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In optimal design research, designs are optimized with respect to some statistical criterion under a certain model for the data. The ideas from optimal design research have spread into various fields of research, and recently have been adopted in test theory and applied to item response theory (IRT) models. In this paper a generalized variance criterion is used for sequential sampling in the two-parameter IRT model. Some general principles are offered to enable a researcher to select the best sampling design for the efficient estimation of item parameters.  相似文献   

解释性项目反应理论模型(Explanatory Item Response Theory Models, EIRTM)是指基于广义线性混合模型和非线性混合模型构建的项目反应理论(Item Response Theory, IRT)模型。EIRTM能在IRT模型的基础上直接加入预测变量, 从而解决各类测量问题。首先介绍EIRTM的相关概念和参数估计方法, 然后展示如何使用EIRTM处理题目位置效应、测验模式效应、题目功能差异、局部被试依赖和局部题目依赖, 接着提供实例对EIRTM的使用进行说明, 最后对EIRTM的不足之处和应用前景进行讨论。  相似文献   

For testlet response data, traditional item response theory (IRT) models are often not appropriate due to local dependence presented among items within a common testlet. Several testlet‐based IRT models have been developed to model examinees' responses. In this paper, a new two‐parameter normal ogive testlet response theory (2PNOTRT) model for dichotomous items is proposed by introducing testlet discrimination parameters. A Bayesian model parameter estimation approach via a data augmentation scheme is developed. Simulations are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed 2PNOTRT model. The results indicated that the estimation of item parameters is satisfactory overall from the viewpoint of convergence. Finally, the proposed 2PNOTRT model is applied to a set of real testlet data.  相似文献   

当观测指标变量为二分分类数据时,传统的因素分析方法不再适用。作者简要回顾了SEM框架下的分类数据因素分析模型和IRT框架下的测验题目和潜在能力的关系模型,并对两种框架下主要采用的参数估计方法进行了总结。通过两个模拟研究,比较了SEM框架下GLSc和MGLSc估计方法与IRT框架下MML/EM估计方法的差异。研究结果表明:(1)三种方法中,GLSc得到参数估计的偏差最大,MGLSc和MML/EM估计方法相差不大;(2)随着样本量增大,各种项目参数估计的精度均提高;(3)项目因素载荷和难度估计的精度受测验长度的影响;(4)项目因素载荷和区分度估计的精度受总体因素载荷(区分度)高低的影响;(5)测验项目中阈值的分布会影响参数估计的精度,其中受影响最大的是项目区分度。(6)总体来看,SEM框架下的项目参数估计精度较IRT框架下项目参数估计的精度高。此外,文章还将两种方法在实际应用中应该注意的问题提供了一些建议。  相似文献   

Abstract:  In test operations using IRT (item response theory), items are included in a test before being used to rate subjects and the response data is used to estimate their item parameters. However, this method of test operation may lead to item content leakage and an adequate test operation can become difficult. To address this problem, Ozaki and Toyoda (2005, 2006 ) developed item difficulty parameter estimation methods that use paired comparison data from the perspective of the difficulty of items as judged by raters familiar with the field. In the present paper, an improved method of item difficulty parameter estimation is developed. In this new method, an item for which the difficulty parameter is to be estimated is compared with multiple items simultaneously, from the perspective of their difficulty. This is not a one-to-one comparison but a one-to-many comparison. In the comparisons, raters are informed that items selected from an item pool are ordered according to difficulty. The order will provide insight to improve the accuracy of judgment.  相似文献   

项目反应理论(IRT)模型依据项目与被试的特征预测被试的作答表现, 是常用的心理测量模型。但IRT的有效运用依赖于所选用IRT模型与实际数据资料相符合的程度(即模型?资料拟合度, goodness of fit)。只有当所采用IRT分析模型与实际数据资料拟合较好时, IRT的优点和功能才能真正发挥出来(Orlando & Thissen, 2000)。而当所采用IRT模型与资料不拟合或选择了错误的模型, 则会导致如参数估计、测验等值及项目功能差异分析等具有较大误差(Kang, Cohen & Sung, 2009), 给实际工作带来不良影响。因此, 在使用IRT分析时, 应首先充分考察及检验所选用模型与实际数据是否相匹配/相拟合(McKinley & Mills, 1985)。IRT领域中常用模型?资料拟合检验统计量可从项目拟合、测验拟合两个角度进行阐述并比较, 这是心理、教育测量领域的重要主题, 也是测验分析过程中较易忽视的环节, 目前还未见此类公开发表的文章。未来的研究可以在各统计量的实证比较研究以及在认知诊断领域的拓展方面有所发展。  相似文献   

