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本研究基于评估倾向理论, 通过3项实验考察了特定负性情绪(愤怒)对延迟折扣的影响, 并探究确定感和控制感评估倾向在这一关系中的作用。实验1考察愤怒情绪对延迟折扣的影响, 结果发现, 愤怒组被试的延迟满足倾向显著强于恐惧组和控制组。实验2采用实验因果链设计考察确定感和控制感评估倾向在愤怒情绪影响个体延迟折扣中的作用, 结果发现, 愤怒情绪可以有效增强个体的确定感和控制感(实验2a), 同时确定感和控制感能够增强个体的延迟满足倾向(实验2b)。实验3采用中介测量设计考察确定感和控制感评估倾向在愤怒情绪影响个体延迟折扣中的作用, 结果发现, 确定感和控制感评估倾向在愤怒情绪影响个体延迟折扣中起完全中介作用。本研究结果表明, 当个体进行跨期决策时, 体验到与确定感和控制感有关的偶然愤怒情绪会增强其延迟满足倾向。本研究对探究特定负性情绪对个体延迟折扣的影响具有一定的启示意义。 相似文献
建议采纳过程中的情绪研究主要以向决策者提供与其情绪特征相适应的建议为思路,从情绪效价发展到对具体情绪的探索,从情绪影响认知加工策略拓展到对情绪认知评估特征的分析。文章结合对过往实证研究的分析,以情绪渗透理论、情绪社会信息理论、评估倾向框架为依据,对建议采纳中决策者的情绪来源、情绪影响建议采纳的过程机制进行分析与阐述,构建建议采纳的情绪机制模型,并以近年来的研究热点--愤怒情绪做示例分析。未来研究可进一步探讨情绪对建议采纳的直接作用、先前情绪与整合情绪的关系与作用,以及结合新兴情绪理论丰富建议采纳领域的研究。 相似文献
本研究旨在探讨偶然情绪对延迟选择的影响及影响机制。本研究包括两个实验, 在被试进行决策前, 分别采用图片和短片诱发其与当前决策任务无关的偶然情绪, 然后要求被试完成选择任务, 并从决策结果和决策过程两个角度考察偶然情绪对延迟选择的影响及影响机制。结果发现, 当可选项中不存在1个优势选项时, 与正性情绪相比, 个体在负性情绪下会更倾向于延迟选择, 而个体对决策信息的加工深度在偶然情绪对延迟选择的影响中具有中介作用。这可能是因为相比于正性情绪, 个体在负性情绪下会采用更深入的加工策略, 增加了决策难度, 进而提高了个体的延迟选择倾向。 相似文献
以124名处于不同戒除时相的男性海洛因戒除者为被试, 采用金钱和海洛因延迟折扣任务(DDT), 并以基于线索暴露的渴求感测量为效度指标, 探讨了该类人群对海洛因延迟强化超快速折扣倾向及其心理机制。结果发现: (1) 相对于金钱延迟强化, 戒除者对海洛因延迟强化表现出显著的超快速折扣倾向, 且该倾向不随戒除期的延长而改变; (2) 戒除者对海洛因延迟强化的超快速折扣行为可能是其冲动性特质与海洛因相关线索共同作用的结果, 海洛因相对于金钱折扣率的增量部分可能反映了海洛因及其相关线索对该类人群主观渴求感的诱发效应。 相似文献
高低拖延者的冲动性特征与延迟折扣差异研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
拖延是一种复杂而常见的心理行为现象.研究结合国外拖延心理研究的新趋势,以拖延者是否具有冲动性人格与行为特征为切人点,采用人格问卷与行为实验相结合方式,综合测量了拖延者的冲动性特质与延迟折扣程度.结果发现:(1)拖延与冲动性具有显著正相关,高拖延者具有较高无计划冲动性、注意力冲动性和运动冲动性;(2)高、低拖延者在延迟折扣率上无显著差异,但在多数实验条件下,高拖延者比低拖延者具有更高延迟折扣程度.研究对理解拖延行为产生原因和制定拖延行为干预措施具有重要价值. 相似文献
通过控制负性情绪的不同回避动机强度,采用经典四项比例式的推理任务,探究不同回避动机强度的负性情绪对类比推理的影响。研究结果发现:(1)不同回避动机强度的负性情绪(悲伤和恐惧)均会导致推理任务的正确率下降;(2)在低回避动机强度情绪(悲伤)下完成推理任务的反应时比高回避动机强度情绪(恐惧)下更长。结论:不同回避动机强度的负性情绪均会对类比推理产生消极作用,高回避动机强度的负性情绪下完成推理任务的速度更快,但正确率较低,这可能是由于注意窄化和情绪的动机强度通过工作记忆影响了推理过程。 相似文献
通过测量83名大学生的时间折扣率和不同共同收益延迟时距上的金币拿取量,以探讨资源困境中共同收益延迟对个体决策的影响及时间折扣的调节效应。结果表明:(1)金币拿取量随共同收益延迟时距的增长而增加,增加趋势和初始时间点的金币拿取量均存在显著的个体差异;(2)时间折扣率反向调节初始延迟时间点的金币拿取量,正向调节金币拿取量随延迟时距增长而增加的速率。这表明资源困境与跨期选择两个不同研究领域具有紧密联系,对当前资源保护制度的制定与实施具有一定的启发意义。 相似文献
延迟折扣指由于发生时间上的延迟,未来结果的当前价值低于其实际价值或控制当前行为效力下降的心理现象。本文在介绍了延迟折扣的概念及测量方法与指标的基础上,综述了延迟折扣与青少年物质滥用与成瘾、外化问题间关系的研究,发现青少年酗酒者、烟瘾者及网络成瘾者的延迟折扣率高于非成瘾者,而延迟折扣与青少年外化问题之间的关系尚无一致性结论,最后指出了延迟折扣及其与青少年物质滥用与成瘾、外化问题间关系的未来研究方向。 相似文献
跨期选择以往的研究集中于金钱数量结果。基于维度加工的模型,本文探究了在跨期选择中,人们面对质量差异的结果(如今天的低配版手机还是六个月后的高配版手机)与相对应的金钱结果(如今天的5000元还是六个月后的6000元)的选择偏好差异。三个实验结果表明:人们面对质量结果(相比于金钱结果)的跨期选择表现得更耐心,而这种现象是由于人们面对选择时在结果维度差异感知不同所致。与金钱结果跨期选择相同,质量结果跨期选择的心理加工过程同样遵循维度间差异比较。本研究为基于维度的跨期选择模型提供了新的证据。 相似文献
Yu-Hua Yeh Joel Myerson Michael J Strube Leonard Green 《Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior》2020,113(3):609-625
A new probabilistic losses questionnaire as well as Kirby's delayed gains questionnaire and a previously developed delayed losses questionnaire were administered to a large online sample. Almost all participants showed the positive discounting choice pattern expected on the Kirby questionnaire, decreasing their choice of a delayed gain as time to its receipt increased. In contrast, approximately 15% of the participants showed negative discounting on the delayed losses questionnaire and/or the probabilistic losses questionnaire, decreasing their choice of an immediate loss as time to a delayed loss decreased and/or decreasing their choice of a certain loss as likelihood of the probabilistic loss increased. Mixture model analysis confirmed the existence of these negative discounting subgroups. The inconsistent findings observed in previous research involving delayed/probabilistic losses may be due to differences