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关于儒教的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纵观儒学整个发展历史,有一个由儒学向儒教发展转化的过程。在孔子言论和思想中,其宗教性处于潜在阶段。董仲舒将儒学神学化,其宗教性处于显性阶段。唐代儒、释、道并称三教,儒学已成为儒教。宋明理学使儒学的宗教天命观思辩论,并且在儒教世俗化方面作了很大的贡献。清末民初,一批学者致力从理论上论证儒学为儒教。儒教在争取大众、维持社会平稳安定、增强中华民族凝聚力等方面具有比儒学更多的优越性。  相似文献   

唯物史观是马克思在黑格尔的辩证法和费尔巴哈的唯物论基础上创立的用唯物辩证法解释历史发展规律的历史唯物主义学说。唯物史观为宗教研究提供了从物质基础到思想观念的根本认识路线,它既是世界观,又是方法论。任继愈先生从唯物史观的视角出发将儒教宗教问题植根于中国封建社会的政治、经济和社会结构中考察,阐述了"以儒教为中心的封建意识形态"的产生,剖析了作为封建社会意识形态的宗教与哲学的复杂关系,通过分析魏晋以来封建社会宗教基本生态,阐明宋明唯心主义哲学世俗化过程,得出"儒教是教"、是"中国的宗教"论断。任继愈的儒教宗教论是运用唯物史观研究分析中国社会实际的一个具体实例,为儒教研究开辟了一条唯物史观的哲学路径。从唯物史观出发审视关于中国宗教的争议问题,中国宗教的社会原生属性问题,中国宗教纵向历史发展问题、中国宗教横向在世界文明进化语境中和世界主要宗教关系等问题,对当代中国宗教和中国社会的发展都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

儒教研究是传统文化研究的重要问题,也是一般宗教研究的重要问题。为了把这一研究引向深入,中国社会科学院世界宗教研究所于2001年2月24-25日在国家图书馆召开了儒教问题讨论会。到会的有:世界宗教研究所名誉所长、国家图书馆馆长、中国哲学史学会会长、儒教是教说提出者任继愈先生,世界宗教研究所所长卓新平,党委书记兼副所长吴云贵,副所长张新鹰、曹中建。中国哲学史学会副会长方克立、陈来、周桂钿。传统文化及宗教学研究领域著名学者:张立文、蒙培元、赖永海、郑万耕、徐远和、蔡德贵、王中江、任延黎、方广锠、金正耀等,以及一…  相似文献   

儒教研究的里程碑──《中国儒教史》评介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以孔子为代表的儒家思想和儒术仅仅是一种“学说”,还是一种“宗教”①,这是中国大陆学术界近20年争论最甚的问题之一。早在本世纪初,韦伯出版了著名的《中国的宗教》(中文译名为《儒教与道教》)一书,专门讨论了儒教与道教各自的特点及中国宗教的社会背景。在这里,他不仅肯定儒学是宗教,而且对儒教的特征作了大要的分析和描述:第一,儒教“是面向今世的”,是世俗性的宗教,既没有西方宗教的“原罪”说,也缺乏“救赎”观念。第二,儒教是秩序的理性的宗教。他看到,对中国的儒家士大夫而言,在政治上维护信仰比对民生的关怀更重要,…  相似文献   

中国社会科学院世界宗教研究所于2001年2月24—25日在国家图书馆召开了儒教问题讨论会,对儒教是不是宗教的问题进行讨论。 1978年底任继愈先生提出的“儒教宗教说”,在学术界引起了激烈而广泛的争论。20多年间,争论双方都发表了不少论文。其中的代表之作,已结集为《儒教问题争论集》出版。最近,李申先生又出版了系统阐述儒教问题的《中国儒教史》,这次讨论,就是在已有成果的基础上进行的。 儒教是不是宗教持反对意见的学者认为,历史上的儒家具有宗教性,曾发挥过类宗教的作用,可以说儒教是一种广义的宗教,但不能认…  相似文献   

