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不同的人有不同的人生境界,同一个体,其在不同阶段,由于觉解程度不同,所呈现的人生境界也不尽一致。对处于不同人生境界的个体而言,其对道德行为的践行则有所不同,由此出现道德冷漠、道德顾虑、道德恐惧以及道德自由诸种道德行为。不同道德行为,多是一种偶在性表现,既不是个体一成不变的定行,亦非某一群体集体行为的表征。每一种道德行为的出现,都有其相应的内因外缘,剖析诸类非正常道德行为出现的缘由,以期提出对治之方,这是学者的使命,亦是社会之所寄。  相似文献   

元是指根本,元问题是指根本的问题。道德人就是那些能够在实践理性精神主导下自觉作出有益于他人的却与自身利益无关甚至是有违自身利益的行为或活动的人。道德人的元问题就是人的本质和人的价值是什么的问题,它回答了道德人何以为道德人之根本所在。在当代,人的解放已经到了这样一个阶段:关于道德人评判的思维元模式是超越了主体论工具理性的主体间论。  相似文献   

一种好的道德境界划分法,应既能为提升人格道德水平提供路向指标,也能为评判人格道德水平提供有效尺度。道德划境法不外以事划境与以人划境这两种。比较而言,孔子的以人划境法是最可取的,但仍有明显不足。而从构成个人道德意识的五个方面,即道德知识、道德情感、道德意志、道德理智、道德信念,去区分人的道德境界,可将人格的道德水平划分为小人境界、俗人境界、庸人境界、君子境界和完人境界这五个由低到高的层次。  相似文献   

常人道德是道德生活中一种普遍而经常存在的道德行为类型和道德境界层次。它既不是道德上超凡脱俗的圣贤或先进的“君子”,也不是见利忘义、损人利己的“小人”,而是处于二者之间的“中人”之性和“常人”之德。“常人道德”的特征主要体现为:第一,其行为特征既非应当,也非失当,而表现为正当。第二,其价值观是义利兼顾的;第三,其人己观是人我两利的;第四,其行为动机是追求权利与义务的对等统一。常人道德的存在是一种道德生活的常态真实存在。常人道德的义利统一、人己两利、权利与义务相统一是现代伦理精神的集中体现。常人道德是道德的中间层次与境界。研究常人道德并给予道德上的正面价值评价的意义在于有利于克服我们过去的那种善恶两极的对立道德思维方式,有利于真正实现权利与义务相统一的现代道德精神,有利于当代道德研究面向生活和民众,从而有利于建立与社会主义市场经济相适应的新道德观。  相似文献   

朱熹的诚、信观建基于四书中的相关思想,他的诚意味着人从肉体的欲望中超拔出来,获得了合于天道的超越境界;他的信主要指人际交往关系中的表里如一,言行相顾。朱熹的诚、信大体上可以归为法理学家富勒所说的愿望的道德和义务的道德两种道德类型。分别立足于义务的道德和愿望的道德的研究范式,审视朱熹对诚、信的观点,有助于我们思考当前诚信建设的问题:第一,义务的道德提示我们应以公共法规进行诚信制度的建设,确保人们达到朱熹所谓凡事都著信之境;第二,愿望的道德提示我们回味朱熹‘诚之者,人之道也’,便是信,借助信仰力量夯实个体的诚信道德的基础。  相似文献   

张有奎 《现代哲学》2015,(3):1-7,24
拜物教是马克思学说的重要范畴。物、物化和物象化概念是一组与拜物教密切相关的概念群。拜物教之"物"有两重意蕴:一是物与物的关系掩盖着人与人的关系,人在观念和行为方面认同物的逻辑;二是物与物的关系隐藏的人与人的关系不是泛泛之论,而是特指资本主义的生产关系。拜物教之"物"的社会表征主要有四个方面:人役于物;抽象化、形式化;合理化、算计和效率;流动性。物之解读的意义在于,既看到当今物之时代强调规则、秩序、能力、形式的必然性和进步性,避免简单化的道德批判,又看到它的局限性和现实超越的长期性。  相似文献   

以"生态"为本位和以"人类"为本位的生态文明理论,由于它们都拘泥于哲学价值观的视角来探寻生态危机的根源及其解决之道,寄希望于人们道德境界的提升来约束自己的实践行为,是一种作为境界论的生态文明理论。作为发展观的生态文明理论把实现制度变革作为解决生态危机的根本出路,强调建立公正的国际政治经济秩序以及合理协调人们之间利益关系的内在机制,实现自然资源的合理分配和使用,维护民族国家的发展权和环境权,是解决当代生态危机的关键。  相似文献   

