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控制感是指人们相信自己的选择和行为与相应的结果存在一致性的一种认知状态,对人的身心健康都有重要影响。控制感剥夺之后,人会产生不适症状(如习得性无助和抑郁)。例如,长期剥夺控制感会引起习得性无助,甚至导致抑郁。影响控制感的因素包括社会环境、个性气质、生理基础,甚至可能受到基因的调控作用。深入理解控制感剥夺背后的心理机制能增进对人们自身心理特点的了解,有助于预防或干预一些心理疾病的产生。  相似文献   

赵鑫  周仁来 《心理科学进展》2014,22(10):1521-1531
从工作记忆刷新功能的训练入手, 以不同人群为研究对象, 采用活动记忆任务, 从行为层面和认知神经层面探讨工作记忆刷新功能的可塑性。结果发现, 工作记忆刷新功能具有可塑性。具体表现为, 通过刷新功能训练, 个体在工作记忆刷新任务上的成绩提高。工作记忆刷新功能训练使得个体对刺激的识别能力增强, 对无关信息的抑制能力提高, 进而促使工作记忆中的更新能力得到提升。通过工作记忆刷新训练可以提高个体其它认知功能, 但是, 相对于认知能力稳定以及衰退的个体, 这种迁移效应在工作记忆能力发展个体中的表现更为明显。  相似文献   

员东婷  王英春 《心理科学》2018,(5):1192-1199
采用概念判断任务,通过两个递进式实验探索控制感剥夺对状态毅力的影响并考察趋近动机在其中的作用。实验1主观报告结果显示:短时条件下,控制感剥夺组的状态毅力显著高于控制感维持组,尤其表现在努力持续性维度;长时条件下,两组差异不显著。实验2在此基础上加入行为指标结果显示:短时控制感剥夺通过高趋近动机对状态毅力产生影响。结果表明毅力是可塑的,突出表现在努力持续性上,该效应出现在个体经历短时控制感剥夺后。  相似文献   

信任是良好人际关系的基础,在维系社会稳定和谐中起着重要作用。然而,认知控制的子成分(抑制控制、认知灵活性和工作记忆刷新)与客观风险对信任行为的影响机制尚不明确。研究通过三个实验,在控制客观风险高低的同时,分别对刺激—反应一致性、任务转换和工作记忆负载进行操纵,进而考察抑制控制、认知灵活性、工作记忆刷新和客观风险对信任行为的影响。结果发现,抑制控制在反应时上表现出差异,刺激—反应一致条件下被试做出信任的反应时更快;认知灵活性和工作记忆刷新在信任率上表现出差异,不转换条件和低工作记忆负载条件下被试的信任率更高。结果表明,抑制控制主要影响反应组织过程,即为了解决反应冲突而需要更长时间做出反应;认知灵活性和工作记忆刷新则会影响个体的信任决策过程,决定了个体的信任行为表现。此外,研究中还发现客观风险高低表现出跨情景一致性,即三个实验中高风险条件下信任率均显著低于低风险条件,表明客观风险对信任行为的影响具有相对稳定性。研究探讨了认知控制三个子成分和客观风险高低对信任行为产生影响的加工机制,对现实生活中的信任行为有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

人们能够优先处理工作记忆中更有价值的信息,可能是因为人们在工作记忆维持阶段优先刷新了这些信息。那么,人们是如何优先刷新这些信息的呢?本文通过价值导向的记忆范式操纵信息的价值,结合点探测任务(实验1和实验2)和空白屏范式(实验3)考察了价值导向的注意刷新及其机制。结果表明:(1)高价值项目的记忆成绩优于低价值项目;(2)不论项目是同时还是继时呈现,相比低价值项目,高价值项目对应位置的点探测反应时显著更快;(3)相比低价值项目,被试在高价值项目对应位置的注视频率显著更高。上述结果表明,价值能够引导注意刷新;价值导向的注意刷新可能是通过增加高价值信息的刷新频率来实现的。  相似文献   

