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人格特征是导致社会偏见产生的影响因素之一.文章介绍了与此相关的两种理论模型--"独裁主义人格理论"和"双过程动机模型"的主要观点和实证依据,并对其中的争议及未来的发展方向进行梳理和展望. 相似文献
社会本质主义是关于社会类别的直觉理论,是对社会类别差异的一种生物性归因。大量研究显示社会本质主义助长了种族、性别与阶层偏见,但也可以减少对肥胖、同性恋与罪犯的偏见。在种族、性别与阶层等被强加的社会类别中,稳定性线索强,社会本质主义导致人们认为该社会类别下的群体之间的差异难以改变,折扣环境解释,进而促进偏见;在肥胖、同性恋与罪犯等个体选择的社会类别中,可控性线索强,社会本质主义导致人们认为该社会类别下的一些群体成员的污名身份是不可控的,折扣个体选择的解释,进而减少偏见。未来研究应关注导致不同后果的社会本质主义信念产生和发展的过程,在此基础上开发出系统、持续、有效的干预措施,为消除偏见,减少群际冲突,推进和谐社会建设提供科学心理学方案。 相似文献
对抗偏见是偏见对象或旁观者对偏见持有者表示不满的社会行为,能够降低偏见持有者的偏见水平,并有助于形成反偏见的社会规范,是一种有效的偏见消减策略。对抗偏见领域的研究可分为对抗偏见效果研究与对抗偏见行为研究。前者主要采用材料型和实验型研究范式,关注对抗偏见的作用机制、具体效果及对抗偏见效果的影响因素;后者主要采用回顾型、实时记录型和前瞻型研究范式,关注对抗偏见行为的发生机制和影响因素。将来这一领域需注重研究范式的综合使用及生态效度的提高,以促进对抗偏见效果研究与对抗偏见行为研究的有机结合;并在对抗偏见的神经机制和有效策略方面进一步深入探索。 相似文献
张居正是明朝伟大的政治家,同时也是成功的马基雅弗利主义者,堪称"东方马基雅弗利"。"附保逐拱"、"王大臣案"、"刘台案"和"夺情本谋"均是张居正马基雅弗利主义人格的例证,从中可以剖析出"外儒内法"和两面性的特点。张居正的马基雅弗利主义人格是专制皇权对人性的扭曲,而马基雅弗利主义人格也直接导致了张居正的悲剧结局。 相似文献
当代有一批哲学家并不介意将“物种主义”作为其立场的标签,他们认为,人类的物种身份本身就是人类享有更高道德地位的充足依据。威廉斯的立场便可被归入这样的物种主义。本文认为,威廉斯对于物种主义或者人类偏见的辩护格外有趣和有力,不仅能够有效地打击到与其对立的立场,即道德个体主义,还可以回答物种主义所遭遇的两个相互关联的难题:一,物种主义为什么不可以类比于种族主义或者性别歧视?二,人类的物种身份为什么会具有规范意义或者道德相关性? 相似文献
班主任队伍中具有明显的以自我为中心、以权威自居等人格特征的人,被称之为权威人格班主任。权威人格虽不能说是不健康人格,但至少可以算是亚健康人格。本从人际关系的角度,陈述权威人格班主任在处理与学校领导、同事、学生的关系时所呈现的行为特征,从历史传统、社会体制、职业特点、化背景、个性品质等方面,分析班主任形成权威人格的原因。以期引起广大教育工作对班主任健康人格塑造问题的关注。 相似文献
本研究考察了在一个道德两难的情境中, 权威人格和权力感对道德思维方式的影响。研究以某市公检法系统的122名公务员为被试。首先采用权威人格问卷筛选出高权威人格组和低权威人格组被试, 然后分别进行高、低权力感的启动, 最后让被试对一个道德上的两难情景做出选择, 选择的结果可以反映被试的道德思维方式。研究结果显示, 高权威人格组被试在启动了他们高的权力感后, 产生了明显的以规则导向为主的道德思维, 而对低权威人格被试, 他们道德思维方式则不受权力感启动的影响。由于社会冲突的产生常常与冲突情境中的道德思维方式有关, 因此本研究的结果有助于我们更好地理解某些社会冲突产生的原因, 并从心理学的角度提出解决冲突的方法。 相似文献
和中期柏拉图主义相关的许多研究都是从学说角度展开的,这些研究假设了中期柏拉图主义的多样性,但却无法说明各种中期柏拉图主义学说为何会被统称为柏拉图主义。为了从一个统一的角度理解作为一个整体的中期柏拉图主义,本文假设古希腊哲学可以分为事实指向型和文本指向型两种形态,它们代表了做哲学的两种不同方式。中期柏拉图主义属于文本指向型哲学,以对柏拉图哲学对话的评注为做哲学的首要任务,因而这些评注活动强调柏拉图及其文本的权威地位。本文认为,我们应当在评注活动的语境中来理解柏拉图的权威,柏拉图的权威本质上是知识取向的,而非道德取向的。 相似文献
主管阻抑作为一种相对隐蔽的负性领导行为,会潜移默化地削弱下属的绩效表现。有鉴于此,探索主管阻抑的发生机制,能够帮助我们更好地预防主管阻抑。本研究基于125份两时间点的上下级配对数据,探讨了下属越轨创新对主管阻抑的影响机理。结果表明:下属越轨创新会诱发主管阻抑,主管的地位威胁感在此过程中起部分中介作用;此外,主管权威主义取向对下属越轨创新与地位威胁感之间的正向关系具有显著的强化效应。 相似文献
Different Ways of Being Authoritarian: The Distinct Effects of Authoritarian Dimensions on Values and Prejudice 下载免费PDF全文
Stefano Passini 《Political psychology》2017,38(1):73-86
The traditional and still dominant approach to authoritarianism measures it as a unidimensional construct. However, in the past few years some studies have assessed the three hypothesized authoritarianism components (i.e., authoritarian submission, authoritarian aggression, and conventionalism) separately. The aims of this study are to verify that the three‐correlated‐factor structure fits the data better than the one‐factor model and to analyze the distinct effects of the three dimensions of authoritarianism on values and prejudice. A total of 169 Italian citizens responded to a questionnaire. As hypothesized, a structural equation model shows that the dimension of authoritarian submission is mainly related to the openness to change vs. conservation values opposition; the dimension of authoritarian aggression is more characterized on the self‐transcendence vs. self‐enhancement values opposition; conventionalism is mainly linked to traditional values. As concerns prejudice, this variable is predicted just by authoritarian aggression. Theoretical implications as concerns the conceptualization of authoritarianism are discussed. 相似文献
Michał Bilewicz Dominika Bulska Mikołaj Winiewski Immo Fritsche 《Social and Personality Psychology Compass》2023,17(9):e12800
Collective authoritarian responses to threat might differ depending on whether people trust collective authorities in reducing threat. Thus, we tested the differential effects of epidemic threat on three facets of right-wing authoritarianism, in Germany (a country with high authorities' efficacy in responses to COVID-19) and Poland (low authorities' efficacy context). Two representative sample longitudinal studies performed in Poland (N = 892) and Germany (N = 883) showed that in Germany feelings of COVID-19 threat explained increases in authoritarian submission and (to a lesser extent) authoritarian aggression, whereas in Poland such feelings of threat explained changes in authoritarian aggression and conventionalism after the pandemic, but did not alter authoritarian submission. These findings suggest that specific authoritarian reactions to threat (submissive vs. conventionalist) might depend on the general trust in authorities' ability to respond to crises. 相似文献
