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简述神经培养技术与各学科关系的现状并回顾神经培养的发展历史,将神经培养历史划分为萌芽期、起步期、迅速发展阶段和新发展阶段等。从神经培养技术发展的角度入手,分析了新技术的突破与学科发展的密切关系。  相似文献   

药理学是一门古老而年轻的学科,与人类历史一道发展,产生的历史事件浩如烟海.本文根据药理学的定义,从认识论的角度,以标志性历史事件将药理学的发展阶段划分为五个阶段.这五个阶段的划分有利于药理学工作者从总体上理解药理学的发展简史,把握其发展规律.  相似文献   

以时间为线,回顾我国高等医学教育发展模式的历史变迁,分析从以中医为主向以西医为主转变的中国高等医学教育发展脉络,划分出三大发展阶段,总结各阶段的基本办学模式、办学规模和办学特征.在历史分析的基础上,对我国面向21世纪高等医学教育改革与发展现状进行梳理,对未来发展趋势进行解析.  相似文献   

从历史的角度看,社会科学哲学的历史发展并不存在一个连续和统一的过程.曼尼卡斯(Peter T.Manicas)把社会科学哲学的历史发展大致分为四个阶段,每个阶段都有与之相对应的主题[1]:第一个阶段开始于西方哲学和科学的肇始——主题是古希腊城邦;第二个阶段开始于文艺复兴晚期,延续到法国革命——主题是西方现代性;第三个阶段大约是在19世纪——主题是科学观念与人文科学观念之争;第四个阶段是现在,开始于20世纪50年代——主题是实证主义与反自然主义关于人文科学观念的争论.  相似文献   

NBIC会聚技术是主导21世纪技术革命的新兴技术群,将掀开人类技术发展历史新篇章,产生比以往任何一次技术革命都更为广泛深远的影响.会聚技术带来无限机遇的同时,也正在掀开“潘多拉之盒”.会聚技术发展将逐步改造人类的遗传物质与精神世界,最终变人类自身的自然进化为完全的人工进化,进而颠覆传统自然生命神圣伦理观;会聚技术将在更广泛、更深远的意义上撼动传统道德谱系,引发道德秩序混乱.因而,在发展会聚技术的开端就应当特别关注相应的社会问题,及早开展与研发同步的相关问题研究,显得尤为紧迫与重要.有必要、也有可能建立起一套法律、伦理、监督相结合的机制去调控会聚技术的发展,并依据技术不同发展阶段构建不同的规约手段和规约机制.  相似文献   

数量表征(numerical representation)指与特定数量相联系的心理表征。长期以来抽象的数量表征假说占据主导地位, 但随着自动化加工范式和脑成像技术的发展, 数量表征存在符号特异性的证据已不断涌现。其中, 最近有两个理论认为数量表征可能同时存在符号特异性和符号非特异性。计算的模型假说提出非符号数量和符号数字在总和编码阶段具有符号特异性, 而在之后的位置编码阶段具有符号非特异性。双重编码的延伸假说则认为数量表征在自动编码阶段具有符号特异性, 然后在有意编码阶段, 受任务要求影响, 数量表征向实时的抽象表征过渡。已有大量行为和神经基础研究为以上假说提供了证据, 但数量表征动态变化的内在机制和脑区还有待探索, 未来应该在发展、跨文化、自动加工范式与神经成像相结合、单细胞记录技术等方向继续开展数量表征研究。  相似文献   

口腔修复体制作技术发展经历了从手工操作到计算机辅助制作、从"去材成形"到"增材制造"、从间接制造到直接制造发展阶段.回顾和分析口腔修复学技术发展中存在的基本矛盾以及矛盾对立统一运动的基本规律,有助于口腔医生自觉地培养和建立自然辩证观念,提高辩证思维能力,更好地把握口腔修复学发展趋势和规律.  相似文献   

中国少数民族传统医药发展简史   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国有55个少数民族,大多数民族都有自己的传统医药,将少数民族医药历史当作一个完整的医药文化现象,对我国少数民族医药的发展轨迹进行了重新梳理,把我国少数民族医药的发展划分为萌芽、经验积累、理论形成、发展及振兴5个历史阶段,并列出少数民族医药在各阶段的主要历史特征.  相似文献   

马克思意识形态理论研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对学术界关于马克思意识形态理论的历史发展阶段、意识形态概念的内涵、意识形态理论的基本特征和本质等四个问题研究状况的探讨与分析,获得以下观点:马克思意识形态理论的历史发展可划分为四个阶段;马克思的意识形态概念是一个否定性概念;马克思意识形态理论的基本特征有虚假性、无意识性和阶级性;马克思意识形态理论的本质是意识形态批判.  相似文献   

认知神经科学兴起不过20年,但其研究范式却经历了从哲学思辨到心理实验、从损伤技术到活体成像、从科学实验到计算模拟的转换.虽然研究技术和手段的进步,伴随着研究范式的革新大大推动了认知神经科学的发展,但当前研究水平却不能达到用神经活动解释精神活动、用生理机制还原心理现象、用神经机制印证理论假设的理想目标.因此,认知神经科学进一步发展需要分离性研究和整合性研究相结合、理论构建和神经机制印证相结合以及多种脑成像技术的融合.  相似文献   

