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尹奎  赵景  周静  聂琦 《心理科学进展》2021,29(10):1866-1877
“大五”人格剖面是“大五”人格特质在个体上的高低组合, 充分考虑了人格特质之间的交互作用, 能够反映不同子群体在“大五”人格特质上的数量与质量差异, 是解释以往以变量为中心矛盾性结论的重要途径, 也更契合组织管理实践需要, 对实践有更强的指导意义。“大五”人格剖面数量受到研究情境、样本特征、研究方法等因素的影响, 基于自我适应-自我管理模型可以获取4剖面模型, 且常见的剖面包括灵活适应剖面、普通剖面与执拗剖面。“大五”人格剖面在研究中更多地扮演自变量角色, 探讨其在关键结果变量上是否存在差异。未来可以关注强化“大五”人格剖面研究的理论基础; 加强重复性研究, 识别普适性“大五”人格剖面; 识别“大五”人格剖面的影响因素; 纳入更多人格变量, 更完整刻画人格剖面。  相似文献   

社交媒体使用对执行功能的影响尚存争议, 这与社交媒体使用强度起到的调节作用有关。中等强度的社交媒体使用会产生社交媒体心流体验, 使注意集中于目标信息, 并为个体提供了持续不断的社会奖励和情感支持, 对执行功能有益, 但高、低强度社交媒体使用则会损害执行功能。今后该领域的研究应该探讨社交媒体使用影响执行功能的“剂量效应”以及社交媒体使用类型对执行功能的具体影响, 还应关注不同认知水平的个体, 以进一步明确社交媒体使用与执行功能发展的关系。  相似文献   

“时间”是跨期决策的“必需品”, 人们感知到的延迟时间决定跨期决策的结果。近年来, 研究者发现“时间长度感知”、“时间资源感知”和“时间框架感知”是时间感知作用于跨期决策的主要方式。时间感知的神经作用机制包含微观层面和宏观层面两种。“对数/指数时间折扣模型”、“感知时间基础模型”及“多模态漂移扩散模型”解释了时间感知的作用方式。然而, 现有理论模型还存在诸多局限, 主要包括“长短时距预测偏差”和“实际决策与预期决策偏差”两个方面。因此, 深入探讨时间感知影响跨期决策的基本方式, 分析现有理论模型的局限性并提出整合的机制框架具有十分重要的意义。未来研究亟需进一步整合时间感知的理论模型, 开展脑机制与应用方面的研究, 从深层揭露时间感知的作用本质, 帮助个人与社会更理性地决策。  相似文献   

以往研究考察了不公平经历如何影响个体的认知、情绪及行为。然而, 这些研究着重于考察个体“独自经历”不公平的现象, 而尚未有研究考察, 当个体与他人以群体身份共同经历不公平时, 不公平经历对个体的影响。3项实验采用改编的三人最后通牒博弈任务考察“群体共同经历”不公平如何影响个体的不公平感知。研究结果表明, 无论是通过“共同命运” (实验1)、轮流为群体做决策(实验2), 还是招募成对朋友(实验3)来操纵或凸显群体身份, 群体共同经历不公平, 相比独自经历不公平, 均显著降低(而非提升)了被试的不公平感知。研究结果对于社会及组织管理具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

方琪  栾琨 《心理科学进展》2022,30(5):1143-1157
多团队成员身份(multiple team membership)是指员工在一段时间内以正式身份参与多个团队的工作状态及工作模式。以往围绕“团队数量”和“团队成员身份多样性”展开的研究未能对多团队成员身份的效应形成一致的认识和研究结论。因此, 在系统回顾发展历程、厘清概念内涵的基础上, 提炼出多团队成员身份“多重团队情境”和“多重团队认同”两个关键特征, 并从注意力资源视角、社会网络视角和社会身份视角梳理并发展多团队成员身份的作用机制。最后, 针对以往研究对多团队成员身份关键特征的关注缺失、社会网络视角和社会身份视角下有意义却尚未被探索的问题, 综合技术和时间等因素提出了未来研究建议。  相似文献   

