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A model of psychosomatic mysticism (PM) is proposed that reintroduces the body into transpersonal psychology. The argument for PM develops links between transpersonal psychology and neuroimmunology and includes scientific notions of the mind as embodied not just in the brain but more widely throughout the body, as well as the comparative analyses of perspectives on the body in various spiritual traditions. PM is used to examine how transpersonal psychology can integrate the body, thus meeting the goals of the clinician, the standards of the researcher, and the emerging needs of psychosomatic medicine. The core principles of PM are explicated, such as: 1) decentralized consciousness, 2) structural phenomenological correlations between the psyche and the body, 3) in‐depth understanding of energy as intentionality, and 4) the possibility of actualizing cosmic awareness in the individual psyche. Examples of the clinical use of psychospiritual practices of PM show practical applications of these principles. It is concluded that the studies of the embodied consciousness and subtle energies through PM can help to develop both transpersonal theory and applications.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to discuss the veridicality of nonconventional cognitions as they pertain to transpersonal psychological inquiry. It is argued that the validation and efficacy of transpersonal constructs are dependent upon the manner by which they are theoretically and empirically supported, namely, accurately conceptualized and operationalized, and not metaphysicalized. Salient impediments germane to the study of transpersonal phenomena are also reviewed with the concomitant assumption that their ontological and epistemological status should be consistent with objective, nomothetic, empiricism. In response to this scientific appropriation, one measurement instrument is discussed, the Self‐Expansiveness Level Form (SELF; Friedman, 1981; 1983), which is both reliable and valid in measuring transpersonal‐like phenomenon. Taking into consideration these notions, this paper closes with a discussion on the implications of this measurement scale to the field of transpersonal psychology as well as to conventional psychological research and clinical applications.  相似文献   


Throughout its existence, transpersonal psychology has held a strong interest in exploring the implications of consciousness and spirituality for health, both physical and mental. This article provides a brief overview of the theoretical, empirical, and clinical contributions of transpersonal psychology to the understanding and facilitation of human health and well‐being. It also critiques the methodological basis of some of these contributions, concluding that transpersonal psychological studies of the relationship between spirituality and health are still in their infancy and that practitioners interested in using approaches based on these findings need to exercise caution as well as excitement about the interesting developments unfolding at an ever increasing rate.  相似文献   


The question of how to interpret the ideas and evidence from the transpersonal realm has been a challenge to western psychology since its inception. This article illustrates how process philosophy, as developed by Alfred North Whitehead, can serve as a theoretical foundation for transpersonal psychology. Making it especially qualified for this role are process philosophy's unique approach to the nature of experience, its openness to spiritual matters, and its ability to offer a single framework of thought capable of integrating these issues with the concerns of the scientific and academic communities as well as our experience of everyday life. Following the introduction of some of Whitehead's basic ideas that illustrate this philosophy's relevance to psychological and transpersonal metatheory, aspects of Ken Wilber's new work are examined and criticized from a Whiteheadian perspective.  相似文献   


Experiencing the sacred is a paradigmatic spiritual phenomenon, revered across diverse eras and cultures. This empirical research is a human scientific inquiry into the sacred in everyday life. In‐depth interviews are interpreted via a rigorous phenomenological method. A dialogue involving transpersonal psychology, existential phenomenology, psychoanalysis, and the world's spiritual traditions is presented, including an appreciation and critique of Freud's interpretation of religion. Revelation and awareness of an essential, interpermeating communion between self and world constitutes the core of experiencing the sacred. This involves a metamorphosis from an egoic to transpersonal self‐sense and way of being.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to explore the interface of multicultural and humanistic values in the teaching of spirituality and the transpersonal in graduate counseling courses. We share our experiences in curriculum development and encounters with Western psychology from an Eastern (Vedic) worldview. Themes of ethnocentrism and separations (by professional specialty) are addressed. We conclude with recommendations that will enhance “bridge‐building” between these specialties and promote further dialogue and interdisciplinary collaboration.  相似文献   


This article provides a brief reflection on how the Change of Seasons treatment model developed and the reasons for its success with Aboriginal men. Parallels between Aboriginal perspectives, or worldviews, and Ken Wilber's transpersonal psychology, Rupert Sheldrake's fields theory, and Peter Senge's systems thinking are also discussed. Practical rituals and ceremonies that have been successfully integrated into psychoeducational group counselling as practiced in the Change of Seasons model are explained. These musings are included to initiate further dialogue on holistic approaches to counselling and other community initiatives.  相似文献   


As an apparently typical neo‐Freudian theorist, Harry Stack Sullivan may appear to have had little to offer to the development of transpersonal thought. Yet a closer examination of his work reveals several elements in his theorizing that (1) are surprising, given his intellectual heritage, and (2) allow for the extension of his theorizing in the direction of a transpersonal perspective. Sullivan's views on the nature and origin of anxiety, the inescapability of anxiety, empathy, and the need for sleep are examined with an eye toward parallels between his views and a transpersonal perspective. It is suggested that these elements of Sullivan's work provide a type of bridge between conventional and transpersonal perspectives on self and personality development.  相似文献   


A model of transpersonal human development is described. This model links higher levels of later development back to earlier levels by a spiral movement. By such a developmental shift, a restorative return can lead beyond ego development toward a goal of transpersonal, whole psyche integration.  相似文献   

为了深入了解维尔伯超个人心理学及其理论渊源,本文将维尔伯超个人心理学理论中的"宇宙意识"、"沉思"和"道德指南针"与海德格尔哲学中的"此在"、"去蔽"和"思"进行比较,结果发现,三者之间具有明显的相似性,同时又有所区别。相似性充分表明维尔伯超个人心理学理论在本体论、认识论和伦理观三个方面具有明显的海德格尔哲学特征;不同之处说明,维尔伯对海德格尔哲学思想进行了心理学改造和发展。  相似文献   

