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马克思主义哲学所具有的创新性本质,使得马克思主义哲学研究具有重大的学术价值与现实意蕴。马克思主义哲学研究的中国学派与法兰克福学派,虽然都是围绕这一创新性而展开,但两者无论在研究背景、研究方法,还是在研究内容上,因对马克思主义哲学创新性的内在逻辑理解不同,而存有众多差别。法兰克福学派的学派标识即为,关注社会现象批判、理论本身彻底性检讨和马克思哲学重新构筑。从一定意义上理解,中国学派虽然也具有法兰克福学派的这些特点,但从本质意蕴上理解,中国学派的学派标识与法兰克福学派的学派标识存在着原则差别,即中国学派强调对社会现实反思、对社会实践改造和对马克思主义哲学的当代诠释。  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学中国化与马克思主义中国化在本质上和内容上是基本一致的。马克思主义哲学中国化具有现实可能性和历史必然性。马克思主义哲学中国化最初是以列宁主义和俄国十月革命为中介经由斯大林主义和苏联模式来完成的。迄今为止,在马克思主义中国化的历史进程中,共有三次历史性飞跃,形成了三大理论成果——毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想。毛泽东不愧为马克思主义哲学中国化的开拓者和奠基人,毛泽东哲学思想是马克思主义哲学中国化的杰出代表,邓小平哲学思想和“三个代表”重要思想则是对毛泽东哲学思想的继承和发展,是马克思主义哲学中国化的最新理论成果。当然,马克思主义哲学中国化并非一帆风顺,也积累了宝贵的经验和教训。历史表明:马克思主义哲学中国化是一个永无止境的过程,将伴随中国改革开放和现代化建设的始终。它要求我们要按照马克思主义哲学自身发展的规律,科学地回答“什么是马克思主义,怎样对待马克思主义”的一系列问题,正确处理马克思主义哲学与传统中国哲学、现代西方哲学的关系,以及中国化的马克思主义哲学与西方马克思主义等国外马克思主义哲学流派的关系,本着面向世界、面向未来、面向各流派的精神,以与时俱进的精神状态,用发展着的马克思主义指导新的实践,不断根据实践的发展和时代的要求更新其内容改变其形式,推进马克思主义哲学中国化的进程。  相似文献   

中国化是以马克思主义中国化、马克思主义哲学中国化为主流话语和思想理论权威的。尽管理论界对西方哲学在中国的上百年历史采取"西学东渐"的方式予以研究,但建国以来西方哲学在中国的研究尚未形成"中国化"的研究态势。西方哲学中国化的研究范式可以让我们重新审视西方哲学研究的历史和现实,发现新问题、新领域而形成哲学的理论创新。  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学中国化,是中国的马克思主义者基于时代主题和中国社会发展实践需要的变化,对马克思恩格斯的哲学思想不断进行选择、运用与发展创新的过程.实践是马克思主义哲学中国化进程的核心.而建立和建设新中国的实践需要是不断选择的依据,探索正确的实践方案是马克思主义哲学中国化中理论创新的目的,取得实践的成功是马克思主义哲学中国化的检验标准.在实践中提升出的辩证唯物主义历史唯物主义哲学理论就是中国化马克思主义哲学的生长点.  相似文献   

早在30年代,马克思主义哲学中国化问题就已经明确地提出来了,在今天,随着我国改革的全面深化,如何坚持和发展马克思主义的问题紧迫地摆在人们面前,对马克思主义中国化的重新认识也愈益重要。尤其近几年来兴起的中西文化大讨论,有力地推动了对这个问题的深入研究。就目前公开发表的论著来看,主要涉及马克思主义哲学中国化的背景,马克思主义哲学中国化过程中与中国传统哲学的关系,包括它和中国哲学优良传统的自觉结合和不自觉地受到传统文化、传统哲学的消极影响两个方面。现将各种主要观点摘要介绍如下: 一、马克思主义哲学中国化的背景 1、政治背景。本世纪初,马克思主义哲学之所以成为我国新潮的主流,并为广大人们所  相似文献   

"剑桥事件"是分析哲学家攻击德里达哲学的著名事件,折射出两种研究哲学的不同方式,以及"非主流"哲学与"主流"哲学之间的关系.  相似文献   

"智慧"说及其对马克思主义哲学中国化的贡献   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
马克思主义哲学从传入中国时起,就存在着如何中国化的问题,也就是马克思主义哲学如何取得中国特色和中国气派,以便与中国革命和建设的实际相结合,从而科学地解决“中国向何处去”这一近代以来的时代中心问题。马克思主义哲学中国化包括了政治层面的中国化和学术层面的中国化。政治层面的马克思主义哲学中国化是指革命家、政治领袖运用马克思主义哲学的立场、观点和方法考察中国的历史和现状,科学地解答新民主主义革命和社会主义革命进程中遇到的实际问题,从而形成指导中国革命和建设的正确理论、路线、方针和政策。政治层面的马克思主义哲学…  相似文献   

