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社会认知神经科学——一个很有前途的交叉学科   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文介绍了近年兴起的一门交叉学科——社会认知神经科学,着重阐述了它强调在社会、认知与脑神经等三个层面的交互作用上去理解心理现象。作者指出,东方亚洲人与西方人在知觉、注意、认知和人格上的差别都是十分成熟的,可以立即开展社会认知神经科学探索的问题。  相似文献   

大量研究表明,家庭经济压力对青少年学业成就具有显著的不利影响。但是,目前学界对家庭经济压力“怎样”(中介机制)以及“何时”(调节机制)影响青少年学业成就仍知之甚少。本研究在整合贫困文化模型及心理韧性理论的基础上构建一个有调节的中介模型,考察青少年教育价值观(读书是否有用)在家庭经济压力与学业成就之间的中介作用,同时检验中国文化逆境信念对该中介路径的调节作用。采用随机整群抽样,选取四川省9所普通中学1613名初中生(平均年龄13.42岁,SD = 1.22)作为研究对象。被试匿名填写家庭经济压力问卷、教育价值观问卷、中国文化逆境信念量表以及学业成就问卷。结果表明:(1)在控制了性别、年龄等人口学变量后,家庭经济压力显著负向预测学业成就。(2)教育价值观在家庭经济压力与学业成就之间具有部分中介作用。(3)积极逆境信念能缓冲家庭经济压力对教育价值观的消极作用,进而减少对学业成就的不利影响。本研究证实了“读书无用论”是经济困难与学业成就的重要联系机制,并肯定了中国文化逆境信念对经济困难青少年的保护作用。这一内在保护机制的揭示对教育实践有一定的启示。  相似文献   

品牌消费旅程通常指的是对于品牌消费服务的多维度(包括认知, 情绪, 感觉, 行为和品牌关系)响应。揭示品牌消费旅程的认知心理过程是目前营销学领域之中研究的重点与热点。在梳理当前神经营销领域内有关功能性核磁共振(fMRI)、事件相关电位(ERP)、事件相关震荡(ERO)的相关研究成果后, 将消费者在品牌消费旅程之中的认知心理进程划分为注意吸引、决策形成、消费体验和品牌忠诚四个阶段, 并系统阐述了每个阶段之中消费者心理进程的神经机制与脑区活动, 进而全面立体地揭示消费心理的全貌。未来研究可以进一步探索不同神经指标在具体营销情境下的表征意义, 并结合超扫描技术进一步解析多个被试间的神经耦合情况。  相似文献   

藏族大学生的民族认同   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
个体从自己的母体文化进入陌生的异文化后,一方面面临着民族认同的困境,另一方面面临着文化适应的考验,同时还面临着心理疏离感的困扰。本研究以285名藏族大学生为被试,研究了藏族大学生的民族认同。研究结果表明:(1)藏族大学生的民族认同主要包括消极的民族认同、积极的民族认同和主流文化认同等三方面。民族认同的不同方面其影响因素互有差异,但总体而言,汉族朋友的数量、父母的民族身份、学习汉语的时间以及汉族的接受性等可以预测藏族大学生的民族认同。(2)民族认同的不同成分与不同的文化适应策略之间存在着广泛的正相关或负相关。(3)消极的民族认同与失范感、社会孤立感和文化分离感之间存在着显著的正相关,而同自我分离感之间相关并不显著;而主流文化认同和积极的民族认同与失范感、社会孤立感、文化分离感、自我分离感之间的相关都不显著。  相似文献   

为探讨心理生活质量在大学生网络成瘾与学业挫折感关系间的中介作用,研究采用青年学生学业挫折感问卷、心理生活质量问卷和中文网络成瘾量表,对703名大学生进行测量。结果表明:(1)大学生网络成瘾与学业挫折感之间呈显著正相关,心理生活质量与网络成瘾、学业挫折感之间呈显著负相关;(2)大学生网络成瘾正向预测学业挫折感、负向预测心理生活质量,心理生活质量负向预测学业挫折感;(3)心理生活质量在大学生网络成瘾对学业挫折感影响中起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

为探讨听障大学生社会支持对学业自我效能感的影响,以及心理韧性的中介作用,对342名听障大学生进行问卷调查。结果发现,听障大学生的学业自我效能感处于中低水平,社会支持和心理韧性处于中等偏上水平;心理韧性在社会支持对学业自我效能感的影响中起部分中介作用。结果表明:社会支持既可以直接影响听障大学生的学业自我效能感,也可以通过心理韧性的中介作用间接影响听障大学生的学业自我效能感。  相似文献   

大学生心理压力感基本特点的调查研究   总被引:60,自引:0,他引:60  
本研究采用自编的大学生心理压力感问卷对全国 1 3所大学共 2 0 0 7名大学生的心理压力感状况进行了调查研究。结果表明 :(1 )在大学生群体中心理压力感的主要来源依次有学业压力、学校环境压力、情绪压力、择业压力和人际压力 ,大都是社会环境方面的原因 ;(2 )从大学生心理压力感的年级发展趋势看 ,二、三年级的大学生在各方面的压力感均高于一、四年级 ;(3 )女生在择业和学业压力感方面高于男生 ,男生在家庭、恋爱、身体健康、适应和挫折方面的压力感高于女生 ;(4)来自乡村的大学生在家庭、择业和学校环境方面的压力感高于来自城市的大学生 ;(5)在家庭、择业、学校环境和学业压力感方面非独生子女高于独生子女  相似文献   

