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孔子忠恕思想的内涵   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
忠恕是孔子思想的核心内容之一,但对其内涵的界定有所分歧。本文从训诂文献出发,认为"忠"恕"是在"克己"上统一起来的实现"仁"的心理换位原则。对于"忠"恕"的关系,本文认为"忠"恕"并非是积极和消极的并列关系,也并非是"因忠而恕"的因果关系,相反,"恕"在外延上涵盖"忠",应该是"忠"的心理前提。  相似文献   

王成  裴植 《管子学刊》2007,(3):14-18
忠,是中国传统政治文化的重要内容之一。在"忠"思想发展史上,《管子》的贡献就在于对前人"忠"思想做了批判总结,并以儒家思想为基本出发点,对"忠"做了新的界定,使得原本内涵相当丰富的"忠"思想在这里开始出现围绕"君"之事进行定向思考的倾向,从而为未来"忠=忠君"做了理论上的准备。  相似文献   

忠与孝是儒家伦理的重要道德规范.忠与孝的实践精神、内在动机和实践行为具有统一性,在实践上表现为忠孝两全、忠孝并序、以忠全孝.但是,两者在道德价值选择中却又具有冲突性,主要表现为舍忠取孝、重孝轻忠、舍孝全忠、重忠轻孝.忠与孝的统一与冲突体现了儒家道德理性精神的自觉,也是儒家伦理智慧的重要表现.  相似文献   

忠作为一种伦理道德范畴,春秋时期即已产生,最初含义是指对人对事真心实意、尽心竭力,是对一切人的要求.从战国中期以后忠逐渐偏向忠君.但在一个时期,对君主绝对服从的意识尚不强烈.到宋代,理学兴起,三纲上升为天理,于是忠君之忠绝对化.明清之际,出现早期启蒙思潮,三纲受到初步挑战,忠君之忠自然也受到触动,但社会影响不大.忠君之忠受到根本性动摇是在近代.但近代虽否定忠君之忠,却并未否定忠,而是要恢复其本意,即时人对事要真心实意、尽心竭力.  相似文献   

“忠”是孔子道德学说的一个重要范畴。孔子对“忠”的论述非常全面和系统,其中既包括对“忠”的学理性探讨,也包括对忠德的培育、践行等的方法论指导,构成了一个理论性与实践性兼备的完整体系。孔子的“忠”具有泛伦理特征,在他看来,“忠”是一切人都应具备的道德品格,不存在主体上的选择性;“忠”的美德不仅应当施于主体以外的所有人,而且应当施于主体所从事的工作和事业,施于自己的祖国。  相似文献   

孔子“忠”的意义及其当代价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
忠是伴随封建社会而产生的伦理道德 ,其初意是指利民、利公、利国 ,属于政治伦理的范畴 ,是处理个人与集体关系的原则。孔子继承和发展了忠的涵义 ,增加了利他的内涵 ,将忠扩大到社会伦理的范畴和处理人与人关系的范围。“忠”在历史上曾经发挥过重要作用 ,在现代社会中仍具有重大价值。现代社会的弊端最主要的是缺少了利民、利公、利国、利他的公德之心 ,而忠正是纠正这些弊端的良药。  相似文献   

"忠"、"义"连缀现象至迟出现于东汉前期,内涵丰富,通常具有偏义复词"忠"、对君主"忠"与对乡里亲朋等同等级人"义"、偏指"义"等多种含义。历代正史忠义传之"忠义"的内涵前后不同,大体以《新唐书》为界分为两个阶段:第一阶段是对君主"忠"与对乡里亲朋等同等级人"义"的双重表现,第二阶段是官僚对君主"忠"与平民对君主"义"的共同组合。  相似文献   

