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为了分析文化融合、社会变迁背景下大学生自我观的特点,及自我构念与自尊、关系和谐、主观幸福感之间的关系,采用了自我构念量表、自尊量表、关系和谐量表及主观幸福感量表对446名大学生进行调查.结果显示:(1)文化融合、社会变迁背景下,代表集体主义文化价值观的互依我在大学生自我观中仍占优势.大学生自我观可分为二元型、独立型、互依型和边缘型.本研究中,四种类型所占比例分别为32.5%、18.6%、18.0%、30.9%.(2)自我构念与主观幸福感显著正相关;不同自我观类型大学生在主观幸福感上差异显著,二元型个体主观幸福感水平最高,边缘型最低,独立型、互依型处于中间水平.(3)自尊在独立我与主观幸福感间起到完全中介作用;互依我一方面通过关系和谐间接影响主观幸福感,另一方面,通过关系和谐对自尊的促进作用影响主观幸福感.  相似文献   

主观幸福感与文化的关系研究综述   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
邹琼 《心理科学》2005,28(3):632-633,631
西方研究者建立了四个文化模型来解决主观幸福感的文化普遍性和特殊性的争议。遗憾的是,现有的模型各执一端。实证研究也偏重于幸福感的文化特殊性研究。近年来,国内开始重视主观幸福感的跨文化研究,并发现了幸福感的中西差异。未来研究的重点是整合有关理论,解决文化争议,采取主位研究策略,提高实证研究的效度。  相似文献   

为探索多元文化相遇时代自我建构的结构与内涵,从文化会聚视角出发,采用文献检索、深度访谈、专家评估和问卷调查等方法,开发完成了一套文化会聚的自我建构问卷。选择具有代表性的1790名被试,895名被试进行项目分析和探索性因子分析,另外895名被试进行验证性因子分析和信度检验。另取样197名被试完成效标关联效度检验。结果发现:文化会聚自我建构包含个体性、关系性、集体性、自主性、平等性五个维度;文化会聚自我建构问卷的信度和效度良好,可作为有效的测评与研究工具。  相似文献   

刘艳 《心理科学进展》2011,19(3):427-439
在回顾自我建构理论发展脉络的基础之上, 介绍了特质性自我建构的测量和情境性自我建构的激活方法, 并从自我建构的性别与文化差异以及自我建构与认知风格、社会比较、人际交往、个人自主、自我调控的关系等几方面概述了该领域现状。该领域研究的进一步推进依赖于自我建构理论基本思想的完善、测查工具的改进以及研究者能否用辩证视角看待变量间关系。特质性自我建构对个体稳定的个性心理特征以及适应状况的影响, 特质性自我建构个体差异的影响因素应在未来研究中得到重视。  相似文献   

马伟军  冯睿 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1398-1403
本研究验证了我国大学生的自我建构的个体间差异对利己归因偏好与自我增强的影响。我国大学生被试首先完成一个虚拟的能力测验,然后对其自我建构等进行测量,最后被试得到成绩反馈并进行归因与课题评价。结果表明被试表现出显著的利己归因偏好,独立型比依存型自我建构者表现出更显著的自我增强,同时独立性对自我增强起着极重要作用。本研究结果支持自我增强的文化普遍论的观点。  相似文献   

文化多样性及文化交流使得个体自我构念表现出动态性特征。现有研究从聚合文化的视角出发,表明自我构念动态性表现在认知、动机和情绪三个层面。文化的动态建构和文化的情境认知理论为自我构念动态性提供了理论解释。自我构念的动态性受到个体多元文化经历、文化认同、非本质主义观念和文化智力的影响。现有研究暗示出自我构念动态性具有神经和潜在的生物基础。未来研究应对自我构念的动态性特征进行心理、神经和生物层面的考察。  相似文献   

半个多世纪以来, 史无前例的快速社会变迁对中国文化和中国人的心理与行为产生了广泛而深远的影响。现有研究探讨了中国人在十多个方面的心理和行为变化, 包括文化价值、人格特征、自我建构、人际信任、幸福感、情绪、动机、关系、心理健康以及其他社会态度和行为等。总体上, 这些研究勾画出了半个世纪以来中国人心理变化的总体倾向:(1)与现代社会相适应的个体主义价值和心理行为日益盛行; (2)传统社会所强调的集体主义价值虽日渐衰落, 但其部分仍在当代社会主流价值中占有一席之地; (3)多元文化共存将是当下和未来中国社会的重要特征。一些具体的变化还包括:中国人的一般信任在下降、幸福感先下降但近年来有上升的迹象、心理健康总体水平上升但是不同社会群体升降不一致、总体的负性情绪在增加、性观念更为开放和包容等。未来的研究应在广度(内容、领域)和深度(原因、机制和过程)上对现有研究进行拓展, 努力建构能同时解释心理和行为变化一般规律及中国人的变化独特性的理论。  相似文献   