The use of assisted reproductive technology is increasing rapidly. Research, although sparse, has resulted in inconsistent findings as to the developmental prognosis for infants conceived by assisted reproductive techniques such as in vitro fertilization and the use of fertility drugs. In the present study, the authors compared twins who were spontaneously conceived with those who were conceived through assisted reproductive technology. The authors found differences in birth weight and gestational age. Infants conceived by assisted reproductive technology fared worse than did those who were spontaneously conceived. The authors found no differences between the groups in mental development at 24 months of age, but they found evidence of differences in physical development. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

台湾人工生殖技术管制之回顾与前瞻   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
台湾地区人工生殖技术的管制先后经历了道德管制和行政管制两个阶段,目前正积极总结各阶段管制模式的成败得失,努力构造《人工生殖法》的原则和框架,以提高人工生殖技术管制的合法性和有效性。  相似文献   

辅助生殖技术引发的案例伦理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辅助生殖技术虽然给无数个不育夫妇带来了福音,但同时也给人类传统的伦理观念带来了冲击和挑战,同时它的滥用还可能给人类造成灾难。通过对由辅助生殖技术引发的7个典型案例的伦理分析和研究,来进一步探讨辅助生殖技术中伦理问题及其对策。  相似文献   

实施人类辅助生殖技术如何维护医患权益   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据卫生部有关法规,结合我院实施人类辅助生殖技术中维护患者知情同意权的做法、认识和体会,探讨了医患双方的基本权利和义务、特殊项目的知情同意以及在实施辅助生育过程中应处理好的几个关系.  相似文献   

从辅助生殖技术的个案析要论知情同意的完善   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
结合在人类辅助生殖技术服务过程中发生的案例进行分析,就如何完善知情同意提出了一些见解。认为,医疗技术服务中,知情同意的完善必须注重两个环节,知情同意过程和签署知情同意书。这两个环节必须根据具体情况来进行实施,绝不能敷衍走过场。因此,相关医生对知情同意的认识和伦理监督就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

回顾人类精子冷冻保存方法的历史,分别比较分析精液保存的常规冷冻法、玻璃化冷冻法和冷冻干燥保存法的特点和前景。认为人类精子冷冻保存方法是低温生物学与辅助生殖技术相互发展和基础理论研究与临床应用相互作用的结果,简便可靠的冷冻保存方法仍需进一步研究。  相似文献   

辅助生殖技术给不孕患者带来了希望,为肿瘤患者保留了生育能力,另一方面也可能导致女性生殖系统肿瘤和一系列伦理学问题。因此,用哲学的观点客观地看待辅助生殖技术与女性生殖系统肿瘤发生风险之间的关系,将有助于临床医生进一步提高辅助生殖技术安全性的认识,选择最佳的促排卵方案。  相似文献   

Arguments in favor of legalized assisted suicide often center on issues of personal privacy and freedom of choice over one's body. Many disability advocates assert, however, that autonomy arguments neglect the complex sociopolitical determinants of despair for people with disabilities. Specifically, they argue that social approval of suicide for individuals with irreversible conditions is discriminatory and that relaxing restrictions on assisted suicide would jeopardize, not advance, the freedom of persons with disabilities to direct the lives they choose. This paper examines the idea promoted by some proponents of assisted suicide that it is reasonable to be depressed about one's diminished quality of life in cases of irreversible illness or disability and, therefore, such depression should not call into question the individual's competence to request assistance in dying. The concept of rational depression is defined and examined in the context of: four real-life cases involving individuals with disabilities who requested assistance in dying; a set of criteria commonly applied to decision-making to determine rationality; and research bearing on the emotional status of people with disabilities. It is concluded that although disability is associated with particular socially mediated stressors, there is no theoretical or empirical evidence to indicate that depression and its role in the right to die is dynamically different, more natural, or more reasonable for disabled people than for non-disabled people.  相似文献   

The use of assisted reproductive technology is increasing rapidly. Research, although sparse, has resulted in inconsistent findings as to the developmental prognosis for infants conceived by assisted reproductive techniques such as in vitro fertilization and the use of fertility drugs. In the present study, the authors compared twins who were spontaneously conceived with those who were conceived through assisted reproductive technology. The authors found differences in birth weight and gestational age. Infants conceived by assisted reproductive technology fared worse than did those who were spontaneously conceived. The authors found no differences between the groups in mental development at 24 months of age, but they found evidence of differences in physical development. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This article discusses the intersection of women’s experiences with the assisted reproductive technological practice of gestational surrogacy and spirituality and religion. During the interviews of eight gestational surrogates themes of spirituality-, religion- and faith-based language emerged as these women shared their narratives of assisted reproductive technologies in this Canadian study. Professionals supporting women before, during and after the experience of gestational surrogacy need to be mindful of the significance of spirituality and religion in third party reproduction practices for many women. In discussing these topics with gestational surrogates counsellors, child and youth care practitioners, faith leaders, social workers, and educators need to remain open and attentive to a multiplicity of diverse theological negotiations.  相似文献   

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