in the proportion of negative discounters who participated in previous studies. Further research is needed to determine how negative discounting of delayed and probabilistic losses manifests itself in everyday decisions. It should be noted that the presence of individuals who show atypical choice patterns when losses are involved may pose challenges for efforts to modify discounting in order to ameliorate behavioral problems, especially because many such problems concern choices that have negative consequences, often delayed and/or probabilistic. 相似文献
Elise Frølich Furrebøe 《Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior》2020,113(3):626-643
The sign effect is the steeper discounting of gains compared to losses. However, we see a greater sign effect on an individual level compared to an aggregate level. In this experiment, we compare discounting of gains and losses on an individual and aggregate level, to explore further details about when and to what extent human adults discount. Thirty-one participants went through a computer-based choice-task procedure of hypothetical monetary gains and losses. The results show clear qualitative differences between discounting of gains and losses, adding empirical data to support the sign effect. The results also support previous findings that show that aggregate and individual results do not always correspond. Further, the within-subject details showing zero discounting or nonsystematic changes concerning losses, replicate earlier studies suggesting that discounting of gains and losses involve different reinforcing contingencies. The present study expands on this research area by including verbal reports, supplementing details about the unobserved reinforcing contingencies. Implications of research on discounting may indicate how to deal with decision-making challenges and might shed light on why predictions about complex decision making sometimes fail. 相似文献
Eddie Harmon-Jones 《Cognition & emotion》2019,33(1):101-108
ABSTRACTThe field of cognition and emotion has grown considerably over the past 30 years, with an increased emphasis on the relationships between emotional and motivational components and how they contribute to basic perceptual, cognitive, and neural processes. For instance, research has revealed that emotion often influences these processes via emotion’s relationship with motivational dimensions, as when positive emotions low versus high in approach motivational intensity have different influences on attentional and other cognitive processes. Research has also revealed that motivational direction (approach vs. withdrawal) and affective valence (positive vs. negative) are not as closely related as once was theorised; that is, positive affect is not inevitably associated with approach motivation and negative affect is not inevitably associated with withdrawal motivation. These and other lines of research with anger have suggested that the field needs to move beyond a focus on affective valence and it needs to consider an integration of dimensional and discrete models of emotion. The article also includes some suggestions for improving methods of measuring and inducing emotions and some recommendations for future researchers. 相似文献
