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The study investigated the effects of writing and self-help information on severity of psychological symptoms in traumatic injury patients at risk for developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Patients attending Accident and Emergency (A & E), were screened for Acute Stress Disorder and randomised to an information control group (n = 36) or a writing and information group (n = 31). Participants in both groups received an information booklet one-month post-injury. Participants in the writing group also wrote about emotional aspects of their trauma during three 20-min sessions, five to six weeks post-injury. Psychological assessments were completed within one month and at three and six months post-injury. There were significant improvements on measures of anxiety, depression and PTSD over time. Differences between groups on these measures were not statistically significant. However, subjective ratings of the usefulness of writing were high. In conclusion, the results do not currently support the use of writing as a targeted early intervention technique for traumatic injury patients at risk of developing PTSD.  相似文献   

Cognitive factors hypothesised to influence the development and maintenance of PTSD were investigated. 92 assault victims completed questionnaires assessing a range of cognitive variables. Factors relating to onset of PTSD were investigated by comparing victims who did and who did not suffer PTSD. Factors relating to maintenance of PTSD were investigated by comparing victims who had recovered from PTSD with victims who had persistent PTSD. Cognitive factors associated with both onset and maintenance of PTSD were: appraisal of aspects of the assault itself (mental defeat, mental confusion, appraisal of emotions); appraisal of the sequelae of the assault (appraisal of symptoms, perceived negative responses of others, permanent change); dysfunctional strategies (avoidance/safety seeking) and global beliefs impacted by assault. Cognitive factors that were associated only with the onset of PTSD were: detachment during assault; failure to perceive positive responses from others and mental undoing. Relationships between the cognitive variables and PTSD remained significant when variations in perceived and objective assault severity were statistically controlled. The cognitive factors identified in the study may contribute to PTSD directly, by generating a sense of ongoing threat, or indirectly, by motivating cognitive and behavioural strategies that prevent recovery, or by affecting the nature of the traumatic memory.  相似文献   

John, an urban African male who developed posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) following an armed robbery at the petrol station where he worked, was treated with 12 sessions of Trauma-focused cognitive behaviour therapy. Intervention involved a combination of psychoeducation, prolonged imaginal exposure, cognitive restructuring and behavioural assignments. This article is a systematic case study of his treatment which included a comprehensive narrative and tracking of progress by means of the Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale. John responded well to the treatment, finding it acceptable and credible and remained free of PTSD symptoms at 15 months follow up. It is argued, based on the principles of Elliott's Hermeneutic Single Case Efficacy Design, that there is evidence from within the narrative that it was the treatment that led to remission of symptoms. This case study demonstrates the cognitive, emotional and behavioural processes underlying John's PTSD, which fits with those extensively described in the research literature, and that this evidence-based treatment developed in a westernised context is transportable to work with urban Africans.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of psychological treatments for PTSD is likely to be enhanced by improved understanding of the factors involved in maintaining the disorder. Ehlers and Clark [A cognitive model of persistent posttraumatic stem disorder Behav. Res. Ther. 38 (2000) 319-345] recently proposed a cognitive model of maintenance. The current study aimed to investigate several cognitive factors highlighted in Ehlers and Clark's model using a prospective design. Fifty-seven victims of physical or sexual assault participated in the study. Cognitive factors were assessed within 4 months of assault and victims were followed-up 6 and 9 months after the assault. Cognitive variables which significantly predicted PTSD severity at both follow-ups were: cognitive processing style during assault (mental defeat, mental confusion, detachment); appraisal of assault sequelae (appraisal of symptoms, perceived negative responses of others, permanent change); negative beliefs about self and world; and maladaptive control strategies (avoidance/safety seeking). Relationships between early appraisals, control strategies, and processing styles and subsequent PTSD severity remained significant after statistically controlling for gender and perceived assault severity. These findings support the cognitive model of PTSD proposed by Ehlers and Clark and suggest that effective treatment will need to address these cognitive factors.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the organization of the worst moment in traumatic memories (“hotspots”) is of particular importance for the development of PTSD. However, current knowledge regarding the organization and content of worst moments is incomplete.In the present study, trauma survivors with (n = 25) and without PTSD (n = 54) were asked to indicate the worst moment of their trauma and to give a detailed narrative of the traumatic event. The worst moment and the remaining narrative were analyzed separately with regard to organization and emotional content.Results indicated that worst moments of trauma survivors with PTSD differed from the remaining narrative and from worst moments described by trauma survivors without PTSD in that they were characterized by more unfinished thoughts, more use of the present tense and lower levels of cognitive processing. However, hypotheses regarding differentiating emotional content were not supported. Implications for our theoretical understanding of PTSD and potential therapeutic interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the efficacy of the written emotional disclosure (WED) procedure with a sample of young adults who met diagnostic criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Participants were randomly assigned to either WED or a control writing condition and were assessed at baseline and one month following the writing sessions. During each writing session, participants’ heart rate was recorded; participants also provided self-report ratings of emotional responding. Findings indicated no significant group differences for PTSD and depression symptom severity at follow-up assessment. Relative to control participants, WED participants displayed significantly greater heart rate activity and reported greater emotional responding during the first writing session; however, no reduction in emotional responding occurred for either condition from the first to the last writing session. Taken together, these findings indicate that WED may not be an efficacious intervention for PTSD. Suggestions are made for future work in this area.  相似文献   