摘 要 尽管社会认知的内容丰富多样,但其核心在于人们对“自我”、“他人”及两者关系的理解。文化作为一种独特的社会现象,对社会认知有着广泛影响,这一点集中体现在文化对“自我” 与“他人” 信息加工及其大脑机制的影响上。文化神经科学的研究表明:文化显著影响自我相关记忆、自我表征、自我觉知等自我认知过程。这可能主要来源于不同文化人群自我建构方式的不同。上述差异的神经机制主要体现为不同文化人群自我相关加工时,其内侧前额叶功能性变化的不同。与此相对应的是,文化同样显著影响人们对他人,尤其是对他人情绪的认知。这一点集中表现为表情认知的文化优势效应及共情过程的文化差异。在神经机制上这一差异主要体现为杏仁核功能的文化可塑性。文化神经科学的未来研究,可继续探讨主流文化、区域文化、宗教文化等各种形式的文化差异:1)对自我认知与情绪认知相互作用的影响与神经基础;2)对共情(empathy)、社会比较(social comparison)、心理理论(theory of mind)与协同行为(joint action)等多种社会认知过程的影响及其神经机制。 关键词 自我建构 文化神经科学 情绪认知 自我表征 共情  相似文献   

职业自我效能感是影响个体职业发展的重要心理因素。在开放式问卷调查和文献研究的基础上,初步建构了农民工职业自我效能感的结构。对155人样本数据的探索性因素分析和对146人样本数据的验证性因素分析的结果支持了农民工的职业自我效能感包括职业胜任自我效能感、职业关系自我效能感、职业学习与发展自我效能感、职业问题解决自我效能感四个因素的建构。对农民工职业自我效能感问卷的信度与效度的检验显示,问卷的信度与效度能够达到心理测量的基本要求,可以作为农民工职业自我效能感的测量工具。  相似文献   

大学生的文化取向、自我概念对主观幸福感的影响   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
李祚山 《心理科学》2006,29(2):423-426
对成、渝两地228名大学生进行了测试,探讨大学生不同的文化取向和自我概念对其主观幸福感的影响。结果表明:大学生的文化取向以水平集体主义取向为主;年级、性别和家庭经济收入状况对幸福感均不产生影响;自我概念的各因子除与情感平衡呈显著负相关外,其他均为显著正相关;垂直个人主义文化与负性情感呈显著负相关,与情感平衡呈显著正相关;心理自我、生理自我和水平集体主义对生活满意度指数A和B有显著的预测效应;社会自我、自我批评和水平个人主义对正性情感有显著的预测效应,心理自我、自我批评和垂直个人主义对负性情感有显著的预测效应,心理自我、垂直和水平的个人主义对情感平衡有显著的预测效应。  相似文献   

以东、西部被征地新居民为对象,通过访谈和问卷调查,着重考察了被征地新居民对土地被征用的情绪反应、行为变化和需求状况。结果发现:大多数被征地新居民都为土地被征用而担心生计问题;在土地被征用后,只有个别被征地新居民(不到6.4%)的生活水平和生活满意度有所提高,但比较西部地区,东部地区被征地新居民的情形要好得多;绝大多数被征地新居民虽然迫切希望解决他们所面临的问题,但尚无如何帮助他们的具体建议、也无自身如何努力的具体方向。研究认为,有关部门应加强对被征地新居民的再社会化培训和教育。  相似文献   

Self-determination theory proposes that human beings have universal basic psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness, which when satisfied lead to well-being. The current meta-analysis synthesized the correlations between the need for autonomy and subjective well-being. More specifically, because some researchers have questioned the role of autonomy in well-being in non-Western cultures, our meta-analysis focused on the results reported from studies conducted in the United States (US, a typical individualist culture) and East Asian countries (typical collectivist cultures). Random-effects analyses using 36 independent samples (22 from the US and 14 from East Asian samples including China and Japan) totaling 12,906 participants showed a moderate correlation (r = .46, p < .001) between autonomy and subjective well-being. The difference between correlations for studies conducted in the East and West was not significant (Δr = .05, p > .05). Overall, this study lends support to self-determination theory’s proposition that autonomy is a universal psychological need and provides suggestions for cultural practices and policies.  相似文献   

Consensual and regionally distinct features of well-being and self were examined in a nationally representative survey of midlife Americans (ages 25-75). Consistent with key American ideology, Study 1 found that a majority of Americans believe they have high levels of mastery, purpose, life satisfaction, overall health, family and work obligation, and partner and family support. Study 2 found distinct regional well-being profiles (e.g., New England reflected concern with not being constrained by others; Mountain showed concern with environmental mastery; West South Central with personal growth and feeling cheerful and happy; West North Central with feeling calm, peaceful, and satisfied; and East South Central with contributing to others' well-being). Study 3 found regional self profiles consistent with the well-being profiles.  相似文献   

