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温尼科特是英国精神分析客体关系学派的重要代表人物,提出了独特的精神分析治疗观,以提供抱持性的分析情境为核心,强调退行至依赖的治疗过程,重视精神分析师的反移情中的恨的情绪体验,珍视病人的主动不交流等,在很多方面颠覆了经典的精神分析治疗观.  相似文献   

人性观是对人的本性的基本看法和观点。人性观不同,在此基础上形成的理论和实践也不相同。从心理治疗的理论和实践来看,精神分析、行为主义和人本主义三大心理学派的人性观是有很大差异的,因而他们的心理治疗理论模式有所不同、各具特色也就在所难免。本文试图从这三个心理学派的人性观出发对它们的治疗模式进行理论分析,以使人们对这三种治疗理论和方法有更深层的理解,并在此基础上科学正确地在实践中运用这些理论和方法。1 三大学派的人性观与治疗模式11 精神分析学派的人性观与治疗模式精神分析的人性观是性恶论。弗洛伊德认…  相似文献   

作为探索人类灵魂的两个重要领域——道教与精神分析,前者在身体与精神的关系上积累了丰富而宝贵的理论和经验,而后者则深入地揭示了人类语言与精神的关系。本文立足于精神分析的语言观,对道教的语言观进行了一定的梳理,并对道教与精神分析语言观的异同进行了比较,指出这种差异性的根源来源于它们对人的不同假设。  相似文献   

人性观问题是心理治疗的一切理论、方法和技术的基础。本文从先天一教养、善一恶和自由意志一决定论这三个角度对三大治疗理论——精神分析、行为主义和人本主义的人性观作了比较,旨在加深对三大治疗理论的认识。  相似文献   

弗罗姆的人本精神分析宗教心理观具有众多思想来源,其中对其影响最深刻的是弗洛伊德的精神分析学说和马克思早期的异化理论。弗罗姆人本精神分析宗教心理观的基本特点是:从所谓"综合"的折衷主义立场出发,试图消除"权威主义宗教"的传统弊端,建立理想化的"人本主义宗教",以帮助现代人摆脱生存困境,满足现代人在宗教方面的精神需要。其历史贡献在于:克服了弗洛伊德宗教心理观的明显缺陷;使得宗教领域的理性启蒙思想得到弘扬;在宗教类型的具体分析中显示出辩证性。其历史局限表现在:没有摆脱"泛神论"思想的传统束缚;宗教改良的思路带有"乌托邦"色彩;对宗教本质的理解不符合马克思原意。  相似文献   

弗罗姆的人本精神分析宗教心理观具有众多思想来源,其中对其影响最深刻的是弗洛伊德的精神分析学说和马克思早期的异化理论。弗罗姆人本精神分析宗教心理观的基本特点是:从所谓"综合"的折衷主义立场出发,试图消除"权威主义宗教"的传统弊端,建立理想化的"人本主义宗教",以帮助现代人摆脱生存困境,满足现代人在宗教方面的精神需要。其历史贡献在于:克服了弗洛伊德宗教心理观的明显缺陷;使得宗教领域的理性启蒙思想得到弘扬;在宗教类型的具体分析中显示出辩证性。其历史局限表现在:没有摆脱"泛神论"思想的传统束缚;宗教改良的思路带有"乌托邦"色彩;对宗教本质的理解不符合马克思原意。  相似文献   

<正>随着心理咨询行业在我国的兴起,越来越多的人开始关注精神分析取向的心理咨询与治疗,你对国内精神分析的发展现状了解多少呢?欧美发达国家的精神分析理论与技术又有什么样的最新发展呢?国内精神分析取向的心理咨询和治疗发展现状谈到精神分析,很多人最先联想到的是弗洛伊德、催眠和梦的解析。随着国内心理咨询与治疗行业近一二十年来的快速发展,越来越多的人对于"精神分析取向的心理咨询和治疗"与"精神分析"感到好奇,但除了少数正在学习和应用的  相似文献   