Detlef Oesterreich 《Political psychology》2005,26(2):275-298
A basic pattern of human response to stressful and uncertain situations which provoke anxiety and insecurity is to seek security and shelter. Those who provide support become by a process of psychological attribution authorities. Therefore the mechanism of seeking support and shelter under strained conditions might be called an "authoritarian reaction." Socialization involves a negotiation with this basic reaction of flight in situations of uncertainty. As individuals develop, they learn to overcome the authoritarian reaction by formulating their own strategies to cope with reality. The authoritarian personality emerges out of an inability to generate such individual coping strategies. Authoritarian personalities defer to the dictates and control of others who offer them the certainty and comfort they cannot provide for themselves. Extensions of this basic authoritarian response are the rejection of the new and the unfamiliar, rigid adherence to norms and value systems, an anxious and inflexible response to new situations, suppressed hostility, and passive aggression. A new measure based on items on one's own behavior, feelings, motivation, and the individual's concept of the self was developed and tested in several empirical studies. It obtained a good reliability and proved to be valid by correlating to measures of right-wing extremism, negative attitudes toward immigrants and women. 相似文献
The current study focuses on a moral dilemma in military situations: the amount of force to be used in order to neutralize a “most wanted” terrorist. This study examines the association between this moral dilemma with 4 independent variables: agreement with the proportionality principle (mediating variable), level of religiosity, authoritarian personality, and political attitudes. Three equal groups of participants (together, N = 357) were included: Israeli regular army combat soldiers, Israeli reserve combat soldiers, and Israeli students. In accordance with the study hypotheses, the 4 independent variables significantly correlated with each other and with moral decisions. Structural equation modeling indicated that agreement with the proportionality principle is the best predictor of moral decision, and mediated the association between level of religiosity and political attitudes and moral decisions. 相似文献
《The Journal of social psychology》2012,152(4):448-466
ABSTRACT This study tested the pathways between personality, social worldviews, and ideology, predicted by the Dual Process Model (DPM) of ideology and prejudice. These paths were tested using a full cross-lagged panel design administered to a New Zealand community sample in early 2008 (before the effects of the global financial crisis reached New Zealand) and again in 2009 (when the crisis was near its peak; n?=?247). As hypothesized, low openness to experience predicted residualized change in dangerous worldview, which in turn predicted right-wing authoritarianism (RWA). Low agreeableness predicted competitive worldview, which in turn predicted social dominance orientation (SDO). RWA and SDO also exerted unexpected reciprocal effects on worldviews. This study provides the most comprehensive longitudinal test of the DPM to date, and was conducted during a period of systemic instability when the causal effects predicted by the DPM should be, and were, readily apparent. 相似文献