尽管已有研究发现数字以空间方式表征在人类记忆系统, 但是人脑如何完成数字的空间表征尚存争议。本研究两个实验在不同比例的数字字母(实验1)和不同比例的数字汉字(实验2)混合情境中考察了数字空间表征特点及其机制, 对上述争议进行了深入研究。结果发现:(1)当数字字母比例为“1 : 1”时, 数字加工中不出现SNARC效应。当数字字母比例为“1 : 6”和“6 : 1”时, 数字加工中均出现SNARC效应。即数字字母比例与数字SNARC效应之间呈倒“U”型关系。(2)数字汉字混合情境中数字汉字比例与数字SNARC效应之间同样呈倒“U”型关系。结果说明:(1)干扰刺激与数字混合呈现会影响数字SNARC效应。(2)干扰刺激加工对数字SNARC效应的影响受到数字与干扰刺激比例的调节, 且具有跨干扰材料的稳定性。研究结果意味着数字的空间表征是人类通过统计学习在线建构的, 支持了工作记忆理论。  相似文献   

采用指导语分离程序,探讨“阅读翻译”和“规则找寻”两种指导形式下,初一学生英语宾语从句规则学习的过程及心理机制。研究结果表明:(1)英语“阅读翻译”中存在“语法伴随习得”;(2)这种伴随习得在一定程度上表现为直觉,表明它具有一定的内隐性;(3)测试过程中出现了“记忆依据优先”现象。  相似文献   

采用梁宝勇、程诚编制的“中国成年人心理弹性量表”、梁宝勇和郝志红编制的“中国大学生心理应激量表”和郑日昌、邓丽芳和张忠华等编制的“中国大学生心理健康量表”,对4所大学620名在校大学生进行测试,探讨心理弹性在大学生心理应激与心理健康关系中的作用。研究结果表明,心理弹性可以缓冲心理应激对大学生心理健康的消极影响,心理弹性部分中介心理应激与心理健康之间关系。  相似文献   

焦丽颖  许燕  田一  郭震  赵锦哲 《心理学报》2022,54(7):850-866
善恶问题是人们在社会生活中的重要话题, 在对他人进行知觉时, 人们首先关心的信息是什么, 是否会对不同类型善恶特质有所权衡?研究基于人格心理学视角, 通过4个研究对该问题进行了探讨。研究首先探究了人格的道德概念激活时善恶的差异, 并以代表性、好恶度、特质度和重要性为衡量指标分别考察了不同类型善恶特质的核心程度差异。结果发现, 善恶人格的特质差序体现在两个方面:(1)善恶人格间的差序, 在人格的道德范畴中, 存在善人格的优先效应; (2)善恶人格内的差序, “善”的核心由内到外为尽责诚信、仁爱友善与包容大度、利他奉献; “恶”的核心由内到外为凶恶残忍、背信弃义与污蔑陷害、虚假伪善。研究有助于进一步理解中国人的善恶观, 为善恶领域的探究提供了新思路。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的不断发展与物质生活的日益丰富, 一股消费“清流”——极简主义消费愈来愈受到学界和业界的共同关注。极简主义消费是人们出于社会意识或个人理念而自发采取的一种“从简”式消费行为, 覆盖个人、社会和自然各个层面。受人口变量、心理特质、情境线索和宗教文化等因素驱动, 极简主义消费对个体心理健康与行为决策产生重要影响。基本价值理论、自我决定理论、需求层次理论和自我调节理论是认识和理解极简主义消费形成路径与影响机制的重要理论视角。未来研究可进一步厘清极简主义消费的构念与维度内涵, 采用科学流程开发测量工具, 深化本土化和跨文化研究, 并从多元理论视角, 综合运用不同实证方法, 深入探索其前因后效、心理机制和边界条件。  相似文献   