正习近平总书记多次在重要讲话中谈到,中华民族优秀的传统文化是国家发展和民族振兴的"根"与"魂"。传统文化中的忠、孝、节、义不仅是古圣先贤倡导的做人立世准则,更是中华民族优秀传统文化的精气神。"天下至德,莫大乎忠。"(《忠经》)忠者,德之正也。《说文解字·心部》:"忠,敬也。"本义为严肃认真,尽心尽力。《道德经》十六章:"天得一以清;地得一以宁;神得一以灵;谷得一以盈;  相似文献   

从“曲忠维孝”到“移孝作忠”——先秦儒家孝忠观念考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王长坤  张波 《管子学刊》2010,(1):50-55,75
孝与忠是中国传统思想观念中的两个基本观念。由于早期中国夏、商、周王朝"家""国"合一,因此用血缘来维系统治就是一个自然的结果,所以,孝与忠之间具有互通性和一致性。春秋战国之际,正是古代中国从宗法等级君主专政政体向中央集权君主专政政体的过渡时期,这一时期由于君统逐渐脱离宗统而独立,忠和孝维护着不同的权威,具有了各自的价值取向,因而使孝与忠之间矛盾凸现、价值对立,先秦儒家的孝忠观念也经历了从"曲忠维孝"到"移孝作忠"的演变历程。  相似文献   

在传统伦理观念中,“忠”起着“领袖群伦”的作用,以“忠”为核心而形成的忠文化在中华民族发展史上占据着极其重要的地位。浩如烟海的中华史籍,关于忠文化的记载堪称壮观,遗憾的是,对于这样一种重要的文化现象,目前学术界的专门研究却比较薄弱,因而亟待当代学人进行全面、系统的发掘和整理研究。王成博士的《中国古代忠文化研究》就是在这样的学术背景下诞生的。该著作系统研究了各类正史、类书、方志及论著,填补了忠文化研究领域的空白,为弘扬中华民族的优秀传统文化做出了重大贡献。同时,对于中国古代伦理思想史、政治思想史、哲学思想史…  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to assess whether therapist treatment fidelity was a predictor of treatment outcome in a randomized clinical trial of multisystemic therapy with 10- to 16-year-old youths with chronically poorly controlled Type I diabetes (N = 40). Treatment fidelity was assessed by objective ratings of therapy sessions and questionnaires completed by caregivers and by therapists. Relationships between fidelity measures were assessed. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test whether high fidelity would lead to improved regimen adherence and to improved metabolic control outcomes via regimen adherence. Objective ratings of treatment fidelity were significantly related to therapist-reported but not to caregiver-reported treatment fidelity. SEM results supported a completely mediated pathway between treatment fidelity and metabolic control, with regimen adherence mediating the relationship. Results suggest that conducting complex behavioral interventions with a high degree of fidelity can improve treatment outcomes among youths with chronic illnesses.  相似文献   

We examined articles with experiments published in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis and in Behavior Analysis in Practice from 2017 through 2021 to determine how frequently procedural fidelity was assessed. When procedural fidelity was assessed, we determined how often a measure of interobserver agreement for those fidelity data was provided. We also determined how often a measure of interobserver agreement for participants' behavior was provided. Across both journals and all years, 54.7% of relevant articles provided a measure of procedural fidelity. Of them, 17.7% provided a measure of interobserver agreement for procedural fidelity. In marked contrast, 96.4% provided interobserver agreement data for participants' behavior. It is unfortunate that applied behavior analysts frequently fail to provide procedural fidelity data and, when they do, often fail to provide interobserver agreement data for the fidelity data. Reviewers for, and editors of, behavior-analytic journals are encouraged to strongly consider the relative value of procedural fidelity and agreement on procedural fidelity measures when rendering recommendations on the suitability of a given submission.  相似文献   

