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我国老年人的社会支持与服务   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
鉴于我国老龄化现状,简要地回顾了社会支持的定义与种类,考察了我国传统的孝顺价值观和行为;并着重分析了我国老年人的社会支持与服务,包括老年人的社会支持与幸福感,老年人的家庭支持与照料,老年组织与公共老年服务;以及我国老年人社会支持的城乡差异。  相似文献   

老龄化作为一种全球趋势,所带来的影响不容忽视。我国作为人口大国,社会的老龄化具有特殊性,养老问题的突出与老龄产业的兴起,对于社会提出了多重挑战。因此,通用设计理念作为全关怀思想,成为了应对老龄社会挑战的有效对策。由无障碍理念发展起来的通用设计理论,在不同社会背景下具有多元化的具体内容,但最终目标是一致的。梳理通用设计的概念衍生与发展历程,对于今后我国的老龄化社会中的相关设计对策的运用具有指导与借鉴的作用。  相似文献   

本文从积极老龄化的角度,采用入户问卷调查的方式,探究了河南某地农村老年人社会参与对其老化态度的影响,以及自我效能感和孤独感在二者关系中的作用。研究结果显示,社会参与对老化态度具有积极的促进作用,同时,自我效能感、孤独感以及自我效能感与孤独感的链式中介效应在社会参与和老化态度之间起部分中介作用。因此,提高农村老年人的社会参与度,能够一定程度上改变老年人的认知,减少消极情绪,促进成功老化。  相似文献   

从"疏离"到"参与":老年人与社会发展关系探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
裴晓梅 《学海》2004,1(1):113-120
本文通过对社会学老年领域中人类老龄化和社会发展关系的探讨和回顾 ,揭示了现代社会中老年人社会参与的良好意愿和缺乏参与机会的矛盾 ,论述了社会可持续发展过程中促使老年人群融入和参与的必要性。  相似文献   

本文尝试从教会论的角度探讨基督教会社会关怀的必要性和合理性。本文通过对教会的性质和使命的探讨,指明作为宣讲、服待和团契的教会,其社会关怀具有神学的意义,与教会的本质和使命是分不开的。教会的社会关怀不仅仅是传福音的工具,而且是教会福音事工的有机组成部分。在福音的宣讲中,教会应在属灵生活与社会关怀之间、在现世与终末之间有一个适当的平衡。  相似文献   

老年社会功能与主观幸福感   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会功能是健康老龄化的基本要素。本文综述了老年社会功能的定义和评估、与主观幸福感相关的老年社会功能理论,以及社会功能对主观幸福感影响的研究进展。在消极和积极老化观的指引下,该领域的研究存在两种取向:前者片面强调社会支持,追求享乐主义取向主观幸福感;后者则强调社会参与,追求幸福快乐取向主观幸福感。今后的研究应在积极老化观的指引下,强调老年阶段积极主动的社会参与和幸福快乐的幸福感,并开展相关的干预研究。  相似文献   

全球老龄化浪潮正在来临,亲社会行为倾向的年龄差异受到广泛关注。基于第六次世界价值观调查数据集,运用39887个全球成年样本对全球人口亲社会行为倾向的年龄差异进行检验,并探究年龄通过共情关怀和人际信任影响亲社会行为的中介机制。结果表明:全球范围内,年龄显著正向影响亲社会行为倾向,共情关怀不存在显著的年龄差异,人际信任在年龄和亲社会行为倾向之间起显著的中介效应。研究结果对考察亲社会行为倾向的年龄差异及其作用机制具有重要理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

本研究考察了老年人的元刻板印象及其对老年人社会互动的影响。预研究以35名老年人为被试,通过访谈和开放式问卷,获得老年人积极与消极元刻板印象形容词。正式研究以140名老年人为被试,通过问卷调查,首先确定老年人元刻板印象的内容与结构;然后分析发现,当老年人作为社会互动的接受方时:(1)积极元刻板印象正向预测其接受外群体帮助的意愿(包括自主定向帮助和依赖定向帮助),并且接受帮助可引发积极受助体验;(2)消极元刻板印象只正向预测老年人接受外群体自主定向帮助的意愿,且持消极元刻板印象的老年人受助体验消极。当老年人作为社会互动的发出方时;(3)积极元刻板印象正向预测老年人社会参与的频率和他们对外群体的施助意愿;(4)消极元刻板印象对施助意愿和社会参与的预测作用均不显著。综上,老年人的积极元刻板印象能促进他们的社会互动,并使他们获得良好的互动体验。  相似文献   

