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采用问卷调查法,对312名高校辅导员进行调查,探讨边界分割偏好、组织分割供给和个人边界分割策略与工作-非工作冲突的关系。结果表明:(1)辅导员的边界分割偏好与工作-非工作冲突正相关;(2)组织分割供给和个人边界分割策略均能减弱边界分割偏好与工作-非工作冲突之间的正相关。本研究提示高校应在不影响工作的前提下尽量向辅导员提供更多的组织分割供给,同时辅导员也可以通过灵活运用边界分割策略,进行自主的工作-非工作边界管理。  相似文献   

工作-家庭平衡满意度(SWFB)这一新兴构念正日益受到学界关注,信息时代下的新工作特征——非工作时间连通行为对SWFB已产生不可忽视的影响。本文基于工作-家庭边界理论,探讨非工作时间连通行为对SWFB的影响机制。通过问卷调查了237份配对样本数据,结果表明:非工作时间连通行为负向预测SWFB,心理脱离中介了非工作时间连通行为与SWFB间关系;工作-家庭中心性调节了心理脱离在非工作时间连通行为与SWFB间的中介作用。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,对来自上海地区的261名企业管理者进行调查,探讨了性别与组织分割供给、工作中心度及工作→家庭冲突的关系。结果表明:⑴性别对工作→家庭冲突的预测作用显著,男性比女性经历的工作→家庭冲突更多;⑵组织分割供给和工作中心度在性别与工作→家庭冲突之间的中介效应均显著。相比女性而言,男性员工因获得的组织分割供给较少且其自身的工作中心度较高,导致其经历的工作→家庭冲突更多。  相似文献   

非工作时间使用手机工作普遍存在于员工的家庭生活中,带来了一系列积极或消极的影响。使用日记法对88个员工连续5天的日记调查发现:(1)非工作时间使用手机工作对员工生活满意度有显著负向影响;(2)心理脱离在非工作时间使用手机工作和员工生活满意度之间有中介作用;(3)使用手机的动机在非工作时间使用手机工作与员工心理脱离之间有调节作用。研究结果启示管理者可以提高员工的心理脱离水平和自主动机,从而降低非工作时间使用手机工作的消极影响。  相似文献   

工作家庭冲突对电讯人员工作倦怠和心理健康的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
谢义忠  曾垂凯  时勘 《心理科学》2007,30(4):940-943
采用工作家庭冲突问卷、工作倦怠问卷(MBI-Gs)和一般健康状况问卷(GHQ-12)调查了某国营电讯公司526名员工。中介回归分析(Mediating Regressin Analysis)的结果显示,工作家庭冲突及其两个子成分(工作浸扰家庭和家庭浸扰工作)都对心理健康具有显著的负向影响;工作倦怠对工作家庭冲突影响心理健康具有完全中介作用;具体而言,工作浸扰家庭对心理健康的影响受情绪衰竭和玩世不恭的完全中介;家庭浸扰工作对心理健康的影响受工作倦怠所有三个子成分的完全中介。  相似文献   

为探讨人际冲突和安全工作行为之间的关系,以及愤怒和报复动机的多重中介作用,采用时间滞后的数据搜集方法,通过上级-下属配对的方式对229名公交司机及其主管进行调查。结果表明:人际冲突能够对安全工作行为产生显著的负向影响,人际冲突可以通过激发愤怒情绪来减少安全工作行为,也能够通过刺激报复动机对安全工作行为产生消极影响,愤怒和报复动机在人际冲突与安全工作行为之间发挥着多重中介效应。  相似文献   

采用工作压力源量表、主观负荷问卷、工作倦怠量表以及积极心理资本问卷对天津市某企业的231名员工进行了调查,采用回归分析和结构方程建模等方法考察了工作压力和工作倦怠的关系及心理资本的中介作用。研究发现:(1)工作压力源和主观负荷对工作倦怠均有显著的正向预测作用,其中主观负荷对工作倦怠的预测力更高;(2)工作压力源和主观负荷与工作倦怠中情绪衰竭和消极疏离的相关较高,但与低成就感几乎没有相关性;(3)心理资本对工作倦怠及其各维度有显著的负向预测作用;(4)心理资本在工作压力和工作倦怠之间起中介作用,工作压力和心理资本能够解释工作倦怠76%的变异。  相似文献   

