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流派纷呈的20世纪法国哲学可以被归结为实存哲学和概念哲学两大家系,进而可以归类为实存论现象学和概念论现象学.同一家系内部存在着诸多分歧,而两个家系之间存在着错综复杂的关联.它们最共同的特征是否定先验观念主义和先验主体性.从20世纪60年代以来,它们都越来越突出身体和语言的物质性,以各不相同但又不无交叉的方式通向了物质现象学.列维纳斯和利科已经走在通向物质现象学的途中,而福柯、德里达、亨利和马里翁是物质现象学的典型代表.  相似文献   

九鬼周造在日本哲学研究者中闻名,主要因为他所撰写的《"粹"的构造》以哲学方式阐明了日本传统文化的一个侧面"粹",除此之外他亦因探究了"偶然性"的哲学而闻名。在文章《我的姓氏》(1938),他自我分析地展开探讨自己的"姓名"(九鬼)的问题。这一思考与九鬼哲学的诸面相有关,构成专有名词或名字这一问题。这与"偶然性"哲学以及与此密切相关的九鬼的实存哲学是连动的。因之,"名字"这一课题可以为解读九鬼哲学提供新的思路。此种解读,由列维纳斯的"实显"(实词化:hypostase)概念带来启发,并由此得以深化。本文将首先明确九鬼在《"粹"的构造》和《我的姓氏》中如何追问"名字";接着着眼于"实存哲学"(1938),概观九鬼如何通过胡塞尔本质直观的批判来探讨"实存"与"本质";最后,以列维纳斯的"实显"(其中也包括"名字"与"实存"的问题)为参考,试图考察其与九鬼的"名字"与"实存"之间的关联。  相似文献   

意向相关项概念是胡塞尔的意向性理论并因此也是其现象学理论的核心概念。意向相关项是一个抽象的内涵实存物,是把弗雷格的意义概念从语言表达领域向意识行为的所有领域的一种推广。它由两个部分构成,即意向相关项的意义和论题特征。每一个行为都有一个意向相关项,但意向相关项不是行为的对象,而是行为指向对象的中介。意向相关项不是通过我们的感官而被知觉到的,而是通过现象学反思获得的。  相似文献   

萨特从“意识的意向性“出发建构的实存主义,具有反对本质主义的显赫动机;由实存主义出发得出“他人就是地狱”、自我与他人正相冲突的结论,也具有反对规范伦理学的典型意义;但以此出发构建一种伦理学的理论主张却是不可能实现的。根本原因在于:作为其理论基石的实存主义依然是一种形而上学的致思路径,以此为视点无法与具体的伦理经验相兼容,而且必然陷入悖谬。  相似文献   

丹·扎哈维教授与六位中国学者围绕他的现象学著作《自身和他者:主体性、共情和羞愧》展开讨论,此次探讨的内容分为三个部分"最小限度自身、其同一性及表象主义"、"叙事进路及概念能力"、"共情、分享与羞愧"。讨论围绕自身性、主体性、体验、共情、羞愧、他者等在当今学界备受关注的概念,并且涉及现象学与心灵哲学、心理学、认知科学等其他学科的交互。  相似文献   

海德格尔通过对黑格尔的《精神现象学》从绝对开端并返回绝对的前提的分析,在扬弃黑格尔的同时巧妙地阐发他自己的解释学观点,特别是其中涉及到的有限性和无限性的关系、存在与存在者的含义等问题,对于我们理解《精神现象学》,理解海德格尔本人的思想及其从事哲学方法,以及两位思想家之间内在的继承和批判关系都很有启发。  相似文献   

他者是如何被给予我的,我和他者的关系如何?对这一问题的回答鲜明地区分出两种现象学。胡塞尔立足于意向性现象学,利用显现和随显的理论把他者构造出来;而亨利则从生命现象学恻隐-与共的角度,把我和他者的关系归结为先验生命的共同感发。虽然他们都从现象学角度研究他者的被给予性模式,但得到的却是根本不同的结论:胡塞尔把空间事物的意向性被给予模式应用到生命的被给予模式;而亨利另辟蹊径,把自我-感发看作生命独有的显现自身的方式。  相似文献   