仁是儒家思想的核心,对仁的研究是学界恒常的热点,但多将仁视为道德原则。本文认为,儒家的仁作为道德原则的意义和价值是不容置疑的,但同时不能忽视仁的情感层面和实践层面。完整的仁的思想是人的自然情感、现实生活中人的情感—道德实践和道德原则—境界三者合一的有机体。自然情感是仁的起点和基础;人的情感—道德实践是仁从自然情感之仁向道德原则之仁的趋近与提升。在儒家仁的思想中,人与仁在一定阶段中是重合的,人从自然人向社会人、道德人的趋近的过程也是仁从自然情感之仁向道德原则和道德境界之仁趋近的过程。可以说,是仁在不断地对自然人加以约束、限制,使之趋向于社会人和道德人,是仁塑造了传统中国人及其生活样式。  相似文献   

揭示人性有哲学、心理学、生理学、伦理学等多重维度,但从道德上考究人性即关于人性善恶问题的讨论是主流;道德与人性的关系集中表现为人性决定道德还是道德决定人性的问题,决定道德的利益不过是人性的体现,而人性的善恶又以利益的取舍为标准,如果我们认同由伦理入道德的分析进路,那么人性就构成道德的"第二土壤";但人性又是欲望与情感的总和,利益只不过是人的欲望的现实化,就此而言,人性又构成道德的"第一土壤";因此,基于真实人性的道德学应该破除人性要素的二元对立思维,从人性的完整性、客观性出发,为正当与善提供坚实的人性基础,为"完整的人"和"自由的人"的实现提供道义支撑,真正使道德成为人的道德,而不是道德异化。  相似文献   

宪政的伦理基础及其社会价值追求   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
宪政伦理是指宪政的正当性及其道德意蕴.宪政的正当性来源于人类个体固有的最高价值--人的尊严,宪政制度生存的正当性基础即在于它是保障人有尊严地生活.人的尊严和价值的实现,是人的各种本质力量的全面发挥,是人之生存所内在的终极关怀的理性表达.终极关怀是人类最终获得全面自由的发展和彻底解放所需要的最高关怀.因此,在这个意义上可以说,宪政伦理在社会雏度所具有的道德意蕴就是人的解放,而在社会中保障人的应有权利则是人的解放的具体途径.  相似文献   

The purpose of this theoretical article is to provide an extended definition of creativity that embraces potential cross-cultural variations in this construct. Creativity is defined as a 4-criterion construct, which includes attributes of novelty, utility, aesthetics, and authenticity. Novelty attribute stipulates that a creative work brings something new into being, which presents a new conceptual framework and/or modifies or violates an existing one. Utility attribute stipulates that a creative work is what a producer or a recipient considers creative, what represents an important landmark in spiritual, cultural, social, and/or political environment, and what addresses moral issues. The aesthetics attribute stipulates that a creative work presents the fundamental truth of nature, which is reflected in a perfect order, efficiently presents the essence of the phenomenal reality, and is satisfactorily complex, expressing both tension and intrinsic contradiction. Authenticity attribute stipulates that a creative work expresses an individual's inner self and relates one's own values and believes to the world. These attributes establish a comparison matrix, which can be used to evaluate and compare the levels of creativity of works from different areas of human endeavor.  相似文献   

人的行为活动趋于善的特性,是人类活动的价值特性。人通过教化、通过自己的价值活动,能够对自己的本性作出决定,能够化性起伪,决定自己是什么人或成为什么样的人,从而建构一个道德价值意义的世界,使自己获得作为诠释的诠释视域。同时,在一个多元性价值观念的世界,对于事物产生误解或理解分歧的可能性直接要求诠释学的在场。诠释学的理解要求一种回到前理解的共享性前见中去,在这个意义上,人具有作为伦理诠释和诠释理解的双重身份。伦理学与诠释学的内在贯通,从根本上看,在于它们都分有着实践理性的特性。这种实践理性体现在,普遍的东西的具体化。换言之,是普遍性知识与具体实践情境的结合。  相似文献   

Christian doctrine considers mental states important in judging a person's moral status, whereas Jewish doctrine considers them less important. The authors provide evidence from 4 studies that American Jews and Protestants differ in the moral import they attribute to mental states (honoring one's parents, thinking about having a sexual affair, and thinking about harming an animal). Although Protestants and Jews rated the moral status of the actions equally. Protestants rated a target person with inappropriate mental states more negatively than did Jews. These differences in moral judgment were partially mediated by Protestants' beliefs that mental states are controllable and likely to lead to action and were strongly related to agreement with general statements claiming that thoughts are morally relevant. These religious differences were not related to differences in collectivistic (interdependent) and individualistic (independent) tendencies.  相似文献   