大学生人际关系中的普遍性缺陷及产生的原因与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当代大学生面临着人际交往的困惑。本文阐述了大学生人际关系中的普遍性缺陷,并从生理、思想观念、心理、经济条件、生活环境以及社会文化等各方面深入探讨了大学生人际关系缺陷产生的主要原因,并为解决大学生人际关系缺陷问题提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

概率是反映风险与不确定性的重要指标, 概率估计具有趋势效应, 会对决策产生影响。文章描述了概率估计趋势效应的两种表现形式, 概率估计变化的趋势性(即不同时间点概率估计变化产生的趋势作用)与单边概率估计的趋势性(即高于或低于某个概率区间范畴的上界或下界的估计表述所产生的趋势作用), 揭示了概率估计趋势效应对于个体判断、决策行为和非理性决策偏差的影响; 基于心理动量的理论视角提出了一个整合模型, 阐述了概率估计趋势效应催生心理动量体验继而引发后续决策行为的内在机理。未来的研究可进一步关注:多方信息来源主体下概率估计的趋势效应; 动态趋势效应与静态概率估计的交互作用; 风险沟通中的概率估计变化趋势。  相似文献   

大学生人际关系中的普遍性缺陷及产生的原因与对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
程艳林 《社会心理科学》2005,20(2):97-101,117
当代大学生面临着人际交往的困惑。本文阐述了大学生人际关系中的普遍性缺陷,并从生理、思想观念、心理、经济条件、生活环境以及社会文化等各方面深入探讨了大学生人际关系缺陷产生的主要原因,并为解决大学生人际关系缺陷问题提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

American universities increasingly admit first-generation college students whose parents do not have 4-year degrees. Once admitted, these students tend to struggle academically, compared with continuing-generation students--students who have at least 1 parent with a 4-year degree. We propose a cultural mismatch theory that identifies 1 important source of this social class achievement gap. Four studies test the hypothesis that first-generation students underperform because interdependent norms from their mostly working-class backgrounds constitute a mismatch with middle-class independent norms prevalent in universities. First, assessing university cultural norms, surveys of university administrators revealed that American universities focus primarily on norms of independence. Second, identifying the hypothesized cultural mismatch, a longitudinal survey revealed that universities' focus on independence does not match first-generation students' relatively interdependent motives for attending college and that this cultural mismatch is associated with lower grades. Finally, 2 experiments at both private and public universities created a match or mismatch for first-generation students and examined the performance consequences. Together these studies revealed that representing the university culture in terms of independence (i.e., paving one's own paths) rendered academic tasks difficult and, thereby, undermined first-generation students' performance. Conversely, representing the university culture in terms of interdependence (i.e., being part of a community) reduced this sense of difficulty and eliminated the performance gap without adverse consequences for continuing-generation students. These studies address the urgent need to recognize cultural obstacles that contribute to the social class achievement gap and to develop interventions to address them.  相似文献   

American universities increasingly admit first-generation students—students whose parents do not have four-year degrees. Once admitted, these students experience greater challenges adjusting to universities compared to continuing-generation students—students who have at least one parent with a four-year degree. This additional adversity is typically explained in terms of first-generation students' relative lack of economic (e.g., money) or academic (e.g., preparation) resources. We propose that this adversity also stems from a cultural mismatch between the mostly middle-class, independent norms institutionalized in American universities and the relatively interdependent norms that first-generation students are socialized with in working-class contexts before college. As predicted, an experiment revealed that framing the university culture in terms of independent norms (cultural mismatch) led first-generation students to show greater increases in cortisol and less positive/more negative emotions than continuing-generation students while giving a speech. However, reframing the university culture to include interdependent norms (cultural match) eliminated this gap.  相似文献   

Although there is growing concern about the issue of credit card debt among college students in China, little research has examined attitudes to money and debt among that group. The present study compared financial self‐confidence, perceived financial wellbeing, attitudes to debt, and parent education about money and debt in 410 college students from the US and China. Although college students in China reported fewer credit cards and less debt, they also reported lower levels of financial self‐confidence and financial wellbeing. In both cultures, delay of gratification and parental education predicted both self‐confidence and financial wellbeing.  相似文献   

