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为探讨家庭社会经济地位对青少年问题行为的影响及其作用机制,基于生物生态学理论,采用家庭社会经济地位评估、简式父母教养方式问卷、公正世界信念量表和长处与困难问卷对全国三大片区13所中学的1337名青少年(7~12年级)进行调查。结果表明:(1)家庭社会经济地位、父母情感温暖、公正世界信念和问题行为之间两两显著相关,且家庭社会经济地位能显著负向预测问题行为;(2)父母情感温暖和公正世界信念在家庭社会经济地位与问题行为之间起显著的中介作用。具体为三条中介路径:一是父母情感温暖的单独中介作用;二是公正世界信念的单独中介作用;三是父母情感温暖和公正世界信念的链式中介作用。本研究丰富了问题行为领域的研究成果,为预防和干预青少年问题行为提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

本研究以300个三至六年级双亲家庭中的儿童和母亲为研究对象,采用儿童版和家长版教养方式问卷、父母与同伴依恋问卷、流调中心抑郁量表,通过响应面分析法探讨了母子感知到的教养方式差异与儿童抑郁的关系,并使用标准分差法计算感知差异,通过结构方程模型分析了母子依恋是否在其中起到中介作用。研究发现:(1)母亲感知到的权威型、独裁型教养方式显著高于儿童感知,而纵容型教养方式则显著低于儿童;(2)权威型教养方式的母子感知差异正向线性预测儿童抑郁,独裁型教养方式的母子感知差异负向线性预测儿童抑郁,纵容型教养方式的感知差异对儿童抑郁没有显著预测作用;(3)母子依恋质量在权威型教养方式的母子感知差异和儿童抑郁之间起完全中介作用,但在独裁型教养方式的母子感知差异对儿童抑郁的预测中没有起到中介作用。  相似文献   

以748名高中生为被试,采用问卷法考察父母情感温暖、责任心以及公正世界信念对青少年感恩的影响机制。结果显示:(1)高中生的父母情感温暖可显著正向预测其感恩;(2)在控制了性别、年龄以及年级后,父母情感温暖可分别通过责任心和公正世界信念间接地影响青少年的感恩。这表明责任心和公正世界信念是父母情感温暖影响青少年感恩的重要中介变量。  相似文献   

以446名服刑青少年为被试,采用问卷法,探讨了青少年服刑后的父母支持、公正世界信念与其情绪适应的关系及作用机制。结果表明:(1)服刑青少年的情绪适应状况较差,抑郁水平较高,生活满意度较低;(2)服刑后的父母支持和公正世界信念显著负向地预测青少年的抑郁,显著正向地预测其生活满意度;(3)公正世界信念在父母支持和抑郁、生活满意度之间均起着部分中介作用。这表明,服刑后青少年的父母支持既可以直接促进其服刑期间的情绪适应,又可以通过提升其公正世界信念来促进其服刑期间的情绪适应。  相似文献   

为探讨青少年公正世界信念的发展轨迹及其影响因素,采用公正世界信念量表(BJW)、友谊质量量表(FQ)和网络社会支持量表(OSS)对来自河南省某3所高中的518名高一学生进行两年追踪调查。结果发现:(1)青少年一般公正世界信念高于个人公正世界信念;(2)青少年一般公正世界信念呈逐步下滑趋势,而个人公正世界信念的发展趋势则相对平稳;(3)友谊质量和网络社会支持均能分别解释个人公正世界信念和一般公正世界信念发展过程中的个体差异。研究结果揭示了青少年公正世界信念发展的轨迹,为引导青少年树立正确的世界观和人生观,培养积极的社会心态提供了有益建议。  相似文献   

为探讨儿童期虐待对公正世界信念的作用及心理机制,本研究采用问卷法对929名大学生进行了调查,并采用潜变量模型对数据进行了分析。结果发现:(1)儿童期虐待显著负向预测大学生公正世界信念;(2)控制感在儿童期虐待与公正世界信念之间起完全中介作用;(3)家庭社会经济地位调节了儿童期虐待与控制感的关系,高家庭社会经济地位放大了儿童期虐待与控制感间的负相关。研究结果表明,可以通过预防儿童虐待和增强控制感等干预措施来提升公正世界信念,并且需要对高社会经济地位家庭的儿童虐待加大关注。  相似文献   

采用儿童自我知觉量表的一般自我概念分量表、青少年早期气质问卷以及父母教养方式与维度问卷对416名初中学生的调查,考察青少年气质、父亲教养对青少年一般自我概念的影响。结果表明,气质的意志控制和消极情绪性特征分别正向和负向预测青少年的一般自我概念,权威型父亲教养能够正向预测青少年的一般自我概念,气质的外向性和归属感特征、专制型父亲教养对青少年的一般自我概念不具有显著预测作用。气质与父亲教养对青少年一般自我概念的影响表现为累加效应,不具有交互效应。  相似文献   

