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传统、浮躁、道德及其它——医域随感   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多年来我一直从事外科医、教、研和科室管理工作,并兼任一些专业杂志的编辑和审稿工作。记不清楚由什么时候开始,逐渐感觉到平时熟悉的情况出现了一些微妙的变化,特别是近几年,可能是市场经济大环境的影响或是社会上漂浮的灰尘飞落到医院和学术界,不太寻常的现象似有所增多。其  相似文献   

妈祖信仰的北渐问题是对妈祖研究的另辟蹊径。考察山东妈祖庙的分布情况,可以发现山东的妈祖信仰。山东最早修建妈祖庙的时间,应该是在元代,不可能是在北宋。妈祖信仰最早传入山东的地点,应该在荣城,不是在蓬莱丹崖山或者庙岛。山东的妈祖信仰,在有限的传播与影响范围内还形成了自己的一些特色。本文初步总结了妈祖信俗未能在山东普及的一些原因。  相似文献   

理由、表达与哲学事业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
布兰顿在这篇论文中回应了"什么是哲学"的问题,概括介绍了其推理主义的基本思想.布兰顿将哲学视为广义的认知性事业和自身反思的事业.概念本质上是规范性的,因此判断和行动表达了属于我们的承诺.哲学研究的主题是规范性和推理.哲学的任务是表达性的,阐释性的,即从给出和寻求理由的社会性实践开始,去理解概念性的规范和活动的条件、本性和后果,我们使这些规范和活动成为可能,而这些规范和活动也使我们得以可能.  相似文献   

生物运动知觉是视觉运动知觉研究的一个重要领域.分析人类识别生物运动的神经机制,有助于理解人类如何实现远距离的交流、沟通和模仿学习各种复杂的运动行为.众多研究表明,生物运动知觉很可能由一个广泛的神经网络负责,颞上沟、梭状回、舌回和颞中区等脑区对识别生物运动起着关键性作用,其他脑区如杏仁核、小脑、前运动皮层和纹外体皮层等也可能参与其中.一些研究者在综合分析已有实验证据的基础上尝试建立可能的神经模型,典型的代表是等级神经模型和模板匹配模型.两种模型分别从各自的角度阐述了生物运动知觉的加工过程,在一定程度上解释了以往的研究结果,但是也存在一些需要进一步探索和澄清的问题.  相似文献   

观察鼻咽癌黏膜上皮中血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)及受体血管生长因子1(VEGFR1),肿瘤坏死生长因子受体蛋白55(P55)的表达情况,探讨其在鼻咽癌发病及进展中的意义.我们应用免疫组化SP法检测60例鼻咽癌和60例正常鼻黏膜上皮组织VEGF、TNF-α及VEGFR1、P55表达情况,分析其在鼻咽癌组织中的表达变化及意义.结果显示鼻咽癌黏膜上皮的VEGF、TNF-α、VEGFR1、P55表达高于正常鼻黏膜上皮.因此VEGF、TNF-α及其受体VEGFR1、P55在鼻咽癌黏膜上皮中过度表达,可能参与鼻咽癌的发病及疾病进展,对于鼻咽癌的预防及治疗具有重要意义.  相似文献   

确有一些情况,可以说是有利于下述这点的;运动的辩证矛盾是不可能用非逻辑矛盾的形式表述的。黑格尔曾对其中的一种情况作过研究。后来,恩格斯和列宁也都注意到这一情况。往后,这一情况就不断地被几乎一切论述如何反映辩证矛盾的马  相似文献   

按照传统的说法,遗传学是研究遗传性的科学。至少威廉·贝特森在一九○六年是这样定义的。今天,情况已不再完全如此:近十五年来,也就是说,在生物学家能够从细胞中分离出基因,把它们从一些细胞转移到另一些细胞,并进行生物化学的解剖和分析以来,简言之,即能操纵基因以来,毋宁说遗传学这个词代表的是研究基因对细胞作用的科学(过去称  相似文献   

方法变异是由研究方法导致的系统误差.方法变异既可能产生结构层面的影响,也可能产生题目层面的影响;既可能影响单个结构的测量,也可能影响用相同方法研究的多个结构之间的关系,还可能影响用相同方法研究的多个研究之间的关系,进而影响到相关领域的理论建构.在控制方法变异时,可采取过程控制法和统计控制法,最好先用过程控制法.  相似文献   

1.比较哲学 比较哲学是一门对不同哲学传统进行考察和对照的分支哲学.例如,比较哲学家可能以相互对照的方式对非洲的、佛教的、中国的、印度的、伊斯兰教的以及西方的哲学传统进行考察.  相似文献   

蕴涵、推导、断定和真命题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在演绎逻辑中常常碰到蕴涵(implication)、推导(derivation or entailment)和断定(assertion)这些词。弄清这三者的性质和关连,对演绎逻辑基本原理的理解是很重要的。有些逻辑著作没有明确区分蕴涵和推导,或者把二者混为一谈;另一些逻辑著作则过份强调蕴涵和推导的区别而没有指出二者的关连。至于断定在其间所起的作用,就更少论及了。本文并非全面论述这三个逻辑术语的含义,而只是针对上述容易忽略的情况,对这三个术语的逻辑的性质、区别和关连提出一些分析,在分析过程中又不免涉及真命题的含义问题。  相似文献   

The Nobel Prizes began a little over a century ago, established by the last will and testament of Alfred Nobel to recognize those individuals "who. shall have conferred the greatest benefits on mankind" (R. M. Friedman, 2001, p. 13). No social science prizes were established among the original five categories, consequently behavioral research has received little recognition. Using archival records from several locations, particularly the Nobel committee records from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, which selects the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, this article provides a history of the scientists whose work was related to psychology and who won or lost the attempt for Nobel fame. It concludes with a discussion of the importance of behavioral science in the 21st century in the context of the subject domains of the Nobel Prizes.  相似文献   