This study examined gender differences in covert fidelity management among dating individuals in China. Fidelity management refers to tactics and behaviors people use to monitor their partners’ fidelity. Two hundred and thirty two young adults (18–26?years old, M?=?23.44, SD?=?1.93) primarily from the cities of Beijing, Wuhan, Dalian, and Guangzhou in mainland China completed a questionnaire designed to measure self-esteem, trust, peer influence, relationship satisfaction and covert fidelity management. Consistent with our hypothesis, women were found to engage in more covert fidelity management than men. Regression results revealed that for both women and men, trust and peer influence were significant predictors of covert fidelity management behavior. However, self-esteem was a significant predictor of men’s covert fidelity management, not women’s. Furthermore, covert fidelity management was found not related to women’s relationship satisfaction, but was significantly associated with men’s satisfaction in a negative direction. These findings have interesting implications for understanding romantic partners’ behaviors in infidelity-related situations.  相似文献   

Research on the outcomes of Montessori education is scarce and results are inconsistent. One possible reason for the inconsistency is variations in Montessori implementation fidelity. To test whether outcomes vary according to implementation fidelity, we examined preschool children enrolled in high fidelity classic Montessori programs, lower fidelity Montessori programs that supplemented the program with conventional school activities, and, for comparison, conventional programs. Children were tested at the start and end of the school year on a range of social and academic skills. Although they performed no better in the fall, children in Classic Montessori programs, as compared with children in Supplemented Montessori and Conventional programs, showed significantly greater school-year gains on outcome measures of executive function, reading, math, vocabulary, and social problem-solving, suggesting that high fidelity Montessori implementation is associated with better outcomes than lower fidelity Montessori programs or conventional programs.  相似文献   


This paper was born of the experience of caring for a loved one at the end of life. The sense of being torn between accepting one's lot and wishing for something “other” is at the heart of the concept described as “intimate fidelity.” Intimate fidelity is discussed as part of a multi-layered concept of fidelity, embracing aspects of the professional caring relationship, and which builds into a value that shapes the fabric of the community.

Academic literature fails to address this understanding of fidelity, so with some creativity, we turned to popular literature—novels and biographies—to find rich understandings of the concept of fidelity. Then following a traditional system of thematic analysis, three aspects of the concept of fidelity are presented, in the context of caring for loved ones, professional caring, and caring in the community.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of constant time delay delivered with high procedural fidelity to constant time delay with high procedural fidelity on all variables except delivery of the controlling prompt (i.e., on a mean of 44% of the trials, the controlling prompt was not delivered when it should have been provided). Six preschool children with disabilities were taught to identify photographs in two alternating conditions (e.g., high procedural fidelity and low procedural fidelity). An adapted alternating treatments design was used to evaluate the instructional conditions on the effectiveness and efficiency of instruction. In addition, daily measures were taken of the teacher's implementation of each step of the constant time delay procedures which indicated that the two conditions were implemented as planned. The results indicate that both conditions were effective for four children; for three of these, the high procedural fidelity condition resulted in more efficient learning. For the fifth child, the high-fidelity condition resulted in criterion level responding, but the low fidelity condition did not. However, when the high fidelity procedure and trial-by-trial reinforcement were used for the low-fidelity stimuli, these also were acquired. For the sixth child, neither procedure was effective; thus, the high fidelity condition was used alone and resulted in learning. The results are discussed in terms of using the constant time delay procedure and studying the procedural fidelity of other strategies.  相似文献   

The D (dissemination) phase of the ESID model has been often overlooked in our efforts to create innovative and widespread social change. The process of replicating successful social innovations is both a prerequisite for dissemination (in order to assess the consistency of effects) and an obvious outcome of a successful dissemination effort. Fidelity, the extent to which a replicated program is implemented in a manner consistent with the original program model, is an important dimension of replication. This study was designed to provide empirical data related to three questions. Can complex social programs be implemented with fidelity? How much fidelity is appropriate or desired? What are the organizational dynamics of adoption with fidelity? Data were collected from grantees of a national replication initiative funded by the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. Data suggest that high fidelity can be achieved, at least in the context in which programs are mandated to do so as part of the funding agreement and are given technical assistance in achieving fidelity. Secondly, programs perceived high fidelity as having positive effects on the program and its participants, a finding consistent with a limited assessment of the relationship of program outcomes and fidelity. Finally, much was learned about the human and organizational dynamics of replicating with fidelity. Implications for policy and direction regarding replication are discussed.  相似文献   

