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J.B.科布  黄铭 《世界哲学》2008,(5):108-111
本文在分析传统上帝观念对人类社会带来的各种危害的同时,又指出现代无神论相应造成的局限性,认为西方应该批判地重新利用基督教传统作为现代世界的灵性资源,而中国也应该把继承传统文化与发展现代化结合起来。以怀特海哲学为基础的过程神学或过程思想正在努力地实现这种结合。  相似文献   

"原罪"的观念对于西方文化传统影响很深,西方思想史上形成了以"原罪"为本的救赎伦理思想。"原罪"思想融入在西方文化中,形成了一种典型的"罪感型"文化,这在西方各种社会制度中都有体现。一"原罪"是基督宗教的重要教义,也是圣经伦理思想的重要前提。《旧约全书·创世纪》中说,上帝耶和华依据自己的形象创造了人类的始祖亚当和夏娃,并建造了  相似文献   

在近代百年的文化论争中,论战的各方都在哲学思维层面接受社会有机思维方式,这种思维方式把社会各组成部分看作是紧密联系和不可分离的,正是这个理论教条使时人看不清楚传统文化在工业化过程中的重要作用。传统文化是工业化之弊的解毒剂,这是传统文化在当代社会的最重要的价值。由于思想家没有对传统文化进行点化,使中国工业化的思想资源严重缺乏,这使中国失去一个和谐发展的机会。当务之急是破除社会有机思维方式的理论教条,并对传统文化进行点化,从而使中国走出一条与西方社会不同的工业化发展道路。这是百年文化论争的最后解决。  相似文献   

当代中国和谐价值观弘扬与发展了我国传统文化中的"天人合一"思想,追求人与自然的和谐;弘扬与发展了我国传统文化中的"和为贵"思想,追求人与人的和谐;弘扬与发展了我国传统文化中的"厚德载物"思想,追求人的自身的和谐;弘扬与发展了我国传统文化中的"民本"思想,追求国泰民安、社会和谐。如果说中国传统文化的和谐思想只是一种理想目标追求,追求的只是一种片面和谐、局部和谐、静态和谐,那么,当代中国的和谐价值观则走向了现实价值追求,追求全面和谐、整体和谐、动态和谐。  相似文献   

和谐文化的四个层面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化是人类智慧的结晶.和谐文化是和谐社会建设的理论支撑.正确把握和谐文化必须了解和谐文化的四个层面,它们分别是中国传统文化中的"和"文化、传统文化与现代文化的和谐、多元文化与主导文化的和谐、中国文化与国外文化的和谐.  相似文献   

中国伊斯兰文化是伊斯兰文化与中国传统文化相结合的精华,主张和平、宽容、进步和发展。当今社会,尊重文化多样性,将传统的宗教文化资源转化为总体性社会和谐的资源,共建  相似文献   

面对当今文化越来越成为综合国力竞争重要因素的新形势,我们的文化建设不仅要有历史的眼光,还要有国际的视野和自信的胸怀。我们要以高度的文化自觉和文化自信,建设优秀传统文化传承体系,要加强对包括中国佛教文化在内的优秀传统文化思想价值的挖掘和阐发,维护民族文化基本元素,为社会主义文化大发展大繁荣发挥积极的作用,为社会和谐、世界和平、人类福祉作出独特的贡献。  相似文献   

齐鲁文化作为中国传统文化的重要组成部分,蕴含着极为丰富的社会和谐思想。就其内容而言,主要表现为:一是重视社会的纲纪规范作用,主张通过持守礼义法度来建构和谐的社会秩序,保证社会的有序运行发展;二是强调民众在社会发展中的作用,主张通过实行保民爱民的为政方针,来实现社会的和谐运行。齐鲁文化关于社会和谐的思想,在中国传统社会和谐思想的丰富发展史中,具有重要的文化价值。  相似文献   

实现现代化是人类社会发展不可逆转之潮流,因此民族优秀传统文化的现代化也必将顺应这一历史潮流。新疆各民族优秀传统文化是中华民族文化的重要组成部分,也是人类文化的重要组成部分。各民族优秀传统文化只有坚持现代文化引领其传承和弘扬工作,才能保持各民族传统文化的生机与活力,保持各民族的发展与繁荣,推进实现新疆的跨越式发展和长治久安。  相似文献   

岳清华 《天风》2007,(19):28-30
人类的和好、社会的和谐、世界的和平是人类孜孜以求的理想。作为成熟的宗教信仰体系,基督教的传统教义中有许多积极的、先进的文化因素,与社会主义和谐社会追求的目标,与社会主义道德规范都是相吻合的。本文试从基督教教义教规的角度,分析基督教的文化在和谐社会中的运用和出路。  相似文献   

James S. Nelson 《Zygon》2000,35(3):687-698
Religious experience is conditioned and influenced by our understanding of reality, and scientific knowledge contributes to that understanding. Spirituality will be related to knowledge of nature in that experience of God will be mediated in and through a relation to the universe and out of the fulfillment of the creation. Thus a mystical knowledge of God is experienced in and out of a developing evolution of nature, society, and culture. Ralph Burhoe and Teilhard de Chardin share a vision of mystical unity with God as arising out of an integration involving the systems of nature and society.  相似文献   

