍的长期进化是性行为变化的根源  相似文献   

基于人格毕生发展理论及中国社会文化背景,调查了我国从青少年到老年3192名被试,探究了中国人大五人格5维度及10个面毕生发展水平。总体上,年龄与神经质、焦虑、抑郁、活跃、开放性、审美、创意显著负相关,与外倾性、宜人性、尽责性、自信、利他、顺从、条理和自律显著正相关。在60岁以下的人群中,年龄大的个体神经质更低,而在大于60岁的人群中,年龄大的个体神经质反而更高;在50岁以下的人群中,年龄大的个体外倾性水平相对较高,但50岁之后年龄大的个体外倾性相对较低;整体上,年龄大的个体开放性水平相对较低,而年龄大的个体宜人性水平反而更高;年龄大的个体尽责性水平也相对较高,但较之40到49岁群体而言,50岁以上群体的尽责性则相对较低。男性和女性不同年龄群体的大五人格具有一定差异性,特别是男性的尽责性高于女性,以及女性的神经质高于男性等性别差异。进一步分析了年龄与大五人格10个面的关系,描绘了不同年龄群体10个面的发展水平。  相似文献   

性选择在人类心理、行为等表型的演化过程中扮演了重要角色, 但其对女性食物选择的影响却相对较少被关注。性选择塑造了男女不同的择偶策略, 男性择偶时对女性外在吸引力的关注使得女性更加重视身材等外在吸引力信息。而女性身材与饮食的密切联系, 进一步提示性选择过程应该会对女性的食物选择产生影响。以之为基础, 梳理求偶动机激活可能引发的女性食物选择的变化, 以及女性生理期不同阶段在食物选择上的变异, 有助于了解性选择过程对女性食物选择的影响。未来研究中, 进一步从行为、激素、脑等不同层面剖析对应影响及涉及机制, 对该领域的长远发展有重要意义。  相似文献   

本研究首次考察中国文化下伴侣身高性别二态性偏好,验证Pawlowski潜在伴侣身高偏好条件性假设,并探讨性别角色对身高偏好的影响。结果表明:(1)选择不同身高搭配组的男女身高均有显著差异,低个男性和高个女性会选择和自已身高接近的伴侣高度。(2)男性对伴侣身高要求比女性更宽容。(3)不同性别角色类型被试对身高偏好无显著差异。  相似文献   

男性监控配偶、配偶不贞与精子竞争的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Valerie   G.   Starratt  Todd   K.   Shackelford  Aaron   T.   Goetz  William   F.   McKibbin 《心理学报》2007,39(3):523-527
精子竞争是指同一女性产道中两个或两个以上男人的精子相互竞争卵子的过程。女性得到社会承认的性伙伴可能因精子竞争失败而损失惨重,因为女性私通可能引起男性投资于不携带自己基因的后代。过去研究表明进化而来的男性配偶监控策略可以防止女性不贞,减少精子竞争失败的危险。当前研究发现男性与配偶进行性行为后离别时间越久,男性就越采取出其不意地打电话、独占配偶时间、威胁对配偶感兴趣的男性等手段来监控配偶  相似文献   

王凯  王沛 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1343-1348
以大学生作为被试,旨在探究:在交叉刻板印象加工过程中,是否存在某一单维刻板印象的加工优势效应?如果存在,靶子熟悉度的差异是否会影响单维刻板印象的加工优势效应?该单维刻板印象加工优势效应是否还会受到其他单维刻板印象加工的调节。研究结果表明:(1)在对具有性别-年龄组合而成的交叉刻板印象的人群进行判断时,通过面孔进行启动,发现在不同的条件下分别存在性别单维刻板印象和年龄单维刻板印象的加工优势效应,即年轻男性或女性面孔的性别特征较年龄特征更容易得到加工和提取,老年男性或女性面孔的年龄特征较性别特征更具有加工优势。而在范畴词汇启动下,老年男性或女性词汇启动下的年龄特征较性别特征更具有加工优势。(2)熟悉性会影响单维刻板印象的加工优势,即在年轻被试感知面孔或范畴词汇时,其对老年男性或女性靶子间击中率的差异要显著大于对年轻男性或女性的靶子间击中率的差异。换言之,年轻被试感知老年人靶子的性别与年龄间的差异要显著大于年轻人靶子,出现自我参照现象。(3)在交叉刻板印象加工中,同时存在的各类单维刻板印象加工是彼此削弱的,具有优势加工效应的刻板印象的加工会受到非优势刻板印象加工的抑制。(4)在交叉刻板印象加工中,优势刻板印象加工会受到其相对刻板印象加工的削弱。  相似文献   

