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犯罪心理学是以犯罪心理为研究对象。狭义的犯罪心理学的研究对象是犯罪人即犯罪主体的心理和行为,就是说犯罪心理和犯罪是其研究对象。简单地说,他是研究犯罪人的个性缺陷及有关的心理学问题。广义的犯罪心理学的研究对象,除包括狭义的犯罪心理学的研究对象之外,还包括犯罪对策中的心理学问题,如侦查心理、审讯心理、预防犯罪、惩治犯罪以及教育改造罪犯中的心理学问题。简单地说,广义的犯罪心理学既研究犯罪人的心理和行为,又研究与犯罪作斗争的对策心理部分。在这里,仅对广义的犯罪心理学中的临界犯罪心理进行阐述和论证。  相似文献   

该文考察了环境心理学方法论的缘起、特征及研究方案。文中指出,环境心理学坚持整体的、互动的、系统的跨学科观点,坚持问题中心论的科学本质观,力陈交互作用的解释框架和注重现实生活情景的自然田野研究范式,遵循从个体到组织及社会的多层次分析的研究路线,从多方面实现了对传统心理学方法论的批判与超越;它先后发展出互动论、有机论、交互论三种研究方案,促进了科学心理学的自我完善。  相似文献   

武伯钦   《心理科学进展》1987,5(4):27-33
犯罪心理学的基本理论问题值得认真、深入地研究探讨。近年较多的同志都已采用狭义的犯罪心理学体系。在已公开出版的《犯罪心理学》书中,存在着一些薄弱和不足之处。如犯罪心理学的对象,笔者认为不能只研究严格法学意义上的“犯罪主体的心理”,还包括在年龄、精神、健康状况方面无责任能力的实施了刑法所禁止的行为的人的心理,即泛指有危害社会行为的人的心理。又如犯罪心理学的“原因论”,笔者认为不应简单照搬犯罪学,犯罪社会学的犯罪原因论,应当采用心理学研究方法,确定影响犯罪心理产生的因素及其相互关系。再如“犯罪心理结构”这一概念,存在主要的十方面缺陷,本文重点进行了剖析,提出“不良的心理个性倾向→动力定型”的心理学科学概念。  相似文献   

《周易》犯罪学思想探析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
《周易》中的犯罪学思想,几乎涵盖了现代犯罪学研究的所有理论基本点。本文从犯罪学基本概念、犯罪产生的客观必然性以及社会、政治诸方面揭示了犯罪产生的深层原因;还从人类学、生物学、心理学等方面探讨了犯罪产生的直接原因。并指出《周易》犯罪学对策论是以预防为主、法治与德治并举的原则;其理论架构具有整体性、动态性,体现了一种独特的认识方法。  相似文献   

高汉声   《心理科学进展》1987,5(1):55-60
犯罪心理学的研究对象,各家界说不一,认识不同,值得探讨。本文认为它必须突出自己的特殊矛盾,必须将犯罪主体同他的犯罪行为和心理联系起来,不可单纯只讲“犯罪行为”或“犯罪心理”。本文在谈及犯罪心理学研究犯罪人的心理活动时,必须明确几点:是从犯罪主体出发,还是只从犯罪心理出发;是着重研究犯罪主体的整体心理结构(个性心理结构)及其社会化的种种偏离和缺陷与犯罪行为的规律性联系,还是只着重研究犯罪心理结构与犯罪行为的关系;是否有纯粹独立的犯罪心理结构;犯罪心理结构是否即犯罪人整体心理的低层次结构。  相似文献   

本文介绍了欧洲大陆法律心理学的主要研究领域(法律心理学的基本问题,犯罪心理学、监狱心理学、证人证言心理学、审判心理学、警察心理学)和在这些领域中的重要研究。  相似文献   

