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<正>武汉大学出版社近期出版了"当代中国马克思主义哲学中青年名家文库",韩庆祥教授的《面向"中国问题"的马克思主义哲学》入选其中。这是他近年的一部代表作。作者学术研究的方向主要是围绕"中国问题"("一轴"),集中在马克思主义哲学、人学、能力问题和政治哲学四  相似文献   

追寻马克思:时代境遇下马克思人类解放理论逻辑的分析和探讨/魏小萍著.-人民出版社,2005.06.-300页重新理解马克思:对马克思哲学的基础理论和当代意义的反思/俞吾金著.-北京师范大学出版社,2005.01.-465页.-(当代中国哲学家文库.俞吾金卷)马克思主义哲学经典文本导读/余源培,吴晓明主编.-高等教育出版社,2005.02.-2册马克思主义哲学本真精神的当代表述/朱荣英著.-河南人民出版社,2005.10.-375页创新劳动论:从经济学到哲学的理论思考/董振华著.-中共中央党校出版社,2005.10.-269页.-(中共中央党校博士文库)马克思开辟的道路:人的全面发展研究…  相似文献   

●哲学是人类追求自我实现需要的智慧,当代社会的发展需要的正是这种“智慧哲学”。 ●市场经济对人的个性的呼唤,实质上是对真哲学的呼唤,是对主体哲学的呼唤。 ●哲学面向市场和社会,真正进入大众的心灵,就能生存和发展。 ●衡量哲学的价值标准是时代精神,凡是反映了时代精神的哲学,就必将获得其生存权。  相似文献   

书讯:《中华人文精神的重建:以中国哲学为中心的思考》,郭齐勇著,40万字,北京师范大学出版社,2011年。本书为"当代中国哲学家文库"郭齐勇卷。分上下两篇。上篇为"中华人文精神与文化哲学的探索",下篇为"中国哲学的特色、要义与方法论的思考"。上篇论及中华人文精神及其当代意义、中国古代  相似文献   

"经典文本"和"现实逻辑"是彼此理解、交互作用的。哲学"经典文本"既是对"现实逻辑"之哲学理解的历史沉淀,也能为把握"现实逻辑"提供思想资源。马克思、恩格斯的经典文本往往是在占有一定思想资源和借鉴一定思维方法的基础上,提炼时代精神的精华,历经艰辛孕育而成的书写"现实逻辑"的典范。马克思主义哲学的本质,是基于劳动人民立场,对"现实逻辑"作出既"科学"又"价值"的理解。把握"现实逻辑"首先要把握其逻辑起点。从哲学上把握当代中国发展的"现实逻辑",其起点是"结构转型"。回归马克思主义哲学的本质,高度关注并研究当代中国的实践发展及作为其"呼声"与"格言"的中国问题,并在面向当代中国发展的"现实逻辑"的基础上积极展开各种对话,是马克思主义哲学创新发展的根基和源泉。  相似文献   

正习近平总书记在哲学社会科学工作者座谈会上发表的的重要讲话提出了建构具有中国特色、中国风格和中国气派的哲学社会科学的宏伟目标和任务,极大地鼓舞和振奋了全国哲学社会科学学人。以马克思主义为指导建构中国特色哲学社会科学,既是当代中国哲学社会科学发展的内在要求,也是时代精神和马克思主义中国化的必然趋势。当代中国哲学社会科学的形成与发展同马克思主义有着最为密切的关系,本质上是以马克思主义传入  相似文献   

关于中国哲学研究的几点看法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国哲学事实上早已存在,只是没有"哲学"这种称谓而已.现时代的中国哲学是中国哲学传统在现时代的新开展,是一门能够指导现时代中国人精神生活的学问.体现时代精神的中国哲学有助于社会主义市场经济发展,有助于民主法制建设,有助于科学技术的发展,有助于构建社会主义的和谐社会.由于全球性哲学问题的出现,中国哲学在世界范围内获得广阔的发展空间.中国哲学特别关注人生问题和价值问题,似乎更贴近现时代世界哲学的主题.以马克思主义哲学为指导、葆有中国特色、适应全球化大趋势的中国哲学将有光明的发展前景.  相似文献   

马克思哲学当代性辨析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,与"回到马克思"提法可以相提并论的是"阐扬马克思哲学当代性"提法.马克思曾说过:"任何真正的哲学都是自己时代精神的精华";"它是文明的活的灵魂."[1]用我们现在的说法就是"与时俱进".但是,马克思主义哲学究竟如何成为我们"时代精神的精华"和"文明的活的灵魂"?究竟怎样"与时俱进"?  相似文献   

