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早期诊断决策为临床决策中难度较大的问题之一.在早期诊断的决策过程中,存在着一系列认知误区.通过对早期诊断决策认知节点的分析,建构早期诊断决策的认知系统,了解并掌握走出认知误区的思维方法.  相似文献   

蔡艳  丁树良  涂冬波 《心理科学》2011,34(2):272-277
本研究尝试将认知诊断技术应用于中学生英语阅读问题解决(ERPS),以实现对中学生英语阅读问题解决的认知诊断,探讨中学生英语阅读问题解决的认知发展特点及其所存在的问题,为中学生的相关认知发展和知识获取服务。研究发现:(1)基于文本表征和反应决策两个加工过程中的七个认知属性是影响中学生ERPS的主要认知成分(R2=0.792);(2)中学生对于文本表征加工过程所涉及的属性的掌握情况优于反应决策加工过程所涉及的属性,学生所面临的主要困主要难于在反应决策加工阶段;(3)对不同属性掌握情况上存在显著的学校类型差异。(4)学生认知掌握状态的类型主要集中在15种(占73%),最多的三种为(1111011)、(1111110)和(1111101)(占34%)。总体来说,学生的属性掌握还是比较好的。相对地,对推理、信息匹配和正确选项的加工水平三个属性掌握较差,应引起重视。  相似文献   

奚珣 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1439-1441
本文从管理认知角度,介绍渗透在管理理论中的认知心理因素,包括认知加工、管理认知方法和领导能力对组织发展的影响。在此基础上,对管理认知中的注意、归因、决策、学习、动机等进行探讨,其中对被称为是组织行为的"认知革命"的管理认知研究方法,如面试、业绩评估、信息编码、决策、期望和培训以及领导能力进行了分析。  相似文献   

外语效应指相比于母语背景,个体在外语背景下风险决策偏差会降低。针对影响外语效应的因素研究大多聚焦于外部因素和与个体外语水平相关的因素,少有研究探讨认知风格的作用。本研究通过524名成人被试,探索认知需求和认知闭合需求对外语效应的影响。结果表明:(1)风险决策中存在外语效应,相比于母语背景,外语背景下框架效应被削弱,且个体更偏向风险寻求。(2)对于认知需求和认知闭合需求都高或都低的个体,语言类型会影响风险决策,在母语环境下倾向于风险规避,在外语环境下倾向于风险寻求;而对于认知需求和认知闭合需求高低不一致的个体,语言类型对其风险决策倾向的影响不显著。本研究为认知风格如何综合影响风险决策提供了进一步的证据。  相似文献   

丁树良  毛萌萌  汪文义  罗芬  CUI Ying 《心理学报》2012,44(11):1535-1546
构建正确的认知模型是成功进行认知诊断的关键之一,如果认知诊断测验不能完整准确地代表这个认知模型,这个测验的效度就存在问题.属性及其层级可以表示一个认知模型.在认知模型正确基础上,给出了一个计量公式以衡量认知诊断测验能够多大程度上代表认知模型;对于不止包含一个知识状态的等价类及其形成原因进行了分析,对Cui等人的属性层级相合性指标(HCI)提出修改建议,以更好地探查数据与专家给出的认知模型的一致性.  相似文献   

所谓认知错觉,是指人们在从事判断、推理、决策等智力活动过程中所犯的系统错误和偏差。在日常生活中,人们在利用信息资料从事推理、判断、决策等认知活动时,经常无视或违反  相似文献   

模糊决策是特殊、复杂的风险决策, 还是一种独立的决策类型, 是当前认知神经科学争论的热点问题。一系列的fMRI研究分别得出了不同结论, 但大多数证据支持模糊决策和风险决策之间存在分离, 模糊决策有其独特的决策机制; 模糊决策的认知神经机制也是一个亟待解决的问题。因此本研究拟应用事件相关电位技术、生物反馈技术和基因技术, 采用IGT和GDT任务范式, 通过网络成瘾人群和正常人群的对比研究, 去探索模糊决策和风险决策之间的分离; 应用事件相关电位技术和磁共振技术, 采用IGT范式和选瓶任务范式, 研究模糊决策的认知神经机制; 并从临床角度进一步验证上述结果。该项目的开展, 有助于拓广模糊决策的研究领域和视野, 对理解人类在模糊情境下的决策机制以及模糊决策和风险决策之间的关系, 具有重要的理论意义; 对临床上成瘾人群、脑损伤患者的认知诊断和治疗以及现实中企业和个人的决策, 具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