老年人社会支持与期望的调查研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用问卷调查法,通过对272名城市老年人的调查,考察了老年人的社会支持与期望的现状及其特点。结果发现:老年人的社会支持系统很不平衡,性别、年龄、受教育年限和职业对老年人的婚姻和家庭生活,人际关系和互助行为,住房情况和经济状况,以及心理需要和社会期望等具有不同的影响;相当比例的老年人在不同侧面尚需要家人和社会的关注、理解和支持。  相似文献   

卓新平 《天风》2010,(10):20-23
<正>论及基督宗教在当代中国的社会作用及其影响,人们普遍关注的是基督宗教如何参与当代中国和谐社会的构建。由于历史发展的复杂性,基督宗教与中国社会在相互理解和接纳上仍存有一定的障碍或问题。"全球化"发展使基督宗教与中国社会的关系再次拉近,在这  相似文献   

Animals can be used in many ways in science and scientific research. Given that society values sentient animals and that basic research is not goal oriented, the question is raised: "Is the use of sentient animals in basic research justifiable?" We explore this in the context of funding issues, outcomes from basic research, and the position of society as a whole on using sentient animals in research that is not goal oriented. We conclude that the use of sentient animals in basic research cannot be justified in light of society's priorities.  相似文献   

Ethical Responsibilities of Nanotechnology Researchers: A Short Guide   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Little if any of the scholarly literature on nanotechnology (NT) and ethics is directed at NT researchers. Many of these practitioners believe that having clear ethical guidelines for the conduct of NT research is necessary. This work attempts to provide such guidelines. While no qualitatively new ethical issues unique to NT have yet been identified, the ethical responsibilities identified below merit serious attention by NT researchers. Thirteen specific ethical responsibilities arising at three levels are identified. They are derived by applying four fundamental ethical responsibilities of scientists and engineers to the specific conditions of NT research and researchers in contemporary Western societies. Since society is placing increasing importance on producing scientists and engineers who combine high technical competence with a sensitive ethical compass, study of the ethical dimension of NT, including the identified ethical responsibilities, should become a required element of the formal education of all NT researchers.  相似文献   

在印度,科学家和政府对印度的基因组研究了干细胞研究充满了热情。而有关的伦理准则就显得尤为重要。印度在2000年颁布的准则是针对胎儿研究结果的保密性,以研究为目的而剩余的胚胎不能用于商业用途。辅助生殖技术应确保参与者的知情同意。保密性和遗传学秘密对遗传学研究是非常重要的。专家认为在干细胞与基因组研究领域中,伦理学及政府的阻碍并不是主要的负担,而主要的问题在于科技的发展与应用中的经济问题。同时,公众的积极参与也是非常重要的。  相似文献   

Over the past 60 years, applied behavior analysis (ABA) has made notable contributions to the literature involving populations with developmental disabilities. Practitioners and researchers have made impressive advances in addressing challenges posed by autism spectrum disorder (ASD), in particular. The focus on autism has resulted in an improved public image of ABA and, in turn, has helped highlight the need for increased awareness surrounding ASD. A summary of relevant research contributions is provided, and although the advances in autism are impressive, individuals with ASD constitute a minority portion of the educational system. A review of the existing literature, as well as a novel literature search, supports the suggestion that ABA has narrowed its focus to issues affecting populations with ASD, while concurrently being less attentive to problems faced by society as a whole, particularly general education. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article explores the ethical concerns and protections that may be required when individually identifiable data originally collected solely for clinical or administrative purposes are used in research or evaluation. It asks the following broad question with respect to the interim policy developed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to protect the rights and welfare of participants in its programs: For those programs and projects not classified as research, are the protections and system for review adequate? Background information on SAMHSA's interim policy is provided, along with issues and questions related to the use of clinical and administrative records in research and evaluation. The article concludes with recommendations for modifying the existing participant protection guidelines, based on the preceding discussion of issues and questions.  相似文献   