对梁漱溟心理学思想的研究中始终存在以下问题:西方心理学框架的束缚,思想与生活实践的分离,思想演变历程的忽视。要解决这些问题,需要新的研究视野。工夫论具有“知行合一”的特质,其中思想与行动融合无间,而且具备动态展现的条件; 梁漱溟有丰富工夫实践,且与他的心理学思想有不可分离的联系。这些使工夫论作为研究视野契合于梁漱溟的心理学思想成为可能,并使之有别于既有的心理学史和本土心理学研究。  相似文献   

质化研究:心理学研究方法的范式革命   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主流心理学一直坚持量化研究的传统.但是近些年来,质化研究开始复兴.成为心理学研究方法的一个新"范式".实证主义的衰落和社会科学家对现象学、释义学科学观的重视是质化研究复兴的理论基础.量化方法的困境与多元方法论的思潮、应用实践的需要都促进了心理学家重新接纳质化方法.质化方法的特征是:(1)追寻意义;(2)情境敏感性;(3)主位研究策略;(4)整体描述策略.在怎样看待质化研究方面,心理学内部存在着广泛的争论.  相似文献   

心理学研究本土文化取向的理论与实践   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
张春兴 《心理科学》2004,27(2):420-422
经由本地化研究建立本土心理学的呼声,自20世纪80年代以来,在两岸三地即已时有所闻.惟对“本土”或“本地化”的概念并不明确。到90年代末期台湾部分心理学家提出三地论的概念^[3],认为港、台、大陆三地因长期隔离,社会形态各异,故而主张三地华人社会的心理学者应各自建立自己的本土心理学(台湾本土心理学、大陆本土心理学、香港本土心理学)。此种纯以地区为前提的心理学研究取向有待商榷.原因是如将心理学视为研究人性特质的科学。并将心理与行为视为人性特质的表徽。显而易见的是,影响心理与行为的文化因素大于地区因素。基于此义.本文提出采用心理学研究本土文化取向的建议.并试从心理学思想的演变中分析探讨此一建议的合理性。一得之愚尚请学界先进批评指教。  相似文献   

以二程和朱熹为代表的理学家的犯罪心理学思想比较丰富,对后世的犯罪心理学思想的发展具有重要影响。这里,我们拟从人性与犯罪、人欲与犯罪、刑罚与教化等三个方面对宋代理学家的犯罪心理学思想作一些初步探讨。  相似文献   

关于儿童分享的研究述评   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
综述了20世纪70年代以后西方研究者和我国学者对儿童分享观念和分享行为的研究,包括(1)儿童分享观念发展;(2)分享行为发展,分享行为与分享观念的关系;(3)分享行为的影响因素,如认知因素中的角色采择能力、对社会规范的认知及自我概念等因素;情绪因素和榜样影响等。作者认为,中国心理学者在当前应该更多地开展对亲社会行为的研究。对分享观念和行为的研究应该在更深层次展开;对分享行为研究方法设计上,应该开展一些定性研究。  相似文献   

My article discusses bioethics in transcultural context and builds on an experience of conducting research in China in partnership with Chinese scholars and institutions. Key points are about the creation of ethical committees and their prerogatives, the regulation of experimenting in human and animal, and of donating and transplanting organs. Ethical issues are approached according to an anthropological reading. Three transversal lines for further research are suggested: global/local ethical governance applied to research ethics; implications of transnationalizing and delocalizing research practices with regards to governance; theoretical positioning--conceptual pluralism versus pragmatic pluralism--following actual confrontation to transcultural variations in research ethics. Moreover, this work claims for conceptualizing and implementing an ethics in context while assessing intangible (non-relative) principles based on knowledge production and a global patrimony.  相似文献   

Three major issues raised in Gurman and Kniskern's commentary are discussed. These are (a) the suitability of established research design criteria for studying the outcome of family therapy; (b) the impact of therapist relationship factors on therapy outcome; and (c) the place of concrete or objective change measures in psychotherapy outcome research. Areas of agreement and disagreement with Gurman and Kniskern's observations are identified.  相似文献   