认知诊断模型发展及其应用方法述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认知心理学和心理测量学结合派生出的认知诊断理论, 利用现代统计方法和计算机技术作为工具, 诊断被试的认知结构和认知过程。认知诊断有多种模型, 不同的模型有不同的特点及应用条件。模型的选择和认知诊断方法的应用对认知诊断的结果有重要的影响, 因此在选择模型之时需要了解各种认知诊断模型的发展过程及优缺点。  相似文献   

认知闭合需要、框架效应与决策偏好   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在带有模糊性的决策情境中,决策者个人的认知特征会对其判断决策产生重要影响。通过实验的方法,考察了认知闭合需要和特征框架效应对个体决策偏好的影响。93名工商管理硕士(MBA)参与了实验,研究的结果支持了本研究的3个假设,即认知闭合需要与特征框架效应不仅对被试的决策偏好存在显著的影响,而且二者还存在显著的交互作用。具体来说,研究发现,在模糊情境中:高认知闭合需要的被试偏好于立刻做出决策,而低认知闭合需要的被试偏好于暂缓做出决策;接收到正向框架信息的被试偏好于立刻做出决策,而接收到负向框架信息的被试偏好于暂缓做出决策;认知闭合需要与特征框架对被试的决策偏好还存在显著的交互作用。研究结论为根据个体认知闭合需要的水平来选拔决策者、利用框架效应来影响个体的信息加工方式进而提高决策质量提供了理论依据  相似文献   

认知闭合需要研究评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认知闭合需要是个体稳定的认知特征,描述了个体在面对模糊情境时是否愿意系统处理信息的动机。已有研究表明,认知闭合需要对个体的信息处理过程和决策结果有显著的预测能力。总体上说,高认知闭合需要的个体更容易利用启发式进行思考,因此此类个体更容易受到过度归因、首因效应等的影响。虽然大多数的研究表明认知闭合需要是个体稳定的认知特质,但也有研究者发现环境因素如噪音等可以在一定程度上、在短时期内改变个体的认知闭合需要的水平。因此,在相关研究中,认知闭合需要既可以通过量表测量,也可以通过在实验中改变环境噪音和时间压力等方法来操纵。已有的关于认知闭合需要的研究也有不足之处。首先,如何引导高认知闭合者克服匆忙做出决策的动机并采用分析式的方式处理信息和进行决策,目前的相关研究还很少;其次,已有的关于认知闭合的研究大都为实验室研究,因此这些研究的外部效度较低;第三,认知闭合需要在冲突研究领域的应用被忽略了。未来有必要针对这些不足之处进行相应研究  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to offer a diagnosis and a resolution to generality problem. I state the generality problem and suggest a distinction between criteria of relevance and what I call a theory of determination. The generality problem may concern either of these. While plausible criteria of relevance would be convenient for the externalist, he does not need them. I discuss various theories of determination, and argue that no existing theory of determination is plausible. This provides a case for the no determination view: there are no facts that determine relevant types. This is the diagnosis of the generality problem. The externalist, however, may embrace the no determination view. This is what provides a resolution to the generality problem.  相似文献   

从黑夜走向黎明:动脉粥样硬化从早期发现到消退   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
年10年来,动态粥样硬化的早期诊断已成为可能,影像学能无创直接检测血管功能和形态学变化。在此基础上,动态粥样硬化的防治也进入了一级预防的时代。一级预防使早期粥样硬化消退,特效降脂药也可使中、晚期粥样硬化患者明显受益。随着对动态粥样硬化发病机制认识的不断深入,到下世纪初,人类有可能终止动态粥样硬化在全球的肆虐。  相似文献   

There is a general consensus that HFE- related Hereditary Haemochromatosis (HFE-HH) should be diagnosed at early stages in pre-symptomatic individuals, in order to prevent the most severe consequences of iron overload. In Portugal, despite an increasing number of requests for genetic diagnosis of this rare disease, there is not a corresponding increase in requests for genetic counselling. The objective of the present study was to evaluate physicians’ main motivations for requesting HFE genotyping or genetic counselling for HFE-HH. We assessed current medical practices regarding family testing and diagnosis and discuss whether these can be improved in order to increase the effectiveness of disease prevention. Our results show there is a general lack of knowledge about the selection of patient cases that should be sent for genetic counseling or for molecular testing of HFE-HH by physicians (especially by general practitioners). The lack of family-based screening may indirectly compromise the efficiency of disease prevention in terms of early diagnosis and treatment. We concluded it is necessary to circulate more information about Hereditary Haemochromatosis among health professionals in order to improve strategies for its early diagnosis.  相似文献   

