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中西医结合发展前景的展望   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
中西医结合的一个很重要的内容是中西医的兼容问题,包括交叉兼容、中西互补、结合创新。目前,中西医结合面临着强大现代医学的挑战,及理论研究、中药现代化、人才培养等方面的困难。能否处理好中西医的兼容问题及面临的困难,将直接影响到21世纪中西医结合的发展。  相似文献   

中西医结合对中医现代化的中介与借鉴作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中西医结合对中医现代化的中介与借鉴作用云南中医学院(昆明650011)李庆生一、中西医结合的特征与现存问题第一,观念和目的意在互补创新,但现实未能解决或协调二者之间的差异,亦未能将二者融合。主张并施行中西医结合的初衷,是企盼着中西医学互补,重用中西医...  相似文献   

从东西方科学的融合看中西医结合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中西医结合研究已有半个世纪的实践,取得了一系列重要的历史性进展和成果,同时也把中西医之间的差异更加深刻地显示出来,许多人从中看到了中西医之间的"不可通约性",并由此怀疑中西医结合的可能性,有的甚至认为中西医结合是"医学乌托邦".  相似文献   

关于中西医结合之"三思"   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对中西医结合所走过的路程进行分析,提出目前中西医结合学科的内涵过大,目的不明确;对历年来年取得的成就应有一个理性的分析,必须实事求是地总结所走过的路程和取得的成绩,认识到存在的不足;并且认为中医现代化并不能靠一些形式上的中西医结合来体现.  相似文献   

试析中西医结合的内涵及其历史地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试析中西医结合的内涵及其历史地位江苏省扬州大学医学院(225001)孙荣一、中西医结合与中医现代化、中西医学比较研究的关系———析中西医结合医学的内涵中西医结合的内涵是什么?这是关系到中西医结合事业能否健康和如何顺利发展的基本问题,近几年来,随着中医...  相似文献   

中西医结合的现状与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据中西医结合的现状,分析中、西医学的可结合性;从中西医学的"共通"点,根据临床结合已取得较好成果的客观事实,从能结合宏观与微观的"黑箱方法"这一角度,通过分析人健康状态时的输入变量、输出变量和疾病状态时的输入变量、输出变量之间的关系,浅析中西医结合切入点,并提及未来医学发展的整体性方向.  相似文献   

“以毒攻毒”与中西医结合研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
“以毒攻毒”是中医药学一个重要医理和治则。本文介绍了国内外有关“以毒攻毒”的研究进展,以及具有“以毒攻毒”特点的医药研究状况。特别是德国细菌学家贝林等,研制成功破伤风和白喉抗毒素。我国学者张亭栋教授与陈竺教授,继承发掘中药砒霜治疗世界性难治病—急性早幼粒细胞白血病,取得国际领先水平的科研成果等等,表明中西医结合研究是继承发展中医药学的有效方法和途径。  相似文献   

针对我国中西医结合事业现状,通过调研,结合文献,提出中西医结合科研工作的发展对策。试从研究方向、人才队伍、科研交流等方面进行阐述,以期有助于我国中西医结合科研工作的健康发展。  相似文献   

中西医结合的现状与思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据中西医结合的现状,分析中、西医学的可结合性;从中西医学的“共通”点,根据临床结合已取得较好成果的客观事实,从能结合宏观与微观的“黑箱方法”这一角度,通过分析人健康状态时的输入变量、输出变量和疾病状态时的输入变量、输出变量之间的关系,浅析中西医结合切入点,并提及未来医学发展的整体性方向。  相似文献   

针对我国中西医结合事业现状,通过调研,结合文献,提出中西医结合科研工作的发展对策.试从研究方向、人才队伍、科研交流等方面进行阐述,以期有助于我国中西医结合科研工作的健康发展.  相似文献   


This article presents personal reflections on the relationship between Christianity and feminism. It argues that Christian ideas have influenced the historical development of feminism, and that there exists a continuing affinity between some debates of the contemporary secular women's movement and those of committed Christian feminists. It presents an historical example front the nineteenth century which shows how Christian and early feminist ideas were combined in the work of Florence Nightingale. It then discusses the global empowerment of women in relation to the challenge and opportunity this poses for the Christian churches, and reflects on the wisdom of women as an important source for Christian renewal. The article argues that Christianity and feminism both challenge and need each other for mutual transformation. Without a rightly understood feminism Christianity will not remain true to its own nature and, without Christianity or rather without religion and spirituality, feminism will lack an essential source of empowerment. It also raises the question of what difference the participation of women will make to the future of Christian theology.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to describe Dewey’s reception in the Spanish-speaking countries that constitute the Hispanic world. Without any doubt, it can be said that in the past century Spain and the countries of South America have been a world apart, lagging far behind the mainstream Western world. It includes a number of names and facts about the early translation of Dewey’s works in Spain, Chile, Cuba, Mexico and Argentina in the first half of the century and a brief explanation of the decline of Dewey in the second half. To a great extent, Dewey’s conception of education was immersed in the international movement of reform that started at the turn of the century and would eventually slowly but surely, renovate the structure of the educational system throughout the entire century, including that of South America. But it is equally clear that the Spanish-speaking countries have displayed a general ignorance of Dewey and, by extension, of American pragmatism during most of the century. In spite of mutual incomprehension, a deep affinity between Dewey’s pragmatism and Hispanic philosophy is suggested in this paper, anticipating that the gradual process of democratization of Spain and the Hispanic countries of South America may be in some sense related to the rediscovery of Dewey and to the application of his key ideas in education. After decades of neglect of Dewey and of his contribution, there is a strong feeling not only that his conception of things is important to understand the last century but that Dewey – along with Peirce and other American classical pragmatists – may very well prove to be a key thinker for the XXIst century also in the Hispanic world. Along this vein, the recent resurgence of pragmatism can be understood not as the latest academic fashion but the occasion to start to close the gap between the two worlds.  相似文献   