迫选测验的传统计分方式会产生自模式数据, 不能进行传统的信效度检验、因素分析和方差分析等。近年来研究者提出了一些基于项目反应理论的计分模型, 如瑟斯顿IRT模型和MUPP模型等, 它们可以规避自模式数据的弊端。瑟斯顿IRT模型方便进行参数估计, 模型定义灵活; 而MUPP模型的拓展性较差, 参数估计的方法有待提高。另一方面, 已有研究者基于MUPP模型开发了一些抗作假的迫选测验, 而瑟斯顿IRT模型距离这种应用还比较远。此外, 两个模型的适用性和有效性都有待更多的实证研究来检验。  相似文献   

迫选(forced-choice, FC)测验由于可以控制传统李克特方法带来的反应偏差, 被广泛应用于非认知测验中, 而迫选测验的传统计分方式会产生自模式数据, 这种数据由于不适合于个体间的比较, 一直备受批评。近年来, 多种迫选IRT模型的发展使研究者能够从迫选测验中获得接近常模性的数据, 再次引起了研究者与实践人员对迫选IRT模型的兴趣。首先, 依据所采纳的决策模型和题目反应模型对6种较为主流的迫选IRT模型进行分类和介绍。然后, 从模型构建思路、参数估计方法两个角度对各模型进行比较与总结。其次, 从参数不变性检验、计算机化自适应测验(computerized adaptive testing, CAT)和效度研究3个应用研究方面进行述评。最后提出未来研究可以在模型拓展、参数不变性检验、迫选CAT测验和效度研究4个方向深入。  相似文献   

题组作为众多测验中的一种常见题型,由于项目间存在一定程度的依赖性而违背了局部独立性假设,若用项目反应模型进行参数估计将会出现较大的偏差.题组反应理论将被试与题组的交互作用纳入到模型中,解决了项目间相依性的问题.笔者对题组反应理论的发展、基本原理及其相关研究进行了综述,并将其应用在中学英语考试中.与项目反应理论相对比,结果发现:(1)题组反应模型与项目反应模型在各参数估计值的相关系数较强,尤其是能力参数和难度参数;(2)在置信区间宽度的比较上,题组反应模型在各个参数上均窄于项目反应模型,即题组反应模型的估计精度优于项目反应模型.  相似文献   

涂冬波  蔡艳  戴海琦  丁树良 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1189-1194
IRT中的计量模型较多,不同计量模型适合不同特点的数据资料,实际工作者应根据实际情况选择适当的IRT模型来分析数据。我国是个考试、测评大国,测评的题型丰富多样,在实际应用IRT时,一个模型往往很难反应所有数据资料本身的特点,这时可考虑应用多个IRT模型(即“混合模型”)来分析,以达到对数据的最佳拟合。本文对混合模型的思想方法及原理、参数估计的实现、以及模型性能进行了研究,发现:(1)本文自主开发的混合模型参数估计程序Mix_Tu具有较高的返真性,且与国际知名测量软件Parscale相当。(2)在“项目异常”情况下,Mix_Tu程序对参数b和c的估计受数据异常程度的影响要大于Parscale程序,而对参数a的估计受数据异常程度的影响要小于Parscale程序,而在参数theta上两个程序相当。(3)在“被试异常”情况下,Mix_Tu程序对所有参数的估计受数据异常程度的影响均要小于Parscale程序,Mix_Tu程序表现的更为稳健。  相似文献   