一从现象学的角度理解《存在与时间》中海德格尔的思考已被证明是一条富有效果的途径。这种研究得出的一个主要结论是,海德格尔通过存在论的分析把现象学引入了另一个方向,即所谓的现象学解释学。本文试图从历史性角度研究海德格尔的思考的具体特性以及历史性概念在这种思考中的地位和作用。这种考察立足于下面的理解:与海德格尔使用现象学方法同样明显的是,他并不以建立一种与胡塞尔不同的现象学,也从来没有把纯粹先验的主体作  相似文献   

在《纯粹理性批判》中,康德将被设定为实存的神作为道德律的"规定根据";在《道德形而上学的奠基》中,他把神圣的、绝对完美的理性存在者的意志即神意视为使先天综合的定言命令成为可能的"第三者";在《实践理性批判》中,他提出神意是一个必须被用作原型的实践理念,该理念将神圣的道德律呈现在一切有理性的存在者眼前。但康德在赋予神意对于道德律以多重意义时,也为此设置了一个限度,这就是:被设定为实存的神对道德律作用的间接性和直接作用于道德律的神的观念性。  相似文献   

论人的生活世界   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
一、生活世界概念的提出与演变“生活世界”作为一个正式概念,是胡塞尔在上世纪初提出的。胡塞尔早期对现象学的建构,主要依托于笛卡尔的“先验自我”概念,结果造就了一门彻头彻尾的本我论。为了摆脱他人的严厉指责,全面发展现象学,走出理论困境,胡塞尔亟需为现象学重新奠基,并最终把目光集中于“生活世界”概念。“这个概念在20年代之前就被胡塞尔零星地使用过。到了20年代,这个概念在胡塞尔那里获得了中心的意义,它成为一个根本问题的名称”。(倪梁康,第130页)胡塞尔虽然在《欧洲科学的危机和超验现象学》中集中论述了“生活世界”概念,却…  相似文献   

王文奎 《伦理学研究》2012,(2):11-19,141
我国学术界新近出现的试图从不同角度说明《巴黎手稿》和异化劳动理论本身是不成熟的或混乱的,从而否定它们的重要历史地位的倾向,是对"手稿"和异化劳动理论的曲解。"手稿"和异化劳动理论是马克思主义的真正诞生地和秘密,是系统构建马克思主义理论体系的逻辑大纲,是马克思主义全部丰富内容的理论起点和立论基础。这可以从"手稿"本身所完成的理论任务或在欧洲思想史上实现的创造性变革、"手稿"的内容及其逻辑结构与马克思主义理论体系的对应关系以及异化劳动理论的解密中得到充分的证明。  相似文献   

Zhuangzi is considered a creative poet-philosopher because of his use of imaginative images. He used the imaginative images of his system to construct the world of the Dao. He left the essence of material things as they are to speak for the mystery of existence itself, and let them express both the state of and the dream for human freedom. Zhuangzi’s way of using images shows his own lack of the understanding about images, and his lack of adequate assessments. He used images in accord with his own personal preferences and fixed characteristics. He also had a tendency to equate the Dao which he experienced in his mind with the Dao itself. These shortcomings limit his improving and understanding of the Dao, so that his Dao failed to become more open to a wider existence.  相似文献   

张宪 《现代哲学》2005,1(3):1-9
马克思的宗教批判对当代基督宗教人文主义有相当的影响,虽然两者对宗教异化有不同的理解,但都认为消除异化是人类走向自由的前提。  相似文献   