Although university students tend to be optimistic about their future socioeconomic status (SES), little is known how their SES aspirations changed during the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Using latent growth curve modeling techniques, we examined changes in subjective SES aspirations for students who began college before the pandemic (cohort 1; Fall 2019) and students who began college during the pandemic (cohort 2; Fall 2020). Moreover, we assessed how SES indicators (i.e., subjective family SES; first-generation status; low-income status) and a contextual financial indicator (i.e., pandemic-related financial impacts) predicted changes in SES aspirations for both groups of students. Although SES aspirations were similar at the beginning of college for both groups of students, students who began college before the pandemic experienced a greater rate of downward change between the baseline assessment and the assessment shortly after the pandemic began. In both cohorts, students from higher-SES families had higher SES aspirations at the beginning of college and steeper rates of downward change. Furthermore, despite having similar SES aspirations at the beginning of college, first-generation students whose first year was interrupted by the pandemic experienced steeper downward changes in their SES aspirations. However, pandemic-related financial impacts did not predict this downward change for either cohort. Our findings suggest that uncertainty in the early stages of the pandemic may have led to cautiousness in students' aspirations for their future SES attainment, particularly for first-generation students.  相似文献   

The social class worldviews (social class beliefs, attitudes, and values) of 14 first-generation college students were investigated with qualitative interviews. Consensual qualitative research analysis revealed first-generation students’ perspectives on the development of their social class worldviews, the effect of these worldviews on their transitions to college, and vice versa. The students’ pre-college beliefs and values promoted hard work and college attendance as a means of financial success. The transition to college created disequilibrium in the social class worldviews of the students interviewed, who in turn responded by attempting to adapt to the new culture, emphasizing their social class background, or downplaying the role of social class in their lives altogether. College professionals working with first-generation students are encouraged to facilitate dialogues with first-generation students about their social class worldview and its impact on students’ engagement with the college community.  相似文献   


Dropout from upper secondary education is a persistent educational problem, particularly among first-generation immigrant youth. This study examined factors associated with intentions to dropout to gain further insight into the process of leaving upper secondary education. The analyses of 1299 Norwegian first-year upper secondary school students’ (88% native Norwegians, 12% first-generation immigrants) self-reported intentions to quit school, loneliness, and peer victimization in school showed that first-generation immigrants experienced higher levels of loneliness than native Norwegians. In contrast, there were no differences in the levels of peer victimization and intentions to quit between native Norwegians and first-generation immigrants. However, loneliness showed a significantly stronger association with intentions to quit among first-generation immigrants. The results underscore the importance of tackling first-generation immigrants’ loneliness in school to reduce their intentions to quit upper secondary education and thus potentially improve conditions for school completion.


A sample of 50 college students responded to a questionnaire measuring perceptions of alienating behaviors on the part of their parents and their current relationship with each parent. Data revealed a higher degree of alienating behavior by divorced parents when compared to non-divorced parents. Mothers and fathers were rated about equally likely to engage in such behaviors. A higher incidence of alienated parent-child relationships in divorced homes approached, but did not reach, statistical significance. Students who were alienated from one parent report higher levels of alienating behaviors on the part of their parents. The results suggest that parental alienating behaviors, and the phenomenon of a child becoming alienated from a parent after divorce, are departures from the norm and worthy of attention and concern.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of objective and subjective class differences in experiences of postsecondary education. Using the metaphor of a funnel, it argues that cumulative disadvantage results when first-generation and low-income college students are disproportionately filtered out at each stage of the postsecondary education process. Subjective class differences largely serve to reproduce existing inequalities, although the potential for transformation exists. This article considers inequalities during childhood and the transition to adulthood, stratification within institutions, and class differences in postsecondary educational enrollment, attendance, college life, work, financial aid, and attainment. Directions for future research and program and policy interventions are outlined.  相似文献   

大学毕业生面临重要的生活转折, 其个人目标自主性对未来的无望感有显著影响。本研究以192名大四毕业生为被试, 采用特殊目标测量法考察个人目标自主性, 用问卷评价社会支持与无望感, 探讨目标自主性与无望感的关系, 并分析社会支持和性别的作用。结果发现:(1)毕业前夕去向已经确定的大学生, 无望感更低;(2)大四毕业生目标自主性越高, 对未来的无望感越低;(3)目标自主性对无望感的预测受到性别因素调节。对于男生, 高目标自主性能够显著降低无望感;对于女生, 目标自主性对无望感的预测作用不显著;(4)社会支持对于目标自主性与无望感之间的关系没有显著的调节作用, 但是社会支持越高, 其无望感越低。由此可见, 大学毕业生建立自主的个人目标和改善社会支持对降低无望感具有重要意义, 目标自主性的效应对男生尤为明显。  相似文献   

This project examined the prevalence of depressive symptoms in an African-American female college student sample. Concordance rates between two of the most widely used psychometric instruments in clinical settings, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, revised edition (MMPI-2; Hathway & McKinley, 1967) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI; Beck, Ward, Mendelson, Mack, & Erbaugh, 1961), were examined. Results revealed that the MMPI-2 was a more conservative scale than the BDI in identifying depressive symptom levels. Both scales, however, identified 12% to 18% of the sample as experiencing severe symptoms. Results were interpreted in light of the stress model of depression. Participants who experienced many symptoms also had high levels of anxiety and passive coping styles. One significant covariate in this sample was mother's education level. Participants whose mothers had college experience had fewer depressive symptoms than their first-generation college-experience peers. Results were interpreted in light of the possible ways mothers inoculate their daughters from stressful environments because of their experiences and possible ways to use this process to assist first-generation college students.  相似文献   

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