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预防行为与健康   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
预防行为是针对健康而言的又可称健康行为,是指人类为了保护与促进健康主动改变有害健康行为的自我保护性活动。预防行为可分为很多种类,一类是按与健康的利害关系分为健康行为与不健康行为两种;第二类按属性可分为本能行为、防御行为、适应行为、服务行为四种;第三类按社会层次可分为社会行为、社区行为(或团体行为)、个体行为。预防行为就是要改变当代人群中吸烟、过量饮酒、高胆固醇高盐饮食、缺乏体育锻炼、滥用药物及不洁性行为等不健康行为。预防和控制癌症,心、脑血管疾病、性病等,以保护和促进人群健康。  相似文献   

青少年冒险行为及其与人格、依恋的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文采用问卷法对671名初、高中生及大学生进行青少年冒险行为、人格、同伴依恋调查。结果发现,性别、年龄、独生子女与否对青少年冒险行为均有不同程度的影响作用;人格五因素既对青少年冒险行为有直接预测作用,又以同伴依恋的疏远维度为中介间接影响青少年冒险行为。  相似文献   

Jessor曾提出问题行为理论,认为可用一个公共因素解释青少年的饮酒、性行为、违纪等问题行为。本文试图利用吸烟、饮酒、性活动、违纪四项指标,以验证型因素分析方法,对问题行为的单因素模型进行验证。结果显示:各种问题行为之间均存在正相关关系;初高中男女生的问题行为都可以用一个公共因素解释;并且除性活动在公共因素上的负荷为初中女生略高外,其余的负荷系数在初高中男女学生之间是不变的。本研究不仅在中国青少年中验证了问题行为的单因素结构,对中学生问题行为的预防和干预也有重要的提示作用。  相似文献   

打麻将、吸烟、饮酒行为对震后灾区民众心理健康的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
打麻将是四川地区普遍存在的社会消遣活动,其社会、心理功能一直颇受争议。本研究探讨了四川地震灾区民众打麻将、吸烟、饮酒的行为习惯和震后的行为变化,及其对抑郁、躯体化、睡眠问题等心理健康指标的影响。结果发现:1)有打麻将习惯的受访者远多于有吸烟或饮酒习惯者;有打麻将习惯的受访者的心理健康通过社会支持的完全中介作用得到改善,而吸烟、饮酒行为习惯对心理健康有消极影响。2)与震前相比,震后民众的打麻将、饮酒行为大多减少,吸烟行为有所增加,各种习惯行为增加的受访者心理健康和社会支持水平较低;社会支持对灾区民众打麻将、吸烟、饮酒行为增加与心理健康间的关系起完全或部分中介作用。总体而言,打麻将行为与吸烟、饮酒行为习惯有所不同,适度的麻将消遣对四川地震灾区的民众心理健康有积极的影响  相似文献   

本文总结了我们自1991年以来有关青少年吸烟行为现状、危害、影响因素以及预防干预研究的部分成果.文章揭示,我国青少年吸烟是一个非常严重的现象,青少年自身、同伴、家庭和社会等很多因素都对青少年的吸烟行为产生影响.在研究基础上,自行开发的"远离香烟"青少年吸烟行为预防干预方案具有一定的即时和长期的干预效果.文章最后,还对今后的研究进行了一定的展望.  相似文献   

采用《青少年心理健康素质调查表·个性素质分量表》对全国23个省、市、自治区的44063名青少年心理健康的个性素质发展状况进行调查,结果表明,青少年个性素质总体状况良好。在内外倾维度上表现为:小学五年级外倾程度较弱,至初二逐渐外倾,初三达到最外倾,高一至大学逐渐变得外倾程度较弱;在意志、责任、耐挫折、独立维度上表现为:小学五年级得分较高,从初中呈下降趋势,高中前半阶段继续下降,高中后半阶段到大学又逐渐回升;在冒险、乐观悲观维度表现为:小学五年级得分较高,从初中到高中直至大学阶段依次递减。  相似文献   

采用《青少年心理健康素质调查表·个性素质分量表》对全国23个省、市、自治区的44063名青少年心理健康的个性素质发展状况进行调查,结果表明,青少年个性素质总体状况良好。在内外倾维度上表现为:小学五年级外倾程度较弱,至初二逐渐外倾,初三达到最外倾,高一至大学逐渐变得外倾程度较弱;在意志、责任、耐挫折、独立维度上表现为:小学五年级得分较高,从初中呈下降趋势,高中前半阶段继续下降,高中后半阶段到大学又逐渐回升;在冒险、乐观悲观维度表现为:小学五年级得分较高,从初中到高中直至大学阶段依次递减。  相似文献   