Traditionally Right‐Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) has been seen as a unidimensional construct. Recently, however, researchers have begun to measure three distinct RWA dimensions (Feldman, 2003; Funke, 2005; Van Hiel, Cornelis, Roets, & De Clercq, 2006). One of these new multidimensional RWA approaches has conceptualized these three dimensions as Authoritarianism, Conservatism, and Traditionalism (ACT), which are viewed as expressions of basic social values or motivational goals that represent different, though related, strategies for attaining collective security at the expense of individual autonomy. Findings are reported from two studies to assess the validity and predictive utility of the multidimensional ACT approach. First, a direct cross‐national comparison showed that the three ACT dimensions were reliable and factorially distinct and demonstrated the measurement invariance of the three latent constructs across Serbian and NZ (New Zealand) samples. The three ACT dimensions predicted self‐reported behavior differentially in both samples, and a comparison of latent means showed the Serbian sample higher than the NZ sample on the ACT dimensions of Authoritarianism and Traditionalism but markedly lower on Conservatism. Second, a reanalysis of previously collected NZ data showed that the three ACT scales differentially predicted three dimensions of generalized prejudice in a theoretically meaningful manner. These findings underline the importance of studying ideological attitudes, such as RWA, multidimensionally. 相似文献
Ryszard Makarowski Mieczysaw Plopa Andrzej Piotrowski Wojciech Plopa 《Advances in cognitive psychology / University of Finance and Management in Warsaw》2020,16(4):363
The current study sought to identify groups of navigation students and master mariners (captains) characterized by different constellations of the Big Five personality traits and aggression levels. We hypothesized that master mariners would exhibit the resilient personality type and that navigation students would additionally exhibit personality types other than the resilient (e.g., over- or undercontrolled). A sample of 108 navigation students (men, in their second or third year of naval school, all active athletes) and 76 master mariners took part in the study and completed the Polish version of the NEO Five-Factor Inventory (Costa & McCrae, 1992; Zawadzki et al., 1998) and the Aggression Questionnaire (Buss & Perry, 1992; Tucholska, 1998). The hypothesis about the resilient personality type among master mariners was confirmed. The second hypothesis about personality types other than the resilient among navigation students was also confirmed: 33% of the students exhibited the overcontrolling personality type. The article also highlights the need to include psychological assessment in naval school enrolment procedures. 相似文献
Gian Vittorio Caprara Guido Alessandri Marie S. Tisak Marinella Paciello Maria Giovanna Caprara Maria Gerbino Reid Griffith Fontaine 《欧洲人格杂志》2013,27(3):290-303
This paper examined empirically the value of a conceptual model in which emotional stability and agreeableness contribute to engagement in aggression and violence (EAV) indirectly through irritability, hostile rumination and moral disengagement. Three hundred and forty young adults (130 male and 190 female) participated in the study. The average age of participants was 21 at time 1 and 25 at time 2. Findings attested to the role of basic traits (i.e. agreeableness and emotional stability) and specific personality dispositions (i.e. irritability and hostile rumination) in predisposing to EAV and to the pivotal role of moral disengagement in giving access to aggressive and violent conduct. In particular, the mediational model attested to the pivotal role of emotional stability and agreeableness in contributing directly to both hostile rumination and irritability and indirectly to moral disengagement, and to EAV. Agreeableness and hostile rumination contribute to moral disengagement that plays a key role in mediating the relations of all examined variables with EAV. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献