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Multiple indices for evaluating the feminist challenge in psychology are identified, and provide a context for discussing selected aspects of research in personality and social psychology that reflect the impact of feminism on psychology. Women's involvement in the research process, the types of research methods used, and substantive concerns were examined in selected issues of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology between 1963 and 1983. Despite a significant increase in the proportion of articles with female authors, there were no clear changes in any of the methodological variables we assessed. Comparisons of these studies and those published in the Psychology of Women Quarterly suggest that the impact of the feminist challenge is far more noticeable in this more explicitly feminist journal. Evidence pertaining to the relative impact of publishing in explicitly feminist versus "mainstream" journals, derived from analyses of citation frequency of several feminist studies, was examined. Overall, results suggest that feminist values may have affected research topics more than research methods within personality and social psychology. Several implications of this gatekeeping function of methodology are discussed.  相似文献   

On November 19, 2011, Norine G. Johnson, the ninth woman to serve as president of the American Psychological Association (APA), lost a valiant battle with cancer. Norine's curiosity about her grandmother's strength led to much of her later work on the development of strength and resiliency in adolescent girls and in women. She received her doctorate in 1972, with a minor in child development, and she became one of the first to be considered a pediatric psychologist, a newly emerging specialty. Norine became involved in organized psychology as her children got older. When she learned there had not been a woman president of the Massachusetts Psychological Association (MPA) for almost 50 years, she was appalled. An ardent feminist, who had served on MPA's Board of Directors, she could not let the situation remain that way. She ran for president and won, serving from 1981 to 1983, and then mentored many women colleagues into the role. MPA sent her to the Council of the APA as one of their representatives, and she immediately ran for a seat on the Finance Committee, later serving as chair of the committee. During her tenure on the Finance Committee, she helped create financial policy that changed APA from an organization whose assets were threatened and shrinking to a financially solid association. Norine considered Division 35 (Psychology of Women) to be her home in APA, a place filled with warmth, collegiality, and shared values. She and Judith Worell spearheaded the extremely important and successful 1993 National Conference on Education and Training in Feminist Practice. Norine was elected to the APA Board of Directors in 1997, where she served with distinction, continuing to focus on the financial well-being of the Association. Not surprisingly, she went from that role to being elected APA president. Her focus as president was on the changes in the health care delivery system in the United States. She was a staunch champion of the biopsychosocial model of health. Under her presidential leadership, the APA Mission Statement was amended to add the word "health," confirming the importance of health to the psychological community. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

Feminist psychologists have introduced feminist values, critiques, and methods into the science and practice of psychology. On the topic of teaching, feminist psychologists have done a thorough job of addressing curricula issues, but they have been involved marginally in developing the literature on feminist pedagogy. A comprehensive review of the feminist pedagogy literature was compiled based on a review of 60 articles, 25 chapters from books, 10 books, and 4 bibliographies. The review covers major aspects of the legacy of patriarchy in schools as well as feminist transformations of traditional educational practice. Explanations are posed for the minimal involvement of feminist psychologists in the development of the feminist pedagogy literature. Reciprocal benefits are identified for both the field of psychology and the feminist pedagogy scholars if more bridges are built between the two.  相似文献   

Both contemporary psychologists and historians of the discipline have disparaged the poor quality of research generated by the Child-Study movement. The real significance of this movement, however, lay not in its scientific findings but in its institutional innovations. Its most important legacy was the structuring of a new working relationship between psychologists and schoolteachers. This mutually beneficial collaboration subtly altered the shape of professional psychology by reorienting research toward practical classroom concerns. In the midst of controversies surrounding the social role and scientific potential of Child-Study, a new clinical psychology began to emerge.  相似文献   

The death of Barbara Strudler Wallston on January 3, 1987, brought to a sudden end the rich and diverse life of a complex personality, who combined scholarship, leadership, and advocacy with a zest for living. A highly productive scholar, inspiring teacher, and feminist leader who loved dancing and music, Barbara Wallston translated her compassion for disadvantaged individuals and commitment to social justice into direct and constructive action. In her too brief 15-year career, she generated more than 70 publications and 94 professional presentations spanning such areas as health, gender, sex roles, sexuality, and social issues. Her extraordinary leadership and scholarly achievements led to her election to Fellow in recognition of "outstanding and sustained national contributions" in five APA divisions. In 1986 she was awarded Division 35's Carolyn Wood Sherif Memorial Lectureship for contributions that continue to enrich and inform the lives of her colleagues, students, and friends, and that have earned her recognition as a pioneer in contemporary feminist psychology.  相似文献   