The diagnostic criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) specify that a qualifying traumatic stressor must incite extreme peritraumatic fear, horror, or helplessness. However, research suggests that events inciting guilt or shame may be associated with PTSD. We devised a web-based survey in which non-clinical participants identified an event associated with shame or guilt and completed questionnaire measures of shame, guilt, PTSD, and depression. In addition, we assessed characteristics of memory for the event, including visual perspective and the centrality of the memory to the participant’s autobiographical narrative (CES). Shame predicted depression and PTSD symptoms. There was no association between guilt and psychological symptoms after controlling statistically for the effects of shame. CES predicted the severity of depression and PTSD symptoms. In addition, CES mediated the moderating effect of visual perspective on the relationship between emotional intensity and PTSD symptoms. Our results suggest shame is capable of eliciting the intrusive and distressing memories characteristic of PTSD. Furthermore, our results suggest aversive emotional events are associated with psychological distress when memory for those events becomes central to one’s identity and autobiographical narrative.  相似文献   

Researchers have proposed that depression and particular types of anxiety are associated with unique patterns of regional brain activation. The authors examined the relationship among posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depressive symptoms and frontal, temporal, and parietal EEG alpha asymmetry in female Vietnam War nurse veterans. The results indicate that PTSD arousal symptoms are associated with increased right-sided parietal activation. However, the combination of arousal, depression, and their interaction explain more than twice the variance in parietal asymmetry compared with arousal alone. The results support the contention that the association between anxiety and right-sided posterior activation is specific to the anxious arousal subtype. These findings underscore the importance of isolating, both theoretically and statistically, emotional subcomponents in studies of regional brain activation.  相似文献   


It is fitting that a volume on post-traumatic stress includes chapters on sexual assault given both the prevalence of sexual assault and its effects. Specifically, in terms of prevalence, approximately one woman in five in the United States will be raped in her lifetime (Koss, 1993).1 In terms of the effects of sexual assault, victims experience heightened fear, anxiety, and depression for several months, and sometimes years, following an assault (see Frazier & Borgida, 1997, and Resick, 1993, for reviews). Sexual victimization affects physical health as well and is a more powerful predictor of physician visits and outpatient medical costs than other factors (e.g., age, smoking, alcohol use) known to be related to health problems (Koss, Koss, & Woodruff, 1991). Finally, sexual assault is one of the traumatic events that is most likely to lead to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Breslau, Davis, Andreski, & Peterson, 1991; Norris, 1992; Ullman & Siegel, 1994). In a recent national study of trauma exposure and PTSD by Kessler and his colleagues (Kessler, Sonnega, Bromet, Hughes, & Nelson, 1995), almost half of the women who said that a rape was their worst trauma met lifetime criteria for PTSD. This is in comparison, for example, with a PTSD prevalence rate of 5% for those whose worst event was a natural disaster.  相似文献   