在中国和北美两个样本中,探讨了工作家庭冲突模型的共性和差异。首先使用多组验证性因子分析找到适用于中美样本的模型,然后采用结构方程模型和多层次回归进行假设检验。结果显示,中美员工感知到的工作-家庭(家庭-工作)冲突在工作(家庭)角色压力和心理抑郁的关系中都起中介作用。此外,情境的差异导致中美员工在工作支持和家庭支持的调节作用上有不同的表现,即中国员工感受到的工作(家庭)支持对角色压力和冲突间关系的调节作用不显著,在北美样本中,工作支持负向调节工作角色压力到工作-家庭冲突的关系,而工作支持和家庭支持正向调节家庭角色压力到家庭-工作冲突的关系。本文的发现能够帮助管理者意识到情境因素的重要作用,从而制定更为有效的管理决策。  相似文献   

高中华  赵晨 《心理学报》2014,46(4):552-568
为探讨工作家庭冲突对员工工作态度和行为倾向的影响, 以国内某大型制造企业集团位于北京、杭州、西安等地7家分公司的545名员工为样本, 采取问卷调查法在两个不同时段获取数据, 考察了角色压力(角色冲突、角色模糊和角色超载)在工作干涉家庭和家庭干涉工作这两种对偶冲突模式与员工工作满意度和离职意向之间的中介作用机制。结果显示:角色压力在工作家庭冲突与工作满意度和离职意向之间起到完全中介作用, 工作满意度在角色压力和离职意向之间起到部分中介作用。结论有助于分析工作家庭冲突的深层原因并采取恰当的干预策略, 降低工作家庭冲突对员工工作态度和行为倾向的负面影响。  相似文献   

心理脱离是指非工作时间内个体在时空和心理两个层面均从工作中脱离出来, 不被工作相关问题所干扰, 并停止对工作的思考。主流研究认为心理脱离对工作投入具有正向影响, 但也有研究发现两者为负向关系。不同研究结果的矛盾是由于未区分心理脱离状态和心理脱离行为、下班时间和工作间歇心理脱离, 或是由于心理脱离程度差异造成, 或是两者间存在方向相反的作用机制, 或受其他变量的调节?目前的研究尚未给出一个整合的解释。因此, 本研究提出应区分心理脱离行为和心理脱离状态, 先综合采用质性与定量分析检验各自的内涵, 在此基础上依据工作要求?资源模型(Job Demands-Resources Model, 简称JD-R模型)构建一个综合模型, 采用经验取样法和情景实验法, 分别考察下班时间和工作间歇中的心理脱离行为和心理脱离状态对工作投入的影响及机制, 并考察任务紧急性和职业使命感等任务和个体特征的调节作用。预期对以往的矛盾结论给予一个整合的理论解释, 并提出相关的心理脱离管理对策, 以提升员工心理脱离状态, 从而促进其工作投入。  相似文献   

为探讨共情负面效应的作用机制及条件,采用共情量表、Maslach职业倦怠问卷教育版、情绪劳动策略量表和领悟社会支持量表对253名幼儿教师进行调查。结果发现:(1)幼儿教师的情绪共情正向影响情绪枯竭,该影响作用可以通过情绪劳动这一中介实现;(2)幼儿教师的认知共情负向影响情绪枯竭;(3)社会支持调节了幼儿教师情绪劳动对情绪共情与情绪枯竭关系的中介过程的后半段路径。研究结果对幼儿教师心理健康有重要意义。  相似文献   


Information and communication technologies enable employees to be available anywhere and anytime, raising availability expectations of work and nonwork contacts. Building on the theory of planned behavior and the person-environment fit theory, the present study examines how others’ availability expectations predict employees’ management of work and nonwork boundaries, and how these bidirectional boundary management behaviors relate to well-being. Results of structural equation modeling with data from 401 employees collected in two waves show that availability expectations of both coworkers and nonwork contacts predict how employees manage the boundaries of work and nonwork domains. Thereby, availability expectations are negatively related to segmentation of the two domains and coworkers' expectations show an indirect effect on employee well-being. Further, our study shows that work-nonwork and nonwork-work segmentation behavior have divergent effects on employee well-being, indicating that asymmetric boundary management behavior with high work-nonwork segmentation and low nonwork-work segmentation may be beneficial. Besides, moderation analyses underline the importance of enabling individuals to align their boundary management preferences with their actual behavior, especially when individuals have high work-nonwork segmentation preferences. By integrating and unveiling distinct antecedents of work-nonwork and nonwork-work segmentation behavior and their divergent effects on well-being, the present study contributes to a comprehensive framework for investigating and understanding bidirectional boundary management in the face of technology-enabled availability.