Advancements in science and technology have not only brought hope to humankind to produce disease-free offspring, but also offer possibilities to genetically enhance the next generation’s traits and capacities. Human genetic enhancement, however, raises complex ethical questions, such as to what extent should it be allowed? It has been a great challenge for humankind to develop robust ethical guidelines for human genetic enhancement that address both public concerns and needs. We believe that research about public concerns is necessary prior to developing such guidelines, yet the issues have not been thoroughly investigated in many countries, including Malaysia. Since the novel often functions as a medium for the public to express their concerns, this paper explores ethical concerns about human genetic enhancement expressed in four Malay science fiction novels namely Klon, Leksikon Ledang, Transgenesis Bisikan Rimba and Transgenik Sifar. Religion has a strong influence on the worldview of the Malays therefore some concerns such as playing God are obviously religious. Association of the negative image of scientists as well as the private research companies with the research on human genetic enhancement reflects the authors’ concerns about the main motivations for conducting such research and the extent to which such research will benefit society.  相似文献   

This article explains how the meta‐theoretical framework of critical realism addresses methodological issues of concern to social psychologists and social scientists. The article outlines key tenets of critical realism – its notion of the stratified nature of reality and generative mechanisms as powers in natural and social objects that cause things; its notion of knowledge of reality as stratified rather than only empirical; its acceptance of epistemological but not judgmental relativism; and its monist ontology. The article then introduces realist social theory to provide a framework for understanding the society–person connection. It explains how issues relating to culture, context, and society raised in the indigenous psychology English literature might be addressed from a critical realist perspective. Some implications arising from adopting a critical realist perspective in research practice are outlined and social psychologists and social scientists are encouraged to explore the potential of critical realism as a meta‐theoretical framework and new paradigm.  相似文献   

This article describes the design and development of the International Test Commission's (ITC, this issue) Guidelines for Computer-Based and Internet-Delivered Testing. It examines some of the reasons why the ITC Council decided to invest in a program of research, consultation, and conferences designed to develop internationally agreed-on guidelines specifically aimed at computer- and Internet-based testing and describes the methodology involved in developing and disseminating the guidelines. Through a process of reviewing relevant literature and organizing conferences and wide consultations, a set of internationally recognized guidelines that highlighted good practice issues in computer/Internet testing were developed. The guidelines will raise awareness among all stakeholders in the testing process of what constitutes good practice in computer/Internet testing and can be used as a benchmark to set local standards and guidelines. Further issues are raised from the research, not least the need to ensure that with advances in technology and science comes the updating of training in tests and testing to keep up with such advances.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to clarify any possible misinterpretation of paradoxical treatment by reducing it to two major sets of issues: issues of positive refram-ing, and issues of control. Since issues of circularity and positive reframing have been considered at length and in detail in other sources, issues of straight-forward control will be considered here in greater detail than in the past. The major characteristic of symptomatic behavior is its uncontrollability. After consideration of certain paradoxes about control, guidelines to achieve control are given. The goal is to obtain control and give it away to families. The notion of control is considered within the context of positive reframing, which may be the only “circular” procedure in the whole process of intervention.  相似文献   

Although germline editing has been the subject of debate ever since the 1980s, it tended to be based rather on speculative assumptions until April 2015, when CRISPR/Cas9 technology was used to modify human embryos for the first time. This article combines knowledge about the technical and scientific state of the art, economic considerations, the legal framework and aspects of clinical reality. A scenario will be elaborated as a means of identifying key ethical implications of CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in humans and possible ways of dealing with them. Unlike most other discussions of CRISPR/Cas9 germline editing, which are generally based on deontological arguments, the focus in this case will be on a consequentialistic argument against certain applications of germline and somatic editing that takes not only the potential benefits and risks but also socioeconomic issues into consideration. The practical need for an indication catalogue, guidelines for clinical trials, and for funding of basic research will be pointed out. It will be argued that this need for regulatory action and discussion does not stem primarily from the fact that CRISPR/Cas9 germline editing is revolutionary in terms of its ethical implications and potential for human therapy, although this is the prevailing view in the current discussion. Understanding the value and interest dependency of arguments put forward by different stakeholders and learning from past debates related to similar technologies might prove a fruitful method of reaching judgments and decisions that come closer to a consensus upon which society as a whole can agree - which after all should be the true goal of an ethical debate and of bioethics.  相似文献   

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