受教育部委托,由武汉大学研究生院与哲学学院承办的全国哲学博士生论坛将于2004年10月17日至21日在武汉大学举行。此次论坛的学术委员有赵敦华、李景源、俞吾金、张一兵、焦国成、黎红雷、郭齐勇、朱志方等。论坛主题:全球化视野下的哲学创新。分论题:1、西学东渐与中国哲学;2、马克思主义哲学的中国化与中国的马克思主义哲学;3、全球化与当代哲学问题意识的转换;4、21世纪哲学主流趋势  相似文献   

<正>哲学永远是时代的心声,我们强调马克思主义哲学研究的中国化、时代化和大众化,其中时代化是最根本的。因为哲学只有贴近时代,反映时代心声,才真正代表了大众的诉求,当然也就贴近了中国的社会发展现实。这就需要我们的哲学自觉追踪时代,紧扣时代的脉搏,自觉将哲学沉思、时代精神和实践需要融为一体。谈到哲学与时代的关系,我们会常常援引马克思的那段著名的话:"任何真正的哲学都是自己时  相似文献   

<正>编者按:《新大众哲学》作为马克思主义哲学中国化的最新收获,出版以来,在理论界和社会层面产生了许多积极而重要的影响,人们普遍认为,这是继艾思奇《大众哲学》、韩树英《通俗哲学》之后又一里程碑式的著作,在马克思主义哲学的研究、宣传和传播史上占有重要地位。《新大众哲学》以全新的方式诠释马克思主义哲学,回答时代问题,为马克  相似文献   

通过三个实验,利用学习时间分配作为指标,考察了学习者对部分线索效应记忆监控的状况。实验1考察被试在单次学习条件下的学习时间分配情况,结果发现被试在两种条件下所使用的学习时间没有明显差异。这说明在一次学习后被试还不能对部分线索的消极作用进行有效控制。实验2中,经过多次学习后,被试在部分线索条件下使用了更多的学习时间。实验3在自控步调学习前加入回溯性任务难度判断任务,结果发现经过一次学习,部分线索组和自由回忆组的判断值虽无显著差异,但部分线索组的自控步调学习时间显著长于自由回忆组,并且其回忆成绩也显著提高,说明回溯性任务难度判断过程本身是学习时间分配的制约因素。研究说明,为了加速主体对部分线索的消极影响的控制,引导主体对学习任务进行难度判断是一种有效的手段。  相似文献   

This exploratory study examined students’ conceptions of factors that enhance the use and application of academic learning and study strategies (LSS). A qualitative approach was used to explore the conceptions of 23 first-year university students (female = 14; age range = 18–24 years). Data were collected using unstructured interviews and narrative sketches. Thematic analysis revealed three themes; namely clarity, emotional intelligence, and life circumstances. LSS clarity showed that knowledge of the self as a learner and well-defined educational goals can enhance engagement in the academic study process. Emotional intelligence as LSS referred to the importance of self-management and emotional regulation; while life circumstances in LSS emphasised the impact of real world challenges that affect the learning process. Student development counselling for LSS should consider the extent to which students have a sense of clarity, emotional intelligence, and life orientation important for their education success.  相似文献   

经络实质的思辨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对古人认识经络方法的综合分析,结合现代有关研究,论证了经络是古人在总结对人体生命现象多方面客观认识的基础上,经过古代哲学抽象所形成的理论路线图,而非一种独立的客观实体.肯定了腧穴-脏腑相关性的存在,否定了循经感传即经络的假说,并强调了研究人体体表-脏腑相关性的重要性.  相似文献   

This essay is concerned with study abroad experiences as opportunities for student cognitive development, using the interpretive lens of educational psychologist William G. Perry. A standard and often valuable assignment in courses on world religions is a site visit to a religious institution in one's local area. This may concretize otherwise abstract materials and help students reflect on ways in which the lived experience of religion differs from its presentation in course texts and other academic materials. Increasingly, study abroad trips are being offered as extended and more intensive ways of bringing this material to life, offering students opportunity to see lived religion within another cultural framework. At the heart of this paper is the contention that such study abroad experiences function not simply as longer, more intense versions of site visits but, rather, as experiences that invert the subject and object of study. The worldview of the student becomes a primary object of study, which is examined, as it were, by the particulars of the religion(s) under investigation and the cultures of which said religion(s) are a part. Where site visits offer students an opportunity to visit the strange amidst the familiar, study abroad trips provide opportunities for students to become the strange within a recalibrated familiar. The subject becomes the object and is interrogated by the context of study. While local, stateside site visits can offer a degree of such dislocation, their brevity, together with some degree of assimilation to the larger culture flows on the part of the local religious institution being visited, most often mitigates any significant inversion. Students generally see such institutions as either mildly or wildly exotic, but always within their frame of reference, which constitutes the norm. When abroad, the normative experience of students is often subverted in ways that lay bare the assumptions behind such views and makes possible another world in which to live. Simply put, the subject and object of study change places. If this inversion is carefully attended to, it can provide rich insight into not only the topics nominally being studied but also occasion opportunity for real cognitive development on the part of the student. This essay is published alongside of six other essays, including a response from John Barbour, comprising a special section of the journal (see Teaching Theology and Religion 18:1, January 2015).  相似文献   