青少年吸烟行为的预防与干预   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
方晓义  林丹华 《心理学报》2003,35(3):379-386
以两所普通中学的573名初一、初二、高一和高二的学生为被试,随机将每个年级的两个斑分成干预组和控制组,干预组接受名为“远离香烟”(SAFT)的预防和干预方案,方案包括四个成分:即健康教育、识别并抵制同伴压力、大众媒体影响以及吸烟认知,以达到延缓或减少青少年吸烟行为的目的。方案共包括7次活动,每次45分钟,每周开展一次活动,共持续7周。结果发现:(1)干预组后测中的上个月吸烟行为比前测降低了5.2%,而控制组后测吸烟行为则上升了2.3%。同样的趋势表现在不同性别、不同年级的青少年身上;(2)预防和干预方案对减少干预组偶尔吸烟者的吸烟行为尤其有效;(3)在吸烟认知的转变上,干预组后测比前测更显著或接近显著地反对吸烟会带来友谊和形象等方面的好处,更赞同吸烟的危害性。而控制组则正相反;(4)方案可以有效地提高干预组的抵制技能;(5)在所有的干预成分中,只有后测吸烟与友谊的认识以及吸烟危害认识可以显著地预测干预组青少年的后测吸烟行为,而没有一个变量可预测控制组后测吸烟行为;(6)预防和干预条件通过后测吸烟好处、吸烟危害认识间接地对青少年后测吸烟行为产生影响。  相似文献   

本文介绍的两个“芬兰双生子(Finn Twin)”研究是对10个出生组的青少年双生子及其家庭的长期跟踪研究。本文概述了这两个项目对遗传与环境的关联和互动对吸烟饮酒行为影响的研究。这些研究的结果提示个体差异对吸烟饮酒行为的长期变动的影响受到兄弟姐妹互动、同伴互动以及父母教养方式的调节。环境对吸烟饮酒的影响主要表现在学校、居住社区与家庭环境的差异上。环境与遗传影响的程度和持久度有城乡差异。遗传的影响受居住社区的制约。多阶段模型的分析揭示了遗传与环境的互动对这些行为的演变(从试吸试饮到发展到滥用)的动态的影响,遗传似乎对吸烟饮酒的共同轨迹更有影响。这些结果对今后本项目对这约1万对芬兰成年双生子的分子遗传学研究提供了有益的线索  相似文献   

杨功焕教授的著作《中国人群死亡及其危险因素流行水平、趋势和分布》,调查20世纪80年代~90年代非人口因素对死亡的影响占81%,人口因素占19%。说明20世纪90年代是人群死亡模式发生巨大转变的10年。吸烟和饮食为主要行为因素。必须进行行为干预,靠非卫生部门的努力,包括医疗保险、实行健康促进战略、进行行为革命、对全部医务人员再教育,以适应后医学时代。  相似文献   

This paper reports the analysis of psychometric properties of the Georgian version of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI-Geo). In particular, factor structure, internal consistency of the subscales, gender differences, and relation between traumatic event category and posttraumatic growth (PTG) are examined. The study had 641 participants in two studies (study 1, n = 300; study 2, n = 341 participants). The study revealed that PTGI-Geo consists of four factors, instead of the original five factors; namely, the first three factors (New Possibilities, Relation to Others, and Personal Strength) remained unchanged, while the fourth (Spiritual Change) and the fifth (Appreciation of Life) factors merged and formed a new fourth factor. All four new factors have similar internal consistency as the original inventory. There were also some between-person differences for gender consistent with other research.  相似文献   

We investigated relationships among five higher-order strengths factors, subjective well-being, and general self-efficacy in participants that live under challenging conditions. Therefore, a sample of 396 Israeli adolescents (aged 13–18 years) completed the Values in Action Inventory of Strengths for Youth, the Satisfaction With Life Scale, the Affect Balance Scale, and the General Self-Efficacy Scale. An orthogonally rotated principal component analysis of the 24 character strengths yielded five strengths factors that explained 32% of the variance in life satisfaction, with the transcendence strengths factor as the most substantial predictor. The strongest predictors of positive affect were the transcendence and leadership strengths factors; the best predictors of negative affect were the transcendence and temperance strengths factors; and the strongest predictor of affect balance was the transcendence strengths factor. The five strengths factors explained 46% of the variance in general self-efficacy, with the leadership strengths factor as the most substantial predictor. Further analysis indicated that general self-efficacy mediated the relationship between leadership strengths and global life satisfaction. The results suggest that different strengths factors are relevant for different positive experiences (e.g., life satisfaction, self-efficacy beliefs). The findings shed light on the contribution of specific character strengths as a meaningful resource under stressful conditions.  相似文献   