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is of great interest to public health, due to the high burden it places on both the individual and society. We meta-analyzed randomized-controlled trials to examine the effectiveness of early trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral treatment (TFCBT) for preventing chronic PTSD. Systematic bibliographic research was undertaken to find relevant literature from on-line databases (Pubmed, PsycINFO, Psyndex, Medline). Using a mixed-effect approach, we calculated effect sizes (ES) for the PTSD diagnoses (main outcome) as well as PTSD and depressive symptoms (secondary outcomes), respectively. Calculations of ES from pre-intervention to first follow-up assessment were based on 10 studies. A moderate effect (ES = 0.54) was found for the main outcome, whereas ES for secondary outcomes were predominantly small (ES = 0.27–0.45). The ES for the main outcome decreased to small (ES = 0.34) from first follow-up to long-term follow-up assessment. The mean dropout rate was 16.7% pre- to post-treatment. There was evidence for the impact of moderators on different outcomes (e.g., the number of sessions on PTSD symptoms). Future studies should include survivors of other trauma types (e.g., burn injuries) rather than predominantly survivors of accidents and physical assault, and should compare early TFCBT with other interventions that previously demonstrated effectiveness.  相似文献   

The study tested the efficacy and tolerability of cognitive processing therapy (CPT) for survivors of assault with acute stress disorder. Participants (N = 30) were randomly allocated to CPT or supportive counseling. Therapy comprised six individual weekly sessions of 90-min duration. Independent diagnostic assessment for PTSD was conducted at posttreatment. Participants completed self-report measures of posttraumatic stress, depression, and negative trauma-related beliefs at pre-, posttreatment, and 6-month follow-up. Results indicated that both interventions were successful in reducing symptoms at posttreatment with no statistical difference between the two; within and between-group effect sizes and the proportion of participants not meeting PTSD criteria was greater in CPT. Treatment gains were maintained for both groups at 6-month follow-up.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of Behavioral Activation (BA) treatment on depressive symptoms and quality of life among older adult patients in a geriatric psychiatry facility. There were 50 participants with mild to moderate cognitive impairment, each being 65 years of age or older. A 2 (between) × 3 (time of measurement) design was used in this study comparing control (treatment-as-usual) and experimental (BA) conditions at pre-, mid-, and posttreatment. BA consisted of eight 30- to 60-minute sessions across 4 weeks. Intent-to-treat analyses indicated a significant Group × Time interaction on depressive symptoms, with this effect remaining when only completer data were included. Further analyses indicated that this effect was due to significant change early in treatment in both the full and completer samples. There was no evidence of a significant effect on the quality-of-life measure. Cognitive status was not related to change in depressive symptoms, suggesting that BA may be useful across a range of older adults.  相似文献   

心理表象在多种情绪障碍中均表现出病理性特点。研究者基于心理表象主要对创伤后应激障碍、抑郁心境、双相障碍情绪和社交焦虑进行了心理病理学解释,尤其关注闪回和过度概化记忆等两种典型症状,并且重视心理表象在情绪症状维持中的作用。概括而言,研究者强调记忆形成与提取过程的异常、认知与行为的保护性策略的负强化、对事件及自我的认知偏差等三类因素对情绪障碍的致病作用。目前,针对或运用心理表象的干预与训练方法包括减少消极表象、改变消极表象内容、提高积极表象能力、提高记忆的具体性等四类。未来应注重侵入性表象的功能分析以及相关的心理病理学模型研究,并拓展干预与训练研究。  相似文献   