The Association for Women in Psychology (AWP) was founded in 1969 by American Psychological Association (APA) members who were frustrated with sexism in psychology, in the APA, and at the 1969 APA convention itself. The activism of the 1960s, together with the new women's liberation movement, gave the founders tools and justification for a new organization. This article, the first published AWP history, describes the founding circumstances, early skirmishes concerning structure and operations, evolution of major activities (such as the annual conference, importance of lesbians, growing attention to multiculturalism), and ongoing tensions between centralization and "feminist process."  相似文献   

After completing her undergraduate degree at Knox College in 1911, Edna Heidbreder was a high school teacher of history for several years. She began her graduate work at the University of Wisconsin where she received a master's degree in philosophy in 1918. Undertaking doctoral work in psychology at Columbia she completed her Ph.D. in 1924 and was offered a position in the Psychology Department at the University of Minnesota. There she remained until 1934 when she accepted a position in the Department of Psychology at Wellesley College which she held until her retirement in 1955. Two lines of interest persisted throughout her career: her work in cognition and systematic psychology. Her book Seven Psychologies published in 1933 has received praise in reviews spanning four decades. Heidbreder views the women of her generation as working during a period when there was a lull in women's rights activism. She believes that most women during that period felt that the best way to improve their situation was to prove that they could be competent professionals as the women pioneers had claimed women could. She believes that today women remain at a disadvantage compared to men in psychology primarily because of the pervasive stereotypes in our society which make it difficult for men to take the intellectual interests and abilities of women seriously.  相似文献   

2008 Ellen Noonan Annual Counselling Lecture, Birkbeck College, University of London

It was a very special privilege to give this lecture in honour of my dear colleague and friend Ellen Noonan. The lecture is based on one of the new chapters of my book about therapy with older people. Ellen was a most helpful mentor to me when I was preparing the first edition of this book and I have dedicated the new edition to her memory. The lecture is essentially about learning to use one's feelings in therapeutic work and to illustrate this theme I shall be drawing on experiences of supervising clinical psychology trainees on placement with me in my NHS work. The theme of this lecture applies as much to counselling as to psychotherapy and I use therapy to refer to counselling and psychotherapy.  相似文献   

In the last century feminist psychologists have contributed to refining and improving research in experimental psychology. While the accomplishments are cause for celebration during the American Association of Psychology's (APA) Centennial year, especially given the sexism that has accompanied scientific practices, we need to examine more care–fully the difficulties–past and present-that attend feminist efforts in the discipline. This brief article explores the strategies that feminist researchers have used to eliminate androcentrism and sexism from experimental and, more recently, cognitive psychology. Such historical reassessment not only reveals the multiple and insightful means by which feminist psychologists have proceeded, but also indicates that feminist work must continue to focus on epistemological and theoretical problems as well as methodological ones.  相似文献   

Pamela Sue Anderson 《Sophia》2014,53(2):167-169
The present special issue of Sophia on ‘feminist philosophy of religion’ is dedicated to Gillian O. Howie who died in 2013. This essay is a short obituary touching on Howie’s philosophical and personal legacy. The intention is to give a brief overview of Howie as a courageous woman with boundless intellectual curiosity and passionate commitments to feminist activities; these include writing and living her philosophical vision for creating a just society with collective political action. Howie inspired both women and men in philosophy—especially, but not only, feminist philosophers of religion—with her work on the critical role of sexual difference in life today.  相似文献   


Oliva Espín is a prolific feminist and multicultural writer and psychologist who has significantly contributed to feminist therapy throughout her career. This biographical article highlights her many contributions to feminism, feminist psychology, and humankind.  相似文献   


The analytic tradition of thought in the West started in the late nineteenth century with what is known as ‘linguistic turn’ in philosophy. But as a methodological movement, it impacted other areas of knowledge as well. Feminist scholars react to the analytic tradition of thought in many various ways. Many of them critique and challenge the tradition. The present paper aims at a review of a feminist take on Sigmund Freud who imported analytical tradition in psychology at the beginning of the twentieth century. Luce Irigaray questions the legitimacy of Freudian analysis and challenges the claim of neutrality of Freudian discourse by accusing that Freud works within a patriarchal-biased ideology. About the logical basis of Freudian discourse, Irigaray alleges that a logic of indifference is at work there. But how far has Irigaray, as a feminist, been successful in showing the biases and loopholes in Freudian discourse? This paper attempts to show that the Irigarayian line of argument and critique of Freud does not offer a stronger and plausible feminist stance.


