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通过对大连医科大学附属第一医院宁养院2001年3月~2013年11月收治的4838例癌痛患者进行调查,总结归纳居家癌痛患者的疼痛控制情况,探索癌痛患者的疼痛管理方法,结果提示依靠团队合作在居家条件下免费向癌痛患者及其家属提供身体、心理、社会和精神全方位的照顾和支持,即理想的疼痛管理是“整体性疼痛”与“整体性痛苦”的治疗,不仅针对临床疼痛症状,还必须处理相关因素。  相似文献   

癌痛治疗指南解析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对多国成人癌痛指南进行检索、回顾,发现近年癌痛治疗领域新进展和各国普遍遵循的共同原则,为临床医生改进癌痛治疗提供参考。采用现有的互联网临床实践指南检索平台,对成人癌痛指南进行检索,分析各国指南的异同之处,重点对疼痛评估、WHO三阶梯药物治疗及辅助治疗进行比较、归纳。全面的癌痛评估是指痛治疗的必要前提,也是众多癌痛指南强调的重点;按疼痛程度选择三阶梯镇痛药物仍是药物止痛的基本原则;口服途径是止痛治疗的首选给药途径;第一阶梯药物中阿司匹林的应用逐渐淡化,NSAIDs的毒性反应受到关注;第二阶梯药物的选择更灵活。应根据疼痛性质、患者的具体情况合理选择复合制荆。吗啡仍是强阿片类药物中的首选,可用于中、重度疼痛的治疗。因此,我国成人癌痛治疗需要改进,应重点推广全面的疼痛评估,提倡根据患者的具体情况合理、灵活的选择三阶梯药物,个体化治疗是止痛治疗的关键。  相似文献   

对多国成人癌痛指南进行检索、回顾,发现近年癌痛治疗领域新进展和各国普遍遵循的共同原则,为临床医生改进癌痛治疗提供参考.采用现有的互联网临床实践指南检索平台,对成人癌痛指南进行检索,分析各国指南的异同之处,重点对疼痛评估、WHO三阶梯药物治疗及辅助治疗进行比较、归纳.全面的癌痛评估是指痛治疗的必要前提,也是众多癌痛指南强调的重点;按疼痛程度选择三阶梯镇痛药物仍是药物止痛的基本原则;口服途径是止痛治疗的首选给药途径;第一阶梯药物中阿司匹林的应用逐渐淡化,NSAIDs的毒性反应受到关注;第二阶梯药物的选择更灵活.应根据疼痛性质、患者的具体情况合理选择复合制剂.吗啡仍是强阿片类药物中的首选,可用于中、重度疼痛的治疗.因此,我国成人癌痛治疗需要改进,应重点推广全面的疼痛评估,提倡根据患者的具体情况合理、灵活的选择三阶梯药物,个体化治疗是止痛治疗的关键.  相似文献   

癌症疼痛是一种复杂和多维的感受,与心理和社会因素相互影响。本文回顾近期国内外相关研究指出,许多重要的社会心理因素与疼痛有关,包括心理压力、应对方法、社会支持以及社会经济因素,它们是疼痛管理的难点。近期的国内外研究表明缓解癌痛的心理社会干预措施包括:疼痛教育、应对技能训练和催眠等,它们对疼痛治疗管理是有益的补充,同时抗抑郁药物应用对疼痛治疗有益。  相似文献   

癌症是当今严重威胁人类健康和生命的疾病之一。解除癌症疼痛对改善晚期癌症患者的生存质量、延长生存期都具有十分重要的意义。癌痛的诊断和合理的疼痛评估是治疗癌痛的基础。癌症疼痛的治疗方法虽有多种,但其目的就是使用最佳方法解除患者痛苦,消除疼痛,从而提高生存质量。因此本文从科学的角度对晚期癌痛的治疗方法进行评价和阐述。  相似文献   