War survivors use multiple cognitive and emotional processes to protect their mental health from the negative impacts of trauma. Because mothers and infants may be especially vulnerable to trauma in conditions of war, it is urgent to determine which cognitive and emotional processes are effective for preventing negative trauma impacts.” This study examined whether mothers’ high posttraumatic growth (PTG) and positive posttraumatic cognitions (PTC) protected (a) their own mental health and (b) their infants’ stress regulation and sensorimotor and language development from the effects of war trauma. The participants were 511 Palestinian mothers and their infants living in the Gaza strip. The mothers were interviewed in their second trimester of pregnancy (T1) as well as when the infant was four months (T2) and twelve months (T3). Mothers reported posttraumatic growth (PTG; Tedeschi & Calhoun, 1996) at T1 and posttraumatic cognitions (PTCI; Foa et al., 1999) at T2. They also reported their exposure to traumatic war events both at T1 and T3 and described their mental health conditions (e.g., PTSD and/or depressive and dissociation symptoms) at T3. The Infant Behaviour Questionnaire (IBQ) was used to measure infants’ stress regulation at T2 and sensorimotor and language development at T3. The results, based on regression analyses with interaction terms between trauma and PTG, showed that high levels of traumatic war events were not associated with high levels of PTSD, depressive, or dissociation symptoms among mothers showing high levels of PTG. This suggests that PTG may protect maternal mental health from the effects of trauma. In turn, positive maternal PTCs appeared to protect the infants’ stress regulation from the effects of war trauma. The study concludes by discussing ways to develop and implement preventive interventions for mother-infant dyads in war conditions.  相似文献   

Psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES) are the number-one medically unexplained symptom encountered by neurologists (Brown & Reuber, 2016) and account for approximately 30% of patients referred to epilepsy centers (Leu et al., 2020). Episodes of PNES physically resemble epileptic seizures; however, electrical activity within the brain appears to be within normal limits. Currently, there are no medications available to specifically manage PNES (Hingray et al., 2017). Although studies focused on the impact of psychological interventions for PNES are limited, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) approaches appear to be effective (LaFrance et al., 2014). Prior exposure to a traumatic event is common for patients with PNES (Brown & Reuber, 2016; Myers et al., 2017). Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) is an evidence-based psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). CPT is effective for a variety of traumatic experiences, and asks patients to address avoidance (e.g., of situations, emotions) and challenge maladaptive thought patterns (Resick et al., 2017). In this case study, a 29-year-old Caucasian female patient presented for treatment with comorbid PTSD and PNES. Current PTSD diagnosis was indicated by self-reported and clinician-administered assessment, which included the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale for DSM-5 (CAPS-5 = 52 out of 80) and the PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5 = 59 out of 80). This patient’s Criterion A trauma involved repeated domestic sexual assault as an adult, which occurred for several years. PNES was diagnosed approximately 1 year prior by a neuropsychologist. At the start of treatment, the patient endorsed PNES almost daily, which prevented her from maintaining a job or driving a vehicle. The patient was an early and successful responder to CPT, as she participated in 8 of 12 sessions. In addition to significantly lower self-reported PTSD and depressive symptom severity (PCL-5 = 5; PHQ-9 = 2), she did not experience PNES in the 17 days leading up to her final session. As the patient’s avoidance of distressing trauma-related thoughts and emotions decreased, so too did her PNES. This case study provides neurologists with a promising treatment approach for patients with PNES and PTSD.  相似文献   