本研究基于人格的交互作用理论,通过时间与金钱两种助人决策情景,设计两个实验考察了人际敏感性特质对个体助人决策的影响,以及决策角色与社会压力两种情境因素在其中的作用。结果发现:(1)相比低人际敏感性,高人际敏感性个体更容易做出助人决策;(2)相比低社会压力,高社会压力下,高人际敏感性比低人际敏感性个体捐助的金钱更多; (3)高社会压力下,相比低人际敏感性个体,高人际敏感性个体为朋友与陌生人决策时会捐助更多的金钱。研究表明:人际敏感性影响个体的助人决策,决策角色与社会压力会对不同人际敏感性个体的助人决策有不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The current study focuses on the emergence of friendship networks among just‐acquainted individuals, investigating the effects of Big Five personality traits on friendship selection processes. Sociometric nominations and self‐ratings on personality traits were gathered from 205 late adolescents (mean age=19 years) at 5 time points during the first year of university. SIENA, a novel multilevel statistical procedure for social network analysis, was used to examine effects of Big Five traits on friendship selection. Results indicated that friendship networks between just‐acquainted individuals became increasingly more cohesive within the first 3 months and then stabilized. Whereas individuals high on Extraversion tended to select more friends than those low on this trait, individuals high on Agreeableness tended to be selected more as friends. In addition, individuals tended to select friends with similar levels of Agreeableness, Extraversion, and Openness.  相似文献   

李笑燃  姜永志  张斌 《心理科学》2018,(5):1117-1123
摘 要:为探讨孤独感与青少年问题性移动社交网络使用的关系,以及人际困扰和积极自我呈现在孤独感与问题性移动社交网络使用行为间的作用机制。采用孤独感量表、人际关系综合诊断量表、社交网站自我呈现量表和青少年问题性移动社交网络使用行为评估问卷,按照年级整群分层取样方式选取2872名青少年为研究对象,采用SPSS18.0、Amos以及偏差校对非参数百分位Bootstrap置信区间法进行统计分析。结果发现,孤独感、人际困扰、积极自我呈现和问题性移动社交网络使用两两间均存在显著正向相关,孤独感、人际困扰和积极自我呈现对问题性移动社交网络使用行为均具有显著正向预测作用,人际困扰和积极自我呈现在孤独感与问题性移动社交网络使用关系间分别起中介作用,同时孤独感对问题性移动社交网络使用的影响通过人际困扰→积极自我呈现的链式关系发生作用。  相似文献   

The current work investigates how personality and interpersonal processes combine to predict change in relationship quality. Measures of personality and emotion similarity were collected during laboratory interactions from a cross-sectional sample of dating couples (Study 1) and a 1-year longitudinal study of newlywed married couples (Study 2). Results showed that emotion similarity mediated the association between personality similarity and relationship quality (Studies 1 and 2) and that emotion convergence mediated the association between personality convergence and relationship satisfaction (Study 2). These results indicate that similarity and convergence in personality may benefit relationships by promoting similarity and convergence in partners' shared emotional experiences. Findings also lend support to models that integrate partners' enduring traits and couples' adaptive processes as antecedents of relationship outcomes.  相似文献   

Displaced aggressive behaviour is associated with many negative outcomes. Although certain personality traits predict displaced aggressive behaviour, the uniquely longitudinal effect of indigenous interpersonal traits on displaced aggressive behaviour is ignored. To address this gap, we explored the longitudinal relationship among an indigenously interpersonal trait of China (interpersonal openness), hostile attribution bias, and self-reported displaced aggressive behaviour. Additionally, we tested whether hostile attribution bias mediated the relationship between interpersonal openness and self-reported displaced aggressive behaviour. The Interpersonal Self-Support Scale for Undergraduate Students, Word Sentence Association Paradigm for Hostility, Displaced Aggression Questionnaire, and the NEO Personality Inventory-3 were administered to 942 undergraduates on two occasions, 6 months apart. A cross-lagged model showed that, after controlling for the Big Five personality traits, interpersonal openness predicted subsequent hostile attribution bias, and hostile attribution bias predicted self-reported displaced aggressive behaviour 6 months later. Hostile attribution bias at time 2 mediated the relationship between interpersonal openness at time 1 and self-reported displaced aggressive behaviour at time 2. These results were consistent with the interpersonal self-support theory's appraisals of interpersonal openness, and they extended the social information processing and general aggression models to explain displaced aggressive behaviour.  相似文献   