道教是惟一的中国土生土长的宗教,它对中国的历史发展起过重要作用。道教伦理思想对当代中国社会主义和谐社会的建设有重要价值。一、道教“天人合一”、“道法自然”的伦理思想,有利于促进人与自然的和谐。二、道教“尊道贵德”、“知足常乐”的伦理思想,有利于促进人物质生活和精神生活的和谐。三、道教“积功累德”、“济世利人”的伦理思想,有利于促进人与人、阶层与阶层之间的和谐。  相似文献   

论医学创新中的灵感思维   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
灵感是一种奇妙的创新思维方式。通过对古今中外医学史上运用灵感思维完成创新的实践过程进行考察、说明灵感思维可以划分为酝酿--顿悟--验证在阶段基核心是顿悟阶段。在此阶段中有自悟型和外引整两大类,主要是十种形式。人类即将进入21世纪,与之相适应的医学领域地出现惊人的创新,研究医学创新中的灵感思维,有助于我们探讨和认识新思维的机制和规律,用以启迪和培养全民族的创新能力,为人类飞向未来插上金翅。  相似文献   

Rembrandt has been characterized as "the master of the passions of the soul". His painting production has always elicited the viewers' strong emotional responses. Τhese responses raise the question regarding why Rembrandt's work has been singled out as the quintessential example of the expression of emotions both during the 17th century, as well as in recent times. I will try to approach the issue through two different yet interconnected routes. First, I will explore the tools and terms through which the question of the expression of emotions in Rembrandt's oeuvre can be approached. Ancient rhetorical topoi, as well as ideas stemming from Dutch theater writers, drama and art theorists, scholars and art connoisseurs on the rendition of the emotions provide useful points of view. Secondly, I will approach the question by addressing certain stylistic and compositional solutions that Rembrandt suggested, which can be tied to current notions about lifelikeness and the beholder's empathy. Foremost among Rembrandt's aesthetic choices was his handling of light and of paint which accounts for a great deal of unfavorable criticism to his work during the 17th century. I would like to suggest that this handling of light and paint serves as Rembrandt's most important emotive vehicle and furthermore that it introduces us to the idea of wonder and the concept of the sublime in terms of which his depiction of emotions may be understood. Accordingly, I will try to establish an intellectual network in the 17th-century Netherlands for the sublime.  相似文献   

西方心理疗法的整合趋势及其前瞻   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汪新建 《心理科学》2003,26(5):856-859
由于认识到各种心理疗法皆有不足,故从20世纪70年代以后,人们开始探讨心理疗法的整合问题。可从总体上把它划分为三个彼此关联的层面:技术上的折衷;寻求对疗效起作用的共同因素;以及理论上的整合。心理疗法整合的目的并不是要到一个能囊括一切的完美的体系,而是让人们以更为开放的态度和更为开阔的眼光,多维度、多视角地探索各疗法间相得益彰的方式。  相似文献   

Discussions of ethical approaches in nursing have been much enlivened in recent years, for instance by new developments in the theory of care. Nevertheless, many ethical concepts in nursing still need to be clarified. The purpose of this contribution is to develop a fundamental ethical view on nursing care considered as moral practice. Three main components are analyzed more deeply -- i.e., the caring relationship, caring behavior as the integration of virtue and expert activity, and "good care" as the ultimate goal of nursing practice. For the development of this philosophical-ethical interpretation of nursing, we have mainly drawn on the pioneering work of Anne Bishop and John Scudder, Alasdair MacIntyre, Lawrence Blum, and Louis Janssens. We will also show that the European philosophical background offers some original ideas for this endeavor.  相似文献   

六祖惠能的禅宗思想中蕴涵着丰富且深邃的积极心理学思想,其旨在解脱心灵、远离尘世烦恼的终极目标及其蕴含的生命的大智慧与当代积极心理学思想高度契合。其积极心理学思想主要包括积极心理品质、积极认知、积极人生态度、积极自我以及积极关系等方面,这些思想对当代社会仍具有很大的现实价值。因此,通过对惠能的积极心理学思想的研究,可加强传统心理学思想与现代主流心理学的融合,既继承与发扬中国传统文化,促使学者关注传统心理学文化; 又推动了积极心理学在中国的发展,使得当代中国人更好地理解和践行积极心理学思想,从而更好地生活。  相似文献   

现代舞蹈理论之父拉班早在20世纪上半叶就曾发出呼吁,"现代化劳动习惯经常造成对心灵的损害,如果不找到补救方法,整个人类文化必定遭殃".在一切工作领域均应艺术地创造节奏化、流畅的工作程序,从而避免过度紧张带来的疲劳和过度松弛带来的懒惰.舞蹈在现代社会应承担更多的社会责任:身心健康方面的、教育方面的、社会改造方面的.  相似文献   

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