ABSTRACTAdvances in our understanding of appraisal processes and emotion regulation have been two of the most important contributions of research on cognition and emotion in recent decades. Interestingly, however, progress in these two areas has been less mutually informative than one might expect or desire. To help remedy this situation, we provide an integration of appraisal theory and the process model of emotion regulation by describing parallel, interacting and iterative systems for emotion generation and emotion regulation. Outputs of the emotion generation system are perceived by the emotion regulation system, and emotion regulation strategies then modulate emotion by intervening at specific stages of the emotion generation system, ultimately changing appraisal dimensions. We hope that our unified perspective will encourage and guide future research at the interface of cognition and emotion. 相似文献
Jordan Belisle Mark R. Dixon Kyle E. Rowsey 《Journal of applied behavior analysis》2019,52(2):408-421
Thirty‐six participants were given three social discounting surveys, and each survey was preceded by one of three contrived hypothetical scenarios. In each scenario, the participant was asked to consider situations in which either the participant (SELF), a hypothetical other (OTHER), or both the participant and the hypothetical other (BOTH) were experiencing economic hardship (i.e., needed money to avoid a negative outcome). Results replicate previous research suggesting that the probability of participants foregoing the money decreased across social distance in the BOTH and OTHER conditions; however, no discounting was observed for median responses in the SELF condition. In addition, the highest area under the curve and lowest s values were associated with the OTHER condition, and the inverse results were observed for the SELF condition. Taken together, these results suggest that relative economic hardship may act as a motivating operation affecting social discounting with the potential for further translational utility. 相似文献
Lisa S. Furlong Susan L. Rossell James A. Karantonis Vanessa L. Cropley Matthew Hughes Tamsyn E. Van Rheenen 《Journal of Neuropsychology》2022,16(2):353-372
Increasing evidence suggests that facial emotion recognition is impaired in bipolar disorder (BD). However, patient–control differences are small owing to ceiling effects on the tasks used to assess them. The extant literature is also limited by a relative absence of attention towards identifying patterns of emotion misattribution or understanding whether neutral faces are mislabelled in the same way as ones displaying emotion. We addressed these limitations by comparing facial emotion recognition performance in BD patients and healthy controls on a novel and challenging task. Thirty-four outpatients with BD I and 32 demographically matched healthy controls completed a facial emotion recognition task requiring the labelling of neutral and emotive faces displayed at low emotional intensities. Results indicated that BD patients were significantly less accurate at labelling faces than healthy controls, particularly if they displayed fear or neutral expressions. There were no between-group differences in response times or patterns of emotion mislabelling, with both groups confusing sad and neutral faces, although BD patients also mislabelled sad faces as angry. Task performance did not significantly correlate with mood symptom severity in the BD group. These findings suggest that facial emotion recognition impairments in BD extend to neutral face recognition. Emotion misattribution occurs in a similar, albeit exaggerated manner in patients with BD compared to healthy controls. Future behavioural and neuroimaging research should reconsider the use of neutral faces as baseline stimuli in their task designs. 相似文献