1999年的儒教研究,有以下几点:第一,儒教(学)是不是宗教,甚至儒教(学)是否具有宗教性,仍然处在争论之中,没有比较一致的看法。第二,有关论著并不多。第三,有一些论著并未涉及儒教(学)是否宗教、但从儒学宗教性或从宗教角度研究。第四,出版了儒教专著。下面就重点问题进行介绍:一、儒学的宗教性1.郭齐勇认为:本世纪曾不断发生过儒学究竟是不是哲学或是不是宗教的怀疑与争论,原因盖在于人们往往以西方思辨哲学或一元宗教作为唯一参照来评释东方儒家思想。世纪初,唯科学主义盛行,“宗教”在中国近乎成了贬词,与“迷信”…  相似文献   

对于“儒教(或儒学)是否宗教”的问题,尽管参加争论的学者并不很多,但它确是二十年来中国学术界最具挑战性,也是一个颇有争议并使众多中国学者甚感困惑的问题。然而,争论的文章发表在不同的书刊和专著中,查寻起来颇费周折。为使关注这一问题的广大学者较为便利而又全面地了解争论的情况及其发展脉络,也为了进一步推动有关研究的深入发展,宗教文化出版社独具慧眼,特邀“儒教是教”说的提出者──著名学者任继愈先生做主编,选编儒教问题不同观点的典型文章,于世纪交替之际(2000年11月)出版了《儒教问题争论集》。《儒教问题争论…  相似文献   

儒教问题座谈会1997年4月2日,中国社会科学院世界宗教研究所儒教研究室召开关于儒教问题的第二次座谈会。参加者有“儒教是教”说的首倡者任继愈先生和中国社会科学院科研局章绍武先生,有宗教所领导戴康生、卓新平先生以及该所部分研究员和副研究员,他们是:李富...  相似文献   

理雅各的儒教一神论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王辉 《世界宗教研究》2007,3(2):134-143
理雅各以系统译介儒教经典而成为19世纪欧洲汉学之权威。他认为儒教是信仰真正上帝(God)之宗教,应由基督教补充与完成。本文分析理氏著译中有关中国上帝崇拜之论述,孔子宗教品格与形象之变化,以及理氏对儒教宗教性的判定,藉此对理氏儒教研究中基督教意识形态与传教动机的介入与影响作出反思。  相似文献   

根据马克思和恩格斯关于宗教的经典论述,宗教有四种历史形态:原始宗教、国家宗教、民间宗教和世界宗教。儒教属于国家宗教。国家宗教又分奴隶制国家宗教和封建制国家宗教。儒教属于封建制国家宗教。大多数封建制国家宗教是由从民间宗教发展而来的世界宗教充当的,儒教却是由商周  相似文献   

This paper attempts to establish the historical context for the development and publication of Gordon Allport's text, The Nature of Prejudice, and by so doing illustrate the importance of historicizing psychological social psychology. The Nature of Prejudice was, in part, the cumulative result of a decade of Gordon Allport's classroom teaching in a new interdisciplinary unit at Harvard, the Department of Social Relations. This paper chronicles key elements of Allport's course -"Prejudice and Intergroup Conflict"-from 1944 to the mid-1950s.  相似文献   

韩安贵 《现代哲学》2001,30(1):17-23
从古希腊神话故事中的命运女神,到基督教神学关于上帝决定历史,再到维科、康德和黑格尔等关于“天神旨意”、“自然的意图”和“理性的狡黠”,尽管都没有科学地揭示出人类社会历史的内在规律,但都以不同形式承认了社会历史规律的存在。可以说,在19世纪下半叶之前,关于人类社会历史是有规律的思想一直是占主导地位的历史观。但是,在马克思之前,人们普遍认为社会历史规律是绝对必然性,人在这种必然性面前是无能为力、束手无策的。如黑格尔的历史哲学,就具有浓厚的宿命论色彩。  相似文献   

