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循证医学是以证据为基础的医学,其在烧伤医学的应用即为循证烧伤医学。循证医学主要实施策略是发现和提出问题;寻求烧伤医疗实践中或者文献中的有价值证据;进行实验或方法学的评价;应用于临床检验的实践中;评价实践结果。循证烧伤医学和循证医学对烧伤医学的学科发展和临床工作的开展具有重要的意义,烧伤医学今后的发展方向是循证烧伤医学。  相似文献   

从具体病例分析入手谈临床医生实践循证医学既需要思维模式转变、又要求掌握实际应用方法,即要敢于分析循证医学证据的实用性、又要善于用循证医学证据丰富经验医学内涵.新医学模式的普及将是临床医生群体认识史上一次具有深度和广度的飞跃.  相似文献   

从患者角度看循证医学   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
循证医学是一门发展中的朝阳学科,其哲学思想正发生着演绎.在临床医学领域中,其定义也在不断拓展、深化.当前,更加强调:循证医学应是一种人性化的医学实践方法,在临床决策中,仅靠证据还远远不够,应有效地融合病人的价值观及意愿选择.从患者的角度来认识循证医学的理念与方法,探讨循证实践中病人的价值观及意愿选择.  相似文献   

循证医学在临床实践中起着越来越重要的作用,证据的可靠性是循证医学赖以生存的基石.循证医学遵循的证据来自随机对照试验,这些征据并非完美.临床医师在采纳这些证据时须注意以下几个方面的问题:证据的适用人群,干预措施是否存在均一性,对照是否存在片面性,试验的研究终点是否与临床脱节,证据的时效性,以及随机试验提供的证据不足等.只有结合医生的专业技能和临床经验,考虑病人的价值和愿望,对证据进行正确评估和采纳,才能使证据发挥最大的效能,促进循证医学的发展.  相似文献   

循证医学中的几个问题   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
1 循证医学是什么循证医学 (evidence -basedmedicine ,EBM )是由McMaster大学Sackett领导的课题小组于 2 0世纪 90年代提出来的[1] 。循证医学模式在临床实践中的应用不足 10年 ,而该模式传入中国也仅有四五年的历史。循证医学是指临床医生慎重、准确而明智地应用目前最佳证据为具体病人做出临床决策。循证实施是最佳外来临床证据与医生的临床经验和技能相结合的过程。临床经验和技能是指丰富的临床经验、熟练的临床操作和迅速有效的临床判断。临床经验和技术水平的提高可以反应在许多方面 ,但下…  相似文献   

从具体病例分析入手谈临床医生实践循证医学既需要思维模式转变、又要求掌握实际应用方法,即要敢于分析循证医学证据的实用性、又要善于用循证医学证据丰富经验医学内涵。新医学模式的普及将是临床医生群体认识史上一次具有深度和广度的飞跃。  相似文献   

从量变到质变--浅谈经验医学到循证医学的转变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
循证医学是近十年来国际医学界倡导的一种新的医学模式,强调用科学的方法寻求最佳研究证据以指导临床决策.经验医学到循证医学的转变,是从量变到质变的过程,体现了事物发展的一般规律.  相似文献   

用户与循证医学   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
1 循证医学中用户的重要性什么是“用户” ?在循证医学实践中 ,使用卫生保健信息的任何单位或个人都可称之为用户 ,而卫生政策的决策者和病人则是循证医学的重要用户。如政府卫生决策机构、政府医疗技术评估机构、医疗保险机构、药厂、临床医生和病人。国际Cochrane协作网的用户特指使用和传播Cochrane系统评价证据的各国卫生决策机构或个人 ,包括英国国家医学研究会、英国国家卫生服务评估和传播中心、澳大利亚国立卫生研究会、证据的传播者和倡导者、病人及家属等。从病人的利益出发 ,充分尊重病人的自身价值和愿望 ,将…  相似文献   

循证医学对目前临床医学实践的问题思考   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
循证医学的定义是[1]:“自觉地、准确地和公正地应用现有最好的证据来为每个病人作出治疗的选择。”循证医学实践要求全面地从每个病人身上,凭医生的临床专业知识和有关病人的最准确的证据作出判断。1 临床医师对循证医学的误解许多临床医师面对循证医学的挑战,大...  相似文献   

