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<正>祷告是基督徒灵命的呼吸,基督徒在上帝所赐的每一个日子里,以祷告的方式,向上帝陈明自己的心意,求上帝赐予智慧能明白神的计划,求上帝赐予力量能遵行神的旨意。祷告时我们当注意以下几点:祷告不只是向神说话,更要听神说话。祷告不是自顾自地说个不停,之后就以一声"阿们"结束,这就好比一个病人跟医生说了好大一通病情,之后跟医生说声"再见",扭头就走了。祷告是神与人的沟通,既要向神说话,更要听神说话。向神说话,是陈明我的心意,或敬拜赞美,或感恩感谢,或祈求代求;听神说话,是神向人启示他的心意,或借着圣经的话,或借着环境,或借着某个人的话,向  相似文献   

黄婧昉 《天风》2012,(2):63-63
1.只有当我完全降服于圣灵时.我才能活在神的旨意中。 2除非我屈膝祷告,否则我无法活在他的爱中。 3.祷告生活会使人爱基督、爱其他基督徒,并且爱不信主的人。  相似文献   

本研究从北京、重庆和石家庄选取三所初中学校1038名初一到初三学生为被试,采用问卷调查的方式,探讨青少年的家庭环境、亲子依恋对其网络成瘾的影响及作用机制,以检验“人-情境交互作用理论”和“过程-个人-情境-时间”模型提出的理论观点。结果表明:(1)家庭环境和亲子依恋均与青少年的网络成瘾成显著负相关;(2)家庭环境中家庭亲密度对青少年网络成瘾有显著预测作用,父子依恋中的父子信任能显著负向预测青少年网络成瘾,母子依恋中的母子疏离能显著正向预测青少年网络成瘾;(3)家庭亲密度不仅直接影响青少年的网络成瘾,而且还通过母子疏离和父子信任间接影响青少年的网络成瘾,但母子疏离和父子信任所起的中介作用差异不显著。研究结果不仅说明了家庭环境对青少年心理行为发展的重要性,同时支持了“人-情境交互作用理论”和“过程-个人-情境-时间”模型提出的相应理论观点。  相似文献   

发自内心深处的祷告 “你祷告的时候,要进你的内屋,关上门,祷告你在暗中的父。”(太6:6) 祷告不等于祈求。然而,在许多基督徒的信仰生活中,只要一开口,就免不了要祈求。换句话说,我们生活中所作的大多是祈求,并非耶稣所要求的祷靠。 那么,什么是祷告呢?祷告实际上是用我们的心灵去感受神,体会神的心意。同时,也是神在感受我们,体会我们。每一个人都微小得像一滴水珠,而神  相似文献   

王勇 《天风》2002,(3):26-26
我曾听一位牧师这样说:如果你是一个基督徒,你就一定常常祷告,如果你要做一个基督徒,你就应当祷告。这话说得很实在,祷告是神给我们信徒的权柄,离开了祷告,我们将一事无成。一个祷告的人是一个有能力的人。大布道家司布真每天祷告两个小时,他讲道大有能力;宗教改革家马丁·路德每天祷告3个小时,神与他同在,就连德国皇帝查理五世也惊讶他的刚毅。但是许多信徒却将祷告当作一种重担、负担,所以在祷告时只了了数语以贿赂他们自己的良心,求得是否祷告让内心的平衡。  相似文献   

丁施恩 《天风》2009,(9):8-9
经文:出8:-10: 基督徒需要明确祷告的对象,就是上帝.让我们一起思考祷告的几个"度": 一、祷告的角度 <出埃及记>10章16至17节记载:法老急忙召了摩西、亚伦来,说:"我得罪耶和华你们的神,又得罪了你们.现在求你,只这一次,饶恕我的罪,求耶和华你们的神,使我脱离这一次的死亡."请注意,法老请求摩西赦免他的罪,他求的对象错了,祷告的角度偏了,因为我们乃是向上帝祷告.  相似文献   

单渭祥 《天风》2005,(6):24-25
在上期中,与大家讨论过祷告不蒙应允的人为原因。在这期中我想根据圣经教导,说一些正面的、有助于我们祷告成功的原因,即怎样的祈祷神才垂听呢? 一、奉靠主名求。祈祷要有功效,必须要奉主的名而求。今天许多基督徒(包括牧师传道人)祷告结  相似文献   