Freud's concept of the death instinct has given rise to many different interpretations which have often been contradictory. It is in fact already possible to discern two diametrically opposite meanings of this concept in Freud's work from 1920—Beyond the Pleasure Principle—in which he first introduced the concept of the death instinct. In this paper, it is argued that both these meanings are relevant in describing psychical life, although only one of these meanings actually qualifies for the concept “death instinct”. Beyond the Pleasure Principle was written in order to try to understand some everyday, as well as clinical phenomena which could not be explained by the so-called pleasure principle. Freud postulated something beyond the pleasure principle, which initially seemed to have to do with binding energy. I will preserve this idea and attempt to develop it within the context of a phenomenological analysis of time. The temporalization of the subject involves a very basic affirmation of existence, in that the subject experiences something constant, something that can be said to possess the quality of a gestalt. I propose that that which is beyond the pleasure principle—this binding of energy—should be understood as the opposite of the idea of a primordial death instinct striving towards death. In this case, that which is beyond the pleasure principle reflects an original affirmation of existence, which could be said to correspond to Freud's first meaning of the death instinct. The second meaning—for which the name “death instinct” seems to be applicable—concerns the discharge of energy, which from a temporal point of view shows itself as a tendency to dissolution. The concept of the death instinct in its various meanings is discussed in connection with phenomenological reflections on time, which is a different approach from Freud's attempt to ground the death instinct in biology.  相似文献   

Kamber  Richard 《Res Publica》2000,6(2):155-177
Since Daniel J. Goldhagen's Hitler's Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaustattempts to show that the Holocaust is explicable and can be understood largely in terms of a single cause, “eliminationist anti-Semitism”, it is not surprising that the book has generated an international debate. What is surprising is the magnitude and emotional intensity of the debate. This article argues that the deepest flaws in it Hitler's Willing Executioners,as well as the chasm of disagreement between Goldhagen's detractors and defenders, have as much to do with reasoning and concepts as with matters of fact. It concludes that Goldhagen's central argument is stronger than many of his critics claim, but that the inadequacy of his cognitive interpretation of anti-Semitism and his unexamined psychological assumptions weaken his attempt to explain the Holocaust. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

骨折治疗方法与原则的最优化历程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
多年来骨折治疗,新旧技术、新旧理论相互融合,相互碰撞,产生了新的理论和方法,使得临床疗效显著提高,现阶段理智的临床医生应该融汇各家之长,多方互补,对每一位骨折患者的治疗都应该按照最优化的原则进行.但是在医疗过程中总存在着如方法选择不当或者错误,过度治疗,医患信任危机,医疗伦理道德的丧失等情况,我们应该用矛盾分析的方法来思考这些问题.  相似文献   

以说服和面子理论为基础,通过两个研究探讨领导者建言采纳行为的影响因素及作用机制。结果发现:相对于促进型建言,抑制型建言给领导带来的面子威胁更大,且领导者感知面子威胁在建言类型与建言采纳之间起部分的中介作用。而幽默类型与水平影响领导者感知面子威胁的程度,积极幽默水平越高,领导者感知面子威胁的程度越低,其建言采纳可能性越高。这表明领导者感知面子威胁在建言类型与建议采纳间起中介作用,幽默调节了此中介效应。  相似文献   

K. Brad Wray 《Topoi》2013,32(1):75-79
I examine the value and limitations of Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions. In the interests of developing a social epistemology of science, I argue that we should draw on Kuhn’s later work, published in The Road since Structure. There, Kuhn draws attention to the important role that specialty formation plays in resolving crises in science, a topic he did not discuss in Structure. I argue that we need to develop a better understanding of specialty research communities. Kuhn’s later work provides a research agenda for those who want to study scientific specialization. I briefly discuss some recent studies that promise to provide valuable insight into the social structure of science.  相似文献   

The basic spirit of administration in The Analects includes the five following aspects: the wisdom of administration regarding humanity as the foundation; the wisdom of leadership with primary virtue; the wisdom of conducting business with righteousness; the wisdom of harmonious organization; and the wisdom of coordination with the mean. Relative to modern Western rational spirit of scientific management, Confucian management focuses on exploring the humanities and shaping human nature, and this has a unique value for contemporary management activities.  相似文献   

为了充分理解解释这个术语本身,我们得回到它的前提及其相关术语。解释的前提是理解,被理解的叫含义或意义。无论我们是否意识到,解释已经意味着进入哲学,从来的哲学家都在解释世界(马克思语)。怎么解释呢?用语言。传统上,我们往往从意识或概念领域接近解释学问  相似文献   

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