温州两所大学的199个大学生在人际形容词量表上对自己的人际特质进行评定,并对自己选定的一个关系对象进行评定,感知与选定对象的人格相似性,同时评定与该对象的关系质量。根据自我报告和评定对象计算出假定相似性。对关系质量的分层回归分析得到人际特质两个维度的交互效应均为正,即表现出假定相似相吸的效应趋势,亲和性维度显著;相关显示假定的相似性和感知的相似性与关系质量均呈中等程度相关;路径分析表明感知的相似性中介假定相似性与关系质量的关系。  相似文献   

The brain is an intricate network, not only structurally but also functionally. On the functional level, connectivity in the brain is organized in separable yet interacting networks that support information processing by maintaining a ready state, even in the absence of external stimulation. It has been hypothesized that an insular-opercular network underlies the processing of emotionally salient information and that individual differences in functional connectivity within this network correspond to individual differences in trait anxiety. Here, we tested this relationship by applying graph analysis to multiple regions of interests delineating the insular-opercular network to estimate the characteristic path length that quantifies the overall information exchange efficiency within a given network. We found that people scoring high on the anxiety-related temperament-dimension harm avoidance had decreased insular-opercular network efficiency in the resting state, as indicated by a higher characteristic path length. Furthermore, people scoring high on harm avoidance showed generally reduced functional connectivity between brain regions; the relationship between harm avoidance and insular-opercular network efficiency remained significant when controlling for mean connectivity within this network. No such results were found for other resting-state networks. The results provide insights into how personality is organized in the human brain and point toward clinically relevant endophenotypes for affective and mood disorders.  相似文献   

Personality constructs are typically conceptualized as central tendencies of the individual. We explore whether dynamic personality constructs that quantify the within-individual variability of behavior across situations and over time predict the closeness of social relationships. We focused on interpersonal spin, defined as the degree of dispersion in a person's interpersonal behaviors around the interpersonal circumplex across situations and over time. We predicted that individuals with high spin would have social relationships that are less close than individuals with low spin. In 3 studies with different measures of relationship closeness, we found that (a) higher spinners reported that a larger proportion of their contacts in their workplace social networks were distant (Study 1); (b) co-workers were less satisfied and less often engaged in pleasant activities with higher spinners (Study 2); and (c) co-workers avoided higher spinners with whom they were well acquainted (Study 3). Moderated mediation analyses in Study 3 revealed that co-workers avoided well-acquainted higher spinners because they felt more negative affect when interacting with these individuals. The findings suggest the potential of dynamic personality constructs for improving our understanding of the characteristics of individuals' social relationships.  相似文献   

We describe 2 studies (n=52 and n=82) examining variability in perceptions of personality using a social network methodology. Undergraduate participants completed self-report measures of personality and interpersonal dysfunction and then subsequently reported on their personalities with each of 30 members of their social networks. Results across the 2 studies found substantial variability in participants' perceived personalities within their social networks. Measures of interpersonal dysfunction were associated with the amount of variability in dyadic ratings of personality, specifically Agreeableness and Openness to Experience. Results suggest that personality variability across interpersonal contexts may be an important individual difference related to social behavior and dysfunction.  相似文献   

为了考察黑暗人格、员工关系、人际信任与知识共享敌意之间的关系,研究基于“特质-心理状态-行为”模型,采用问卷对307名企业员工进行调查研究。结果表明:(1)黑暗人格能显著负向预测情感性关系,显著正向预测工具性关系和知识共享敌意;(2)情感性关系显著正向预测人际信任,人际信任显著负向预测知识共享敌意;工具性关系显著正向预测知识共享敌意;(3)情感性关系和人际信任在黑暗人格与知识共享敌意之间起链式中介作用;工具性关系在黑暗人格与知识共享敌意之间起中介作用。  相似文献   

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