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It was shown that a McCollough-type color aftereffect could be induced using a pair of patterns each of which contained lines of many orientations (radial lines and concentric circles). That is, the two patterns appear to be color adapted independently. The effect could simply be a new version of the McCollough effect facilitated by a tendency to fixate the centers of the patterns. Also, the size features of the displays could be used as the basis of a spatial frequency analyzer explanation. Experimental data were used to test both of these suggestions, but very little support was found for either. It was therefore suggested that the major basis of the effect was the color adaptation of “curvature analyzers.”  相似文献   

In this study, we show that the contingent auditory motion aftereffect is strongly influenced by visual motion information. During an induction phase, participants listened to rightward-moving sounds with falling pitch alternated with leftward-moving sounds with rising pitch (or vice versa). Auditory aftereffects (i.e., a shift in the psychometric function for unimodal auditory motion perception) were bigger when a visual stimulus moved in the same direction as the sound than when no visual stimulus was presented. When the visual stimulus moved in the opposite direction, aftereffects were reversed and thus became contingent upon visual motion. When visual motion was combined with a stationary sound, no aftereffect was observed. These findings indicate that there are strong perceptual links between the visual and auditory motion-processing systems.  相似文献   

During adaptation, two different letter strings (each five or six letters) were presented to subjects alternately, one in green and the other in magenta. The extent to which these letter strings subsequently elicited a color aftereffect was assessed. In different experiments, the chromatic letter strings consisted of words and nonwords. The results indicated that letter strings that form English words can contingently elicit a color aftereffect. This was the case even when the words were anagrams. There was no evidence that nonword letter strings could contingently elicit such an aftereffect, even when the nonwords conformed to English orthography. The results are relevant to understanding other contingent color aftereffects (McCollough effects), illusory color noted by computer operators who work at monochrome (green or amber) displays, and the processing of text.  相似文献   

In the typical induction of the orientation-contingent color aftereffect (CCAE), the stimuli are composed of elements that differ in both color and luminance. Three experiments are reported that show that chromatic contrast between stimulus elements is insufficient for the induction of the orientation-CCAE and that luminance contrast is necessary. These experiments expand on previous research concerned with the role of luminance contrast in the induction of orientation-CCAEs by eliminating alternative explanations.  相似文献   

Julesz (1975) proposed a theory of texture discrimination, based on an order statistics principle, which states that no two textures can be perceptually discriminated if they have identical second-order statistics. The experiments reported here demonstrate that this principle is not adequate to predict visual texture discriminability. Both letter and dot micropatterns were used to create texture pairs that either differed or were identical with respect to secondorder statistics. The subject’s task was to decide which quadrant of an array contained a disparate texture. In Experiments 1, 2, and 3, when controlling for spatial overlap, texture pairs having identical second-order statistics were discriminated more quickly than similar texture pairs having different second-order statistics, in contradiction to the principle. Although a significant effect in the direction predicted by the order statistics principle was found in Experiment 4 for texture pairs created from the dot micropatterns, other factors, such as spatial overlap, border differences, and goodness of pattern, must also be considered in predicting texture discriminability.  相似文献   

Lovegrove, Over, and Broerse (1972) reported that the magnitude of the movement aftereffect was reduced when the colors of the inducing and test stimuli differed, relative to when they were the same. Since this result is contrary to some earlier findings, four experiments were conducted to examine this claim. Neither the duration nor the magnitude (as measured by manual tracking) of the aftereffect generated by rotary or linear movement of contours were found to be affected by the color combinations of the inducing and stationary patterns.  相似文献   

Some comparative experiments on the dichoptic induction of the movement aftereffect (MAE) contingent on color and the MAE contingent on orientation are reported. Colorcontingent movement aftereffects could be evoked only when the eye which had viewed color during adaptation also viewed color during test sessions. When the apparent color of the test field was changed by binocular color rivalry, contingent movement aftereffects (CMAEs) appropriate to the suppressed color were reported. After dichoptic induction of the orientation-contingent MAE, aftereffects could be obtained whether the eliciting gratings and stationary test fields were presented together to either eye alone or were dichoptically viewed.  相似文献   

G G Denton 《Perception》1977,6(6):711-718
Visual motion aftereffect characteristics comparable to those associated with rotary and translatory movement of a test field are demonstrated for simulated rectilinear motion of the observer. The intensity and time duration of the phenomenon are shown to be positively correlated. The implications of this for individual observers are considered. The results of this experiment are correlated with those for adaptation and for recovery from adaptation that were obtained from the same group of observers. The findings are shown to support the hypothesis that visual motion affereffect is a manifestation of the adaptation recovery function of velocity sensitive mechanisms.  相似文献   