阿尔都塞晚期以“偶然相遇”的方式对唯物主义作出了极具创新性的理解,这一思想转变集中体现在他对精神分析学的再判断之中。一方面,阿尔都塞对精神分析中的结构主义要素进行了批判,并从“偶然性”出发强调了精神分析的唯物主义特质。另一方面,他把精神分析作为一种内在动力,推进了“相遇的唯物主义”的发展和成熟。由精神分析所体现和催化的“偶然的唯物主义”意味着对以意识哲学为代表的同一性学说的深度反思和批判,“偶然相遇的唯物主义观”的形成则加深了对客观现实性的聚焦和关切。总体而言,阿尔都塞基于精神分析学对“偶然相遇的唯物主义”的探讨,既构成了西方当代唯物主义和“后马克思主义”的重要思想资源,又同时呈现出疏离马克思主义哲学基本原理及其规律性认识的局限性。  相似文献   

心理辅导三大理论之人性观之剖析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
人性观是对人的基本看法和哲学假设,在心理咨询和资料中,人性观是一切方法和技术的理论基础。在回答什么是人性和人性观的基础上,总结出人性观所应回答的基本问题,依据精神分析、行为主义和人本主义三大辅导流派对人性观基本问题所作的回答,剖析了三大流派的人性观。  相似文献   

人性观是对人的基本看法和哲学假设,在心理咨询和资料中,人性观是一切方法和技术的理论基础.在回答什么是人性和人性观的基础上,总结出人性观所应回答的基本问题,依据精神分析、行为主义和人本主义三大辅导流派对人性观基本问题所作的回答,剖析了三大流派的人性观.  相似文献   

From its inception psychoanalysis claimed not merely to be an effective therapy for psychological suffering, but to shed light on the human condition. But what kind of insight does psychoanalysis offer? This paper locates psychoanalysis in the western philosophical tradition, arguing that psychoanalysis provides not only theoretical wisdom about the human, but practical wisdom of a peculiar kind. The human mind, through its self‐conscious understanding can be immediately and directly efficacious in shaping its own structure.  相似文献   

王小英  车文博 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1261-1264,1271
综述了精神分析在日本的传入与发展。包括:(1)精神传入日本的历史轨迹,如心理学、精神医学、文化学视角的传播;(2)精神分析在日本的发展,如精神分析疗法的推广,精神分析理论的运用;(3)日本对精神分析的评价。  相似文献   

During recent years, the neurosciences have entered into a dialogue with psychoanalysis, which has opened new perspectives for their integration. Despite these developments, reservations remain concerning the reducing effects of the neurosciences by overtly or covertly hiding the core elements of psychoanalysis. However, Freud made an explicit parallel between psychoanalysis and physics in their relationship with the unknown reality, and in their task of filling in gaps in knowledge. Freud's epistemological view implies that the relationship with the unknown reality unites rather than separates psychoanalysis from other sciences. On the other hand, in the clinical realm, Freud emphasized the autonomy of psychoanalysis. Instead of offering causal explanations, the value of the neurosciences to psychoanalysis depends on how well the knowledge derived from them can be integrated in psychoanalysis and given a clinical meaning. The primacy of clinical relevance also pertains to the findings of empirical outcome research.  相似文献   

Agostino Gemelli, a Catholic priest, psychiatrist, administrator, and educator, was an important figure in the early history of psychoanalysis in Italy. He was one of the few establishment figures to grapple with Freud's ideas in Italy during the first half of the twentieth century, a period during which Italy, compared to the rest of Europe and to the United States, was relatively impermeable to psychoanalysis. One of the factors that contributed to this was the opposition of the powerful Catholic Church, which identified in psychoanalysis a challenge to its authority. The author argues that Father Gemelli's shifting positions about psychoanalysis between 1925 and 1953 reflected the exigencies of his historical circumstances. Gemelli was able to identify in psychoanalysis an integrated view of the human condition in stark opposition to the brutal reductionism of psychiatry in Italy at that time, but also encountered in it elements intolerable to the Church. Examining specifically what it is that Gemelli could accept of psychoanalysis, and what needed to be rejected, between 1925 and 1953, illustrates the particular challenge posed by psychoanalysis to Catholicism in Italy.  相似文献   

本文通过对 1 980~ 1 998年间 6种“核心”心理学期刊所发表论文题目的关键词、参考文献引用杂志的分析 ,对认知心理学、行为主义、精神分析和神经科学四种心理学流派在中国的发展做了研究 ,得出以下结果 :(1 )认知心理学研究论文的数量快速增长 ,神经科学领域的研究略有增加 ;(2 )四学派在中国受重视的程度依次为认知心理学、神经科学研究、行为主义、精神分析 ;(3 )精神分析和行为主义的研究极少。  相似文献   