An extensive commitment to nonwork roles was negatively associated with the job performance of 182 women legal secretaries. In addition to its direct negative effect on job performance, nonwork role commitment had both a negative indirect effect (through emotional energy expended on nonwork roles) and a positive indirect effect (through resources acquired from nonwork roles) on job performance. Consistent with a family-to-work conflict perspective, the negative effect was stronger than the positive effect. We suggest that the level and type of job occupied by the respondents in the study may have been responsible for the dominance of the negative effect and encourage researchers to examine the contextual influences that might explain the conditions under which commitment to life outside of work dampens or promotes performance in the work domain.  相似文献   

This study examines the links between employee perceptions of job insecurity, the work–nonwork interface, and stress‐related outcomes. Drawing on an adaptation perspective, we expect employees feeling greater job insecurity to engage in adaptive work behaviors including less use of work–nonwork support programs and greater willingness to let work permeate into one's personal life, which in turn will associate with greater work–nonwork conflict and emotional exhaustion. Data were collected from employees within a large energy company at 2 points in time. Results support the model, offering important insights into employee behavioral responses to job insecurity and key mechanisms through which insecurity may foster diminished employee well‐being.  相似文献   

运用自我决定理论剖析加班动机,探讨加班的自我决定程度对情绪耗竭的影响机制及其与加班时间、加班报酬的交互作用。对369名加班员工的调查发现,加班的自我决定程度负向影响情绪耗竭水平,任务完成感知部分中介了这一过程;长时间加班放大了加班的自我决定程度对情绪耗竭的影响;高自我决定和高加班报酬削弱了加班时间对情绪耗竭的影响;加班报酬对情绪耗竭存在通过加班自我决定程度的负向间接影响。  相似文献   

This study investigated the mediating effects of defensive silence and emotional exhaustion between ostracism and interpersonal deviance, explained through transactional theory of stress and coping. Time-lagged and multi-source data was collected at two measurement points from 320 employees, working in service sector organizations of Pakistan. Employees appraise ostracism as an uncontrollable interpersonal stressor that threatens their relational and efficacy needs. They try to deal with this threat through an avoidant coping approach and resort to interpersonal deviance, via a cognitive path and an emotional route, namely defensive silence and emotional exhaustion. Our results show that workplace ostracism, defensive silence, and emotional exhaustion contribute to the prevalence of interpersonal deviance, and offer several direct as well as indirect options. One path involves actions that discourage ostracism through various human resource functions. Another step pertains to defensive silence which could be put off by a suggestion system that offers psychological safety to employees. The last measure relates to emotional exhaustion, prevented by emotional mentoring and employee assistance plans. The present study explains the underlying cognitive and emotional mechanisms between ostracism and interpersonal deviance. It extends research on defensive silence to demonstrate its theoretical as well as empirical effect on interpersonal deviance. It further explains how employees use interpersonal deviance, to reduce the negative effect of ostracism. Lastly, it describes ostracism and deviance in the context of collectivist culture of Pakistan, which underscores close interpersonal relationships.  相似文献   

The Conservation of Resources (COR) model of burnout (Hobfoll & Freedy, 1993) suggests that resources are differentially related to burnout dimensions. In this paper, I provide a meta-analysis of the social support and burnout literature, finding that social support, as a resource, did not yield different relationships across the 3 burnout dimensions (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment), challenging the COR model. However, when considering the source of the social support (work vs. nonwork) as a moderator, I found that work-related sources of social support, because of their more direct relationship to work demands, were more closely associated with exhaustion than depersonalization or personal accomplishment; the opposite pattern was found with nonwork sources of support. I discuss the implications of this finding in relation to the COR model and suggest future research directions to clarify the relationship between resources and burnout dimensions.  相似文献   

This study investigates the mediating role of psychological meaningfulness among social job resources (i.e., coworkers and supervisor support), vigor, and emotional exhaustion in a nursing context. In spite of progress in understanding which organizational influence affects nurses’ vigor and emotional exhaustion, the psychological mechanisms assumed to underlie the associations have not been fully explored. The sample for this study consisted of 171 nurses from Spanish hospitals (54.4 %) and Primary Care Centers (45.6 %). The mediation model was tested using the bootstrapping procedure. Our findings confirmed that psychological meaningfulness fully mediates the impact of social job resources on vigor at work. Moreover, psychological meaningfulness partially mediated the impact of social job resources on emotional exhaustion. Results suggest that meaningfulness plays an important role in the connection between job resources, vigor, and emotional exhaustion. The findings contribute to our understanding of the psychological processes that can explain how job resources contribute to the energetic aspect of burnout and engagement among nurses. Providing nurses with more social job resources, such as coworker and supervisor support, could activate their levels of personal meaningfulness and thus enhance their levels of well-being at work.  相似文献   

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