人际关系人格维度包括宽和与热情两个次级因素,反映的是对待人际关系的基本态度.该研究依据本土化的中国人人格量表对中国人的人际关系人格维度及其两个次级因素的特点进行了分析,发现个体的性别、年龄、职业和婚姻状况均对人际关系产生不同程度的影响.总体上看,女性比男性对人更宽和,男性比女性对人更热情;年龄越大,人际关系分数越高;行政管理者比工人农民与和教科文卫人员人际关系分数更高,而婚姻状况也与年龄和性别一起影响个体的人际关系倾向.  相似文献   

温芳芳  佐斌 《心理学报》2012,44(1):14-29
采用图像处理技术和眼动探讨了性别二态线索对面孔偏好的影响。实验1发现非面孔线索未掩蔽和掩蔽时, 感知男性化技术与原始照片条件下女性化的男性面孔更有吸引力和信任度; 性别二态技术条件下, 非面孔线索未掩蔽时男性化的男性面孔更有吸引力和信任度。实验2表明被试对男性面孔的平均瞳孔大小和注视次数均大于和多于女性面孔, 首次注视时间短于女性面孔; 被试对男性化面孔的首次注视时间和首次注视持续时间均长于女性化面孔。  相似文献   

选取858名6~9年级上海学生为被试,采用自评和他评问卷探讨被试性别角色类型、受欺负和社会能力与母亲拒绝惩罚的关系。结果显示:(1)未分化型学生人数最多,其社会能力低于另两种类型;(2)性别角色类型在母亲拒绝惩罚预测学生受欺负和社会能力中起调节作用:母亲拒绝惩罚正向预测未分化型学生受欺负,负向预测其社会能力;母亲拒绝惩罚无法预测双性化和单性化型学生受欺负和社会能力。未分化型个体受到母亲拒绝惩罚是其学校适应问题的风险因素。  相似文献   

Joseph Schwartz 《Sex roles》2011,64(3-4):265-275
A content analysis of 243 U.S. newspaper articles about same-sex marriage from the Boston Globe, the Plain Dealer, the Oklahoman, and the San Francisco Chronicle was conducted. Hypotheses predicted that male sources would outnumber female sources; that gay male sources would outnumber lesbian sources; and that male sources would express more negative views toward same-sex marriage than female sources. Results showed that male sources were over three times as common as female sources. Gay male and lesbian sources were found at near-equal rates in the Boston Globe and the San Francisco Chronicle, but were almost absent from the Plain Dealer and the Oklahoman. Male sources expressed negative views toward same-sex marriage more frequently than female sources.  相似文献   

大连市抑郁障碍的现况调查   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
了解大连市18岁以上人群抑郁障碍的患病率和分布特点。采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法,以复合性国际诊断交谈检查量表(CIDI3.0)对大连市5062名≥18岁城乡居民进行了调查。抑郁障碍的患病率为4.30%,其中男性为3.40%,女性为5.00%,女性高于男性(P0.01);重度抑郁障碍的男性患病率为2.90%,女性为4.40%,女性高于男性(P0.01)。城乡间患病率无显著性差异。不同收入水平的患病率存在差异,收入处于中等水平的人群患病率低于低、高收入者。目前抑郁障碍已经成为迫切需要解决的重大公共卫生问题,关注女性,关注低收入群体,进行健康宣传,提供支持,以便促进家庭及社会的和谐。了解大连市18岁以上人群抑郁障碍的患病率和分布特点。采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法,以复合性国际诊断交谈检查量表(CIDI3.0)对大连市5062名≥18岁城乡居民进行了调查。抑郁障碍的患病率为4.30%,其中男性为3.40%,女性为5.00%,女性高于男性(P0.01);重度抑郁障碍的男性患病率为2.90%,女性为4.40%,女性高于男性(P0.01)。城乡间患病率无显著性差异。不同收入水平的患病率存在差异,收入处于中等水平的人群患病率低于低、高收入者。目前抑郁障碍已经成为迫切需要解决的重大公共卫生问题,关注女性,关注低收入群体,进行健康宣传,提供支持,以便促进家庭及社会的和谐。  相似文献   

