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近二十年来的中国发展心理学   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
缪小春 《心理科学》2001,24(1):71-77
本文是对近二十年来中国大陆发展心理学的一个总结。文章分三个部分。第一部分是这个时期中国发展心理学总的情况的说明,第二部分是发展心理学研究中下列各个领域的介绍:认知发展研究.语言发展研究.社会性发展研究,超常儿童研究,独生子女研究,心理发展的跨文化研究,老年心理研究。在第三部分中作者提出他对中国发展心理学的一些看法。  相似文献   

谢冬华 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1526-1527
认知心理学为当代心理科学提供了全新的范式和研究取向,使心理学发生了深刻的变革,是高校心理学专业重要的基础课程,其教学及教材建设受到各高校的极大重视。《认知心理学——理论、实验和应用》教材就格外引人注目。综观全书,它具有以下特色:第一,重视介绍应用研究;第二,理论阐述与实验介绍有机结合;第三,内容丰富,而且精选得当;第四,体系合理,结构严谨,体例规范;第五,语言通俗易懂,文字流畅,思路清楚,可读性强。  相似文献   

近年来,工业心理学的一个新分支正在形成和迅速发展,这就是计算机心理学。也有人把这个分支的某些领域称为“软件心理学”、“认知工程学”和“人与计算机界面心理学”等等。计算机心理学的研究和应用,使心理科学在新的技术革命中发挥着日益重要的作用,也使得心理学各分支更加密切地联系在一起,大大推动了心理学本身的发展。本文就计算机心理学的兴起和主要内容作一些介绍,并谈谈计算机心理学的研究趋势,特别是人与计算机界面方面的研究,以期为在我国开展计算机心理学的研究和应用提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

本文综述了关于行为与文化之间关系的研究.综述分为如下几个部分:第一部分介绍了跨文化/文化心理学自20世纪中叶创立以来,在人类行为的共同性、差异性以及心理功能在多大程度上存在文化特异性的问题上的持续争论.第二部分探讨文化差异的魅力,论证为什么迄今的研究往往偏向于寻找行为的差异而不是跨文化的不变性.第三部分简要概述跨文化比较研究中的文化偏误、缺乏等价性等问题及其对数据解释的影响.第四部分重点阐述本文题目中的主题,即跨文化差异的心理组织.这部分内容对目前文化心理学研究中存在的倾向,即从宽泛的维度或笼统的心理功能角度来组织和解释行为差异提出了挑战.第五部分则通过跨文化心理学的历史回顾,以几个重要的传统研究领域为代表来具体说明这种过度泛化的倾向及近期的研究发展,其中也包括了中国研究人员贡献越来越大的文化神经科学领域.最后对跨文化心理学的前景与展望进行了讨论.  相似文献   

本文综述了关于行为与文化之间关系的研究。综述分为如下几个部分:第一部分介绍了跨文化/文化心理学自20世纪中叶创立以来,在人类行为的共同性、差异性以及心理功能在多大程度上存在文化特异性的问题上的持续争论。第二部分探讨文化差异的魅力,论证为什么迄今的研究往往偏向于寻找行为的差异而不是跨文化的不变性。第三部分简要概述跨文化比较研究中的文化偏误、缺乏等价性等问题及其对数据解释的影响。第四部分重点阐述本文题目中的主题,即跨文化差异的心理组织。这部分内容对目前文化心理学研究中存在的倾向,即从宽泛的维度或笼统的心理功能角度来组织和解释行为差异提出了挑战。第五部分则通过跨文化心理学的历史回顾,以几个重要的传统研究领域为代表来具体说明这种过度泛化的倾向及近期的研究发展,其中也包括了中国研究人员贡献越来越大的文化神经科学领域。最后对跨文化心理学的前景与展望进行了讨论。  相似文献   

本文所要研究的只是心理学及心理学史方面的方法论问题。本文共分两部分,其第一部分所要研究的是统一心理学如何分支的:从理论认识观点来看,分为唯心主义观点和唯物主义观点;从方法论的观点来看,分为理论心理学、实验心理学、经验心理学;最后,从具体的专门观点来看,分为各种不同的分支与小分支,其中,尤其是在应用心  相似文献   

美国认知发展研究近况简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘范  张梅玲 《心理学报》1984,17(3):112-119
作者于1983年8、9月间在美国参加了中美两国心理学学术交流会,并参观访问了十七个研究机构和学术团体。本文对美国在解悟认知、数学和自然科学的认知、阅读和语文学习、社会认知发展、对婴儿的研究、计算机的应用等方面的部分研究情况作一简要介绍,目的只在于提供一些参考的线索。  相似文献   