在2003年诺贝尔医学奖获奖名单公布以后,未曾获奖的MRI人士达马迪安,自恃对MRI技术医用方面作出过杰出贡献,而未中选.遂与友人-起在三张美国大报和一张瑞典大报,刊登广告,声称不公平待遇.但医学奖诺贝尔委员会发言人认为,在大量未获奖人士中,这种做法极为罕见;这一现象对诺贝尔奖评选有参考价值,即使时科学界也有多重启示.至于诺贝尔基金会拟改革,估计未必触动"三人规则".  相似文献   

通过对美国历年来获得诺贝尔医学奖项目和获奖者的分析,发现美国有获奖者多、原创性成果多、基础前沿研究成果多、出自一流科研机构的获奖者多的"四多"现状.美国的获奖历史和现状带给了我们许多哲学思考.  相似文献   

诺贝尔生理与医学奖是生命科学领域声誉最高的一个奖项,获得者的多少常被作为衡量一个国家科技实力的一项指标.至今,亚洲的科学家仅有1人获得了该项荣誉,但是已经有多名科学家获得了提名,通过描述从1901年到1951年之间诺贝尔生理与医学奖的提名情况来评价亚洲的医学地位.  相似文献   

Apart from economics, the human sciences have not generally been rewarded with high honors from the world community. Psychology has been awarded the distinction of a Nobel Prize only when it has served a role in explicating human behavior in relation to economics. Yet psychological science has played no small part in the work of a number of Nobel Prize winners. This section addresses a selection of that work. Some of the winners of the Nobel Prize in the field of psychology are briefly reviewed. In addition, this selection introduces the papers in this issue.  相似文献   

生物化学与诺贝尔奖   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
生物化学是一门重要的基础学科,与医学具有紧密的联系.20世纪,诺贝尔奖60多次颁发给了生物化学领域,说明了生物化学的重要性.通过阐述生物化学与诺贝尔奖的关系来说明生物化学对科学发展特别是医学的巨大推动作用.  相似文献   

This study forms part of a larger research project examining the election process for the Nobel prizes for Physiology or Medicine at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, and the role and function of the prizes in early 20th century Swedish and international medicine. The purpose of the study is to clarify the decision-making process which led to the Nobel prize for Paul Ehrlich in 1908, ‘for work on immunity’. His award was preceded by the most dramatic conflict within the prize authority concerning any prizewinner prior to World War I, and thus is apt to illuminate both the implicit and explicit criteria and the strategies used in the prize deliberations. Ehrlich's chemical ideas on the immune response were criticized by the physical chemist Svante Arrhenius who recommended the application of his disciplines's methods and principles on immunological problems. This criticisms were brought into the Nobel prize debate by J.E. Johansson, a physiologist who asserted that Ehrlich's research was of little scientific value and therefore not worthy of a prize. Yet the majority of the Institute, led by its chairmam, the chemist K.A.H. Mörner, succeeded in awarding Ehrlich. An analysis of the controversy shows it to be primarily based upon (1) a difference of scientific styles between the antagonists, resulting in incongruous definitions of immunology as a research field, and of the proper aims and methods of immunological studies. Other factors influencing the final decision were (2) the Institute's negative reaction to what was considered an intrusion in medical Nobel prize matters by a chemist, (3) Arrhenius' and Johansson's diverging views on what kind of work should be awarded a prize, and (4) Johansson's position as a non-conformist at the Karolinska.  相似文献   

蛋白质相互作用几乎是所有生物学过程都必需的重要的生理过程,已成为国内外生命科学研究的热点之一.近十年来,多个诺贝尔生理医学奖项目与蛋白质相互作用研究有关.从蛋白质相互作用的特点和重要性出发,结合我们实践中的点滴体会,列举有关实例与数据说明:为什么蛋白质相互作用研究是细胞通讯网络途径中的重要研究环节,从而提出:蛋白质与蛋白质相互作用研究具有丰富的哲学内涵.  相似文献   

We investigated how new ideas become accepted for Nobel laureates in science. Archival data were collected for 204 Nobel laureates from 1980 to 2009 in physics, chemistry, and medicine or physiology. Acceptance was evaluated for Nobel laureates by Prize area and three key publications in the Nobel laureates' publishing careers: (a) first publication concerning their Nobel idea (FN), (b) highest cited publication concerning their Nobel idea (HN), and (c) last publication concerning their Nobel idea (LN). Acceptance was defined primarily in terms of academic prestige for the journal articles (journal impact factors, article citation counts, Eigenfactor scores [journal impact and journal citations] and journal‐cited half‐life ratings). We found that acceptance for these publications mostly followed LN < FN < HN for all measures and Prize areas—except for physics on impact factor only, which followed FN < LN < HN, as hypothesized. In sum, recent ideas are least accepted rather than original ideas even for established and eminent Nobel laureates.  相似文献   

In 1978, Herbert A. Simon won the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, the same Nobel won by Daniel Kahneman in 2002. Simon's work in fact paved the way for Kahneman's Nobel. Although trained in political science and economics rather than psychology, Simon applied psychological ideas to economic theorizing. Classical and neoclassical economic theories assume that people are perfectly rational and strive to optimize economic outcomes. Simon argued that human rationality is constrained, not perfect, and that people seek satisfactory rather than ideal outcomes. Despite his Nobel, Simon felt isolated in economics and ultimately moved into psychology. Nevertheless, his ideas percolated through the economic community, so that Kahneman, whose research advanced Simon's broad perspective, could be the psychologist who won the Nobel in economics.  相似文献   

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