刘红云  骆方  王玥  张玉 《心理学报》2012,44(1):121-132
作者简要回顾了SEM框架下分类数据因素分析(CCFA)模型和MIRT框架下测验题目和潜在能力的关系模型, 对两种框架下的主要参数估计方法进行了总结。通过模拟研究, 比较了SEM框架下WLSc和WLSMV估计方法与MIRT框架下MLR和MCMC估计方法的差异。研究结果表明:(1) WLSc得到参数估计的偏差最大, 且存在参数收敛的问题; (2)随着样本量增大, 各种项目参数估计的精度均提高, WLSMV方法与MLR方法得到的参数估计精度差异很小, 大多数情况下不比MCMC方法差; (3)除WLSc方法外, 随着每个维度测验题目的增多参数估计的精度逐渐增高; (4)测验维度对区分度参数和难度参数的影响较大, 而测验维度对项目因素载荷和阈值的影响相对较小; (5)项目参数的估计精度受项目测量维度数的影响, 只测量一个维度的项目参数估计精度较高。另外文章还对两种方法在实际应用中应该注意的问题提供了一些建议。  相似文献   

项目反应理论是测量被试潜在特质的现代测量理论, 潜在类别分析是基于模型的潜在特质分类技术。混合项目反应理论将项目反应理论与潜在类别分析相结合, 能够同时对被试分类并量化其潜在特质。在阐述混合项目反应理论概念、原理的基础上, 介绍了MRM、mNRM和mPCM等几种常见混合模型及其参数估计方法, 并从心理与行为特征分类、项目功能差异检测、测验效度评价等方面评述了其在心理测验中的应用发展轨迹。  相似文献   

Examinee‐selected item (ESI) design, in which examinees are required to respond to a fixed number of items in a given set, always yields incomplete data (i.e., when only the selected items are answered, data are missing for the others) that are likely non‐ignorable in likelihood inference. Standard item response theory (IRT) models become infeasible when ESI data are missing not at random (MNAR). To solve this problem, the authors propose a two‐dimensional IRT model that posits one unidimensional IRT model for observed data and another for nominal selection patterns. The two latent variables are assumed to follow a bivariate normal distribution. In this study, the mirt freeware package was adopted to estimate parameters. The authors conduct an experiment to demonstrate that ESI data are often non‐ignorable and to determine how to apply the new model to the data collected. Two follow‐up simulation studies are conducted to assess the parameter recovery of the new model and the consequences for parameter estimation of ignoring MNAR data. The results of the two simulation studies indicate good parameter recovery of the new model and poor parameter recovery when non‐ignorable missing data were mistakenly treated as ignorable.  相似文献   

A central assumption that is implicit in estimating item parameters in item response theory (IRT) models is the normality of the latent trait distribution, whereas a similar assumption made in categorical confirmatory factor analysis (CCFA) models is the multivariate normality of the latent response variables. Violation of the normality assumption can lead to biased parameter estimates. Although previous studies have focused primarily on unidimensional IRT models, this study extended the literature by considering a multidimensional IRT model for polytomous responses, namely the multidimensional graded response model. Moreover, this study is one of few studies that specifically compared the performance of full-information maximum likelihood (FIML) estimation versus robust weighted least squares (WLS) estimation when the normality assumption is violated. The research also manipulated the number of nonnormal latent trait dimensions. Results showed that FIML consistently outperformed WLS when there were one or multiple skewed latent trait distributions. More interestingly, the bias of the discrimination parameters was non-ignorable only when the corresponding factor was skewed. Having other skewed factors did not further exacerbate the bias, whereas biases of boundary parameters increased as more nonnormal factors were added. The item parameter standard errors recovered well with both estimation algorithms regardless of the number of nonnormal dimensions.  相似文献   

Missing data, such as item responses in multilevel data, are ubiquitous in educational research settings. Researchers in the item response theory (IRT) context have shown that ignoring such missing data can create problems in the estimation of the IRT model parameters. Consequently, several imputation methods for dealing with missing item data have been proposed and shown to be effective when applied with traditional IRT models. Additionally, a nonimputation direct likelihood analysis has been shown to be an effective tool for handling missing observations in clustered data settings. This study investigates the performance of six simple imputation methods, which have been found to be useful in other IRT contexts, versus a direct likelihood analysis, in multilevel data from educational settings. Multilevel item response data were simulated on the basis of two empirical data sets, and some of the item scores were deleted, such that they were missing either completely at random or simply at random. An explanatory IRT model was used for modeling the complete, incomplete, and imputed data sets. We showed that direct likelihood analysis of the incomplete data sets produced unbiased parameter estimates that were comparable to those from a complete data analysis. Multiple-imputation approaches of the two-way mean and corrected item mean substitution methods displayed varying degrees of effectiveness in imputing data that in turn could produce unbiased parameter estimates. The simple random imputation, adjusted random imputation, item means substitution, and regression imputation methods seemed to be less effective in imputing missing item scores in multilevel data settings.  相似文献   