The traditional Christian focus concerning dying is on repentance, not dignity. The goal of a traditional Christian death is not a pleasing, final chapter to life, but union with God: holiness. The pursuit of holiness requires putting on Christ and accepting His cross. In contrast, post-traditional Christian and secular concerns with self-determination, control, dignity, and self-esteem make physician-assisted suicide and voluntary active euthanasia plausible moral choices. Such is not the case within the context of the traditional Christian experience of God, which throughout its 2000 years has sternly condemned suicide and assisted suicide. The wrongness of such actions cannot adequately be appreciated outside the experience of that Christian life. Traditional Christian appreciations of death involve an epistemology and metaphysics of values in discordance with those of secular morality. This difference in the appreciation of the meaning of dying and death, as well as in the appreciation of the moral significance of suicide, discloses a new battle in the culture wars separating traditional Christian morality from that of the surrounding society.  相似文献   

Russell H. Tuttle 《Zygon》2006,41(1):139-168
Abstract. I selectively and critically review the state of knowledge about human evolution and the place of humans vis‐à‐vis living apes, with emphasis on bipedal posture and locomotion, expansion of the brain and associated cognitive capacities, speech, tool behavior, culture, and society. I end with a personal perspective on God and Heaven.  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(2):145-157

The article investigates how God is represented in popular culture, especially in music, in Brazil. It gives a general background about Brazilian culture showing how religion is part of the identity constructions of Brazilian people and how it is marked by multiplicity, syncretism and hybridization. It then analyses two popular songs that make explicit statements about "who God is" and how those statements are related to traditional masculine gender constructions. Finally, the article discusses how issues of masculinity and religion have been approached in recent scholarship and points to the need for other ways of imagining God that are related to people's experience.  相似文献   

和谐世界理念有着深厚内蕴和巨大张力的重要原因之一就是它蕴含着中国优秀传统文化的“和而不同”、“天人合一”、“天下为公”、“实现大同”等和谐思想。要构建和谐世界,必须继承民族传统文化的精神、借鉴和吸收人类先进文化。  相似文献   

The need to bridge the gap between western based psychotherapeutic intervention and African psychotherapeutic interventions is the main objective of this paper. In order to do this, cross cutting issues in psychotherapy in Nigeria were reviewed. This review covered socio cultural, economic conditions and other contemporary issues such as child maltreatment, HIV/AIDS, chronic illness, terrorism and the impact of western civilization on Nigerian culture and how it has produced a heterogeneous Nigerian society described as westernized, traditional and transitional types of Nigerians. Also salient peculiarities that must be taken into consideration in bridging the gap between western and African based psychotherapy were identified. Some of these salient peculiarities were adumbrated and they include frequent somatic complaints of psychological origin, beliefs in spirits including ancestral spirits, independent spirits and the supreme spirit God to whom duties are owed to keep the moral order. Given this situation the authors expressed uncertainty in the use of western diagnostic illness categories. Also an attempt was made to describe traditional methods of treatment such as the popular prayer houses and traditional healers. From lessons learnt based on these cross cutting issues the authors reported the development of Harmony Restoration Therapy and Meseron treatment frameworks as attempts at indigenizing western psychotherapeutic methods. From these they proposed the way forward as a cultural blend through using culture based psychotherapeutic framework. This they suggest can be applied in other societies.  相似文献   

As citizens of the most technologically advanced and economically developed country in the world, nearly all Americans stalwartly maintain their faith in God, much more so than residents of other postindustrial countries ( Norris and Ingelhart 2004 ). But what is the content and meaning of this belief? Perhaps belief in God has become so pervasive in contemporary American culture that it reflects little about believers' deeper religious thoughts, identities, and actions. We find the opposite to be true. Outside the confines of seminaries, competing beliefs about who God is and what God wants have a clear and important connection to everyday religious life in the United States. Subtle distinctions in American images of God powerfully predict religious diversity as measured by belief in the truth of a single religious faith, religious devotion, and attitudes about the compatibility of secular and religious spheres. More specifically, we discern that American religious conservatism, in all its forms, can be aptly characterized by the belief that God is highly engaged in the world and particularly judgmental of human behavior.  相似文献   

梵二会议以天主爱他的受造物为出发点,抛弃了仅仅推崇天国而一味否定和贬低世俗世界、人和人的努力的传统立场,肯定了世界上的好的价值以及人的主观努力并赞美世界的进步和人的智慧的积极成果,指出真理的源头在天主,随着真理的发展,世界与天国互相渗透,最终合而为一。同时,梵二会议认为世界和人有或好或坏两种前途,因而必须求得教会的帮助归向天主。  相似文献   

要适应市场经济发展的需要,适应制度伦理建设的需要,必须要实现传统文化的现代转换。从制度伦理的视角而言,传统文化的现代转换主要包括从农业文明到商业文明,从人治社会到法治社会,从国家主义到以人为本的转换。  相似文献   

David A. Brondos 《Dialog》2015,54(3):269-279
Can we speak of sola gratia as a divine attribute so as to affirm that all that God does is grace? Traditionally, Western Christian theology has answered that question negatively, placing God's justice in opposition with God's grace and presenting a God whose love does not seem to be unconditional. This has been especially evident in the ways in which Scripture, the work of Christ, justification by faith, and the distinction between law and gospel commonly have been interpreted. By rethinking those traditional interpretations on the basis of an understanding of divine grace as unconditional love, we can indeed proclaim a God of sola gratia and a gospel capable of transforming human lives and responding effectively to the crisis of faith we face today.  相似文献   

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