关注老年癌症止痛   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虽然肿瘤的发病率在老年人并不低,但社会对老年人的关注度并不高。几乎所有肿瘤药物临床试验都把老年人排除在外,因此,不少药品说明书特别注明“缺乏老年人资料”。老年癌痛治疗领域也存在同样的问题。老年癌痛的病理生理及心理特点很独特,加之对老年癌病重视不够及缺乏正确评价,所以老年癌痛的研究相当复杂,因而癌痛的处理犹如癌症一样也需要综合治疗。癌痛治疗药物可分成两大类:非阿片类及阿片类药物。非阿片类药物中首选对乙酰氨基酚治疗轻度癌痛,非甾体类抗炎药,特别是选择性COX2抑制剂可在对乙酰氨基酚无效时应用。阿片类药物则广泛应用于中度到重度的癌痛治疗。辅助治疗药物包括三环抗抑郁药、抗惊厥药、苯二氮蕈类药物等。可用于癌痛三阶梯治疗的任一阶段,能够治疗特殊类型疼痛,改善癌痛以外的症状,增加主要药物镇痛效果,减轻副作用,但不推荐常规使用。总而言之,对于老年癌症患者更要强调以镇痛为主的姑息治疗,特别在重症老年患者,可能成为最重要的治疗,有时甚至是唯一有效妁治疗。  相似文献   

疼痛的体验是主观的,疼痛与痛苦相伴而行。NCCN成人癌痛指南对癌痛的评估和治疗中涉及大量的心理问题与干预、精神症状评估和精神药物应用,本文力求对这方面进行解读,以揭示癌痛治疗中对人的尊重和对“总疼痛”的理解。  相似文献   

疼痛的体验是主观的,疼痛与痛苦相伴而行。NCCN成人癌痛指南对癌痛的评估和治疗中涉及大量的心理问题与干预、精神症状评估和精神药物应用,本文力求对这方面进行解读,以揭示癌痛治疗中对人的尊重和对“总疼痛”的理解。  相似文献   

面对日益加剧的人口老龄化趋势,国际肿瘤界逐渐意识到老年肿瘤治疗问题的严重性.老年肿瘤患者在被确诊时多已处于晚期,基础疾病多,各脏器功能下降,姑息治疗对老年肿瘤患者显得非常重要,尤其是疼痛治疗.目前,因为对老年人疼痛的认识不足、评估不够、过分担心药物副作用,使得老年癌痛控制现状不容乐观.本文综述了老年癌痛的特点、评估方法及治疗原则,强调对于老年癌症患者治疗的目标不是重返工作或者延长生命,而是尽最大可能地提高生活质量,让老年癌症患者远离癌痛,真正享受到无痛人生.  相似文献   

老年癌症患者疼痛管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对日益加剧的人口老龄化趋势,国际肿瘤界逐渐意识到老年肿瘤治疗问题的严重性。老年肿瘤患者在被确诊时多已处于晚期,基础疾病多,各脏器功能下降,姑息治疗对老年肿瘤患者显得非常重要,尤其是疼痛治疗。目前,因为对老年人疼痛的认识不足、评估不够、过分担心药物副作用,使得老年癌痛控制现状不容乐观。本文综述了老年癌痛的特点、评估方法及治疗原则,强调对于老年癌症患者治疗的目标不是重返工作或者延长生命,而是尽最大可能地提高生活质量,让老年癌症患者远离癌痛,真正享受到无痛人生。  相似文献   

There is much evidence to suggest that psychological and social issues are predictive of pain severity, emotional distress, work disability, and response to medical treatments among persons with chronic pain. Psychologists can play an important role in the identification of psychological and social dysfunction and in matching personal characteristics to effective interventions as part of a multidisciplinary approach to pain management, leading to a greater likelihood of treatment success. The assessment of different domains using semi-structured clinical interviews and standardized self-report measures permits identification of somatosensory, emotional, cognitive, behavioral and social issues in order to facilitate treatment planning. In this paper, we briefly describe measures to assess constructs related to pain and intervention strategies for the behavioral treatment of chronic pain and discuss related psychiatric and substance abuse issues. Finally, we offer a future look at the role of integrating pain management in clinical practice in the psychological assessment and treatment for persons with chronic pain.  相似文献   

儿童癌症疼痛相关问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
几乎所有的癌症患儿在其病程中都会经历疼痛,其中70%以上患儿在某一时刻会有重度疼痛。目前儿童癌痛的有效控制率令人担忧。对于下面几个问题如果能够充分了解,将有助于患儿的疼痛控制。这些问题包括:疼痛控制力度不够的原因;疼痛产生原因;疼痛的评估方法;疼痛的药物治疗和非药物治疗原则。  相似文献   