Having a baby is a natural biological process and commonly considered a positive and exciting time in life. However, birth and the postpartum period also represent a vulnerable time for mental health and the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among women who are exposed to traumatic events during birth. Childbirth-related PTSD (CB-PTSD) is a relatively new and unique construct, associated with negative impacts to the mother, her infant, and family more broadly. Research investigating psychological interventions following traumatic births remains scant and no studies have evaluated cognitive processing therapy (CPT), a well-established and empirically supported psychological therapy, in the treatment of CB-PTSD. We conducted a case study using CPT for CB-PTSD, modifying the length of the traditional protocol to eight sessions, and tailoring the content to meet the unique needs of postpartum women. Following CPT for CB-PTSD, clinically significant and meaningful treatment outcomes were produced in both PTSD and depressive symptoms, with gains maintained at 1-month follow-up. Our modified version of CPT for CB-PTSD was also highly acceptable with the participant in our case study. These findings provide initial support for CPT as a strong psychotherapeutic intervention option for targeting CB-PTSD. Further research is necessary to examine this treatment and its acceptability with a larger sample.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2021,52(6):1477-1488
Emotional suppression and cognitive reappraisal are emotion regulation strategies that have been linked to the severity of depression. Recent research has shown that greater ruminative inertia (i.e., rumination that is more resistant to change across time) is also associated with higher levels of depressive symptoms in clinical samples. However, it is unknown how tendencies to use suppression or reappraisal might be related to the inertia of rumination from day to day. After completing a baseline assessment of depressive symptoms and trait emotional suppression and cognitive reappraisal use, undergraduates (n = 94) completed daily-diary questionnaires assessing rumination for two weeks. Both higher depressive symptoms and greater tendencies to use suppression predicted stronger ruminative inertia, while tendencies to use reappraisal were unrelated to ruminative inertia. These results suggest that maladaptive emotion regulation strategies may contribute to a pattern of rumination that is more resistant to change over time. They also provide the first evidence that ruminative inertia is positively associated with depressive symptoms in a nonclinical sample.  相似文献   

This case study describes Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) with a 30-year-old gay man with symptoms of acute stress disorder (ASD) following a recent homophobic assault. Treatment addressed assault-related posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and depressive symptoms. Also addressed were low self-esteem, helplessness, and high degrees of internalized homophobia. Client symptomatology was tracked using the PTSD Symptom Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory over the course of 12 sessions and for a 3-month posttermination session. Symptoms were significantly reduced by the end of the 12-week therapy and were maintained at 3-month follow-up. This case highlights the utility of this therapy in targeting both ASD symptoms and internalized homophobia relating to experiencing a hate crime-related assault. The authors elaborate on theoretical and applied issues in adapting a structured cognitive-behavioral intervention to the treatment of ASD symptoms associated with experiencing a hate crime.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that underlie the emotional numbing symptoms associated with PTSD are not well understood. Studies of Vietnam combat veterans have demonstrated that hyperarousal symptoms predict emotional numbing symptoms more strongly than do other symptoms of PTSD. This study sought to extend these findings through the self-report of 170 female sexual assault survivors. The study also examined whether the relationship between hyperarousal and emotional numbing symptoms was the result of the relationship of each of these to another variable, the tendency to engage in experiential avoidance. Results were consistent with and extended previous findings. Hyperarousal symptoms were also found to predict emotional numbing symptoms above and beyond experiential avoidance, as well as all other symptoms of PTSD.  相似文献   

The Unified Protocol for the Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders (UP; Barlow, Allen, & Choate, 2004) is a transdiagnostic cognitive behavior therapy for emotional disorders that addresses mood, anxiety, somatoform, and borderline personality disorders. Patients diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder (DID) form a nontrivial subset of patients. Extant treatment guidelines (ISSTD, 2011) emphasize the need to strive for fusion of identities (i.e., the creation of a unified sense of self). In contrast, the UP strives to inculcate an array of adaptive emotion skills, including cognitive reappraisal, emotional awareness, and affect tolerance, prior to planned exposure to traumatic memories. In this study, we provide the first assessment of the effectiveness of the UP with 5 individuals diagnosed with DID and co-occurring disorders and symptoms tracked at multiple time points. After 18–22 sessions, 4 patients exhibited significant reductions in anxiety, depression, and dissociative symptoms, and increases in emotional regulation, with significant improvements in symptomatology maintained after follow-ups of 1, 3, and 6 months. A fifth participant with prominent suicidal ideation was treated for 42 sessions and achieved comparable reductions in symptoms. None of the patients met criteria for DID or any other disorder at 6-month follow-up.  相似文献   

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