As part of an international study of ethics and genetics, we present a comparison between survey responses of 43 East German and 212 West German geneticists to anonymous questionnaires. Both groups indicated that the experience of the Third Reich has impacted the genetics profession in Germany today. East German geneticists reported more directive counseling practices after prenatal diagnosis for 10 of 26 conditions than those from West Germany. When asked to give their personal opinions about pregnancy termination, East Germans were more accepting of abortion than their West German colleagues for 7 of 24 fetal indications. In addition, there were significant differences between the two sample groups for 8 questions on the perception of disability and society. Discussions with German geneticists suggest that, while both groups were affected by Germany's experience of Nazism, different abortion laws, political systems, and ideas about the doctor-patient relationship in former East and West Germany may account for discrepancies in reported genetic counseling practices and in attitudes toward abortion and disability.  相似文献   

Eastern religions, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, have traditionally held to the view that in order for an individual to fully benefit from their practice it was important to lessen or eliminate one's individual desires. Such practice was sometimes referred to as the “death of the ego” in order to emphasize its importance. However, the relatively recent popularity of East‐meets‐West spirituality in Western consumer cultures tends to emphasize the acceptance and transformation of one's ego rather than its death. This essay discusses sociological changes that have shaped and contributed to the popularity of East‐meets‐West spirituality in Western culture that in turn have brought about a modification of the principle of ego death. The views of six Western authors and practitioners of East‐meets‐West spirituality on the importance of the principle of ego death are compared and contrasted. Theories related to the management of self‐identity in consumer society can partly explain the modification of traditional Eastern religious practices, such as ego death, in order that they become relevant and appealing to a society that increasingly reifies the concept of the self. The implication is that the excision of the concept of ego death from the practice of East‐meets‐West spirituality may affect its efficacy.  相似文献   

This article aims to bring some understanding to the phenomenon called compassion. The use of particular linguistic expressions to denote the phenomenon of compassion in the East and West can confuse us, as those terms are embedded in unique cultural settings. This article undertakes a historical, etymological, and philosophical exploration of the terms, compassion and karuna (an Eastern equivalent of compassion). The article will include a short literature review of these concepts and an investigation of the differences and similarities between them. The concluding speculation is that the Western perspective on compassion is founded on an individualistic, self-centred vision, and the karuna of the East is founded on a communitarian, non-self based vision.  相似文献   

In a longitudinal questionnaire field study on psychological consequences of German unification, the intergroup situation between East and West Germans was investigated. Data were collected in 1996 and 1998. The sample consisted of 585 East Germans and 387 West Germans who had never lived in the other part of Germany. It was assumed that East Germans' social identity is threatened due to their fraternal deprivation in comparison with West Germans. It was predicted that East Germans would employ ingroup bias as an identity management strategy in order to protect their emotional well‐being against harmful consequences of fraternal deprivation. In line with this prediction, it was found that (a) East Germans feel fraternally deprived compared to West Germans on important quality of life dimensions, (b) they display ingroup bias vis‐à‐vis West Germans, (c) ingroup bias increases with increasing East German identity, (d) ingroup bias is determined longitudinally by relative deprivation, and (e) ingroup bias buffers the effect of relative deprivation on mental health over time. As expected, ingroup bias and the effects of ingroup bias were larger for the dimension of personal integrity than for the dimensions of sympathy and competence. Ingroup bias is interpreted as compensatory self‐enhancement. West Germans feel fraternally privileged compared to East Germans and consider their advantages to be undeserved. Unexpectedly, West Germans display outgroup bias on the stereotype dimensions of integrity. This bias is interpreted as an effort to appease the moral outrage of East Germans and to silence their own guilty conscience due to undeserved advantages. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study examined toddler temperament across Chilean, South Korean, Polish, and U.S. samples, providing an opportunity to examine both collectivist-individualist and East–West contrasts. The effect of culture on the three factor and 18 dimension scores provided by the Early Childhood Behavior Questionnaire were investigated. Results provide evidence of cross-cultural differences between the four samples. Chilean toddlers scored significantly higher than U.S., Polish, and South Korean children on the overall factor of Negative Affectivity, as well as higher than the Polish and South Korean samples on the Surgency factor. South Korean toddlers scored significantly higher on the factor of Effortful Control, and two related dimensions, than U.S., Polish, or Chilean samples. Results are discussed in terms of the apparent roles of individualism/collectivism and East–West distinctions in shaping temperament development.  相似文献   

Research investigating the relationship between self-construals and subjective well-being has traditionally focused on understanding how dimensions such as positivity–negativity and internality–externality relate to well-being. This paper presents two studies that investigate how a potentially important yet unexamined dimension, the abstractness versus concreteness of people's self-construals, is related to life satisfaction. Study 1 showed that happier people tend to think about themselves with higher level of abstraction than less happy people, even after controlling for the overall valence and internality of their construals. Study 2 found that people randomly assigned to think about themselves in abstract rather than concrete terms reported greater pre- to post-manipulation increases in reports of life satisfaction. Implications of these findings for understanding individual differences in well-being are discussed, and directions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

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