This nationally representative study of Irish infants explores whether the set of child and environmental factors established as predicting language outcomes aged 3 years would also predict language and communication development as early as age 9 months. Associations between infant and environmental characteristics and infant language outcomes at 9 months, as measured on the ASQ 10‐month communication questionnaire, were explored in a series of bivariate logistic regression models and in a fully adjusted multivariable logistic regression model. Infant gender, health, birthweight and temperament were significantly associated with passing the ASQ communication measure at 9 months. Being an only child and having some experience of relative childcare predicted positive communication outcomes. Infants of older mothers and mothers who spoke less to the child while doing other things were significantly less likely to pass. Infants of mothers with the lowest educational level were more likely than their peers to pass at 9 months. Unlike language outcomes at 3 years, low maternal education does not appear to be a risk factor for poorer outcomes at 9 months. This study adds significantly to the infant language development literature by focussing on communication outcomes in early infancy and identifying protective and risk factors at such an early stage. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lluis Oviedo 《Zygon》2015,50(4):982-1001
New scientific approaches to religion have delivered a considerable number of theories aimed at explaining it, despite its cognitive and adaptive oddities. These efforts were built on available theoretical frameworks, including those from cognitive science, biology, and anthropology. Many voices have raised criticism against several aspects in the cognitive and evolutionist program, even if recognizing their legitimacy and the fruits collected to date. A pressing issue is whether the problem with the new scientific study of religion is related, to some extent, to the use of outdated views on human evolution, mind, and behavior. If this is the case, then a deep revision concerning current models is required. The new direction proposed should account for more complex aspects of human nature following multilevel models, and a specific human feature—language—that could better explain religion as a meaning system. Understanding religion as a language might open an alternative path inside cognitive studies that is closer to how it is lived by believers.  相似文献   

国内城市社区健康教育和健康促进研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
分析了我国城市化加速发展过程中出现的城市社区健康问题及其影响因素。在对社区健康教育与健康促进的作用和意义进行探讨的基础上,提出解决这些城市健康问题的根本途径是城市社区健康教育与健康促进策略,并针对我国城市社区健康教育与健康促进的研究和发展现状提出对策建议。  相似文献   

关于健康观认知构造的中日比较研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究的目的是揭示大学生关于健康观的认知构造,并对中日大学生健康观的认知构造进行比较。通过对收集到的日常生活的健康观数据进行处理,制成了一个包含50个项目的问卷,然后对收集到的儿8名日本大学生和81名中国大学生的数据进行了因子分析,得到了健康观认知构造的五个因子,即“自律性”(因子Ⅰ)、“主观自我”(因子Ⅱ)、“身体因素”(因子Ⅲ)、“心理因素”(因子Ⅳ)、“健康习惯”(因子Ⅴ)。中日学生的健康观认知结构在Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ因子上存在差异。  相似文献   

This article presents the psychometric qualities of the Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen, Kamarck, & Mermelstein, 1983) in ten- and four-item version. Our objectives are to verify if we find the main results of the literature as regards the ten-item version and to observe if the psychometric properties of the four-item version are enough good to use this questionnaire. The population of the study consists of 16853 employees working in French large companies. The analyses concern the structure of questionnaires, internal consistency, capacity to discriminate from groups of persons according to gender, age group and professional status, and the convergent validity of both versions. Our results show that 1) we find the main psychometric characteristics of the ten- item version described in the literature and 2) the four-item version presents qualities enough good to be used in an estimation of the perceived stress.  相似文献   

Willem B. Drees 《Zygon》2005,40(3):545-554
Abstract. “Religion and science” often is understood as being about the relationship between two given enterprises, religion and science. I argue that it is more accurate to understand religion and science in different contexts differently. (1) It serves as apologetics for science in a religious environment. As apologetics for technology the role of religion‐and‐science is more ambivalent, as competing and contrary responses to modern technology find articulation in religious terms. (2) In the political context of the modern university, some invoke religion‐and‐science in arguing for a place of theology alongside the sciences. In this context, secular studies of religion are a major challenge, which is hardly addressed. (3) Within the religious communities, religion‐and‐science is a battleground between revisionist and traditionalist ways of understanding religion.  相似文献   

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