跨文化行为心理学——文化取向心理学第四方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先简要回顾比较了文化取向心理学的四个不同的方向:文化心理学、本土心理学、跨文化心理学,以及新的发展方向——跨文化行为心理学;重点介绍了跨文化行为心理学与文化碰撞情境概念的提出以及一个跨文化行为模型;其次提出了该学科在跨文化协同增效方面的重要应用;最后做出了在中国文化背景下开展相应研究的展望。  相似文献   

本文采用文献计量学的方法对第七届和第八届中国心理学年会所提交的论文进行了统计比较,指标涉及论文分类、作者的地区分布和研究方法三个方面,并进一步从基础研究和应用研究两个维度对两届年会论文作了比较;得出了两届年会期间中国心理学研究基本的动态特点。  相似文献   

心理学研究的生态学倾向   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张利燕   《心理科学进展》1990,8(1):18-21
生态学倾向是当今科学发展的共同趋势。心理学研究的生态学倾向始于本世纪四十年代,并且。心理学和生态学的联姻产生了一门新兴科学—生态心理学。心理学生态学倾向不是偶然的,具有历史必然性:第一,原始的生态学超越了生物科学的范武而成为一门泛系科学;第二,以人为中心的生态学构成了生态学研究的最高层次;第三,心理科学的发展要求自身生态学倾向。尽管生态学倾向是心理学研究尚在发展中的趋势,但至少它已体现出以下一些积极性。第一,拓宽了心理学的研究范围;第二,革新了心理学研究的方法论;第三,使心理学研究由实验分析转向于应用分析,从而有实践意义。  相似文献   

This study examined the recall of televised stories for younger (4-6 years) and older (7-9 years) children with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) under two different viewing conditions (toys present/toys absent). Each child watched two Rugrats television programs, once with toys present and once with toys absent. Immediately after viewing a program, the child completed a free recall of the observed story. Comparison children's recall increased more than ADHD children's as importance level increased, and comparison children recalled more information overall than children with ADHD. When toys were present, children with ADHD retold less coherent stories than comparison children, as indexed by smaller correlations between the story units recalled and the order of these units in the story. In summary, children with ADHD demonstrated multiple difficulties in story comprehension. These findings add to our understanding of the differences in higher-order cognitive processing abilities between children with ADHD and comparison children, and suggest important areas of focus in designing more effective academic interventions for children with ADHD.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the impact of different television programming on the social interactions and toy play of preschool children. Same-sex pairs of young children were observed during three types of television programs: cartoons, Sesame Street, and situation comedies. Children were also observed when the television screen was black. Children visually attended to the cartoons the most, Sesame Street less often, and the situation comedy the least. Cartoons dramatically depressed social interaction. Sesame Street elicited the most verbal imitation. Both Sesame Street and the situation comedy allowed the children to divide activity among their peers, the toys, and the television program. Girls verbally imitated program content more than boys. This pattern of findings remained after the children's visual attention to the television was statistically controlled. Several developmental trends were detected. The image of children “mesmerized” in front of the television set, foresaking social interactions and active involvement with their object environment, held true for only one type of programming, namely, cartoons. During the other programs, the children remained active and socially involved.  相似文献   

Sound effects were inserted in a television program in order to guide children's selective attention to, and comprehension of, significant story content. Sixty-four children, equally distributed by sex and by kindergarten and fifth grades, were randomly assigned to one of four treatment conditions that crossed two levels of sound effects with two levels of visual inserts. One-s sound effects either preceded or did not precede three key program transitions. The visual insert conditions provided additional information at these program points whereas the no visual insert conditions did not. Visual attention was videotaped during each child's individual viewing session. After viewing, each child answered a 22-item multiple-choice recognition test of inferential, central, and incedental content. As predicted, sound effects increased selective attention and inferential recognition, particularly for the youngest children who have the greatest difficulty understanding televised stories.  相似文献   

A conceptual model was developed predicting parasocial interaction from both a social interaction need due to loneliness and instrumental television news use. Questionnaires were completed by 329 persons. Pearson and partial correlations supported hypotheses linking loneliness with less interpersonal communication and both loneliness and parasocial interaction with more television reliance. Loneliness and parasocial interaction were not correlated. Canonical correlation analysis supported expectations that instrumental news viewing for information was related to more parasocial interaction and perceived news realism; viewing news for exciting entertainment, news affinity, and news viewing levels correlated positively with this pattern. Ritualized news viewing for time consumption was related to more television viewing, but to less news viewing, duration, and affinity. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis identified news affinity, perceived news realism, and information news viewing motives as salient predictors of parasocial interaction with a favorite local television news personality. Implications of results were discussed in light of uses and gratifications research and communication interaction.  相似文献   

