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春秋战国时代,是中国思想史上的一个重要的文明阶段,用雅斯贝尔斯的“轴心时代”命题来解释:那个时代,古希腊、以色列、中国和印度的古代文化都产生了“极关怀的觉醒”,换句话说,从那个时代开始,在这几个世界文明的发源地,人们已经开始用理智的方法、道德的方式来面对这个世界.我国古代的美学思想体系正是于这个时代建构在阴阳五行观念思维模式上的中行思想.即“以法自然的人与天调为基础,以‘中和之美’为核心,以宗法制的伦理道德为特色的美学思想体系”[1].这种中国人特有的“关联思维”的思维方式,决定了中国古代人们的宇宙观念以及生发的哲学思想和态度,也塑造了中国人特有的美学思想.  相似文献   

雅斯贝尔斯虽然以“生存哲学家”自许,但他的“生存哲学”至今人们依然见仁见智,毁誉不一。不过,他应该感到慰藉的是:他在《历史的起源和目标》一书中提出的“轴心时期”的史学范畴,却一直受到人们的青睐,至今被人们广泛地使用着。雅斯贝尔斯的所谓“轴心时期”,意指的大约是从  相似文献   

从根本上讲,孔子思想学说是关于现实的人的生命活动和生命存在的生命哲学.“天命”观、仁论、政治一文明史观、正名知言说是支撑起孔子生命哲学大厦的四大支柱.孔子“天命”观把人的政治生命活动和政治生命存在作为现实的人的生命活动和生命存在最高的和理想的形式.孔子仁论探讨了现实的人的生命存在本质上的分裂性和辩证地复归于整全的可能性,仁本身构成了现实的人的生命活动和生命存在既分裂又统一的矛盾性特征.以“文质彬彬”为理想社会目标的政治一文明史观,是孔子“天命”观和仁论的中介,也是使二者成为可能的历史一现实基础.孔子从人的政治生命活动和政治生命存在现实中经验到和体悟到的、并且理性抽象而来的正名知言说,是孔子生命哲学的归宿,并且使孔子成为中国古代历史上唯一一个高度重视语言对于存在的意义的哲学家.对《论语》中孔子言语的理解,关键在于解读者个人的本己性体悟,引经据典式的解读不能激活孔子生命哲学、从而使其具有此在当下性质.  相似文献   

刘敬东 《现代哲学》2007,1(6):11-21
马克思世界历史理论深刻揭示了历史向世界历史转化的实际进程、总体背景和基本规律,为我们提供了考察和研究世界历史时代的哲学变革所应当依据的一个基本的解释框架。用马克思世界历史理论作为深入解读、研究中国近代哲学的哲学范式和解释框架,把中国近代哲学的演进过程作为历史向世界历史转化之哲学回应的一个典型案例,不仅有助于马克思世界历史理论研究的深化,而且也是深入考察中国近代哲学的一个独特而有益的视角。  相似文献   

孔子所缔造的中国文明之"长寿"令诸西方文明无法匹敌,孔子本人的成就与影响也令众多西方哲人瞠乎其后。有别于"轴心时代"的其他东西方文明,孔子所创的儒学是世俗化的而非宗教性的,且属政治伦理学而非政治哲学。近代德国哲人莱布尼兹率先因宗教上的"中国礼仪之争"认识到儒家文明的独特之处,但却主要局限于科学与宗教维度。继之而起的德国哲学家沃尔夫对"中国实践哲学"进行了伦理学上可知论与渐进论的解释,从而对前者赋予了超越其时代的现代性,并对康德的伦理学产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

一 走出“轴心文明” 20世纪,卡尔·雅斯贝尔斯提出了一个对人类文明史具有很强解释力的原创概念:“轴心时代”,同时也给世界留下一个副产品:“轴心文明”与“轴心意识形态”。  相似文献   

老子是中国第一位哲学家,孔子是中国第一位伦理学家。将他们放在一起加以比较,不仅可以看出彼此观念的异同,也可以认识老学先于孔学的顺序,以纠正一般哲学史上孔先老后的错误倒置。黑格尔认为孔子的教训是一种道德哲学,他说:“孔子只是一个实际的世间智者,在他那里思辨的哲学是一点也没有的。”他还说:“孔子的哲学就是国家哲学,构成中国人教育、文化和实际活动的基础。但中国人尚另有一特异的宗派,这派叫做道家。”这里,黑格尔似乎隐  相似文献   

任继愈先生一生都在不断研究老子的《道德经》。他多次出版著作绎读《老子》,作出独特的学术贡献。他指出:将“道”作为最高的范畴,集中阐发,老子是第一人,“老子开创了中国哲学本体论的先河”;老子第一个提出了“无”的概念,“这是中国哲学史第一座里程碑”;老子“柔弱胜刚强”的思想,是弱势群体的辩证哲学,代表弱势群体说话,“同情弱势群体,这是马克思主义最根本的原则。”  相似文献   