本文从循证医学发展和应用过程的角度分析了循证医学所包涵的人文精神和人文关怀.文章介绍了循证医学的人文底蕴,针对医学实践中人文关怀的缺失,着重探讨了循证医学的发展对医学人文关怀内涵的丰富和发展.文章最后就怎样在循证医学的实践中更好地实现人文关怀提出几点建议.  相似文献   

To define resilience and its components for individuals with severe burns, the authors integrated findings of a general literature review with opinions offered by 39 burn survivors through individual interviews. Results indicate that core factors influencing resiliency include social support (cultural influences and community, school, personal, and familial support,), cognitive skills (intelligence, coping style, personal control, and assignment of meaning), and psychological resources. Counseling strategies to strengthen resilience are suggested.  相似文献   

To illustrate how difficult endings are, this paper first cites an Italian therapist's experience of the use of time with university students in Naples and then associates to contrasting examples in the novel, art, music and the cinema. It uses a dialogue about ending in the film Brief Encounter as a possible paradigm for what is needed in brief therapy. It then refers to the work of James Mann on different experiences of time which underlie the resistance to brief work. How can brief therapy contain the paradox between finite and infinite time? Incorporating another model of therapeutic intervention with the use of Milton Erickson's attitude to time and the unconscious, the paper then moves on to a clinical example, where treatment consisted of an assessment and five sessions. Here the practice of not interpreting the transference is challenged, along with an exploration of the concept of transference to the organization and the use of pre-treatment ‘maternal reverie’ associations. Using the combination of informal trance-like states with a clear focus on the ‘here and now’, the process of the therapeutic relationship is then worked with in the case material.  相似文献   

I would like to thank Terence Horgan, William Throop and especially my wife, Diane Schwartz, for helpful suggestions for improving this paper and for valuable and insightful discussions on the topic of vagueness. I would also like to thank Ithaca College for generously supporting the work on this paper with a Summer Research Grant.  相似文献   

随着烧伤外科救治理论和技术的成熟和推广,越来越多的单位开始开展烧伤临床救治工作,但同时也暴露出一些医疗质量的问题。通过分析国内基层单位开展烧伤救治的现状,探讨出现问题的原因及后果,并提出相应的措施。  相似文献   

Using color photographs donated by burned and nonburned children as stimulus materials, the authors compared attitudes of 218 practice teachers, senior nursing students, and counselors-in-training toward children and adolescents described as typical, having emotional and psychological problems, or having been severely burned and scarred. With the Adjective Generation Technique and a researcher-designed Attitude Scale, the authors found that children with severe burns and facial scarring were regarded less favorably and were given fewer predictions of future success than the other 2 groups. Significantly fewer of the students expressed a willingness to work with them, and many had little confidence that they would be able to help burned clients. Questions generated by participants concerning things they wanted to know about the 3 groups before working with them revealed that burned children were most often asked about their injuries and scarring but were rarely asked about school, leisure activities, or friends.  相似文献   

随着烧伤外科救治理论和技术的成熟和推广,越来越多的单位开始开展烧伤临床救治工作,但同时也暴露出一些医疗质量的问题.通过分析国内基层单位开展烧伤救治的现状,探讨出现问题的原因及后果,并提出相应的措施.  相似文献   

烧伤救治是一个复杂的系统工程,涉及急救、复苏、感染、创面、营养、康复及心理等.营养支持已成为中度以上烧伤患者的重要治疗措施之一:积极正确的营养支持,可促进合成、增强免疫和加速创面愈合,对烧伤救治疗效有明显的改善作用.相反,营养不良可使创面愈合延缓、降低身体抵抗力、易并发感染等并发症,严重影响预后.给予合理的营养支持治疗来维持烧伤患者的营养是严重烧伤治疗中重要措施之一.因此,重视营养支持,相关治疗措施才会发挥应有疗效,烧伤的整体治疗水平才可能提高.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

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