阶层线性模型是处理阶层结构数据的高级统计方法, 项目反应理论是精确测量被试能力的现代测量理论。多水平项目反应理论将阶层线性模型和项目反应理论相结合, 将项目反应模型嵌套在阶层线性模型内, 实现了项目参数和不同水平能力参数的估计, 对回归系数和误差项变异的估计也更加精确。作者概述了多水平项目反应理论的发展历程, 并从项目功能差异、测验等值、学校效能研究等方面评述了多水平项目反应理论在心理与教育测量中的应用, 总结了多水平项目反应理论的价值, 同时展望了今后的研究趋势。  相似文献   

朱玮  丁树良  陈小攀 《心理学报》2006,38(3):453-460
对IRT的双参数Logistic模型(2PLM)中未知参数估计问题,给出了一个新的估计方法――最小化χ2/EM估计。新方法在充分考虑项目反应理论(IRT)与经典测量理论(CTT)之间的差异的前提下,从统计计算的角度改进了Berkson的最小化χ2估计,取消了Berkson实施最小化χ2估计时需要已知能力参数的不合实际的前提,扩大了应用范围。实验结果表明新方法能力参数的估计结果与BILOG相比,精确度要高,且当样本容量超过2000时,项目参数的估计结果也优于BILOG。实验还表明新方法稳健性好  相似文献   

Item response theory (IRT) plays an important role in psychological and educational measurement. Unlike the classical testing theory, IRT models aggregate the item level information, yielding more accurate measurements. Most IRT models assume local independence, an assumption not likely to be satisfied in practice, especially when the number of items is large. Results in the literature and simulation studies in this paper reveal that misspecifying the local independence assumption may result in inaccurate measurements and differential item functioning. To provide more robust measurements, we propose an integrated approach by adding a graphical component to a multidimensional IRT model that can offset the effect of unknown local dependence. The new model contains a confirmatory latent variable component, which measures the targeted latent traits, and a graphical component, which captures the local dependence. An efficient proximal algorithm is proposed for the parameter estimation and structure learning of the local dependence. This approach can substantially improve the measurement, given no prior information on the local dependence structure. The model can be applied to measure both a unidimensional latent trait and multidimensional latent traits.  相似文献   

测验垂直等值是指将测试同一心理特质的不同水平的测验转换到同一个分数量尺上的过程。IRT与MIRT是实现垂直等值的主要方法。IRT无需假设被试的能力分布, 参数估计不依赖于样本, 是构建垂直量表的有效方法, 但测验不满足单维假设时其应用受到限制。MIRT结合IRT和因素分析的特点对IRT进行了拓展, 可更有效估计多维测验的项目参数和被试能力参数, 在垂直等值中有重要应用。已有研究主要探讨IRT和MIRT在垂直等值应用中的适用性、标定方法和参数估计方法, 比较研究两种方法的特性。未来研究应纳入更多变量条件进行比较研究, 拓展方法的应用。  相似文献   

丁树良  罗芬  戴海琦  朱玮 《心理学报》2007,39(4):730-736
在IRT框架下,建立了0-1评分方式下单维双参数Logistic多题多做(MAMI)测验模型。与Spray给出的一题多做(MASI)模型相比,MAMI不仅模型更加精致,而且扩展了适用范围,参数估计方法也不同,采用EM算法求取项目参数。Monte Carlo模拟结果显示,应用MAMI测验模型与测验题量作相应增加的作法相比,两者给出的能力估计精度相同,但MAMI模型给出的项目参数估计精度更高。如果将MAMI测验模型与被试人数相应增加的作法相比,项目参数的估计精度相同,但MAMI给出的能力参数估计精度更高。这个发现表明,在一定条件下若允许修改答案,并采用累加式记分方式,纵使题量不变,也可使能力估计的精度相当于题量增加一倍的估计精度,而项目参数估计精度也会提高。这些发现不仅对技能评价和认知能力评价有参考价值,而且对数据的处理方式也有参考价值  相似文献   

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