为探讨挫折情境下自我肯定对执行功能的影响,创设挫折和非挫折情境,采用价值观自我肯定干预,通过Stroop范式和2-back范式分别测量抑制控制和工作记忆的刷新能力。结果发现,挫折情境下的Stroop任务和2-back任务反应时均高于非挫折情境;挫折情境下自我肯定组在Stroop任务和2-back任务上的反应时均显著低于非自我肯定组,而非挫折情境下两组的反应时没有显著性差异;Stroop效应量在情境与肯定条件上的交互作用不显著。结果表明挫折降低了执行功能的任务表现,自我肯定干预能够改善挫折情境下执行功能相关的任务成绩,促进了个体对工作记忆任务的刷新能力和Stroop任务的认知表现,但对抑制控制能力的改善没有明显作用。  相似文献   

研究采用n-back任务,检验药物相关线索对海洛因戒断者工作记忆刷新的影响,旨在探究海洛因戒断者由于长期药物使用造成的认知损伤和药物相关线索之间的关系。结果显示:(1)无论在1-back任务中还是在2-back任务中,相对于正常人,海洛因戒断者反应时长更长。(2)相对于中性线索条件,海洛因戒断者在药物相关线索条件下的反应时更长;(3)相对于2-back任务,正常人与海洛因戒断者在1-back任务中的正确率更高。这可能表明长期的药物使用会使海洛因成瘾戒断者的工作记忆刷新能力受损,而药物相关线索会进一步干扰这种认知损伤。  相似文献   

执行功能是否影响顿悟问题解决,顿悟问题解决中的表征重组阶段是否涉及执行功能仍存在争议。基于此,通过2个研究探讨执行功能对顿悟问题解决的影响。研究1初步探讨执行功能与个体顿悟能力之间的关系,结果发现个体的执行功能与其顿悟问题解决成绩之间存在显著正相关,刷新功能可以显著预测顿悟成绩;研究2使用汉字字谜任务,通过行为与ERPs技术探讨执行功能对言语顿悟问题解决的影响,其中研究2a,行为实验发现高工作记忆刷新能力的个体反应时显著小于低工作记忆刷新能力的个体,说明执行功能中工作记忆刷新亚成分影响顿悟问题解决。研究2b脑电结果发现,"顿悟"条件较之"无顿悟"条件诱发了一个更强的早期成分P2和N2,以及中晚期P3。P2可能主要反映人脑对思维僵局的早期觉察,受到执行功能高低的影响。280~500 ms内,中晚期P3则主要体现以新旧思路交替为特征的僵局打破过程,不受执行功能高低的影响,结果表明汉字字谜顿悟问题的表征重组阶段并未受到执行功能的影响,更倾向认为该阶段为一个突进的过程。综合2个研究说明,执行功能影响顿悟问题解决,其主要作用于顿悟问题解决过程的问题空间搜索阶段,而表征重组阶段是一个突进式的过程。  相似文献   

为了解工作记忆在易感性人格对药物成瘾者执行控制功能和抑制性影响过程中的调节作用,采用BIS和SSS量袁以及连续操作测验(CPT)、2-back任务、威斯康星卡片分类任务(WCST)对150名药物成瘾者和100名年龄、性别及智商相匹配的非药物成瘾者实施冲动性人格、认知控制功能测试。结果发现在2-back任务正确率(工作记忆)高低不同的情况下,注意冲动性人格特质得分对执行控制功能会产生不同的影响。这说明工作记忆在冲动性人格对抑制性的影响中具有调节作用。  相似文献   

以家族相似性图案为材料,让被试在单任务或双任务条件下以集中呈现或交错呈现的方式进行观察(实验1)或反馈(实验2)学习,记录眼动,探究注意对交错呈现优势的影响,以及工作记忆在其中的作用。发现当进行观察学习时,注意影响交错呈现优势,结果支持区别对比理论和注意衰减理论;当进行反馈学习时,注意的影响还有待进一步探究。同时,工作记忆影响交错呈现优势,但工作记忆并非完全通过影响注意从而影响交错呈现优势。  相似文献   