哲学是一把圣火   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们这个时代需要什么样的哲学 ,换言之 ,哲学能够向时代说些什么 ?这是今天每一位哲学家都不得不深而思之的大课题。本文记录了一名哲学爱好者对哲学的点滴思考 ,不当之处 ,请方家指正。一、哲学不是宣示绝对真理哲学是时代的精神家园 ,是文明的活的灵魂。每个时代最精致、最深刻的思想 ,都集中在哲学的殿堂。哲学能够为世界、为时代、为我们每一个人 ,提供一种理性的思维方式 ,提供某种共同繁荣、和睦友好的思维图景。质言之 ,哲学是人创造的精神宝剑 ,又是为人的利益服务的智慧之学。中国古代的先哲说过 :“君子和而不同。” (孔子 :《论…  相似文献   

汤因比的历史哲学,半个多世纪以来,在中国有着广泛的影响。但是中国对汤因比的研究由于种种原因始终未能深入下去。汤因比对中国有着浓厚的感情,他曾向日本创价学会会长池田大作先生表示过,他希望出生在公元一世纪佛教传入时的中国新疆。他虽然不懂中文,但他尽力搜集、研读那些已经翻译成西方文字的有关中国历史、中国哲学、中国文化的著作和文章。在1925至1929年期间,他还写过多篇论述中国局势的专论。在其巨著《历史研究》一书中,他不仅论述了中国古代的文明的历史,而且他还运用中国的古代的哲学,如孔子和儒家学说、老子和道家学…  相似文献   

The Chinese path to modernization features socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics. It not only adheres to scientific socialism with Chinese characteristics but is also the Chinese road of development during global modernization, the path to realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and the creation of a new model for human advancement. Through the Chinese path to modernization, Chinese civilization with a long history now displays a brand-new form and its unique values and significance on the global stage. This paper probes into the vicissitudes of the Chinese nation in modern times, and reveals the leapfrog development of the great national rejuvenation to highlight the significance of the Chinese modernization by solving the “mystery of figures” ; explores the Chinese nation’s ideological progress during modernization since modern times to show the thought development that Chinese modernization achieved by analyzing the “mystery of thought” ; elaborates on the value orientation of the great national rejuvenation to demonstrate the guidance on values provided by Chinese modernization by explaining the “mystery of values” ; and studies the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation from a strategic perspective to tap into the rich significance and institutional underpinnings of Chinese modernization by unraveling the “mystery of characteristics.” The Chinese Communists have conducted comprehensive theoretical explorations and pioneered practical innovations in the above aspects, which formed its powerful guidance in ideas and values, the underpinnings of the systematic structures and institutions, and created the Chinese path to modernization. The Chinese path to modernization pushes forward the leapfrog development of the Chinese nation towards modernization, advances the national rejuvenation along the right track, builds a new form of Chinese civilization, and shape the development course of contemporary human culture.  相似文献   

惠能及其开创的禅宗的核心思想“明心见性”是明白“心量广大”。它包括如下几层含义:(1)“本心”中所包含的估量标准或尺度广大;(2)“心”度量、衡量、审度的对象众多,范围广大;(3)“心”的容量广大;(4)人心的耐受程度和转化能力强大;(5)人心的范围广大和创造力强大;(6)人的心态积极强大。“心量广大”具体体现在平常心、包容心或宽容心、认知力、精神力、心理能量等几个方面。“心量广大”具有浓郁的中国文化特色,蕴含有“自强不息,厚德载物”的中国文化精神,“道德自律和躬身自省”的中国文化伦理与价值追求,“以人为本的人道主义和人文情怀”的中国文化核心思想理念。由此来看,惠能的“心量广大”思想在当代社会仍具有积极的现实价值,对当代文化建设,社会道德构建等有积极作用。  相似文献   

The present study analyzes the relationship between the sacred and profane as domains manifested within the context of New Age thought and practice. The attempt to analyze these relationships is based on observations and interviews in 22 New Age shops in New Zealand and Israel. Unlike earlier research that emphasized the New Age sub-culture as a ‘spiritual market place’, the results of this study show that New Age shops are not entirely perceived and managed as market places, but as spiritual centers as well. The findings of this study indicate that there are processes and activities in New Age shops that are not associated with its commodity context, but rather with the creation of sacred space.  相似文献   