Retrospective analysis of definitions published over some 35 years suggests the major subject areas of the field can be summed up in three themes: beyond-ego psychology, integrative/holistic psychology, and psychology of transformation. Theme frequency analysis reveals that early emphasis on alternative states of consciousness has moderated into a broader approach to human transcendence, wholeness, and transformation. This expanded definition of transpersonal psychology suggests the field has much in common with integral psychology. As a comprehensive, historically based content summary, this tripartite definition contributes a small but vital piece to the foundation of a transpersonal vision that is spreading across the globe. While transpersonal psychology still needs to embody the inclusiveness and diversity that it represents, its vision is one of great relevance to the contemporary human condition.  相似文献   


Meditation offers a rich and complex field of study. Over the past 40 years, several hundred research studies have demonstrated numerous significant findings including changes in psychological, physiological, and transpersonal realms. This paper attempts to summarize these findings, and to review more recent meditation research. We then suggest directions for future research, emphasizing the necessity to continue to expand the paradigm from which meditation research is conducted, from a predominantly re‐ductionistic, biomedical model to one which includes subjective and transpersonal domains and an integral perspective.  相似文献   

There is growing recognition that psychological theories and principles developed in the West may not accurately reflect those found in other cultures. The newly published book entitled Indigenous and Cultural Psychology: Understanding People in Context has made an important contribution in expanding the scope of psychology. The contributing authors depicted their ultimate goal of developing a universal psychology. The purpose of this article is to review the book from a transpersonal psychology perspective with the hope of facilitating this process. Basing our thoughts on the theoretical framework of perennial psychology and positive psychology, we will suggest practical steps through which future psychologists may work collaboratively to bring about global moral transformation that is crucial to the survival of our planet.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, the transpersonal approach has emerged from mainstream psychology to address the effects of spirituality and consciousness on personal transformation and health and to explore the optimal levels of human functioning. Despite its increasing popularity, many mental health professionals lack basic knowledge of the transpersonal approach. This article provides an introduction to and overview of the historical development, scientific basis, philosophical stance, theoretical principles, and clinical methods of transpersonal psychology.  相似文献   

In order to redress imbalances in South African psychological service provision, honor indigenous, transpersonal, community based perspectives, and introduce fresh insights and direction, this article presents an integral approach to psychology in South Africa. Areas highlighted for future research and praxis include integral and transpersonal psychology; spirituality; consciousness; especially moral consciousness, ancestral consciousness and reverence; indigenous knowledge systems, particularly indigenous healing; harmonisation of old and new, African, Eastern and Western forms of psychology; well-being and community development through health promotion practices and multicultural counselling.  相似文献   

Behavioral psychology has been neglected by pastoral psychologists to the hurt of both. An examination of the principles of behaviorism and some of the data on the behavioral treatment of the neuroses is followed by an analysis of B.F. Skinner's philosophy of science. A critique is developed from the perspective of transpersonal psychology, concluding with a possible reconciliation of the opposites of behavioral and transpersonal ways of knowing.  相似文献   


Three views of “self” have emerged as part of the same Zeitgeist: the “self that humanistic psychology salvaged from the reductionisms of behaviorism and psychoanalysis; the “selves” postmodern critics find as they deconstruct hegemonies of modernity; and the “illusion of separate selfhood” of transpersonal theory. The differences and overlaps of these views are examined in an effort to find a coherence without compromising the differences. This examination begins with a recognition of the splitting views as part of the same recent Zeitgeist, and of a longer philosophical history which grounds these. Next, recent critiques of the humanistic sense of self are surveyed, followed by distinction between “self,” “identity,” and “life.” Then a contextualization follows in classical terms of “fate” and “destiny” as well as the values inherent in these views of humanness, notably happiness and fulfillment. Finally, a single example, offered by Bergson, is used to illustrate the compatibility, even necessity of a compatibility, of differences.  相似文献   


This article presents an intuitive inquiry into storytelling using creative arts and media within the context of modern culture. Taken from a relational and transpersonal perspective, the Living Stories style of personal storytelling is explored and developed in response to the need for connection expressed in the culture‐at‐large and to create opportunities for transformation. The research question asks, What makes storytelling elicit compassionate connection? The researcher engages in a creative and collaborative storytelling process with 1 storyteller who shares her breast cancer experience over the course of several years. The resulting story is presented to 95 participants via an interactive mixed media gallery exhibition featuring photography, poetry, and music, and stations where feedback is invited. Data includes questionnaire and creative expression responses from participants and researcher observation. Key findings include (a) participant reports of participatory knowing and transpersonal phenomena, including the experience of interconnection; (b) emotional narrative as an essential storytelling feature; (c) photography as a visual anchor; and (d) the story as inseparable from the act of storytelling. Study findings expand the storytelling definition to include modern forms whereby the storyteller is not present and suggest applications in television, film, digital storytelling, and community.  相似文献   

This article is a reply to Ken Wilber's critique of Albert Ellis's “Fanatacism that may lead to a nuclear holocaust,” which outlines some of the dangers of transpersonal psychology and psychotherapy.  相似文献   


Over the past several years, a growing number of transpersonal theorists have addressed existentialism. These articles have been supportive of existential positions but only to a point. This point concerns one major theme: whether or not the universe is friendly (assimilable, consoling) or unfriendly (unassimilable, “other"). Transpersonalists tend to adopt the former, and in their view, superior, position and existentialists lean toward the latter “delimited” view. This article explores the accuracy of this perception on the part of transpersonalists and strongly argues for its reassessment.  相似文献   

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