目的:采用N-back范式,探讨熟练双语者与非熟练双语者之间工作记忆更新能力的差异,以验证双语优势效应是否存在于工作记忆更新任务中。方法:采用数字型2-back任务,两因素混合实验设计。自变量分别为被试间变量(熟练双语者与非熟练双语者)和被试内变量(低难度任务组和高难度任务组),因变量为2-back任务中目标刺激、非目标刺激、诱惑刺激和非诱惑刺激的准确率和反应时。结果:熟练双语者与非熟练双语者在低难度的2-back任务(一般的2-back任务)中,目标刺激和非目标刺激的准确率和反应时上没有差异;在高难度任务组(有冲突的2-back任务)中,熟练双语者在非目标刺激、诱惑刺激和非诱惑刺激的准确率显著高于非熟练双语者。结论:工作记忆更新中的“双语优势效应”更容易体现在高执行功能需求的条件下。  相似文献   

Updating in working memory: a comparison of good and poor comprehenders   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this research, we examined the relation between reading comprehension and success in a working memory updating task. We tested the hypotheses that poor comprehenders' deficiencies are associated with a specific difficulty in the working memory updating process, particularly in controlling for information that is no longer relevant. In the first experiment, groups of poor and good comprehenders, ages 8-11 years, were administered a working memory updating task. In the second experiment a year later, a subgroup of participants involved in the first experiment was tested with a different updating task. In both experiments, poor comprehenders had less accurate recall performance and made more intrusion errors than did good comprehenders. Moreover, distinguishing intrusion errors on the basis of their permanence in memory, we found that poor comprehenders were more likely to intrude items that were maintained longer in memory than were good comprehenders. This type of error predicted reading comprehension abilities better than did working memory recall. This suggests that the relation between reading comprehension and working memory is mediated by the ability to control for irrelevant information.  相似文献   

内隐序列学习与一般认知的关系一直处于争议之中。近年来,越来越多的研究显示内隐序列学习与工作记忆(尤其是中央执行功能)存在显著关联。基于此,本研究通过两个实验来探测两者的相关及机制。实验1从行为与脑电两个角度探讨经典位置序列学习与中央执行功能的相关,发现经典位置序列学习的内隐习得量与中央执行功能的抑制、刷新功能的强度呈负相关,与转换功能没有显著相关,脑电结果也支持了这一结论。实验2在内隐序列学习中加入认知冲突来增加中央执行功能的负荷。结果发现在高抑制功能负荷任务条件下,内隐习得量与抑制功能强度的相关性发生了反转,进一步证明内隐序列学习与中央执行功能的抑制子成分在脑功能上的关系:不同条件下呈现竞争、协作等不同状态。  相似文献   

为探索注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)儿童言语工作记忆缺陷的机制,研究采用了言语n-back任务比较了正常儿童与注意缺陷多动障碍儿童的工作记忆成绩。结果表明:在更新水平为0次时,ADHD儿童与正常儿童的成绩没有显著差异,但在更新水平为1次和2次时,ADHD儿童的记忆成绩均显著低于正常儿童,效应量指标(Cohen′d)分别达到了1.31和1.63;另外,在更新难度对记忆成绩的影响上,ADHD儿童表现出了更大的更新代价,效应量指标(Cohen′d)达到了1.54,处在很高的水平。结论认为ADHD儿童在记忆的基础性加工上并不存在明显缺陷,其更大的更新代价表明ADHD儿童在言语工作记忆的执行加工(更新操作)上的缺陷。  相似文献   