袁世国 《天风》2002,(5):8-9
信靠你的上帝,负起你的责任。基督徒对上帝、社会、自己都有责任。对上帝:顺服是我们的责任,约瑟负起自己的责任,听从主使者的吩咐娶过马利亚;对社会:行善是我们的责任,安提阿的基督徒有善行,为基督徒的称谓赢得了美誉;对自己:心意更新而变化,追求完全是我们的责任。  相似文献   

张玲 《天风》2004,(12):i015-i015
有人说,基督徒的一生,是信靠上帝走十字架道路的一生。因为上帝无条件地为我们舍了他自己,使得今天我们的信靠变得更有意义而充满祝福。一则故事,对我们会有很大的启发。  相似文献   

正祷告不是生活中的"备用胎",而是生命每天的"必需品"。神的儿女们,神的旨意原是叫我们不住地祷告,恒切地祷告。叫别人得福的同时,你已经是最蒙福的人。因为你愿意成为别人的祝福,你就成了上帝所赐福的人。说真话的好处是不用记得曾经说过什么话。神是光,你亲近神就是亲近光,你脸上就越来越有光彩;你亲近神,你心里就越来越有神采。上帝存留我们的"生命",为要完成上帝的"使命"。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to examine a mediational model of attachment, religiousness and spirituality in predicting well-being in people of Christian faith. One hundred and eighty-five participants were recruited from Baptist churches and 19 from a Baptist-based university. Whereas no support was found for a mediational model of attachment, religiousness and spirituality in predicting well-being, support was found for a path model whereby greater levels of insecure attachment to God were associated with lower levels of religious spirituality (RS). In turn, lower levels of RS were associated with greater levels of emotional distress (ED). Therefore, for this sample of Baptists, having a secure attachment to God was related to an increase in religious behaviours, fulfilment with one's prayer life and belief in a purpose for life. It seems that increases in these religious and spiritual variables are related to less ED. This suggests that heightened connection with God, both through religious behaviours and heightened spirituality, is a beneficial pursuit for people of Christian faith.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the effects of intercessory prayer, moral intuitions, God concept, and theological orientation on generous behavior in the form of charitable giving. Christian participants (N = 313) were assigned to engage in either intercessory prayer or a secular reflection over a 2-week period on the hardships faced by either Christians (religious ingroup) or Muslims (religious outgroup) in Myanmar/Burma being persecuted by the Buddhist majority. Contrary to hypotheses and previous research, multiple regression analyses revealed that the prayer condition was associated with less monetary generosity than a nonreligious control condition. Ingroup versus outgroup status of the target of prayer/reflections was not a significant predictor of charitable giving. Moral intuitions related to the harm/care and fairness/reciprocity foundations as well as traditional God concept moderated the effects of prayer.  相似文献   

A random sample of 989 adults in an Australian community survey completed the Bradburn Balanced Affect Scale together with three measures of Christian faith and practice: belief in God, personal prayer, and church attendance. The data demonstrated a positive association between all three religious measures and psychological well-being. The analysis helps to account for discrepant findings in previous research.  相似文献   

Religion has been conceptualised as personal belief in the transcendent. Anthropologists of religion have critiqued such a construct for decades for being based on a Christian Protestant model and one that reflected subsequently modern rationalist Western culture. This construct has increasingly been shown to fail to account for the religiosity of contemporary Christians. Drawing on the sociology of Georg Simmel and based on ethnographic research in a Christian evangelical church, the article proposes a reconceptualisation of religious belief that is experiential and relational. Evangelicals in this case study show that propositional belief plays increasingly a secondary role to belief intended as trust in God and forming a relationship with God and others. Relationships mediate personal religious experience and are shown to be essential to the conversion process, the life of faith, and Christian identity. The study thus bridges the separation between theoretical and empirical works by operationalising Simmel’s sociology.  相似文献   

《Counseling and values》2017,62(2):216-234
Researchers have found that disclosure to God partially explains associations between certain prayer types and mental health in a Christian sample. Although researchers have discovered several mediators explaining associations between prayer types and mental health, the use of predominantly Christian samples limits generalizability. In this study, the authors tested disclosure to God as a mediator in Jewish, Muslim, and Christian subsamples. Analyses indicated several differences among the groups; disclosure to God mediated associations between prayer type and mental health only among Christians.  相似文献   