This research focuses on male and female observers' attributions of responsibility to a female accuser and a male accused of rape. Observers read 1 of 2 scenarios in which the accuser was either smaller or larger than the accused and then made judgments concerning each person's responsibility for what happened. The data indicated that the larger accuser was considered more responsible than the smaller accuser and the larger accused was perceived to be more responsible than the smaller accused. Females attributed more responsibility and had less sympathy, respect, and liking for the accused, whereas males attributed more responsibility and reported more negative attitudes toward the accuser. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for legal and health-care professionals.  相似文献   

Previous research indicated a ‘face-ism’ bias in media depictions of men and women: me media tend to represent men with their faces, whereas women's depictions include larger parts of their bodies, rendering their faces less prominent. To explore the impact of facial prominence on impression formation, male and female subjects received either full-body or portrait-style photographs, made from the same negatives, of male and female stimulus persons of different likeability. Male and female subjects evaluated all stimulus persons as more competent (intelligent, assertive, ambitious, etc.) if presented with a high (portrait) rather than a low (full-body photograph) degree of facial prominence. This main effect of facial prominence was not qualified by interaction effects with any of the other variables. PIUS, the media's face-ism bias is likely to contribute to a perception of men as more competent than women. In addition, female but not male subjects also evaluated stimulus persons as more expressive and likeable under conditions of high facial prominence, reflecting a global positive effect of facial prominence.  相似文献   

In order to examine the effect of sex of the speaker on listening comprehension in a public speaking situation, 60 male and 60 female subjects viewed either a male or female speaker presenting a talk on either a masculine (chess), feminine (interior decorating), or neutral (snow skiiing) topic. The results supported the hypotheses that when a male speaks he is listened to more carefully than a female speaker, even when she makes the identical presentation. No differences were found when the topic was biased towards one sex; males were still recalled better than females. The above relationships were also true for male and female subjects; both recalled information more accurately from male speakers than from female ones. Rating of informativeness of the presentation showed no difference for sex of the speaker; but effectiveness ratings of the speaker indicated that while both male and female subjects rated male speakers equally effective, the same was not true for the female speakers. Male subjects rated the female speakers significantly more effective than they did male speakers, whereas female subjects rated male and female speakers equally effective.This article is based in part on the first author's master's thesis, submitted to the Graduate School, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, under the direction of the second author. This research was supported in part by the Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, North Carolina. A portion of this paper was presented at the 23rd Southeastern Psychological Association Convention, Hollywood, Florida, May 1977.  相似文献   

Eighty-four male and 84 female subjects, divided into high, moderate, and low groups on the basis of sex-role stereotyping, watched videotapes of two-person interactions where positive and negative assertive messages were sent by male and female actors to male and female receivers. Subjects rated the level of assertion and the social acceptability of each message. Results indicated that while all messages were rated as relatively assertive, negative messages were perceived as more assertive and less socially acceptable than positive ones. Subjects also rated male senders as more assertive than female senders when the message type was role inappropriate for the subjects but rated female senders as relatively more assertive when the message type was role appropriate for them. Messages from female senders were rated as more socially acceptable than messages from male senders. Finally, messages to male receivers were rated as more acceptable than messages to females, especially by male subjects when the sender was male. Thus, both sex-role stereotypes and situational expectations appear to influence perceptions of level of assertion, and more assertive messages are perceived as less socially appropriate.  相似文献   

Participants rated a series of photographs that depicted well-known male and female athletes in a sexualized fashion or not. In general, sexualized targets were perceived as more attractive but as less competent than non-sexualized targets, and for ratings of competence, sexualization effects were greater for female targets. Sexualization had no effects on women’s perceptions of the competence of male targets, whereas for men, sexualization affected their perceptions of the competence of both male and female targets, although the influence of sexualization was stronger for female targets than it was for male targets. These findings suggest that the gender of the target and of the perceiver needs to be considered when evaluating the influences of sexualization. The implications of these findings are discussed within the context of objectification theory, which has focused on the objectification of women by women.  相似文献   

探讨尿微量白蛋白(MA)与急性缺血性脑卒中(AIS)的关系。选取2012年1月1日~2014年3月31日于大连大学附属新华医院神经内科住院的缺血性脑卒中患者175例为研究对象。分为试验组:A1S患者103例;对照组:非AIS患者72例。比较两组的一般资料和MA阳性率情况。结果试验组的MA阳性率为41.75%,显著高于对照组MA的阳性率20.83%(P〈0.05)。MA与AIS可能有相关性,MA可能是AIS的危险因素。  相似文献   

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