创造性思维对于中医基础研究非常重要.在中医基础研究中过分依赖高新技术,或者不敢直面问题、遇到困难退缩将阻碍创造性思维.中医基础研究的创造性思维需要研究者在传统知识、现代知识、高新技术与仪器等方面作好充分的准备.为使研究保持正确的方向,在研究中要处理好"已知"与"未知"的关系并以"和"的态度对待学术争论.  相似文献   

Jung claimed that Richard Wilhelm, whose masterful translations of Chinese wisdom literature into a European language (German) and thence into Western consciousness have brought Chinese modes of thinking to so many, was one of the most important influences on his own life and work. The contacts between the two men, which took place from the early 1920's until Wilhelm's death in 1930, were few but intense and for Jung decisive in several ways. Wilhelm's translations of the I Ching and The Secret of the Golden Flower opened new avenues for Jung that had far-reaching consequences on his research and writing after 1930. The latter opened the door to the study of alchemy as a key to the archetypal process of individuation as rooted in the collective unconscious. 'Synchronicity' is a term that grew out of his contact with Chinese thought, in particular with the I Ching. From his contact with Chinese thought, additionally, he received confirmation of the view, independently arrived at, that adult psychological development is not linear but rather circular and spiral-like. The letters between Jung and Wilhelm illuminate the great importance Jung ascribed to Wilhelm's contribution toward bridging East and West and the potential value of Chinese philosophy for psychotherapy.  相似文献   

论《周易》中的"德"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德是中国古代思想中的重要概念。《周易》经传中有许多关于德的论述,例如盛德,指日日维新,与时俱行,所谓自强不息即是盛德。又如厚德,指包容万物,自求于己。另外还有至德、文德、懿德、崇德、居德、育德、俭德、龙德、君德、天德等,研究这些资料,对于理解《周易》哲学具有重要意义。  相似文献   

To grasp the truth in traditional Chinese classics, we need to uncover the long obscured “xiang” 象 (image) thinking, which has long been overshadowed by Occidentalism. “xiang thinking” is the most fundamental thought of human beings. The logic of linguistics all comes from “xiang thinking”. Through conceptual thinking, people can understand Western classics on metaphysics, yet they may not completely understand the various schools of Chinese classics. The difference between Chinese and Western ways of thinking originated in the difference of the basic views developed in the “Axial period”. Since Aristotle, Western metaphysical ideas have all been manifested in substantiality, objectivity, and being ready-made, whereas Chinese Taiji, Dao, Xin-xing, and Zen were manifested in the non-substantiality, non-objectivity, and non-ready-made-ness of a dynamic whole. To grasp substance, rational and logical thinking such as definition, judgment, and reasoning is necessary. On the other hand, to grasp Taiji, Dao, etc., which is a dynamic whole or non-substances, “xiang thinking”, which is related to perception and rich in poetic association, is essential. History has taught us a lesson, i.e., when we opened the window to logical thought, we closed that of “xiang thinking”. We should remember the words of Xu Guangqi, i.e., “To mingle harmoniously and understand thoroughly so as to excel”. Translated by Zhang Lin from Hebei xuekan 河北学刊 (Hebei Academic Journal), 2007, (5): 21–25  相似文献   

General Secretary Xi Jinping deeply grasps the overall strategic situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and great changes in the world unseen in a hundred years, and forms the important thought of carrying forward the shared values of humanity of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom and promoting the building of a human community with a shared future. The shared values of humanity provide value basis for the community, confirm the morality of the community, and lay the foundation of value recognition for building the community. A human community with a shared future is the practice area for the shared values of humanity, providing it with a real subject and delimiting the boundaries of the times. The shared values of humanity and a human community with a shared future complement each other, and are dialectically unified in the planning and grasp of the “two overall situations,” i.e., the overall strategic situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and great changes in the world unseen in a century.  相似文献   

The theme of this essay is expressed in a line from the Dao De Jing: "The great image has no form." The essay shows how this effacement, annulment, or withdrawal of form is realized in ancient Chinese painting (Song and Ming Dynasties) and in the conception of the natural elements to which much of this painting is related. Certain resonances with this effacement of form are identified in the way that recent Continental thought focuses on an effacement of form as it was determined in ancient Greek philosophy.  相似文献   

潘菽逝世已有30周年,中国心理学界缅怀他的最好方式之一是,弘扬他的三个心理学思想精义,将之体现在行动中,促进中国心理学又好又快地向前发展:坚持潘菽“心理学是中间科学”的主张,使中国心理学研究的视角、方法与主题更加多元化; 秉承潘菽重视研究中国古代心理学思想的遗志,提高研究成果的原创性水平; 落实潘菽关于中国心理学“要走我们自己的道路,有自己的特点”的倡议,努力建设中国特色心理学体系,使中国心理学不仅在形式上,而且在内容体系和灵魂上都真正获得独立。  相似文献   

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