Centering prayer is a spiritual and religious form of meditation grounded in the history of Christian contemplative prayer. Despite its popularity, empirical research investigating centering prayer’s effects on psycho-spiritual outcomes is relative sparse. This pilot outcome study explored the effect of a centering prayer workshop on participants’ (N?=?9) depression, anxiety, stress, spiritual transcendence, religious crisis, faith development, and mindfulness. Several significant changes were noted over the course of the six-week study, including decreased anxiety and stress, and increased faith development and mindfulness. Interestingly, we noted that participants likely also experienced a spiritual or religious struggle that follows the established spiritual development paradigm called the Dark Night of the Soul. The study did not include a control group, and so did not account for effects related to history, maturation, or regression to the mean. Nevertheless, the initial results prove promising to develop more sophisticated research programmes that replicate the study’s findings.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between religiosity and psychological well-being in a sample of Greek Orthodox Christians. Previous research has documented that personal devotion, participation in religious activities, and religious salience are positively associated with different criteria of psychological well-being. The sample (83 men and 280 women) with an age range from 18 to 48 years, was strongly skewed with respect to sex (77% female) and education level (95% were university students or university graduates). Religiosity was operationalized as church attendance, frequency of prayer and belief salience. In addition, a single item referring to beliefs about God was used. Depression, anxiety, loneliness, and general life satisfaction were selected as dependent variables because they reflect important dimensions of psychological well-being. Preliminary analyses showed that sex was significantly related to the three religiosity variables (church attendance, frequency of prayer, belief salience), with women being more religious than men. Consistent with previous research, correlations suggested that church attendance and belief salience were associated with better life satisfaction. The results of hierarchical regression analysis showed a significant positive association between anxiety and frequency of personal prayer. Finally, personal beliefs about God did not seem to relate to any of the psychological well-being measures. The results of the present study partially support the hypothesized association between religiosity and psychological well-being.  相似文献   

Relationships between religiousness and psychological health are well established. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate whether perceived relationship with God (i.e., attachment to God) or how people view God (i.e., image of God) account for variation in psychological distress and well-being. Statistical relationships between two attachment to God dimensions (avoidance, anxiety), two dimensions of God image (forgiving, wrathful), and general psychological well-being were investigated in a convenience sample (Study 1) and nationally representative sample (Study 2) of American adults who expressed belief in God or a higher power. In both studies, secure attachment to God (i.e., lower avoidance, lower anxiety) and religious service attendance were positively correlated with self-reported psychological well-being. Hierarchical regressions indicated that attachment to God dimensions account for unique variability in reported mental health even after religious service attendance, prayer frequency, God image and demographic variables were statistically controlled. Negligible associations were found between images of God as forgiving or wrathful and psychological well-being. Perceived relationship with God appears to be an important factor in the connection between religiousness and psychological health.  相似文献   

基督教青少年的宗教性:以甘肃农村基督教群体为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨宝琰  万明钢  王微  刘显翠 《心理学报》2008,40(11):1197-1202
以148名基督教青少年为被试,研究了基督教青少年的宗教性。研究结果表明,(1)基督教青少年的宗教信仰的坚定性在减弱,没有表现出性别差异,出生于基督教家庭的青少年的宗教坚定性高于某个时期皈依的青少年;(2) 宗教倾向包括内倾宗教、外倾个人和外倾社会等三个方面,以外在个人倾向为主,不存在性别差异,“保持宗教者”在内倾宗教和外在个人维度的得分显著高于“脱离宗教者”;(3)高宗教卷入的基督教青少年在内倾宗教和外倾个人维度的得分显著地高于低宗教卷入的基督教青少年;(4 )宗教倾向内部各维度间表现出显著的正相关,宗教态度的各维度与宗教卷入、内倾宗教倾向和外在个人宗教倾向表现出显著的正相关  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated perceptions of hypocrisy among Christian and non-Christian individuals. Specifically, participants (N = 121) were asked to evaluate people of different religious orientations in terms of perceptions of both claimed morality, actual behavior, and general hypocrisy. Across all designations, perceptions of moral hypocrisy were determined to be greater to the extent that moral claims exceeded actual behavior. Among non-Christian participants, perceptions of hypocrisy were highest with respect to “devout” and “evangelical” Christian targets. In contrast, among Christian participants, the highest ratings of hypocrisy were reserved for “casual” Christians (i.e., Christians who do not incorporate their faith into their daily life). Our findings have both theoretical implications regarding the nature of religious hypocrisy perceptions, as well as real-world implications for understanding inter-faith perceptions and interactions.  相似文献   

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