This article identifies research priorities in respect of the social dimension of ageing. Three areas are explored; ageing in one's own community; ageing in another community as a consequence of migration and ageing in a residential community. Exemplar research studies, conducted by the authors (singly) are presented briefly and contextualised in the literature to reveal key research priorities. The determination of research priorities should take account of those aspects of social functioning that are associated with factors amenable to change. Key research priorities identified include the development of a better understanding of the importance of social networks; how these are created, maintained to promote the successful social ageing of individuals.  相似文献   

Recent investigations concerning ways people employ prayer typically suffer from either a fundamentally atheoretical approach or an indiscriminant mixing of affective, behavioral, and cognitive components. The present study examines the theory that a general concept of prayer–as–connection contains prayers of inward (connection with oneself), outward (human–human connection), or upward (human–divine connection) foci. Participants rated words or phrases according to what they "thought about" while praying. Factor analysis revealed eight primary factors: two inward, four outward, and two upward. Three second–order factors emerged (two outward and one upward). However, no general factor appeared.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the multidimensional nature of anxiety in children, the responses of 125 emotionally disturbed and 120 normal children to the Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale were subjected to one principal components factor analysis using an oblique rotation. Three anxiety factors, Anxiety: Worry and Oversensitivity, Anxiety: Physiological, and Anxiety: Concentration, and 2 Lie factors, Lie: Social Impeccability and Lie: Over Self-control, emerged which accounted for 72.9% of the total variance. The clinical meaningfulness and the research implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Three conceptions of general education developed under the titles ‘general,’‘generalist,’ and ‘generalizing’ are matched with appropriate strategies for teaching the Bible. These provide the basis for two points relevant to teaching the Bible in colleges and universities: first, that the prime object of attention is not the Bible, but rather a corporate agreement regarding an educational project; and second, that the ways in which the Bible might be taught will vary, appropriately, according to the ways in which that educational enterprise is understood. A corollary is stated: teachers of the Bible need to be as informed about research in teaching as they are in biblical research.  相似文献   

Past research has revealed that individuals' job mobility is affected by factors such as job satisfaction, specific career enhancing attributes and job availability. This study examined personality factors predicting voluntary internal and external job mobility. Three types of voluntary job mobility measures were studied: dissatisfaction changes, job improvement changes and job rotations within companies. These mobility measures were related to the Big Five personality factors, sensation seeking and adult attachment. Results showed that demographic variables and sensation seeking contributed to the variance in external job changes. Internal job rotations were not related to any of the demographic and personality variables.  相似文献   

以90名中国大学生为被试,采用启动条件下的词汇判断任务,探讨了SOA在57ms、157ms和314ms条件下汉语双字复合词语义、词类和构词法等词汇信息激活的相对时间进程。结果表明,在57ms时语义信息已经被激活,在157ms时语义和词类两种信息均被激活,在314ms时激活了语义、词类和构词法三类信息。汉语双字复合词识别中最先激活语义信息,接着激活词类信息,构词法信息激活最晚。语义和词类信息激活后,随着SOA增加,其激活强度有增强的趋势。语义信息在整个词汇信息激活中占有优势。  相似文献   

Three schemata relevant to the inference of traits attributed to a and b from respectively reciprocal liking and disliking relations between a and b are derived from the research literature: (a) Homogeneity according to which likable traits would be attributed to a and b if they like each other, while dislikable traits if they dislike each other; (b) balance according to which more similarity would be attributed to a and b if they like each other than if they dislike each other, the relative similarity effect being localized on a likableness dimension; (c) positivity bias according to which favorable traits would be attributed irrespective of the stimulus information given. An experiment is reported which provides support for the three schemata with the exception that no unequivocal evidence is obtained for the restriction of the balance effect to a likableness dimension. Further, individual Ss are found not to have stable preferences for particular schemata but to switch readily from one schema to the other.  相似文献   

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