While cognitive processing therapy (CPT) is an effective evidence-based treatment for many veterans with military-related post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), not all veterans experience therapeutic benefit. To account for the discrepancy in outcomes, researchers have investigated patient- and research design-related factors; however, therapist factors (e.g. fidelity) have received less attention. The present study is a preliminary examination of the effect of psychotherapists’ fidelity during CPT on clinical outcomes during a randomized clinical trial (RCT) for military sexual trauma-related PTSD. PTSD symptoms, trauma-related negative cognitions (NCs), and depression symptoms were assessed for 72 participants at baseline, and 1-week, 2-month, 4-month, and 6-month posttreatment. Of the four CPT therapists, two were found to have significantly poorer (i.e. “below average”) treatment fidelity scores compared to the other two therapists who had “good” treatment fidelity scores. To examine possible therapist effects on outcomes, hierarchical linear modeling was utilized with therapist fidelity entered as a Level 2 predictor. Participants treated by a therapist with “good” treatment fidelity experienced significantly greater reductions in PTSD symptoms, NCs, and depression symptoms than patients treated by a therapist with “below average” treatment fidelity. Our preliminary findings highlight the importance of monitoring, maintaining, and reporting fidelity in psychotherapy treatment RCTs.  相似文献   

Given that the development of treatment fidelity assessment protocol is an integral but too frequently ignored aspect of clinical trials for psychological treatments, the Intensive Mental Health Program (IMHP) sought to build fidelity activities into training, program evaluation, and clinical recordkeeping from the outset of a 3 year study period. We describe (a) operational definitions and measurement of the IMHP treatment model, (b) planned fidelity-promoting activities, (c) evaluation methods, and (d) fair to appreciable accomplishment of IMHP fidelity targets. Discussion of the circumstances and processes possibly hindering better fidelity for several IMHP treatment features accompanies presentation of fidelity data. We summarize pitfalls and compensatory strategies identified during IMHP program evaluation and offer practical suggestions to enhance accountability and evaluative activity in future clinical research.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2022,53(5):900-912
Prominent theories within the field of implementation science contend that organizational leaders can improve providers’ fidelity to evidence-based practices (EBPs) by using focused implementation leadership behaviors that create an organizational climate for EBP implementation. However, this work has been criticized for overreliance on nonspecific, self-report fidelity measures and poor articulation of the boundary conditions that may attenuate leadership and climate’s influence. This study tests the predictions of EBP implementation leadership and climate theory on observed fidelity to three school-based EBPs for autism that vary in complexity: pivotal response training (PRT), discrete trial training (DTT), and visual schedules (VS). Educators in kindergarten to third-grade autism support classrooms in 65 schools assessed their principals’ EBP implementation leadership and school EBP implementation climate prior to the school year. Mid-school year, trained observers rated educator fidelity to all three interventions. Expert raters confirmed PRT was significantly more complex than DTT or VS using the Intervention Complexity Assessment Tool for Systematic Reviews. Linear regression analyses at the school level indicated principals’ increased frequency of EBP implementation leadership predicted a higher school EBP implementation climate, which in turn predicted higher educator fidelity to PRT—however, there was no evidence of a relationship between implementation climate and fidelity to DTT or VS. Comparing principals whose EBP implementation leadership was ±1 SD from the mean, there was a significant indirect association of EBP implementation leadership with PRT fidelity through EBP implementation climate (d = 0.49, 95% CI [0.04, 0.93]). Strategies that target EBP implementation leadership and climate may support fidelity to complex behavioral interventions.  相似文献   

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