采用个人公正世界信念量表、自编的助人假设情境,先后以198名、415名大学生为被试,通过两项研究考察了责任归因和帮助代价在个人公正世界信念影响个体助人意愿中的作用。结果表明:(1)个人公正世界信念及个体对受困者遭遇的外归因,均可以显著正向预测个体的助人意愿,但个人公正世界信念与责任归因之间无显著相关。控制性别、年级和社会称许性的影响后,个体对受困者遭遇的外归因及个人公正世界信念分别可以解释5.7%和6%的变异;(2)个人公正世界信念对助人意愿的作用受到帮助代价与责任归因的调节,只有在低代价、外归因的条件下,个人公正世界信念越强,助人意愿才越高。这些结果对亲社会行为的促进具有重要启示。  相似文献   

以居住在北京小月河地区的304名“蚁族”为被试,采用公正世界信念问卷、积极消极情感问卷和生活满意度问卷,考察了一般公正世界信念、个人公正世界信念以及幸福感之间的关系,结果表明:(1)“蚁族”的生活满意度偏低,但其情绪状态仍然乐观,积极情感体验较高,且具有较高水平的公正世界信念;(2)公正世界信念对幸福感有显著的正向预测作用,公正世界信念水平越高的“蚁族”越幸福;(3)个人公正世界信念在一般公正世界信念和幸福感间起中介作用,即越相信世界是公正的“蚁族”更倾向于相信自己已经或即将受到的对待是公正的,最终提升幸福感。  相似文献   

采用问卷法对北京市897名流动儿童的主观社会经济地位、社会自尊、公正世界信念和问题行为进行问卷调查,探讨主观社会经济地位与问题行为的关系,并进一步考察公正世界信念的中介作用和社会自尊的调节作用。结果发现:(1)主观社会经济地位与社会自尊、公正世界信念呈显著正相关,主观社会经济地位、社会自尊、公正世界信念与问题行为呈显著负相关。(2)公正世界信念在主观社会经济地位与问题行为的关系中起中介作用。(3)社会自尊调节主观社会经济地位通过公正世界信念影响问题行为的中介路径。社会自尊水平较高时,公正世界信念的中介作用显著; 社会自尊水平较低时,公正世界信念的中介效应不显著。  相似文献   

This study investigates the meaning of belief in just world (BJW) for students' subjective justice experiences with their parents and teachers and for students' subjective well-being. The hypotheses tested were that the more strongly students endorse BJW, the less the distress at school and depressive symptoms they experience. Two dimensions of BJW were assessed: personal BJW, reflecting the belief that events in one's own life are generally just, and general BJW, reflecting the belief that the world is basically a just place. The participants were 278 Indian students attending ten 10th grade classes at two private English-medium schools. The results showed that only the personal BJW, not the general BJW, was important in explaining justice experiences and wellbeing. The more the students endorsed the belief in personal just world, the more they felt treated justly by their teachers and their parents alike, and the less distress at school and depressive symptoms they experienced. In addition, teacher justice, but not parent justice, explained distress at school. Finally, the effect of personal BJW on depressive symptoms was partly mediated by both teacher and parent justice. This pattern of results persisted when class effects were controlled. Overall, this pattern of results emphasizes the importance of the individual and subjective experience of justice of the teacher behavior for adolescent wellbeing. Implications for further studies on BJW and wellbeing at school are discussed.  相似文献   

为探讨青少年公正世界信念与抑郁的关系,以及感恩和自尊在二者关系中的作用机制,采用公正世界信念问卷(BJW)、感恩问卷(GQ-6)、自尊量表(SES)和流调中心用抑郁量表(CES-D)对1049名高中学生进行调查。结果发现:(1)青少年公正世界信念、感恩和自尊两两之间呈显著正相关,且三者均与抑郁呈显著负相关。(2)青少年公正世界信念通过感恩和自尊的中介作用对抑郁产生影响,且该中介效应包含了三条中介路径——感恩的简单中介效应,自尊的简单中介效应,以及感恩→自尊的链式中介作用。研究结果揭示了青少年公正世界信念对抑郁产生影响的内部心理机制,为引导青少年更好地利用公正世界信念提升感恩和自尊的水平以及更好地促进心理健康发展提供了有益建议。  相似文献   

In two cross‐sectional questionnaire studies with N = 2,931 German students, aged between 12 and 17 years (M = 14.1, SD = 0.5), we investigated the relation between students’ bullying behavior and their personal belief in a just world (BJW). We considered students’ personal experience of teacher justice as a possible mediator in this relation and investigated whether the students’ experiences of their teachers’ classroom management explained bullying behavior in addition to personal BJW and teacher justice, while statistically controlling for sex and school type. In both studies, multilevel modeling results showed that the more students endorsed personal BJW and the more they evaluated their teachers’ behavior toward them personally as being just, the less likely they were to report that they bullied others. The students’ personal experience of teacher justice mediated the association of personal BJW with bullying. Furthermore, the students’ personal experience of classroom management significantly predicted bullying in addition to personal BJW and teacher justice. The observed relations were mainly significant at the individual level. The pattern of results persisted when we controlled for school type and when we considered student sex as a moderator. We discussed the adaptive functions of BJW and implications for future school research and practice.