A cognitive-behavioral treatment for rheumatoid arthritis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This experiment tested a cognitive-behavioral rheumatoid arthritis treatment designed to confer skills in managing stress, pain, and other symptoms of the disease. We hypothesized that a mediator of the magnitude of treatment effects might be enhancement of perceived self-efficacy to manage the disease. It was predicted that the treatment would reduce arthritis symptoms and possibly would improve both immunologic competence and psychological functioning. The treatment provided instruction in self-relaxation, cognitive pain management, and goal setting. A control group received a widely available arthritis helpbook containing useful information about arthritis self-management. We obtained suggestive evidence of an enhancement of perceived self-efficacy, reduced pain and joint inflammation, and improved psychosocial functioning in the treated group. No change was demonstrated in numbers or function of T-cell subsets. The magnitude of the improvements was correlated with degree of self-efficacy enhancement.  相似文献   

There is a significant group of chronic pain patients with complex psychosocial needs who are frequent users of hospital outpatient departments and who do not participate in or benefit from traditional pain management treatments and are convinced there is a medical solution to their problems. They are a particularly challenging group of patients to help, often shunned by medical and psychological professionals. A new type of ten-session psycho-social group for these patients that is less demanding than traditional pain management group programmes is investigated. It is designed to foster the development into community-based self-help groups and reduce the need for professional support and unnecessary medical intervention. Accounts of four groups of patients who participated in support groups and successfully established their own groups is presented. To assess changes in motivation, mood and pain disability standardized questionnaire measures were given before and after group attendance. Findings suggest that patients benefited and took increased responsibility for their pain management but did not demonstrate positive changes on measures of mood or level of pain disability. Patients experienced satisfaction with the groups and established their own self-help community groups. The positive experience of participants and staff suggests further work with support groups would be productive for this group of patients.  相似文献   

A large volume of evidence has supported the important role of psychological principles and variables related to the perception of, and response to, nociceptive stimulation. On the basis of this research, a number of psychological interventions have been developed and used successfully with pain patients. Despite the evidence, there has been a tendency for practitioners to neglect the contributing role of cognitive, affective, and behavioral factors in reports of pain by cancer patients. Cancer seems to hold a unique status in medicine and society at large. In this paper, the cancer pain literature is briefly reviewed and evidence is presented for various psychological determinants of the pain report and response that may be extended to pain associated with cancer. The implications of these data for understanding and treatment of cancer patients are described.  相似文献   

Cancer genetics professionals face a new opportunity and challenge in adapting to the availability of cancer genetic testing panels, now available as a result of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology. While cancer panels have been available for over a year, we believe that there is not yet enough data to create practice guidelines. Despite this, a year of experience allows us to provide our opinion on points to consider as cancer genetic counselors incorporate this testing technology into genetic counseling practice models. NGS technology offers the ability to potentially diagnose hereditary cancer syndromes more efficiently by testing many genes at once for a fraction of what it would cost to test each gene individually. However, there are limitations and additional risks to consider with these tests. Obtaining informed consent for concurrent testing of multiple genes requires that genetics professionals modify their discussions with patients regarding the potential cancer risks and the associated implications to medical management. We propose dividing the genes on each panel into categories that vary by degree of cancer risk (e.g. penetrance of the syndrome) and availability of management guidelines, with the aim to improve patient understanding of the range of information that can come from this testing. The increased risk for identifying variants of uncertain significance (VUS) when testing many genes at once must be discussed with patients. Pretest genetic counseling must also include the possibility to receive unexpected results as well as the potential to receive a result in the absence of related medical management guidelines. It is also important to consider whether a single gene test remains the best testing option for some patients. As panels expand, it is important that documentation reflects exactly which genes have been analyzed for each patient. While this technology holds the promise of more efficient diagnosis for many of our patients, it also comes with new challenges that we must recognize and address.  相似文献   

The assessment and management of pain is a significant public health problem in the United States. Long-term care facilities face unique barriers and challenges to pain management due to the large population of cognitively impaired residents, little physician contact and poor pain education for nurses and nurse assistants. In addition, common misconceptions about pain and pain treatment in the elderly along with health professional and resident fears of addiction and drug toxicity, add to the problem of pain management. The basic principles of pain treatment in long-term care are identical to all other health care settings – utilizing a combination of drug and non-drug treatments. Recent efforts to institutionalize improved pain management practices, through assessment procedures and defined pain management policies, standards and education programming, is a promising venue for systemically improving pain treatment in long-term care settings.  相似文献   

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