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人类心身问题的研究一直是科学界关注的热点。近年来,国外学者将神经科学与哲学研究统一起来,集合两门学科的研究方法、综合双方的研究成果,以此来共同推进人类心身问题的研究,因此诞生了一门介于神经科学和哲学之间的独立学科,它有着学科交叉的研究领域和特殊的跨学科研究方法,这门学科就是神经哲学。  相似文献   

人类心身问题的研究一直是科学界关注的热点.近年来,国外学者将神经科学与哲学研究统一起来,集合两门学科的研究方法、综合双方的研究成果,以此来共同推进人类心身问题的研究,因此诞生了一门介于神经科学和哲学之间的独立学科,它有着学科交叉的研究领域和特殊的跨学科研究方法,这门学科就是神经哲学.  相似文献   

粗略说来,语言哲学是哲学的一门分支学科,它着重从哲学角度研究语言的性质和特征、研究词、语句、指称、意义、真理、言语行为、必然性、意向性等问题。它与科学哲学、逻辑哲学、精神哲学等学科并列,各自从不同方面研究特定领域的哲学问题。语言哲学与语言学、理论语言学、语言学的哲学、指号学、哲学逻辑等学科关系密切,它们都以语言为研究对象,但各自的侧重点不同。西方哲学界对语言哲学的研究可以追溯到古希腊,到十九世纪,它已取得重大成果。不  相似文献   

中国科学院心理研究所人类行为与发展实验室1995年度申请工作指南人类行为与发展的研究是当前生命科学中最具挑战性的前沿领域之一,也是心理学、人类学、语言学、神经生理学、遗传学、信息科学等众多学科,从不同的侧面对之研究的交叉领域。人类行为与发展实验室是中...  相似文献   

意义理论在上世纪后期曾经是哲学讨论的一个核心领域,并成为语言学、逻辑学、认知科学和心理学的交叉研究领域;但它是一个非常复杂而又混乱的研究领域。D.刘易斯在谈到意义理论时指出:我区分两个主题。首先,可以把可能的语言和语法描述成一种抽象的语义系统,藉此我们把语言中的符号与我们周遭的世界关联起来。其次,通过心理学和语言学事实的描述,任何抽象的语义系统都  相似文献   

第四届地学哲学学术讨论会1989年8月8日至15日在长春举行。全国地质院校和科研单位地学哲学工作者25人出席会议。会议围绕两个学术主题报告:《地学社会学的研究进展》(王子贤)和《地质管理和地质管理哲学问题》(吕国平)展开了热烈的讨论。一、关于地学社会学研究与会者认为,地学社会学研究是地学哲学研究的深入发展,是地学哲学的一个新开拓的领域。它随着地球科学整体化和学科交叉的发展,以及地球科学技术对社会发展的重要影响和社会对地球科学技术进步的需要的增长而产生的。但是,讨论会上大家对什么是地学社会学有不同的看法。概括起来有三种意见:(1) 它是地球科学与社会交叉通过对两者相互作用的研究而建立起来的科学的地学发展理论,因此它隶属于地学哲学。(2) 它是地学与社  相似文献   

解释学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
起初,解释学与解释那些意义混淆不清、片断支离的本文有关。虽然作为一门哲学它已扩大了它所关注的问题,但它还保持它许多早期的哲学特点。19世纪期间,语言学这门学科开始出现,不过它是作为知识领域中的一个独立的分支,脱离了哲学、文学和其他人文科学。一开始它的目标主要是历史性地探索印欧语系语言,特别是梵语、古希腊语和拉丁语等等之间的联系。由于当时(特别在德国)不仅圣经和犹太教法典的研究,而且古典文学和哲学的研究都取得了突出的成就,这也促进了这种兴趣的发展。  相似文献   

这是一本适合大学二年级学生阅读的道德哲学教程的简明读物。它有助于以这样一种方式构建主题,即人们能够依靠这本书,在一些不同的哲学方向上构建主题。它概要地说明了语言学的元伦理学研究,把道德哲学与其他重要哲学问题联系起来,  相似文献   