吕嘉 《哲学动态》2008,(2):9-12
当代中国哲学的首要问题是现行学科制度问题.不合理的一、二级学科划分,一是导致当代中国哲学学科内部的学科壁垒,中、西、马"三足鼎立";二是将当代中国哲学的问题意识"格式化"为各个二级学科的问题意识,使当代中国哲学研究日益脱离社会的现实需要.改革现行哲学学科制度与"构建中国哲学"是当代中国哲学未来发展的必然.目前需要开展的一项基础性工作,就是围绕如何构建当代中国人的意义世界并以其为精神归宿的问题,在当代中国哲学各学科间展开对话、讨论.  相似文献   

白春阳 《哲学动态》2004,(10):23-25
肖前教授是我国当代著名的马克思主义哲学家、新中国马克思主义哲学原理教学体系的创立人和学科奠基人之一.2004年5月9日由中国人民大学人文学院哲学系主办,<中国社会科学>、<哲学研究>、<教学与研究>和<中国人民大学学报>协办的"马克思主义哲学的当代发展理论研讨会暨肖前教授八十华诞纪念会"在中国人民大学逸夫会议中心隆重举行.170余位专家和学者参加了大会.大会对马克思主义哲学当代发展面临的困境、挑战和机遇做了深刻分析,对马克思主义哲学中国化进程中理论发展和实践探索的经验教训进行了反思和总结,为我国马克思主义哲学未来发展建言献策.现将有关问题综述如下:  相似文献   

Lacking the size, talent, and speed to play shortstop for the New York Yankees, I chose instead to become a psychologist/psychoanalyst. Yet, baseball and psychoanalysis share much in common. Each is played in the inner diamonds of one's mind, values the past and what is passing, and requires a strong work ethic. Both are timeless and involve an almost boring leisureliness between occasional moments of crisis. Then too, each calls for an attitude of consistency and patience and a responsibility to do one's best. From my parents and brother to my wife and son and his family, from my teachers and supervisors to my colleagues, and from Menninger to the Society for Personality Assessment (SPA), I feel deeply grateful for the partners and teammates I have and have had.  相似文献   

Minors' competence to consent to abortion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the light of legal restrictions in some states, the psychological evidence for whether adolescents are competent to give informed consent to abortion is reviewed. It would be important to know whether competence to decide on pregnancy outcome reflects maturity to be a parent; further, whether degrees of maturity can be traced throughout adolescence. Research shows that parents, not peers, are major sources of advice for minors' abortion decisions. Younger and less competent minors are more likely to consult parents than older, mature minors. There is no evidence that adolescent issues or developmental tasks influence pregnancy decisions. Decision making competence does not differ from that of adults, except as affected by the living situation of the adolescent. Decision performance does differ: minors are more likely to consider their present family's opinion, and not consider future risks, than are adults. The sparse research available on this problem provides no basis for restricting minors' decision making on the ground of competence alone.  相似文献   

Reply to saunders and to hayes   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  


The current policy of the National Institute of Health designed to increase the participation of women and minorities is radically different from previous policies designed to protect minorities from abuses in research studies. The principal arguments to support this policy are twofold: 1) Increased representation of minorities and women in research would increase the generalizability of research data and allow for valid analyses of differences in subpopulations; and 2) being in a clinical research study is advantageous to participants regardless of the final research study results. It remains unclear whether minorities find these arguments compelling. Instead of telling minorities that participation in research is good for them, the research community should focus on understanding what minority communities want from clinical research and then tailoring the message to meet this need. Persuasive arguments to promote long-term increased representation of minorities in clinical research must come from within minority communities.  相似文献   

This paper is a meditation on the potential and problems of establishing and maintaining loving and passionate relationships, drawn from a lifetime of struggling with these issues in the course of doing analysis. It describes interferences with the capacity for mature sexual love as reflecting various psychopathological conditions. These limitations include a variety of psychological restrictions determined most frequently by masochistic, narcissistic and paranoid personality features. Clinical case material illustrates both mature and disturbed capability for love relations.  相似文献   

Samples of letters written by college students are excerpted to demonstrate the deterioration of students' writing skills. The relative unimportance many college students and graduates attach to the art of writing letters of inquiry is emphasized. A checklist is provided to assist students in preparing letters requesting information from colleges and universities.  相似文献   

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