Situation model updating requires managing the availability of information as a function of its relevance to the current situation. This is thought to involve some aspect of working memory. The present study assesses the relation between updating ability and various measures of working memory span or capacity. In addition, a primitive general measure of situation model processing, a situation model identification test, and its relation to updating ability was also assessed. The present experiment used a version of a paradigm developed by Glenberg, Meyer, and Lindem (1987) to assess updating. Although updating was observed in both anaphoric reading time and recognition test accuracy measures, the reading time measure was relatively weak. Importantly, the updating effect on the recognition test was unrelated to working memory capacity. In contrast, updating was related to performance on the situation model identification task. Specifically, people who were good at model processing were better able to keep associated objects available than were people who were less adept. There were no differences in the maintenance of dissociated objects. These results suggest that the relationship between situation model processing and working memory capacity is relatively weak.  相似文献   

We conducted two experiments using a modified version of the N-Back task. For younger adults, there was an abrupt increase in reaction time of about 250 ms in passing from N = 1 to N > 1, indicating a cost associated with switching of the focus of attention within working memory. Response time costs remained constant over the range N = 2 to N = 5. Accuracy declined steadily over the full range of N (Experiment 1). Focus switch costs did not interact with either working memory updating (Experiment 1), or global task switching (Experiment 2). There were no age differences in RT costs once general slowing was taken into account, but there was a larger focus-switch-related accuracy cost in older adults than in younger adults. No age sensitivity was found for either updating or global task switching. The results suggest (a) that focus switching is a cognitive primitive, distinct from task switching and updating, and (b) that focus switching shows a specific age-related deficit in the accuracy domain.  相似文献   


Long-term memory retrieval ability and working memory can share attention control ability. Based on cognitive plasticity, a hypothesis that cognitive training could improve long-term memory retrieval efficiency and that this could transfer to retrieval involving working memory was proposed. 60 undergraduates were randomly assigned to a group of training and an active control group; all the participants completed the same tasks in the same order before and after the training, the tasks included a long-term memory retrieval access task, a intelligence test, a switching task, a working memory updating task, a response inhibition task and an interference control task. The statistics results indicate that cognitive training can improve long-term memory retrieval efficiency and has a transfer effect on working memory updating, interference control and switching ability, but not on response inhibition or intelligence. This reveal the plasticity of long-term memory retrieval and its influence on working memory.  相似文献   

袁冬华  李晓东 《心理科学》2012,35(3):608-613
实验1考察了自我损耗对工作记忆的影响。40名6年级小学生被随机分配到实验组和控制组,分别完成损耗任务和非损耗任务。结果发现,与控制组相比,实验组被试的工作记忆容量明显降低。实验2考察积极情绪能否克服自我损耗对工作记忆的负面影响。40名6年级小学生参加了实验。在完成损耗任务后,采用自传式回忆的方法诱发实验组的积极情绪。结果发现,诱发被试的积极情绪体验,能够克服自我损耗对于工作记忆的消极影响。  相似文献   

The role of content–context binding in working memory updating has received only marginal interest, despite its undoubted relevance for the updating process. In the classical updating paradigm, the main focus has been on the process of discarding information when new information is presented. Its efficacy has been determined by measurement of the accuracy of recalled, updated information. In the current study we measured the working memory updating process directly, employing a dynamic memory task composed of alternating sequences of learning, active maintenance and updating phases. Binding was manipulated by changing the type of updating (total or partial) and the strength of the perceptual connection between items. The on-line updating process and the off-line efficacy were separately analysed. Both on-line and off-line measures indicated that partial updating conditions, where the operation of updating content–context binding was required, were more demanding than both total updating conditions and memory and maintenance phases. Our results suggest that working memory updating can be identified not only as a process of substitution of information, but also as inhibition of no longer relevant information and, above all, as a binding updating.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the nature of individual differences in switching the focus of attention in working memory. Participants performed 3 versions of a continuous counting task that required successive updating and switching between counts. Across all 3 experiments, individual differences in working memory span and fluid intelligence were related to the accuracy of the counts, but not to the time cost associated with switching between counts. The authors suggest that working memory span and fluid intelligence measures partially index the ability to accurately switch information in and out of the focus of attention, but this variation is not related to the speed of switching.  相似文献   

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