Research on the belief in a just world (BJW) has focused on its intra-individual functions (e.g., psychological well-being) and its inter-individual consequences (e.g., derogation of victims). Recent theorizing, however, has indicated that the BJW may also have more societal functions and consequences, serving as a legitimizing device of the status quo. The studies in the current paper focus on this latter view and are based on Alves and Correia's ( 2008 ) research which found that the expression of high personal and general belief in a just world is injunctively normative. Two experimental studies aimed at ascertaining three issues: (1) the dimension(s) of social value (social utility and/or social desirability) on which the BJW normativity anchors; (2) whether the expression of moderate BJW is also injunctively normative; and (3) whether the injunctive normativity of the BJW is related to perceptions of truth. Results indicate that moderate and high personal and general BJW are normative. Yet, whereas the normativity of personal BJW anchors both on social utility and social desirability, that of general BJW anchors only on social utility. We discuss personal and general BJW as judgement norms, whose normativity may not be personally acknowledged (in the case of general BJW) and does not necessarily derive from being perceived as true, but from the fact that such norms carry social value at least in individualistic societies.  相似文献   

The relation between school students' belief in a just world (BJW) and their bullying behavior was investigated in a questionnaire study. The mediating role of teacher justice was also examined. Data were obtained from a total of N = 458 German and Indian high school students. Regression analyses revealed that the more strongly students believed in a personal just world and the more they evaluated their teachers' behavior toward them personally to be just, the less bullying behavior they reported. Moreover, students with a strong BJW tended to evaluate their teachers' behavior toward them personally to be more just, and the experience of teacher justice mediated the relation between BJW and less bullying perpetration. This pattern of results was as expected and consistent across different cultural contexts. It persisted when neuroticism, sex, and country were controlled. The adaptive functions of BJW and implications for future school research are discussed.  相似文献   

College students (N = 125) reported their perceptions of family relations in response to vignettes that presented 5 different parenting styles. Participants viewed family relations as most positive when parents were portrayed as authoritative or permissive and as most negative when parents were portrayed as uninvolved-neglecting or authoritarian. Student gender and parent gender effects qualified these findings. Female students reported family relations to be less positive than did male students when parents were depicted as authoritarian or as uninvolved-neglecting, and they rated family relations more positively than did male students when parents were depicted as permissive. Participants viewed family relations as more positive when mothers rather than fathers were presented as permissive and when fathers rather than mothers were depicted as authoritarian. The authors discuss the findings of the study in relation to theories of beliefs about children and implications for future parenting styles of male and female college students.  相似文献   

The present study examines the relationship between parenting style and internalization of moral values of children and adolescents. The stratified sample comprised 250 children of 9–16 years from government aided schools of Kolkata. Parental Authority Questionnaire and Moral Values Internalisation Questionnaire were used to assess the parenting style and moral value internalization, respectively. Three types of parenting style (authoritative, authoritarian and permissive) and four types of value regulation (external, introjected, identified and integrated) were assessed in this study. For adolescents, authoritarian parenting style is positively linked to external and introjected regulation and authoritative parenting style is positively associated with identified and integrated regulation. The reverse trend is evident for children. Implications for parenting and moral socialization in families are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the effects of mother’s and father’s perceived parenting style and friendship quality on several indicators of adolescents’ well-being. High school students (n?=?401) completed scales assessing their perception of their mother’s and father’s parenting style (authoritarian, authoritative and permissive), quality of friendship, self-esteem, general satisfaction with life and subjective happiness. The results showed that the perceived parenting style of both parents as well as the quality of friendship had significant effects on adolescent’s well-being, while the interaction effects of friendship quality and either parent’s parenting style were not significant. Adolescents of authoritative and permissive mothers reported higher self-esteem and life satisfaction than adolescents who had authoritarian mothers. Also, adolescents who considered their mothers authoritative were happier than those with authoritarian mothers. Adolescents who perceived their fathers as authoritative or permissive showed higher results on all assessed indicators of well-being than adolescents whose fathers were authoritarian. Furthermore, adolescents with a higher quality of friendship reported more happiness, life-satisfaction and self-esteem. The obtained results highlight the importance of the role of parents and peers in fostering positive development in adolescence.  相似文献   

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