In this paper, I argue that atheists who think that the issue of God’s existence or non-existence is an important one; assign a greater than negligible probability to God’s existence; and are not in possession of a plausible argument for scepticism about the truth-directedness of uttering such prayers in their own cases, are under a prima facie epistemic obligation to pray to God that He stop them being atheists.  相似文献   

《手稿》是一部经济道德内涵丰富的马克思早期著作。对这部著作作经济道德解读,有助于我们更深刻地理解和把握马克思主义。本文从四个方面对《手稿》进行了经济道德解读:一是经济事实与经济主体及其关系的价值分析;二是异化劳动导致劳动关系的非理性化;三是资产阶级国民经济学的道德缺损;四是资本主义制度下经济发展与道德进步的悖论。  相似文献   

The author describes the importance of his mentors, his heritage, and early life in Johannesburg, South Africa and the effect that those formative years in a mining community (fueled by migrant labor) had on his embryonic psyche. Attending an Anglican school, he discovered the power of Christianity as a 10-year-old, holding vigil at night “over the body of Christ.” However, his first objective relationship with the psyche, the unconscious, occurred during the Second World War in the desert of Egypt before embarkation for Italy, with a second event occurring shortly after his return to South Africa, where he had been forced by circumstance to seek employment back on the mines. He explores how, despite the vicious and cruel apartheid policy above ground, all men were genuine brothers at the rock face; how the migrant labor rejoiced on reaching the surface after a shift with ritualistic thanks. He relocated to Natal where his relationship with the natural world developed, leading eventually to the founding of both the Dusi canoe marathon and the Wilderness Leadership School. On being employed by the Natal Parks Board he moved to Zululand, a true wilderness, in the early 1950s, where he was exposed to the rituals and beliefs of local tribes. He was impressed by their reliance on and their respect for the spiritual. A series of what he later understood were synchronistic events led him to both his mentors: a Jungian analyst and eventually to Jung himself.  相似文献   

Fortunately, people are becoming more aware than they used to be of the existence of relationship abuse and are consulting ministers and pastoral counselors to help them deal with this problem. Unfortunately, several myths exist regarding relationship abuse which, if taken as fact, are counterproductive to people involved in such relationships and countertherapeutic for the ministers and pastoral counselors who are attempting to help. This article addresses four commonly held myths regarding relationship abuse and the attendant pastoral implications. is a pastoral consultant and conductor of workshops. He makes his home in Tiburon, California.  相似文献   

Mikhail Lif?ic (1905–1983) is one of the most contradictory and to this date poorly understood authors of the Soviet era. He represented an independent Marxist position, but one internally characterized by the tense relationship between Marxism and the philosophy of Hegel. This relationship, concerning historical philosophical questions, is the subject of this essay. In the 1930s, as “historical materialism” was canonized in the USSR, a development that Soviet civilization understood as the “beginning of the end of (universal) history”, Lif?ic drafted a different, skeptical summary of the revolutionary era. However, he remained loyal to both the concept of universal history and the examination of Russian-Soviet cultural history within the framework of this concept. With the help of a text from Lif?ic from the 1930s as well as his later (early 1980s) reflection and remembrance of the ideological debates of the 1930s, this essay will show that Lif?ic’ reconstruction of idealism in Marxism was no accident, but rather a necessary movement in thought. This, in turn, enabled him to give a new account of the historical experience of the October Revolution.  相似文献   

魏萍  霍涌泉 《心理科学》2012,35(3):760-766
当今国外心理学研究的各流派中涌现出了马克思主义新取向。这显示了马克思主义思想要素的影响力及其对心理学科发展的积极贡献,体现出马克思主义新的生命活力和科学创新精神。但同时,心理学的马克思主义取向研究也遇到了巨大的阻抗力量,马克思主义也面临着严峻的考验。当前,如何认识心理学研究中马克思主义的理论资源,在辩证唯物主义精神的指引下推动心理学的研究,是中国心理学界需要进一步研究和解决的重大问题之一。  相似文献   

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