This study examined several behaviors claimed to reflect curiosity in order to determine whether there are one or more types of curiosity. A secondary purpose was to examine the relations between the one or more types of curiosity and sex, social class, intelligence, achievement level, and ratings of personality traits. In two individual sessions 84 American first-grade boys and girls were administered five tasks which measured observation of complex and simple stimuli, preference of complex and simple stimuli, preference for the unknown, structure of meaning, and object exploration. A normalized Varimax factor analysis allowed the extraction of five factors: manipulatory curiosity, perceptual curiosity, conceptual curiosity, curiosity about the complex, and adjustive-reactive curiosity. Only the first factor was related to a demographic variable, sex. The nature of the factors and their theoretical and practical significance are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the psychometric properties of a modified version of the EMBU for Children (EMBU-C), a 40-item questionnaire measuring youths' perceptions of three main types of parental rearing (i.e., emotional warmth, rejection, and overprotection) as well as anxious rearing behaviors. For this purpose, modified EMBU-C data were obtained in a large sample of children and adolescents (N = 1681). Results showed that the factor structure of the modified EMBU-C was satisfactory: a clear four-factor solution emerged representing the hypothesized types of parental rearing behaviors. Higher-order factor analysis demonstrated the presence of two superordinate dimensions of parental rearing, namely care and control. Furthermore, all modified EMBU-C scales appeared to be reliable in terms of internal consistency and test–retest stability. Finally, positive relationships were found between anxious rearing, overprotection, and rejection, on the one hand, and children's anxiety symptoms, on the other hand.  相似文献   

Two exploratory studies examined ratings of the severity of violence of several behaviors. In Study 1, a very consistent ordering of the behaviors by severity was obtained from two groups of participants. The stated justification for the behaviors was manipulated, and both mitigation and aggravation effects were observed. Study 2 found that essentially the same ordering of behaviors could be obtained in a provocation-rating task, and that both the severity ratings and the provocation ratings yielded four interpretable types of violence upon factor analysis: more severe physical (V1), less severe physical (V2), more severe nonphysical (V3), and less severe nonphysical (V4). Individual profiles of severity ratings across these four types yielded two interpretable groupings of participants upon cluster analysis: a violence-sensitive group and a violence-tolerant group. The violence-tolerant group had lower severity ratings for three of the four types of violence. These empirical distinctions help to illuminate what appear to be different meanings of the term violent for different behavior categories and for different individuals.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the factor structure and composite reliability of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) using a sample of 669 ex-prisoners identified in the National Survey of American Life. Six distinct factor models, with uncorrelated measurement error terms, were specified and tested using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Results indicated that the two-factor model consisting of positive and negative latent variables provided a better fit to the data than the alternative models. Moreover, only positive self-esteem was a significant predictor of recidivism. Composite reliability indicated that the two factors were measured with very good reliability. The results consequently provide additional support for a two-dimensional model of the RSES within offender populations.  相似文献   

瑞文推理测验上的性别差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瑞文推理测验上是否存在性别差异?与较早期的研究结果不同, 较近的一系列研究发现在瑞文推理测验上存在性别差异, 且性别差异具有发展性。当前可以解释该性别差异的观点主要有两种, 其一是污染观, 即认为瑞文推理测验中发现的性别差异实质上是由于测验中其他成分的“污染”所致, 而在它所主要代表的g因素的发展中并不存在性别差异; 其二, 较新的研究提示, “污染”可能存在, 但在g因素上仍然具有性别差异, 这种差异是由生理上的原因造成的。研究者由此提出了智力性别差异的发展理论。本文主要从儿童青少年发展的角度回顾了有关瑞文推理测验性别差异的研究, 综述并分析了关于性别差异研究结果不一致的可能原因。  相似文献   

企业员工组织政治认知量表的构建   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
马超  凌文辁  方俐洛 《心理学报》2006,38(1):107-115
应用自行研制的组织政治认知调查问卷,通过对29家企业员工共1647名被试的调查,对组织政治认知结构维度进行了探讨。探索性因素分析结果表明,组织政治认知由三个因素构成。三因素结构的结果在验证性因素分析中得到了验证。由此得出结论,组织政治认知有三维结构:自利行为、薪酬与晋升和同事关系。最后,对组织政治认知维度构成和内容进行了讨论  相似文献   

杨丽珠  马世超 《心理科学》2014,37(6):1377-1384
目的:划分初中生人格类型及考察初中生人格类型的年级与性别特点。方法:本研究使用初中生人格发展自我评定量表对某地区3602名初中生被试施测,使用潜在类别分析对初中生人格类型进行划分,使用无序多分变量的Logistic回归考察初中生人格类型的年级与性别特点。结果:依据人格类型划分的相关理论和潜在类别分析的拟合指数,初中生可划分为低控型,过度控制型和适应型三种人格类型,其中适应型人数占大多数。方差分析结果表明适应型在初中生人格五维度得分均显著高于另两类;过度控制型有低情绪稳定性和低外倾性,同时有中等程度的亲社会性、智能特征和认真自控水平,低控型人格类型在大部分人格维度得分均较低。随年级增长,初中生适应型人数比例有显著下降趋势,过度控制型和低控型比例有所上升。性别差异方面,女生人格类型的适应型人数比例显著高于男生,过度控制型和低控型比例则显著低于男生。结论:依据自我控制和自我适应理论,初中生三种人格类型的划分得到重复验证,人格类型有显著的年级和性别特点。  相似文献   

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