对幼儿从电视中伴随学习单词的可能性及其影响因素进行了初步的探讨。40名小班幼儿和46名大班幼儿参加了实验,他们在接近自然的状态下观看有字幕的动画片。结果发现:幼儿在无任何指导的情况下观看有字幕的动画片,能伴随学习到汉字,这表明,电视对幼儿的词汇发展有着积极的影响;不同性别的儿童都能同等程度地从电视中伴随学习到单词;词义的伴随学习受幼儿原有的词汇水平和幼儿对目标词熟悉程度的影响;词音的伴随学习只发生在词汇水平较高的幼儿当中,并且随着幼儿对目标词熟悉程度的增加而增加;词音和词义的伴随学习存在频度效应。  相似文献   

The author's purpose in this study was to test 4 hypotheses that proposed different paths for the influences of children's television viewing on their academic achievement. Data were drawn from the 1997 Child Development Supplement (CDS) to the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID). The population for this study included 1,203 children between the ages of 6 and 13 years from the CDS-PSID data set. The author used structural equation modeling to test pathways from children's television viewing to their academic achievement. The author assumed that children's television viewing hindered their academic achievement by reducing certain traits that related to academic achievement. Results showed that 3 hypothetical models fit the data--the time-displacement hypothesis, the mental effort-passivity hypothesis, and the attention-arousal hypothesis. A 4th hypothetical model, the learning-information hypothesis, which proposed that children's television viewing practices stimulate their academic achievement, was not supported. In sum, children who watched more television tended to spend less time doing homework, studying, and reading for leisure. In addition, their behaviors became more impulsive, which resulted in an eventual decrease in their academic achievement.  相似文献   

From the ecological perspective of human development the emergence of significant media may affect children's behavior. It has been suggested that the home computer has the potential to affect young children's behavior, but no published data currently exist to support this hypothesis. However, home computer games have features similar to television. In that vein, research on television and aggression lends itself as a paradigm for studying the effects of video games on young children's behavior. From past television research it may be hypothesized that exposure to violent video games will increase children's aggressive behavior. Twenty-eight children, age 4 to 6 years were observed in a free play setting at baseline, after watching a violent cartoon and after playing “Space Invaders”. Results indicated significant differences in aggressive behavior, relative to baseline behaviors, after watching television and after playing video games. There was no difference between the television and video game conditions. It was concluded that violent video games arouse children in much the same way as violent television cartoons.  相似文献   

It has been suggested by researchers that educational television programmes may support the language and literacy development for children, especially those in immigrant families. In an immigrant family, many family characteristics appear to be related to educational television programme viewing of children at home, for example, parental acculturation (the process of adapting to the new culture) and parental mediation (supervision and guidance) of television viewing. In the present work, the parental influence on children during educational television viewing was studied quantitatively, based on a sample (n = 171) of immigrant families with children aged 3–6 years collected across the U.S. The results have revealed that significant differences existed between Asian and Hispanic groups in coviewing mediation and in their children's educational television viewing. Furthermore, language in parental acculturation significantly predicted instructive and restrictive parental mediation, and parental occupation significantly predicted language in parental acculturation. This study initiates the attention to the topic of educational television viewing in immigrant families, which warrants further investigations in the future as the Asian and Hispanic immigrant population increases rapidly in the U.S. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Children's temporal comprehension was assessed after viewing a television program containing a flashback that shifted the events to a much earlier time. The flashback was marked or not marked with sound effects, and time relations were visually represented with either dreamy camera dissolves or abrupt camera cuts. Sixty-four children, equally distributed by grades kindergarten and first versus fourth and fifth, participated in individual viewing sessions. After viewing, children answered questions to assess comprehension on the flashback. Older children understood the flashback better than did the younger children. Children who saw dreamy visual dissolves understood temporal concepts presented in the flashback better than those who saw camera cuts, particularly at young ages. The results suggest that formal production features affect children's comprehension of complex temporal concepts presented via television.  相似文献   

本研究调查了幼儿电视观看的现状以及父母对他们看电视的监督情况、结果发现,幼儿的电视观看时间普遍很长,他们所观看的节目类型受年龄和性别的影响;幼儿的言语发展与电视观看之间关系密切;父母对幼儿的电视观看时间和节目类型基本上不限制,他们鼓励幼儿看电视,而且通常是看些成人节目,因此可知对家长的监督工作提供指导是很必要和迫切的.针对上述调查结果,研究者提出了几点建议.以期各位家长及有关人员能够重视这个被疏忽的重要问题——电视监督(家长监督).  相似文献   

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