索绪尔开创的现代语言学影响了20世纪人文科学的发展,正如美国学者乔纳森.卡勒所言:“他把本来是深奥难懂、专业性很强的语言学变成了一个主要的知识领域,变成了其他人文学科的典范”。(卡勒,第68页)作为后现代主义哲学大师的德里达正是从索绪尔的语言学中找到了哲学创新的灵感。一、索绪尔的语言学对德里达的影响针对当时语言学研究中把语言理解为个人言语行为的个人心理主义倾向,索绪尔指出要将语言学的研究转向语言自身,重视语言研究的社会因素。他提出语言学的研究对象是“语言”而不是“言语”。在索绪尔看来,言语是个人的与暂时的,语…  相似文献   

约翰·麦奎利 (JohnMacquarrie)是当代西方著名的神学家和哲学家。他在哲学上既表征着欧陆哲学的主流 ,也表征着英美哲学的主流。作为中庸的神学家和清明的哲学家 ,其思想因广博而简明、中正而公允在西方学术界而著称。他在语言学研究方面造诣颇深 ,其语言理论 ,尤其在神学语言与逻辑研究方面 ,对西方神学和哲学产生了深远的影响。如果把麦奎利的神学语言理论称为“神学语言学”的话 ,那么他的一般语言观则属于基本的“语言哲学”。他的语言哲学与其神学语言学紧密相连 ,是其神学语言学的理论基础。本文旨在论述麦奎利对语言…  相似文献   

A good deal of activity in contemporary aphasia research goes under the label "neurolinguistics." What characterizes this enterprise is, among other things, its goal of identifying neurally realized computational subsystems that support language processing. In this essay the thesis is put forward that this goal will not be served by the continued exploitation of the classical (Wernicke-Lichtheim) taxonomic categories. These categories, it is argued, cannot by virtue of their "polytypic" structure support the relevant neurolinguistic generalizations.  相似文献   

The bilingual brain: bilingual aphasia.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since most people in the world know more than one language, bilingual aphasia is an important line of research in clinical and theoretical neurolinguistics. From a clinical and ethical viewpoint, it is no longer acceptable that bilingual aphasics be assessed in only one of the languages they know. Bilingual aphasic patients should receive comparable language tests in all their languages. In the present work, language recovery of 20 bilingual Friulian-Italian aphasics was investigated. Thirteen patients (65%) showed a similar impairment in both languages (parallel recovery), four patients (20%) showed a greater impairment of L2, while three patients (15%) showed a greater impairment of L1. Despite the many hypotheses advanced to account for nonparallel recovery, none of them seems to provide satisfactory explanations. The study of bilingual aphasics with parallel impairment of both languages allows us to verify the hypothesis whereby grammatical disorders in aphasia depend on the specific structure of each language. As far as rehabilitation programs for multilingual aphasics are concerned, several questions have been raised, many of which still need a satisfactory answer.  相似文献   

As an advanced function of the cognitive neural mechanism of human brain, inductive reasoning is an important skill in language communication. Under the background of the development of information intelligence, it is a new research field to effectively display the cognitive neural function of inductive reasoning with the advantage of the logic operation of artificial intelligence algorithm. Therefore, in this paper, based on the neurolinguistics, the translation and introduction of Mo Yan's works were studied. And on the basis of the analysis of the characteristics of the cognitive neural mechanism of sentence inductive reasoning, by using fMR and ERP techniques, the narrowing characteristics of the semantic integrated components in the induction were investigated, and the dual processing model of inductive reasoning was discussed. After that, artificial intelligence particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm was introduced, and the problem of alignment in the translation of English and Chinese sentences in Mo Yan's works was transformed into the problem of finding the optimal solution for the corresponding fitness function in Chinese and English sentences in bilingual space. Thus, a scientific mathematical model was used to improve the accuracy of translation. The simulation experiments show that this study can effectively improve the accuracy of the translation and introduction of Mo Yan's works.  相似文献   

In this article some general thoughts on the application of language in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy will be expressed against the background of the most recent findings in linguistics, neurolinguistics and neuroscience. The conclusion is that consideration of the subsymbolic/symbolic linguistic development of a child and the affective coordination between child and environment is of fundamental importance in the psychotherapeutic relationship.  相似文献   