Should we conceive of corporations as entities to which moral responsibility can be attributed? This contribution presents what we will call a political account of corporate moral responsibility. We argue that in modern, liberal democratic societies, there is an underlying political need to attribute greater levels of moral responsibility to corporations. Corporate moral responsibility is essential to the maintenance of social coordination that both advances social welfare and protects citizens’ moral entitlements. This political account posits a special capacity of self-governance that corporations can intelligibly be said to possess. Corporations can be said to be “administrators of duty” in that they can voluntarily incorporate moral principles into their decision-making processes about how to conduct business. This account supplements and partly transforms earlier pragmatic accounts of corporate moral responsibility by disentangling responsibility from its conventional linkages with accountability, blame and punishment. It thereby represents a distinctive way to defend corporate moral responsibility and shows how Kantian thinking can be helpful in disentangling the problems surrounding the concept.  相似文献   

叶建柱  应向东 《现代哲学》2004,19(2):115-120
把外延理解为“具有概念所反映的特有属性的客观事物(或类)”,导致“虚概念没有外延”或“有外延但是空类”此类有问题的结论,应该理解为由概念(思维)中的对象组成;而把虚概念理解为“所指称的对象不存在于客观世界的概念”,又导致把理想模型等科学概念当成虚概念,实际上,对象有虚实,属性也有虚实。实对象、实属性,是无异议的实概念;虚对象、实属性,也是实概念,如思维科学中的概念;实对象、虚属性,是虚概念,如“地心说”中的概念;虚对象、虚属性,是公认的虚概念,如鬼魂。可见,无论对象虚实,只要所指称的对象的主要特征所反映的属性是非客观的概念就是虚概念。  相似文献   

汉娜.阿伦特对极权主义制度下的邪恶现象有两种表述方式,即“根本的邪恶”和“平庸的邪恶”。前者的根本特征表现为破坏了人类发展和和进步的概念,致力于把人变成多余的人的事业,以及消灭了人的法律人格、道德人格以及作为个体的人;后者的特征体现为无思想和肤浅性。阿伦特为思考极权主义专制制度下邪恶现象产生的根源以及个人应该担负何种道德责任提供了一种全新的视角,从而为建立一种以思想为核心的个人责任伦理提供了理论上的可能。  相似文献   

The essay combines a specific and a more general theme. In attacking ‘the doctrine of the sanctity of human life’ Singer takes himself thereby to be opposing the conviction that human life has special value. I argue that this conviction goes deep in our lives in many ways that do not depend on what Singer identifies as central to that ‘doctrine’, and that his attack therefore misses its main target. I argue more generally that Singer’s own moral philosophy affords only an impoverished and distorted sense of the value of human life and human beings. In purporting to dig below the supposedly illusion–ridden surface of our thinking about value, Singer in fact often leads us away from the robust terrain of our lived experience into rhetorical, and sometimes brutal, fantasy.  相似文献   

In two studies, we examined how expressions of guilt and shame affected person perception. In the first study, participants read an autobiographical vignette in which the writer did something wrong and reported feeling either guilt, shame, or no emotion. The participants then rated the writer's motivations, beliefs, and traits, as well as their own feelings toward the writer. The person expressing feelings of guilt or shame was perceived more positively on a number of attributes, including moral motivation and social attunement, than the person who reported feeling no emotion. In the second study, the writer of the vignette reported experiencing (or not experiencing) cognitive and motivational aspects of guilt or shame. Expressing a desire to apologise (guilt) or feelings of worthlessness (private shame) resulted in more positive impressions than did reputational concerns (public shame) or a lack of any of these feelings. Our results indicate that verbal expressions of moral emotions such as guilt and shame influence perception of moral character as well as likeability.  相似文献   

In two studies, we examined how expressions of guilt and shame affected person perception. In the first study, participants read an autobiographical vignette in which the writer did something wrong and reported feeling either guilt, shame, or no emotion. The participants then rated the writer's motivations, beliefs, and traits, as well as their own feelings toward the writer. The person expressing feelings of guilt or shame was perceived more positively on a number of attributes, including moral motivation and social attunement, than the person who reported feeling no emotion. In the second study, the writer of the vignette reported experiencing (or not experiencing) cognitive and motivational aspects of guilt or shame. Expressing a desire to apologise (guilt) or feelings of worthlessness (private shame) resulted in more positive impressions than did reputational concerns (public shame) or a lack of any of these feelings. Our results indicate that verbal expressions of moral emotions such as guilt and shame influence perception of moral character as well as likeability.  相似文献   

'Soul' is one of the fundamental categories of our consciousness. What does it mean for a child? Russian children from an urban area (n = 148) were interviewed to answer this question. The data shows that children understand soul as an internal phenomenon, which is responsible for the social, emotional and moral life of a person. Children believe that the soul has primacy over the body, serves to control and guide human behaviour and performs such functions as emotions, thinking, memory and wishes. Children communicate animistic, ethical and psychological meanings to the concept of soul. Comparative data obtained in four age groups of children (5-6, 6-7, 7-8, 9-10 year olds) are discussed.  相似文献   

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