Marginality is an important concept in the history of science, though it is often used in a manner that presumes marginality to be a static designation. We contend that the dynamics of marginality are crucial to the history of psychoanalysis, a discipline that has moved between dominant and marginal positions. We address psychoanalytic marginality via three specific "cases": the marginalization among Freud and his followers when psychoanalysis was an emergent discipline; the marginality trope in Erich Fromm's popular psychoanalytic writing when psychoanalysis was orthodoxy in American academic psychiatry; and the rhetorical marginality of psychoanalysis in Sweden as psychoanalysis entered a decline within psychiatry. Our aim is to show that marginalization and self-marginalization serve interpersonal, social, and professional strategies.  相似文献   

A brief history of what it has meant to be a Jungian analyst and/or analytical psychologist in the United States and England is portrayed. At first the differences between psychoanalysis and analytical psychology were very great, and there was great animosity between the two schools. The conflict was much stronger in the United States than in England where Jungians developed a much better rapport with psychoanalysis. Recent theoretical developments within psychoanalysis, such as the development of self theory and intersubjectivity, as well as speaking about religious issues in a new way, have brought psychoanalysis closer to analytical psychology. On the other hand, analytical psychology has been enriched by an increased awareness of the importance of developmental issues and transference and countertransference. The implications for both psychoanalysis and analytical psychology are explored.  相似文献   

Grünbaum's approach to psychoanalysis suffers from several difficulties. It imposes a standard of logical reductionism and methodological purity that not only violates the nature of psychoanalytic knowledge, but imposes an invalid standard of verification and scientific confirmation. It utilizes a brand of dichotomous reasoning that forces psychoanalytic propositions into artificial positions that do not reflect the actuality of analytic practice. It imposes a standard of verification that is impossible for psychoanalysis, along with all forms of psychological knowledge, to reach. It visualizes psychoanalysis as encompassing only one form of knowledge of human psychic life, forcing it into a model that eliminates other aspects of the psychoanalytic process, so that psychoanalysis is subjected to criticism only on one dimension among several--a kind of psychoanalytic straw man. The psychoanalysis that is so impaled often is difficult for the psychoanalytic practitioner to recognize. To the extent that Grünbaum's skillful and highly informed criticism of the philosophical bases of psychoanalysis encounters these difficulties, the value of his argument falls short of providing a useful basis for advancing psychoanalytic knowledge and particularly for promoting the quest for pertinent standards of validation within psychoanalysis.  相似文献   

In the theoretical development to come in psychoanalysis, an "inclusive" strategy is recommended, allowing for conflicting points of view to exist side by side waiting for a new integrating theory to emerge. Until such a theory is at hand, the term "psychoanalysis" will remain a rather loose heading for several psychoanalytic subcultures. It is argued, both clinically and theoretically, in favour of giving the organizing function of the ego a central position in the forthcoming theory. Some consequences of this "organizational" point of view are discussed in relation to: ( a ) diagnostic classification, ( b ) the distinction between psychoanalysis and psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy, and (c) the theoretical language of psychoanalysis. In conclusion som requirements for a future theory of psychoanalysis are proposed.  相似文献   

The questions concerning the foundations of psychoanalytic knowledge have been pressing from the beginning. Beside as a therapeutic practice, Freud conceived psychoanalysis as a science, maintaining that like other sciences psychoanalysis should have sound empirical and conceptual fundaments. Freud claimed that there is an inseparable bond (ein Junktim) between cure and acquiring knowledge in psychoanalysis. One of his aims in developing a metapsychology (analogously to metaphysics) was to explicate the conceptual structure of psychoanalytic knowledge. After Freud psychoanalysts have not reached a consensus in the questions concerning the foundations. What kind of foundations does psychoanalytic knowledge need? Are they to be found from the psychoanalytic practice and research on the couch, or rather from metapsychological constructions? In what way should psychoanalysis rely on external scientific research? The article addresses these questions, arguing that even though psychoanalytic work and knowledge do gain justification from various external sources, in the end psychoanalysis stands on its own foundations. It is further argued that especially under the prevailing plurality of theoretical and clinical approaches, psychoanalysis does not have – and does not need – a foundation that could not be further questioned. Thus a coherentist picture of psychoanalysis is defended.  相似文献   

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