从学科本体对心理学做重新审视。在方法论上,把意识和物质等同犯了“范畴错误”; 在科学性上,心理学不该用证实主义而应用证伪主义的标准,且心理学难以成为自然科学意义的科学却有望成为胡塞尔“严格意义的科学”; 在认识论上,主客二分研究范式具有“‘主-客-间'双重障碍”。天人合一范式可解决双重障碍,并以直观内省体察普遍性定理。故汲取中国哲学中的观物取象法、虚壹而静原则、中国式内省并结合西方现象学提出天人合一研究范式的初步构想。  相似文献   

Idealist Heresies in Philosophy of Science: Cassirer, Carnap, and Kuhn. As common wisdom has it, philosophy of science in the analytic tradition and idealist philosophy are incompatible. Usually, not much effort is spent for explaining what is to be understood by idealism. Rather, it is taken for granted that idealism is an obsolete and unscientific philosophical account. In this paper it is argued that this thesis needs some qualification. Taking Carnap and Kuhn as paradigmatic examples of positivist and postpositivist philosophies of science it is shown that these accounts share important features with Cassirer's idealist philosophy of science developed in the first half of this century. As it turns out, often Cassirer is more modern than those classical philosophers of (post)posivitist philosophy of science. For instance, Quine's criticism against Carnap's empiricist philosophy of science launched in Two Dogmas of Empiricism is anticipated by Cassirer for several decades. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

An historically important conception of the unity of science is explanatory reductionism, according to which the unity of science is achieved by explaining all laws of science in terms of their connection to microphysical law. There is, however, a separate tradition that advocates the unity of science. According to that tradition, the unity of science consists of the coordination of diverse fields of science, none of which is taken to have privileged epistemic status. This alternate conception has roots in Otto Neurath’s notion of unified science. In this paper, I develop a version of the coordination approach to unity that is inspired by Neurath’s views. The resulting conception of the unity of science achieves aims similar to those of explanatory reductionism, but does so in a radically different way. As a result, it is immune to the criticisms facing explanatory reductionism. This conception of unity is also importantly different from the view that science is disunified, and I conclude by demonstrating how it accords better with scientific practice than do conceptions of the disunity of science.  相似文献   

Counseling is the practical art of making rational decisions about values; thus it is part science and part philosophy. As a professional activity it falls midway between science and philosophy and partakes of the characteristics of both. Counseling readily recognizes its dependence on professional science for empirical knowledge about fact and theory but tends to ignore the analytic contributions of professional philosophy for understanding the nature of value and value theory. Counseling will be a better art when counselors are as concerned with what philosophy says about values as they are with the contributions of the social sciences.  相似文献   

Neurolinguistic research has been engaged in evaluating models of language using measures from brain structure and function, and/or in investigating brain structure and function with respect to language representation using proposed models of language. While the aphasiological strategy, which classifies aphasias based on performance modality and a few linguistic variables, has been the most stable, cognitive neurolinguistics has had less success in reliably associating more elaborately proposed levels and units of language models with brain structure. Functional imaging emerged at this stage of neurolinguistic research. In this review article, it is proposed that the often-inconsistent superfluity of outcomes arising from functional imaging studies of language awaits adjustment at both "ends" of the process: model and data. Assumptions that our current language models consistently and reliably represent implicit knowledge within human cerebral processing are in line for major revision; and the promise of functional brain imaging to reveal any such knowledge structures must incorporate stable correlates of the imaging signal as dependent variable.  相似文献   

Growing evidence indicates that religious belief helps individuals to cope with stress and anxiety. But is this effect specific to supernatural beliefs, or is it a more general function of belief — including belief in science? We developed a measure of belief in science and conducted two experiments in which we manipulated stress and existential anxiety. In Experiment 1, we assessed rowers about to compete (high-stress condition) and rowers at a training session (low-stress condition). As predicted, rowers in the high-stress group reported greater belief in science. In Experiment 2, participants primed with mortality (vs. participants in a control condition) reported greater belief in science. In both experiments, belief in science was negatively correlated with religiosity. Thus, some secular individuals may use science as a form of “faith” that helps them to deal with stressful and anxiety-provoking situations.  相似文献   

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