This study examined evaluations of causal and conditional hyptheses on the basis of individual exemplars. Subjects were presented scenes describing something that is malfunctioning and is taken to an expert. The expert makes a causal diagnosis and a prediction concerning an outcome following treatment. Four types of outcome evidence were provided: (1) treatment is provided and the problem is eliminated; (2) treatment is not provided and the problem is eliminated; (3) treatment is provided and the problem is not eliminated; and (4) treatment is not provided and the problem is not eliminated. Subjects were required to judge whether individual exemplars prove the diagnosis, disprove the diagnosis, or fail to test the diagnosis. A second form of problem presented the same scenes but required evaluation of the conditional prediction. A third form of problem did not present the causal scenes; the subject evaluated the conditional predication and no context. Three content domains were used: medical, mechanical, and arbitrary. There were three general results: (1) diagnoses were judged as less open to testing than predictive conditional hypotheses; (2) medical problems were judged differently from mechanical problems; and (3) problems lacking meaningful content or contexts led to more primitive response strategies.  相似文献   

Using comparable survey data from the GENACIS Project, collected from representative samples of people aged 20 to 70 years old in the U.S. (= 2,598) and Japan (= 1,734), this study examined, across these two diverse societies, the gender difference in the association between the early onset of drinking and the development of drinking problems. The results of this study suggest that there does not appear to be a cross-national causal relationship between the early onset of drinking and problem drinking because of significant country and gender variations in this association and because there is no association found among Japanese females. As hypothesized, the early onset of drinking predicted problem drinking among males more strongly than among females in both countries.  相似文献   

为了探讨降钙素原(PCT )及内毒素在新生儿败血症早期诊断中的临床价值,本研究选择在我院新生儿科收治的新生儿败血症患儿60例作为研究组,另选同期住院的非感染性疾病患儿40例作为对照组,测定两组新生儿血清 PCT 和内毒素含量,比较两个指标诊断新生儿败血症的敏感性和特异性。结果显示研究组败血症新生儿 PCT 和内毒素的含量均比对照组升高明显,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),PCT 的敏感性及特异性分别为90.78%、92.82%;内毒素的敏感性及特异性分别为86.73%、62.6%。提示 PCT 和内毒素在新生儿败血症早期诊断中的敏感性和特异性高,可作为临床诊断和治疗效果评价的重要指标。  相似文献   

Rabinowicz  Wlodek 《Studia Logica》2003,73(2):241-256
Piccione and Rubinstein (1997) present and analyse the sequential decision problem of an “absentminded driver”. The driver's absentmindedness (imperfect recall) leads him to time-inconsistent strategy evaluations. His original evaluation gets replaced by a new one under impact of the information that the circumstances have changed, notwithstanding the fact that this change in circumstances has been expected by him all along. The time inconsistency in strategy evaluation suggests that such an agent might have reason to renege on his adopted strategy. As we shall see, however, this danger is only apparent. There is no serious problem of dynamic inconsistency in this case. My diagnosis of the case under consideration is in many respects similar to the one provided by Aumann, Hart and Perry (1997), but the analysis leading to this diagnosis is not quite the same. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This study investigated the predictive validity of youth callous-unemotional (CU) traits, as measured in early adolescence (Grade 7) by the Antisocial Process Screening Device (APSD; Frick & Hare, 2001), in a longitudinal sample (N = 754). Antisocial outcomes, assessed in adolescence and early adulthood, included self-reported general delinquency from 7th grade through 2 years post-high school, self-reported serious crimes through 2 years post-high school, juvenile and adult arrest records through 1 year post-high school, and antisocial personality disorder symptoms and diagnosis at 2 years post-high school. CU traits measured in 7th grade were highly predictive of 5 of the 6 antisocial outcomes-general delinquency, juvenile and adult arrests, and early adult antisocial personality disorder criterion count and diagnosis-over and above prior and concurrent conduct problem behavior (i.e., criterion counts of oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (criterion count). Incorporating a CU traits specifier for those with a diagnosis of conduct disorder improved the positive prediction of antisocial outcomes, with a very low false-positive rate. There was minimal evidence of moderation by sex, race, or urban/rural status. Urban/rural status moderated one finding, with being from an urban area associated with stronger relations between CU traits and adult arrests. Findings clearly support the inclusion of CU traits as a specifier for the diagnosis of conduct disorder, at least with respect to predictive validity.  相似文献   

癫痫是小儿常见的神经系统慢性疾病,相当一部分儿童伴有认知功能损伤,早期诊断是正确干预、改善预后的前提。但在癫痫儿童认知功能障碍诊断中存在许多的问题,给相关研究带来困难。认知理论尚不完善;认知损伤与修复的机理不清;影响因素众多,而且各不相同;更主要的是方法学上的问题。目前研究趋势是分离不同的认知成分,早期诊断某些特定的认知损伤,国内在这方面的研究起步较晚。  相似文献   

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