This article is an act of remembering. In the first part of this article, the author remembers and reflects upon her own journey of being and becoming a feminist, healer and clinical psychologist in training. She then shares some of the most meaningful lessons on 1) the therapeutic alliance, 2) transference and countertransference, 3) the nature of change, and 4) cultural competence that she has learned from her sister of the heart relationship with the brilliant spirit and work of Black lesbian, feminist, warrior poet, and activist, Audre Lorde. In each of these lessons the author reflects on her efforts to translate her conceptual or applied practice as a feminist student therapist. It is her hope to invite exploration of new bridges and paths by which other feminist psychologists may connect more deeply and meaningfully to our work both professionally and personally. The author closes with some reflections on the path ahead for feminist psychology.  相似文献   

文章首先介绍了性别角色定型的相关概念和广告中性别角色定型研究的理论基础,然后从内容分析和受众反应两个角度回顾并总结了有关电视广告中性别角色定型的研究。内容分析的结果表明:虽然经过了20多年的女权运动,电视广告中的性别角色定型并没有减弱;电视广告中的性别角色定型具有国际普遍性。受众反应的结果表明:受众对电视广告中的性别角色定型的反应是一个复杂的过程,会受到多种因素,比如性别、年龄、受教育程度和女性主义意识等的影响  相似文献   

Presents an obituary for Jeri Altneu Sechzer. Jeri studied at the University of Pennsylvania, where her mentor was the renowned physiological psychologist Elliot Stellar. She received her doctorate in 1962 with a specialty in physiological psychology. That same year she was elected to Sigma Xi, the scientific research society, and received the Creative Talent Award from the American Institute of Research for her doctoral dissertation. She completed a U.S. Public Health Service Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, after which she accepted a position at Baylor University College, followed by a position at the New York Hospital-Cornell University Medical Center. She completed her career as a visiting professor in the Psychology Department at Pace University. Jeri's husband of 56 years, Philip, died in 2004. As a result of her experience looking after him during the long illness that preceded his death, she became interested in the psychological impact of the stresses that caregivers face. She was planning to organize a conference on this subject when she suffered her final illness, leading to her death on October 29, 2011, just before her 85th birthday. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

This obituary is about Nathan Warren Perry Jr., who was a visionary dedicated to the integration of science and practice who helped clinical health psychology mature as a science and a profession. Though he may have left psychology behind, he left psychology ahead of where it was when he entered the field. He also left a legacy of institutionalized values and programs, as well as the contributions from faculty, students, and patients whose lives he impacted. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2008 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

Karen Horney is unique and unparalleled in personality theory. She has the distinction of being the only woman whose theory is detailed in personality textbooks. Horney is known as a neo-Freudian for her revision of Freudian thought; a social psychological theorist for her emphasis on cultural and social influences; a humanist for her holistic view and emphasis on self-realization; and a feminist for her development of a feminine psychology. She was a founder of the Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis and founder and dean of the American Institute for Psychoanalysis, a training institute. She was a teacher who could simplify the most difficult concepts; a therapist with deep human involvement; Editor of the American Journal of Psychoanalysis ; a Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association; a regular contributor to scientific sessions; and a prolific writer. She was personally and professionally a "well-rounded balance of an abundance of striving and creative possibility."  相似文献   

We look at some of the ways in which feminist theorists and researchers apply new insights to established topics in psychology, as they explore the landscape of the unknown and unspoken in the lives of girls and women. The articles in this special issue present research and reflections by a group of feminist scholars, some of us from the editorial board of the Psychology of Women Quarterly and others from the larger academic community. Each contributor, selecting from a personal interest or expertise, reconceptualizes a topical area of psychology with the intent of reframing our understanding of its meaning, its impact on women's functioning, and/or its application to feminist research and theory. To provide a background, we review a sample of contributions of feminist thought to the contemporary revolution in science. We then ask the question: In what ways have feminist perspectives and scholarship transformed psychology in the particular areas addressed by these authors?  相似文献   


Ellyn Kaschak is a pioneer feminist therapist whose contributions to feminist theory, practice, education, and advocacy have spanned the globe over the past 40?+?years. From being a founder of one of the first feminist counseling services in the country in the early 1970s, Kaschak has influenced decades of feminist, family and multi-cultural therapists through her teaching and countless others through her feminist epistemology and theory development and the Mattering Map. This article describes Kaschak’s life and work and the lasting contributions she has made to the field of feminist psychology.  相似文献   

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