According to feature-integration theory (Treisman & Gelade, 1980), separable features such as color and shape exist in separate maps in preattentive vision and can be integrated only through the use of spatial attention. Many perceptual aftereffects, however, which are also assumed to reflect the features available in preattentive vision, are sensitive to conjunctions of features. One possible resolution of these views holds that adaptation to conjunctions depends on spatial attention. We tested this proposition by presenting observers with gratings varying in color and orientation. The resulting McCollough aftereffects were independent of whether the adaptation stimuli were presented inside or outside of the focus of spatial attention. Therefore, color and shape appear to be conjoined preattentively, when perceptual aftereffects are used as the measure. These same stimuli, however, appeared to be separable in two additional experiments that required observers to search for gratings of a specified color and orientation. These results show that different experimental procedures may be tapping into different stages of preattentive vision.  相似文献   

According to a conditioning analysis of the orientation-contingent color aftereffect (McCollough effect, ME), orientation stimulus (grids) become associated with color. Contrary to this interpretation are reports that simple forms cannot be used to elicit illusory color and that the ME is not degraded by decreasing the grid-color correlation. The present results indicate: (a) Form stimuli can contingently elicit color aftereffects; (b) even a non-patterned stimulus--the lightness of a frame surrounding a colored area--can contingently elicit color aftereffects; (c) this frame lightness-contingent aftereffect, like the ME, persists for at least 24 hr; and (d) the frame lightness-contingent aftereffect can be used to demonstrate that correlational manipulations affect the ME, as they affect other types of conditional responses.  相似文献   

It is controversial whether the magnitude of the motion aftereffect is greater when both inspection and test stimuli are the same color rather than different colors (color selectivity). The present experiments show that the extent of color selectivity in the classical motion aftereffect depends upon (1) the duration of the interval between inspection and test, and (2) the nature of the stimulation during this interval. These findings are consistent with previous reports of two phases in the motion aftereffect and are interpreted in terms of the known properties of sustained and transient cells in the human visual system.  相似文献   

We have found contingent movement aftereffects (CMAEs) lasting several days, contingent upon the color, intensity, and stripe width of moving patterns. Ss adapted for 10 min to a patterned disk rotating clockwise under red light, alternating every 10 sec with counterclockwise under green light. When stopped, the disk then appeared to rotate counterclockwise under red light and clockwise under green light. The effect lasted only a second or two, reappearing each time the field’s color was changed. But it increased in strength over the first 1/2 hand was still present 1 or 2 days later. Color transposition effects were found: after adaptation to red-clockwise (long wavelength) alternating with green-counterclockwise (short wavelength), a stationary yellow (long wavelength) test field appeared to rotate counterclockwise and a blue (short wavelength) field appeared to rotate clockwise. Relative, not absolute, color of the test triggered the CMAE. Similar CMAEs and transposition effects were produced by pairing direction of movement with intensity, with width of moving stripes and with orientation of a stationary grating projected onto a rotating patterned disk.  相似文献   

The kinds of aftereffects, indicative of cross-modal recalibration, that are observed after exposure to spatially incongruent inputs from different sensory modalities have not been demonstrated so far for identity incongruence. We show that exposure to incongruent audiovisual speech (producing the well-known McGurk effect) can recalibrate auditory speech identification. In Experiment 1, exposure to an ambiguous sound intermediate between /aba/ and /ada/ dubbed onto a video of a face articulating either /aba/ or /ada/ increased the proportion of /aba/ or /ada/ responses, respectively, during subsequent sound identification trials. Experiment 2 demonstrated the same recalibration effect or the opposite one, fewer /aba/ or /ada/ responses, revealing selective speech adaptation, depending on whether the ambiguous sound or a congruent nonambiguous one was used during exposure. In separate forced-choice identification trials, bimodal stimulus pairs producing these contrasting effects were identically categorized, which makes a role of postperceptual factors in the generation of the effects unlikely.  相似文献   

The relationship between the Fourier spectra of visual textures (represented by four hypothetical visual channels sensitive to spatial frequencies) and the perceptual appearance of the textures was investigated. Thirty textures were synthesized by combining various spatial frequencies of different amplitudes. Twenty subjects grouped the textures into 2, 3, 4, and 5 groups based on the similarity of their appearance. The groupings were analyzed by means of linear discriminant analysis using the activity of the four channels as predictor variables. The groupings were also examined by multidimensional scaling, and the resulting stimulus configuration was canonically correlated with the channel activity. The results of both analyses indicate a strong relationship between the perceptual appearance of the textures and their Fourier spectra. These findings suport a multiple-channel spatial-frequency model of perception.  相似文献   

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